1,211 research outputs found

    Landscape in the dynamics of local economies

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    Conical refraction with low-coherence light sources

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    We report on conical refraction (CR) with low-coherence light sources, such as light-emitting diodes and decoherentized HeNe laser radiation, and demonstrate different CR patterns. In our experiments, a variation of the pinhole sizes from 25 to 100 µm and the distances to pinhole from 50 to 5 cm reduced spatial coherence of radiation that resulted in the disappearance of the dark Poggendorff’s ring in the Lloyd’s plane. This is attributed to the interference nature of the Lloyd’s distribution and found to be in excellent agreement with the paraxial dual-cone model of conical refraction

    Gem-Induced Cytoskeleton Remodeling Increases Cellular Migration of HTLV-1-Infected Cells, Formation of Infected-to-Target T-Cell Conjugates and Viral Transmission

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    International audienceEfficient HTLV-1 viral transmission occurs through cell-to-cell contacts. The Tax viral transcriptional activator protein facilitates this process. Using a comparative transcriptomic analysis, we recently identified a series of genes up-regulated in HTLV-1 Tax expressing T-lymphocytes. We focused our attention towards genes that are important for cytoskeleton dynamic and thus may possibly modulate cell-to-cell contacts. We first demonstrate that Gem, a member of the small GTP-binding proteins within the Ras superfamily, is expressed both at the RNA and protein levels in Tax-expressing cells and in HTLV-1-infected cell lines. Using a series of ChIP assays, we show that Tax recruits CREB and CREB Binding Protein (CBP) onto a cAMP Responsive Element (CRE) present in the gem promoter. This CRE sequence is required to drive Tax-activated gem transcription. Since Gem is involved in cytoskeleton remodeling, we investigated its role in infected cells motility. We show that Gem co-localizes with F-actin and is involved both in T-cell spontaneous cell migration as well as chemotaxis in the presence of SDF-1/CXCL12. Importantly, gem knock-down in HTLV-1-infected cells decreases cell migration and conjugate formation. Finally, we demonstrate that Gem plays an important role in cell-to-cell viral transmission

    Antirhea borbonica Aqueous Extract Protects Albumin and Erythrocytes from Glycoxidative Damages

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    Diabetes constitutes a major health problem associated with severe complications. In hyperglycemic conditions, chronically increased oxidation and glycation of circulating components lead to advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) formation, a key contributor in diabetes complication progression. In line with literature documenting the beneficial properties of herbal teas, this study evaluates the antioxidant/glycant properties of Antirhea borbonica (Ab). Ab aqueous extract effects were tested on human albumin or erythrocytes submitted to methyl glyoxal-mediated glycoxidative damages. By using mass spectrometry, Ab aqueous extracts revealed to be rich in polyphenols. All tested biomarkers of oxidation and glycation, such as AGE, ketoamine, oxidized thiol groups, were decreased in albumin when glycated in the presence of Ab aqueous extract. Ab extract preserve erythrocyte from methylglyoxal (MGO)-induced damages in terms of restored membrane deformability, reduced oxidative stress and eryptosis phenomenon. Antioxidant capacities of Ab extract on erythrocytes were retrieved in vivo in zebrafish previously infused with MGO. These results bring new evidences on the deleterious impacts of glycation on albumin and erythrocyte in diabetes. Furthermore, it reveals antioxidant and antiglycant properties of Ab that could be used for the dietary modulation of oxidative stress and glycation in hyperglycemic situations

    Simulation of growth and development of diverse legume species in APSIM

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    This paper describes the physiological basis and validation of a generic legume model as it applies to 4 species: chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek), peanut (Arachis hypogaeaL.), and lucerne (Medicago sativa L.). For each species, the key physiological parameters were derived from the literature and our own experimentation. The model was tested on an independent set of experiments, predominantly from the tropics and subtropics of Australia, varying in cultivar, sowing date, water regime (irrigated or dryland), row spacing, and plant population density. The model is an attempt to simulate crop growth and development with satisfactory comprehensiveness, without the necessity of defining a large number of parameters. A generic approach was adopted in recognition of the common underlying physiology and simulation approaches for many legume species. Simulation of grain yield explained 77, 81, and 70% of the variance (RMSD = 31, 98, and 46 g/m2) for mungbean (n = 40, observed mean = 123 g/m2), peanut (n = 30, 421 g/m2), and chickpea (n = 31, 196 g/m2), respectively. Biomass at maturity was simulated less accurately, explaining 64, 76, and 71% of the variance (RMSD = 134, 236, and 125 g/m2) for mungbean, peanut, and chickpea, respectively. RMSD for biomass in lucerne (n = 24) was 85 g/m2 with an R2 of 0.55. Simulation accuracy is similar to that achieved by single-crop models and suggests that the generic approach offers promise for simulating diverse legume species without loss of accuracy or physiological rigour
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