52 research outputs found

    Impact of an integrated nutrition intervention on nutrient intakes, morbidity and growth of rural Burkinabe preschool children

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    Iron deficiency and undernutrition often co-exist among children and the prevalence in sub-Saharan African is high. In Burkina Faso, 92% of children under the age of five years were anaemic and 39% were stunted in 2003 according to Demographics and health survey. Risk factors include inadequate dietary intakes and infections that often occur concomitantly. Orphans and vulnerable children who are already atincreased risk for poor psycho-emotional development due to their social status are particularly susceptible to malnutrition. Therefore, there is a challenge to develop effective interventions that address the multiple risk factors of nutritional deficiencies in these children. An integrated nutrition intervention including dietary modification and changes in hygiene practices was implemented targeting a group of preschoolorphans and vulnerable children living in group foster homes. The amount of iron-rich foods particularly goat meat and condiments as well as citrus fruits were increased in the diet. The hygiene component of the intervention focused on handwashing, eating in individual plates, food storage and stool disposal. All members of the foster homesat large benefitted from the activities of the intervention; however, measurements and impact evaluation focused on preschool children (12 - 72 months). Energy and nutrient intakes, anthropometric indices and morbidity including diarrhoea, fever, vomiting and respiratory infections were assessed at baseline and after 18 weeks. Mean bioavailable iron intake was increased from 0.4 to 0.9 mg/d. The intervention resulted in a decrease in the prevalence of inadequate intakes for energy, proteins and most micronutrients. The intervention increased the meat-fish-poultry contribution to energy and iron intakes from 1.6 to 3.5% and from 5.2 to 7.9%, respectively. There was also a decrease in the incidence of infection (from 73 to 9%, p<0.01) and overall orbidity (from 39 to 15%, p<0.05) most likely due to deworming and improvementsin hygiene behaviours. Contrary to baseline, helminths such as Hymelolepis nana,Strongylo�des stercoralis and Necator americanus that often cause blood loss were rarely found at the end of the intervention. The overall changes resulted in improvements in height-for-age z-score (-1.63 to -1.27, p<0.01) and weight-for-age zscore (-1.22 to -1.06, p<0.05). In conclusion, an intervention that targets bioavailableiron and hygiene behaviours improved child growth, iron status and overall morbidity in areas of high incidence of infection

    Allocation, stress tolerance and carbon transport in plants: How does phloem physiology affect plant ecology?

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    Despite the crucial role of carbon transport in whole plant physiology and its impact on plant-environment interactions and ecosystem function, relatively little research has tried to examine how phloem physiology impacts plant ecology. In this review, we highlight several areas of active research where inquiry into phloem physiology has increased our understanding of whole plant function and ecological processes. We consider how xylem-phloem interactions impact plant drought tolerance and reproduction, how phloem transport influences carbon allocation in trees and carbon cycling in ecosystems, and how phloem function mediates plant relations with insects, pests, microbes and symbiotes. We argue that in spite of challenges that exist in studying phloem physiology, it is critical that we consider the role of this dynamic vascular system when examining the relationship between plants and their biotic and abiotic environment

    Accelerated surgery versus standard care in hip fracture (HIP ATTACK): an international, randomised, controlled trial

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