4,357 research outputs found

    Epigenomes in Cardiovascular Disease.

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    If unifying principles could be revealed for how the same genome encodes different eukaryotic cells and for how genetic variability and environmental input are integrated to impact cardiovascular health, grand challenges in basic cell biology and translational medicine may succumb to experimental dissection. A rich body of work in model systems has implicated chromatin-modifying enzymes, DNA methylation, noncoding RNAs, and other transcriptome-shaping factors in adult health and in the development, progression, and mitigation of cardiovascular disease. Meanwhile, deployment of epigenomic tools, powered by next-generation sequencing technologies in cardiovascular models and human populations, has enabled description of epigenomic landscapes underpinning cellular function in the cardiovascular system. This essay aims to unpack the conceptual framework in which epigenomes are studied and to stimulate discussion on how principles of chromatin function may inform investigations of cardiovascular disease and the development of new therapies

    Energy and environmental assessment and reuse of fluidised bed recycled carbon fibres

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    Carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP) recycling and the reutilisation of the recovered carbon fibre (rCF) 2 can compensate for the high impacts of virgin carbon fibre (vCF) production. In this paper, we evaluate the 3 energy and environmental impacts of CF recycling by a fluidised bed process and reuse to manufacture a 4 CFRP material. A ‘gate-to gate’ life cycle model of the CFRP recycling route using papermaking and 5 compression moulding methods is developed based on energy analysis of the fluidised bed recycling process 6 and processing of rCF. Key recycling plant operating parameters, including plant capacity, feed rate, and air 7 2 in-leakage are investigated. Life cycle impact assessments demonstrate the environmental benefits of recycled 8 CFRP against end of life treatments-landfilling, incineration. The use of rCF to displace vCF based on 9 material indices (equivalent stiffness and equivalent strength) therefore proves to be a competitive alternative 10 for composite manufacture in terms of environmental impact

    Reporting dose in complex self-management support interventions for long-term conditions: is it defined by researchers and received by participants? A systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: The minimum clinically effective dose, and whether this is received in randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of complex self-management interventions in long-term conditions (LTCs), can be unclear. The Template for Intervention Description and Replication (TIDieR) checklist states that dose should be clearly reported to ensure validity and reliable implementation. OBJECTIVES: To identify whether the expected minimum clinically effective dose, and the dose participants received is reported within research articles and if reporting has improved since the TIDieR checklist was published. METHODS: Four databases were systematically searched (MEDLINE, PsycINFO, AMED and CINAHL) to identify published reports between 2008 and 2022 for RCTs investigating complex self-management interventions in LTCs. Data on reporting of dose were extracted and synthesised from the eligible articles. RESULTS: 94 articles covering various LTCs including diabetes, stroke and arthritis were included. Most complex interventions involved behaviour change combined with education and/or exercise. The maximum dose was usually reported (n=90; 97.8%), but the expected minimum clinically effective dose and the dose received were reported in only 28 (30.4%) and 62 (67.4%) articles, respectively. Reporting of the expected minimum clinically effective dose and the dose participants received did not improve following the publication of the TIDieR checklist in 2014. CONCLUSIONS: Interpreting results and implementing effective complex self-management interventions is difficult when researchers' reporting of dose is not in line with guidelines. If trial findings indicate benefit from the intervention, clear reporting of dose ensures reliable implementation to standard care. If the results are non-significant, detailed reporting enables better interpretation of results, that is, differentiating between poor implementation and lack of effectiveness. This ensures quality of interventions and validity and generalisability of trial findings. Therefore, wider adoption of reporting the TIDieR checklist dose aspects is strongly recommended. Alternatively, customised guidelines for reporting dose in complex self-management interventions could be developed. PROSPERO REGISTRATION NUMBER: CRD42020180988

    Quality control in public participation assessments of water quality: the OPAL Water Survey

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    BACKGROUND: Public participation in scientific data collection is a rapidly expanding field. In water quality surveys, the involvement of the public, usually as trained volunteers, generally includes the identification of aquatic invertebrates to a broad taxonomic level. However, quality assurance is often not addressed and remains a key concern for the acceptance of publicly-generated water quality data. The Open Air Laboratories (OPAL) Water Survey, launched in May 2010, aimed to encourage interest and participation in water science by developing a 'low-barrier-to-entry' water quality survey. During 2010, over 3000 participant-selected lakes and ponds were surveyed making this the largest public participation lake and pond survey undertaken to date in the UK. But the OPAL approach of using untrained volunteers and largely anonymous data submission exacerbates quality control concerns. A number of approaches were used in order to address data quality issues including: sensitivity analysis to determine differences due to operator, sampling effort and duration; direct comparisons of identification between participants and experienced scientists; the use of a self-assessment identification quiz; the use of multiple participant surveys to assess data variability at single sites over short periods of time; comparison of survey techniques with other measurement variables and with other metrics generally considered more accurate. These quality control approaches were then used to screen the OPAL Water Survey data to generate a more robust dataset. RESULTS: The OPAL Water Survey results provide a regional and national assessment of water quality as well as a first national picture of water clarity (as suspended solids concentrations). Less than 10 % of lakes and ponds surveyed were ‘poor’ quality while 26.8 % were in the highest water quality band. CONCLUSIONS: It is likely that there will always be a question mark over untrained volunteer generated data simply because quality assurance is uncertain, regardless of any post hoc data analyses. Quality control at all stages, from survey design, identification tests, data submission and interpretation can all increase confidence such that useful data can be generated by public participants

    The secret of success

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    Parts of Antarctica have experienced warming almost an order of magnitude greater than the global average over the past 50 years, with the Antarctic Peninsula ranking among the three fastest-warming regions on Earth. Antarctic ecosystems have been affected by the warming that has taken place. Perhaps the most notable impact has been a dramatic expansion of the two species of flowering plant that occur on the continent \u2014 Antarctic pearlwort and Antarctic hair gras

    Palaeoecological investigation of the past biological structure and function of the Trinity Broads

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    This is the final report to the Trinity Broads Partnership on the ‘Palaeoecological investigation of the past biological structure and function in the Trinity Broads’. The Trinity Broads are deeper and discrete from much of the rest of the Norfolk Broads and there has therefore been much speculation that their biology was different from the Broads in other river basins. The aim of the project was to employ palaeoecological techniques to investigate the past biological structure and function of the Broads, in particular the past aquatic flora

    New constraints from Central Chile on the origins of enriched continental compositions in thick-crusted arc magmas

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    Magmas from continental arcs built on thick crust have elevated incompatible element abundances and “enriched” radiogenic isotope ratios compared to magmas erupted in island and continental arcs overlying thinner crust. The relative influence of the slab, mantle, and upper plate on this variability is heavily debated. The Andean Southern Volcanic Zone (SVZ; 33-46° S) is an ideal setting to investigate the production of enriched continental arc compositions, because both crustal thickness and magma chemistry vary coherently along strike. However, the scarcity of primitive magmas in the thick-crusted northern SVZ has hindered previous regional studies. To better address the origin of enriched continental compositions, we investigate the geochemistry (major and trace element abundances, 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd ratios) of new mafic samples from Don Casimiro and Maipo volcanoes in Diamante-Maipo Caldera Complex of the northern SVZ. While evolved Diamante-Maipo samples show evidence for crustal assimilation, the trace element and isotopic enrichment of the most mafic samples cannot result from crustal processing, as no known regional or global basement lithologies are enriched in all of the necessary incompatible trace elements. Subduction erosion models similarly fail to account for the enriched isotopic and trace element signature of these samples. Instead, we suggest that the enrichment of northern SVZ magmas is derived from an enriched ambient mantle component (similar to EM1-type ocean island basalts), superimposed on a northward decline in melt extent. A substantial, but nearly uniform contribution of melts from subducting sediment and altered oceanic crust are required at all latitudes. The EM1-like enrichment may arise from recycling of metasomatized subcontinental lithospheric mantle (M-SCLM), as the isotopic trajectory of primitive rear-arc monogenetic cones trend towards the compositions of SCLM melts sampled across South America. Isotopic data from spatially distributed rear-arc centres demonstrate that the arc-parallel variations in the degree of EM1-type enrichment observed in arc-front samples are also present up to 600 km behind the trench in the rear-arc. Rear-arc trace element systematics require significant but variable quantities of slab melts to be transported to the mantle wedge at these large trench distances. Overall, we show that a unified model incorporating variable mantle enrichment, slab additions, and melt extents can account for along and acrossarc trends within the SVZ. The recognition that mantle enrichment plays a key role in the production of enriched continental compositions in the SVZ has important implications for our understanding of the chemical evolution of the Earth. If ambient mantle enrichment is not taken into account, petrogenetic models of evolved lavas may overestimate the role of crustal assimilation, which, in turn, may lead models of continental crust growth to overestimate the amount of continental material that has been recycled back into the mantle

    Developments in the fluidised bed process for fibre recovery from thermoset composites

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    Carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP) is being used in increasing quantities particularly in the transport industry to reduce carbon emissions through weight reduction and in the energy industries for renewable technologies, such as wind turbines. As a high value and energy intensive material to manufacture a good case can be made for recovering and reusing carbon fibre from waste material. A number of companies in Europe and the USA are now in the early stages of commercial operation, but the focus is upon the recycling of clean, uncontaminated scrap from manufacturing processes and it is recognised that CFRP that is mixed with other materials eg. sandwich panels, metal inserts, painted surfaces and composites made from toughened polymers are more difficult to recycle effectively with existing commercial processes. The fluidised bed process developed at the University of Nottingham for recovering carbon fibre from waste composite material has the potential to process mixed and contaminated CFRP waste. The oxidising conditions allow full removal of any organic materials and the fluidised bed effectively separates the carbon fibres from other incombustible materials, such as metals. The process has now been developed to a scale representative of commercial operation and a waste CFRP comprising intermediate modulus carbon fibre and toughened epoxy resin has been processed successfully and good quality recycled fibres recovered. This paper will present the results and discuss the quality of the carbon fibre recovered from the process. A discussion of some of the key requirements to build a viable fluidised bed plant will also be presented
