42 research outputs found

    Educando con el cuerpo y desde este: Cultura, cuerpo y reeducación corporal

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    This article invites reflection on body-mediated educational processes. It is based on teaching experiences in Ecuador with university students of early childhood education at the National University of Education. The aim was to include the body in educational actions, bring participants closer to the concept and experience of re-educating the body, for creating professional skills from a prevention and inclusion approach. The experiences are analyzed from the relationship between culture, body, and body re-education. Body techniques developed in the classroom allowed observation, listening, and verbal and non-verbal communication in the educational process, giving voice to the body of the participants. Besides, questionnaires were applied to diagnose, analyze, and evaluate the pedagogic experience. The results showed that using body techniques in the classroom allows students to innovate and include the body experience in their educational practices. This also helped to build autonomous work and teamwork skills, think about their educational practices and include the body in teaching-learning processes.Este artículo invita a la reflexión sobre procesos educativos mediados por el cuerpo. Se presenta una experiencia docente en Ecuador, con la población universitaria de educación inicial de la Universidad Nacional de Educación. Su objetivo fue incluir el cuerpo en el accionar educativo, acercar a las personas participantes al concepto y vivencia de reeducar el cuerpo, para la generación de competencias profesionales desde un enfoque de prevención e inclusión. La experiencia se analiza desde la relación cultura, cuerpo y reeducación corporal. Se desarrollan técnicas corporales en el aula, que permiten la observación, la escucha y la comunicación (verbal y no verbal) en el proceso educativo, dando voz al cuerpo de las personas participantes. Además, se aplican cuestionarios para realizar diagnóstico, análisis y evaluación de la experiencia pedagógica. Los resultados indican que la aplicación de técnicas corporales en el aula permite, a la población estudiantil, innovar e incluir el cuerpo en sus prácticas educativas. Esto favorece el trabajo autónomo y de equipo, la reflexión de la práctica educativa, y la inclusión del cuerpo en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje

    Questioning ‘voice’ and silence: Exploring creative and participatory approaches to researching with children through a Reggio Emilian lens

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    There has been much debate around the ‘voice’ of the child in qualitative research. This paper contributes to these discussions by drawing on the philosophy of Reggio Emilia, which emphasizes dialogical encounters that recognize the value of children’s subjectivities. The paper critically reflects on a qualitative study of primary education during the COVID-19 pandemic that involved children aged 5–7 (n= 30), teachers (n=6) and parents and carers (n=18) in Wales. The study generated data using creative methodologies, field notes and qualitative interviews. The philosophy of Reggio Emilia was utilized to be reflexive about the processes of research design, fieldwork, data analysis and dissemination, questioning tensions between voice and silence and how research teams can face and respond to the challengingissues that complicate the intent of respecting children’s subjectivities and perspectives. A key lesson from this process of reflection and questioning was the need to be attentive to and attuned with the subtleties of children’s paralanguage and to maintain a level of flexibility in research design and processes that respected children’s requirements and preferences. While the study focussed on children’s experiences, the lessons learnt from evaluating the study in relation to the philosophy of Reggio Emilia have value for wider qualitative projects with diverse communitie

    Revisiting Rancière’s Concept of Intellectual Emancipation in Vocational Educational and Training Practices

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    The paper discusses the emancipatory potential of Uruguayan Vocational Educational and Training (VET) practices, usually associated with job discourses, skills and training. In doing so, we revisit Rancière’s work concerning intellectual emancipation to provide us with a guide to connect with the phenomena studied, as a lens to look at and to problematize emancipation in concrete practices on a heuristic level.Thus, the paper is structured as follows. First, we describe the context of Uruguayan VET practices. Second, we discuss Rancière’s key concepts about emancipation in education. Third, we craft a conversation between the empirical and theoretical work, in view of exploring concrete VET practices from the axiom of equality. Last, the text concludes with a reflection on new meanings regarding Rancière’s intellectual emancipation that deserve further attention and allow us to identify other forms of emancipatory potential in VET practices, to move beyond its currently predominant functionalist understanding

    Comparative analysis of quality assessment and accreditation systems in higher education between Uruguay, Spain and Ecuador

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    En Iberoamérica existen múltiples investigaciones que dan cuenta de procesos de evaluación y calidad en educación superior, pero estaría faltando un análisis comparado que permita visualizar un formato que pudiese aplicarse a Uruguay. Esta investigación desarrolla un análisis documental comparativo de tres países, sobre políticas públicas, y normativa vigente de evaluación y acreditación de la calidad en educación superior con el objetivo de promover debate e insumos para pensar la calidad de la educación superior en Iberoamérica y contribuir a generar un modelo adaptado para el mejoramiento de la calidad en Uruguay. La estrategia metodológica es una revisión de información documental de sitios oficiales de cada uno de los países, organismos nacionales e internacionales, y repositorio de artículos e investigaciones sobre el tema en la región. Como resultado de este análisis comparativo, se identifican diferentes modelos que contribuyan al mejoramiento del sistema de evaluación y acreditación de la calidad en Uruguay. La presente investigación fue presentada en un XIX Foro Internacional sobre la evaluación de la calidad de la investigación y la educación superior (Fecies, 2022) y publicado un resumen como avance de la presente investigación. (Brotóns Muró, L.F. y Tur Porres, G. 2022). La investigación contribuye al debate sobre la adecuación y/o mejora del Instituto Nacional de Acreditación y Evaluación de la Educación Terciaria (Inaeet), que fue aprobado en Uruguay en el año 2019 pero quedó inactivo desde su fundaciónIn Ibero-America there are multiple investigations that report on evaluation and quality processes in higher education, but a comparative analysis is missing that would allow for the visualization of a format that could be applied to Uruguay. This research develops a comparative documentary analysis of three countries, on public policies, and current regulations for the evaluation and accreditation of quality in higher education with the objective of promoting debate and inputs to think about the quality of higher education in Ibero-America and contribute to generating an adapted model for quality improvement in Uruguay. The methodological strategy is a review of documentary information from official sites of each of the countries, national and international organizations, and a repository of articles and research on the topic in the region. As a result of this comparative analysis, different models are identified that contribute to the improvement of the quality evaluation and accreditation system in Uruguay. The present research was presented at a XIX International Forum on the evaluation of the quality of research and higher education (Fecies, 2022) and a summary was published as a preview of the present research. (Brotóns Muró, L.F. and Tur Porres, G. 2022). The research contributes to the debate on the adaptation and/or improvement of the National Institute for Accreditation and Evaluation of Tertiary Education (Inaeet), which was approved in Uruguay in 2019 but has been inactive since its foundation

    Formación Docente Socio Comunitaria en la Carrera de Educación Inicial de la Universidad Nacional de Educación

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    The Initial Education career of the National University of Education reconsiders the training of teachers-researchers in the Ecuadorian and regional context, which facilitates teaching-learning processes with children from 0 to 5 years old, as actors of transformation in territory through the attention and resolution of problems in the educational field, from a framework of equity, interculturality, inclusion, pedagogical and social innovation. In this sense, an analysis of the career in its socio-communitydimension is presented, according to the pedagogical foundations of the university, curricular elements and what the respective territory demands. The methodology used is part of the qualitative approach and documentary research. The theoretical contributions are based on the Social Management of Knowledge and the conceptions of connection with the collectivity according to Vallaeys (2014), Martínez (2011) and Santos (2004). The documentary review was carried out from the political, educational and social dimension, also revealed in institutional reports. From the analysis, it was possible to achieve the conceptual and contextual foundation of teacher training in the Initial Education career from and for a community-based dimension; its characterization and the advances and challenges of this process with emphasis on preprofessional practices as a dynamic scenario.La carrera de Educación Inicial de la Universidad Nacional de Educación replantea la formación de docentes-investigadores en el contexto ecuatoriano y regional, que facilite procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje con niños/as de 0 a 5 años, como actores de transformación en territorio mediante la atención y resolución de problemas en el ámbito educativo, desde un marco de equidad, interculturalidad, inclusión, innovación pedagógica y social. En este sentido, se presenta un análisis de la carrera en su dimensión socio-comunitaria, según los fundamentos pedagógicos de la universidad, elementos curriculares y lo que demanda el territorio respectivo. La metodología empleada se enmarca en el enfoque cualitativo y en la investigación documental. Los aportes teóricos son fundamentados en la Gestión Social del Conocimiento y las concepciones de vinculación con la colectividad según Vallaeys (2014), Martínez (2011) y Santos (2004). La revisión documental se realizó desde la dimensión política, educativa y social, revelada además en informes institucionales. A partir del análisis fue posible lograr la fundamentación conceptual y contextual de la formación docente en la carrera de Educación Inicial desde y para una dimensión socio comunitaria; su caracterización y los avancesy desafíos de este proceso con énfasis en las prácticas preprofesionales como escenario dinamizador

    COVID–19, education and learning: Amplifying young children’s voices

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    Audience This document is aimed at anyone who has an interest in young children's experiences of education during the Covid-19 pandemic, and/or accessing young children's voices through creative participatory methods. This includes teachers, education policy makers, parents and community organisations, and researchers. Overview The document provides a report on a study that sought to amplify the voices of young children, aged 3-6years during the Covid-19 pandemic, about their experiences of education at that time. The report details the methodology adopted during the study, which includes the use of creative and participatory methods designed to ensure that researchers could access and record the experiences of the young children. Considerable detail about the experiences of the young children is included in the findings chapters. Action required This report includes a range of recommendations. Education policy makers and teachers should attend to these in planning curriculum experiences for children in the early and foundation years, as well as primary years of schooling. Parents and community organisations may wish to consider which recommendations might be supported by their activity and conversations with the school sector. Researchers may wish to consider the methods used in accessing young children's experiences in their own research with young children

    Cuerpo, infancia y escuela: un encuentro necesario [Body, childhood and school: a necessary dialogue].

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    La niñez en el Ecuador: políticas públicas, programas y proyectos para la primera infancia

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