15 research outputs found

    Specific features of RNA polymerases I and III:Structure and assembly

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    RNA polymerase I (RNAPI) and RNAPIII are multi-heterogenic protein complexes that specialize in the transcription of highly abundant non-coding RNAs, such as ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and transfer RNA (tRNA). In terms of subunit number and structure, RNAPI and RNAPIII are more complex than RNAPII that synthesizes thousands of different mRNAs. Specific subunits of the yeast RNAPI and RNAPIII form associated subcomplexes that are related to parts of the RNAPII initiation factors. Prior to their delivery to the nucleus where they function, RNAP complexes are assembled at least partially in the cytoplasm. Yeast RNAPI and RNAPIII share heterodimer Rpc40-Rpc19, a functional equivalent to the αα homodimer which initiates assembly of prokaryotic RNAP. In the process of yeast RNAPI and RNAPIII biogenesis, Rpc40 and Rpc19 form the assembly platform together with two small, bona fide eukaryotic subunits, Rpb10 and Rpb12. We propose that this assembly platform is co-translationally seeded while the Rpb10 subunit is synthesized by cytoplasmic ribosome machinery. The translation of Rpb10 is stimulated by Rbs1 protein, which binds to the 3′-untranslated region of RPB10 mRNA and hypothetically brings together Rpc19 and Rpc40 subunits to form the αα-like heterodimer. We suggest that such a co-translational mechanism is involved in the assembly of RNAPI and RNAPIII complexes

    The expression of Rpb10, a small subunit common to RNA polymerases, is modulated by the R3H domain-containing Rbs1 protein and the Upf1 helicase

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    The biogenesis of eukaryotic RNA polymerases is poorly understood. The present study used a combination of genetic and molecular approaches to explore the assembly of RNA polymerase III (Pol III) in yeast. We identified a regulatory link between Rbs1, a Pol III assembly factor, and Rpb10, a small subunit that is common to three RNA polymerases. Overexpression of Rbs1 increased the abundance of both RPB10 mRNA and the Rpb10 protein, which correlated with suppression of Pol III assembly defects. Rbs1 is a poly(A)mRNA-binding protein and mutational analysis identified R3H domain to be required for mRNA interactions and genetic enhancement of Pol III biogenesis. Rbs1 also binds to Upf1 protein, a key component in nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) and levels of RPB10 mRNA were increased in a upf1Δ strain. Genome-wide RNA binding by Rbs1 was characterized by UV cross-linking based approach. We demonstrated that Rbs1 directly binds to the 3' untranslated regions (3'UTRs) of many mRNAs including transcripts encoding Pol III subunits, Rpb10 and Rpc19. We propose that Rbs1 functions by opposing mRNA degradation, at least in part mediated by NMD pathway. Orthologues of Rbs1 protein are present in other eukaryotes, including humans, suggesting that this is a conserved regulatory mechanism

    Reprogramming mRNA expression in response to defect in RNA polymerase III assembly in the yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    The coordinated transcription of the genome is the fundamental mechanism in molecular biology. Transcription in eukaryotes is carried out by three main RNA polymerases: Pol I, II, and III. One basic problem is how a decrease in tRNA levels, by downregulating Pol III efficiency, influences the expression pattern of protein-coding genes. The purpose of this study was to determine the mRNA levels in the yeast mutant rpc128-1007 and its overdose suppressors, RBS1 and PRT1. The rpc128-1007 mutant prevents assembly of the Pol III complex and functionally mimics similar mutations in human Pol III, which cause hypomyelinating leukodystrophies. We applied RNAseq followed by the hierarchical clustering of our complete RNA-seq transcriptome and functional analysis of genes from the clusters. mRNA upregulation in rpc128-1007 cells was generally stronger than downregulation. The observed induction of mRNA expression was mostly indirect and resulted from the derepression of general transcription factor Gcn4, differently modulated by suppressor genes. rpc128-1007 mutation, regardless of the presence of suppressors, also resulted in a weak increase in the expression of ribosome biogenesis genes. mRNA genes that were downregulated by the reduction of Pol III assembly comprise the proteasome complex. In summary, our results provide the regulatory links affected by Pol III assembly that contribute differently to cellular fitness

    The conserved RNA-binding protein Seb1 promotes cotranscriptional ribosomal RNA processing by controlling RNA polymerase I progression

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    Transcription by RNA polymerase I (RNAPI) represents most of the transcriptional activity in eukaryotic cells and is associated with the production of mature ribosomal RNA (rRNA). As several rRNA maturation steps are coupled to RNAPI transcription, the rate of RNAPI elongation directly influences processing of nascent pre-rRNA, and changes in RNAPI transcription rate can result in alternative rRNA processing pathways in response to growth conditions and stress. However, factors and mechanisms that control RNAPI progression by influencing transcription elongation rate remain poorly understood. We show here that the conserved fission yeast RNA-binding protein Seb1 associates with the RNAPI transcription machinery and promotes RNAPI pausing states along the rDNA. The overall faster progression of RNAPI at the rDNA in Seb1-deficient cells impaired cotranscriptional pre-rRNA processing and the production of mature rRNAs. Given that Seb1 also influences pre-mRNA processing by modulating RNAPII progression, our findings unveil Seb1 as a pause-promoting factor for RNA polymerases I and II to control cotranscriptional RNA processing

    A disease-linked lncRNA mutation in RNase MRP inhibits ribosome synthesis.

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    RMRP encodes a non-coding RNA forming the core of the RNase MRP ribonucleoprotein complex. Mutations cause Cartilage Hair Hypoplasia (CHH), characterized by skeletal abnormalities and impaired T cell activation. Yeast RNase MRP cleaves a specific site in the pre-ribosomal RNA (pre-rRNA) during ribosome synthesis. CRISPR-mediated disruption of RMRP in human cells lines caused growth arrest, with pre-rRNA accumulation. Here, we analyzed disease-relevant primary cells, showing that mutations in RMRP impair mouse T cell activation and delay pre-rRNA processing. Patient-derived human fibroblasts with CHH-linked mutations showed similar pre-rRNA processing delay. Human cells engineered with the most common CHH mutation (70AG in RMRP) show specifically impaired pre-rRNA processing, resulting in reduced mature rRNA and a reduced ratio of cytosolic to mitochondrial ribosomes. Moreover, the 70AG mutation caused a reduction in intact RNase MRP complexes. Together, these results indicate that CHH is a ribosomopathy

    Global analysis of transcriptionally engaged yeast RNA polymerase III reveals extended tRNA transcripts

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    RNA polymerase III (RNAPIII) synthesizes a range of highly abundant small stable RNAs, principally pre-tRNAs. Here we report the genome-wide analysis of nascent transcripts attached to RNAPIII under permissive and restrictive growth conditions. This revealed strikingly uneven polymerase distributions across transcription units, generally with a predominant 5' peak. This peak was higher for more heavily transcribed genes, suggesting that initiation site clearance is rate limiting during RNAPIII transcription. Down-regulation of RNAPIII transcription under stress conditions was found to be uneven; a subset of tRNA genes showed low response to nutrient shift or loss of the major transcription regulator Maf1, suggesting potential 'housekeeping' roles. Many tRNA genes were found to generate long, 3'-extended forms due to read-through of the canonical poly(U) terminators. The degree of read-through was anti-correlated with the density of U-residues in the nascent tRNA, and multiple, functional terminators can be located far downstream. The steady-state levels of 3'-extended pre-tRNA transcripts are low, apparently due to targeting by the nuclear surveillance machinery; especially the RNA-binding protein Nab2, cofactors for the nuclear exosome and the 5'-exonuclease Rat1

    Rio1 mediates ATP-dependent final maturation of 40S ribosomal subunits

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    During the last step in 40S ribosome subunit biogen-esis, the PIN-domain endonuclease Nob1 cleaves the 20S pre-rRNA at site D, to form the mature 18S rRNAs. Here we report that cleavage occurs in particles that have largely been stripped of previously character-ized pre-40S components, but retain the endonu-clease Nob1, its binding partner Pno1 (Dim2) and the atypical ATPase Rio1. Within the Rio1-associated pre-40S particles, in vitro pre-rRNA cleavage was strongly stimulated by ATP and required nucleotide binding by Rio1. In vivo binding sites for Rio1, Pno1 and Nob1 were mapped by UV cross-linking in ac-tively growing cells. Nob1 and Pno1 bind overlap-ping regions within the internal transcribed spacer 1, and both bind directly over cleavage site D. Bind-ing sites for Rio1 were within the core of the 18S rRNA, overlapping tRNA interaction sites and distinct from the related kinase Rio2. Site D cleavage occurs within pre-40S-60S complexes and Rio1-associated particles efficiently assemble into these complexes, whereas Pno1 appeared to be depleted relative to Nob1. We speculate that Rio1-mediated dissociation of Pno1 from cleavage site D is the trigger for final 18S rRNA maturation

    Transcription by RNA polymerase III: insights into mechanism and regulation

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    The highly abundant, small stable RNAs that are synthesized by RNA polymerase III (RNAPIII) have key functional roles, particularly in the protein synthesis apparatus. Their expression is metabolically demanding, and is therefore coupled to changing demands for protein synthesis during cell growth and division. Here, we review the regulatory mechanisms that control the levels of RNAPIII transcripts and discuss their potential physiological relevance. Recent analyses have revealed differential regulation of tRNA expression at all steps on its biogenesis, with significant deregulation of mature tRNAs in cancer cells