18 research outputs found

    The effect of the motivations of teachers who are working in the institution far from their residence address on their professional and private lives

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    In this research, the effect of the motivation of teachers who had a long distance between their institution and their residence addresses and who travelled daily on their professional and private lives were studied. In the research, the problems of the teachers who worked in the district of Döşemealtı in Antalya province and who could not reside in the district of Döşemealtı due to different reasons were interpreted. Most of the teachers who participated in the interview stated that they experienced physical and mental distress while reaching the institutions where they worked, and that the effects made their lives difficult both materially and spiritually. Spending a lot of time in traffic while travelling, having the risk of having an accident on the road, having to be on the road in adverse weather conditions, waking up too early to reach their institutions, not having breakfast because they had to leave too early, not spending quality time with their children in their family life due to working hours. It was understood that not being able to spare time outside of school affected teachers negatively. It was found that the reasons why the teachers did not reside in the district of Döşemealtı included the fact that their spouses' workplace was in the center, the educational status of their children, and the health institutions in the center were more diverse. It was seen that the travelling teachers had financial problems at first, and it was foreseen that the problems could be partially solved by making changes in the assignment and relocation regulations, providing service opportunities or giving a travel allowance in addition to their salaries in order to solve these problems.Teachers, motivation, stress, distance, professional and individual characteristic

    "Man ska inte ge besökarna det de vill ha, man ska ge dem det de behöver" : En studie av utställningsarrangörers motiv och budskap kring slöjd- hantverk och konsthantverksutställningar

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    Att välja att leva på sitt skapande kan för många vara det mest självklara och lustfyllda. Samtidigt lever vi i en digital värld där industrier spottar ur sig massproducerade föremål som blir ett alternativ till slöjden, hantverket och konsthantverket. Att ställa ut kan vara ett sätt för tillverkare att nå ut och synas i föremålsdjungeln. Syftet med arbetet är att belysa utställningsarrangörers beskrivningar av motiv för en utställning de arrangerar med slöjd, hantverk eller konsthantverk, och vilka budskap som anordnaren vill förmedla? Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med utställningsarrangörer inom slöjd-, hantverk och konsthantverksområdet söks en ökad förståelse över hur de resonerar kring motiven och budskapen. Informanternas beskrivningar visar på stort engagemang i att visa fram området, lära ut och skapa diskussion. Resultatet pekar på att motiv och buskap är begrepp som kan tolkas mycket olika och innebära olika för olika personer. Informanternas beskrivningar av motiven och budskapen smälter samman, liknas vid varandra och är ibland samma. Budskapen som arrangörerna vill förmedla är likartade och till stor del handlar de om kunskapsförmedling, diskussion och att väcka frågor. Utställning ses som en pedagogisk handling och ett rum för att förmedla kunskap och väcka frågeställningar kring dess innehåll.

    Developing the High-Resolution Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) 3D Jet Printing System for Thermoplastic Materials

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    Three-Dimensional Printing (3DP) is a versatile method that has been quickly developed within the past few decades to become a robust tool widely applied in many fields such as prototyping, constructions, food industry, electronic industry, biomedical applications and modeling for casting. 3DP simplifies the manufacturing process allowing production of complex shaped parts. Several types of 3DP methods exist one of which is electrohydrodynamic (EHD) 3DP. This method can have applications in both the electronic and biomedical industry as it can meet the needs of these industries due to its high-resolution printing capabilities. The high voltage applied in EHD 3DP results in sub 10 μm printing for each printed line allowing for overall high resolution in the final printed product. In EHD 3DP either pneumatic or mechanic pressure can be applied to the syringe to deposit a continuous flow of droplets out from the nozzle. In this work, using the EHD 3DP method, we do not apply any back pressure to our material tube where the only force applied is an electric field force originating from the applied high voltage. In this thesis, the mechanical properties and axial movement capabilities of the High Resolution EHD 3D Jet Printer were developed and improved. Furthermore, the relationship between printing parameters (velocity of the moving platform, temperature of the heating control unit and applied high voltage causing the electric field) and resolution of printing were analyzed in order to define the ideal printing parameters for the desired printing model of a polycaprolactone (PCL) thermoplastic. Finally, results of the tests are given within their corresponding tables and graphs along with a conclusion of the effect of printing parameters.M.S., Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics -- Drexel University, 201

    Force nanoscopy of microbial cells

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    New organo soluble and thermally stable Schiff base polymers by oxidative polycondensation

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    WOS: 000259602400043The Schiff base monomer was synthesized-by the condensation reaction between salicyladehyde and p-phenylendiamine. The Schiff base polymers having double azomethine group were prepared-by oxidative polycondensation (OP) reaction of monomer in aqueous alkaline medium with NaOCl (P-1) and H2O2 (P-2) as the oxidants at 90 degrees C. Cu(II) and Ni(II) complexes of the polymers. were synthesized by the reaction of polymer and metal acetate salts. The monomer and polymers; were characterized by elemental analyses, thermogravimetric analyses, DSC analyses, UV-Vis, FT-IR, H-1 and C-13 NMR spectroscopic studies, which revealed that the P and P-2 polymers synthesized by OP is composed of oxyphenylene (C-O-C; P-1 = 77% P-2 = 75%), phenylene (C-C; P, = 23%, P-2 = 25%) units. Average molecular weights of polymers were determined by gel permeation chromatography. The polymers were soluble in polar aprotic solvents and aqueous alkaline media. According to the thermogravimetric analyses, Schiff base polymer (P,) exhibited excellent thermal stability with 38% residual weight at 1000 degrees C in nitrogen atmosphere. The thermal stability of these polymer systems are found to be in order P-2 > P-1. As the synthesized polymers were soluble in common solvents such as THF, DMF, DMSO, these properties of polymer are-promising for it is environmental and analytical usage.Scientific and Technological Research Council [TBAG 13571]The authors thank The Scientific and Technological Research Council for financial support (Project Number: TBAG 13571)

    A Case of Simultaneous Mania and Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus: Etiology or Comorbidity?

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    Normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH), typically associated with the triad of gait disturbance, dementia and urinary incontinence, rarely presents with symptoms of mania, depression or psychosis and psychiatric disorders may complicate the diagnosis. Few cases of NPH and psychiatric disease comorbidity have been reported so far. In most of these cases, NPH was associated with depression and psychotic symptoms. Mania symptoms were also reported in a few cases those of which were associated with a history of bipolar disorder (BPD) or subthreshold BPD symptoms. In this paper, we present a case of late-onset mania symptoms simultaneously presenting with NPH in a healthy individual without a history of psychiatric disorder

    Psychiatric Problems in Patients with Breast Cancer

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    Cancer is a physical disorder with concurrent mental and social components. During cancer, the feelings of fear, hopelessness, guilt, helplessness, abandonment perceived as a crisis leading to destruction in the suffering person. Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women. Prevalence of psychiatric disorders among cancer patients is approximately 50% and most of disorders are related with the occurrence of cancer and cancer treatment. Majority of patients present with major depression, adjustment disorder, anxiety disorders, sleep disorders, suicidial ideation, and delirium. Treatment of psychiatric disorders and cancer therapy should be conducted along with special consideration of drug interactions. This article reviews the adaptation process experienced by individuals during diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer, it psychological effects, resulting psychiatric comorbidites and their treatments. [Archives Medical Review Journal 2012; 21(3.000): 189-219

    Three Neuroacanthocytosis Cases Representing Different Psychiatric Aspects

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    WOS: 000285883500019The definition of neuroacanthocytosis syndromes is used to describe a group of diseases, which is characterized by acanthocytosis and neurological abnormalities. Neuroacanthocytosis syndromes are progressive, degenerative and genetically heterogeneous diseases that generally begin at the 3rd or 4(th) decade of life. Age at onset, clinical and laboratory findings, family history, neurological and systemic involvement, and treatment options differ according to the subtypes. The treatment of neuroacanthocytosis syndromes is totally symptomatic and pharmacotherapy and surgery are used. In the literature, half of the neuroacanthocytosis cases are accompanied by vague psychiatric symptoms as beginning signs or full-blown psychiatric symptoms during the course of the disease. In this case series, we present three patients who displayed different psychiatric aspects in a short period of 6 months and were diagnosed with neuroacanthocytosis after thorough investigations in our psychiatry clinic. Common features and differential characteristics of the cases are discussed in the light of relevant literature. (Archives of Neuropsychiatry 2010; 47: 356-9

    Neuroprotective effects of diltiazem in rabbits with occluded aorta Efeitos neuroprotetores do diltiazem em coelhos com oclusão da aorta

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    OBJECTIVE: In the present study, we aimed to determine the protective effect of the perfusion of the distal aorta with diltiazem and ringer lactate solution on the spinal cord. METHODS: Twenty-seven New Zealand rabbits were used in which spinal cord ischemia was provided by occlusion of the aorta for thirty minutes. Experimental animals were divided into four groups: group A (n=4), the sham operation group; group B (n=8) in which intraaortic balloon occlusion alone was applied; group C (n=7), ringer lactate group in which ringer lactate was perfused into distal aorta at a rate of 40 ml/kg, hr, following intraaortic balloon occlusion; group D (n=8) diltiazem group in which diltiazem 40 mg/kg, hr, in Ringer lactate was perfused into distal aorta following intraaortic balloon occlusion. Motor function of hind limbs was evaluated by Tarlov's scoring system. After observation, spinal cords were removed for histopathological evaluation. RESULTS: The degree of histopathological injury was well correlated with neurological function. The most severe histopathological injury and neurological dysfunction occurred in group B, followed by group C, D and A respectively. No injury or neurological dysfunction occurred in the sham group. CONCLUSIONS: The protective effect of diltiazem on both histopathological injury and neurological function was significant in comparison with control groups.OBJETIVO: O objetivo do presente trabalho é determinar o efeito protetor da perfusão na aorta distal com diltiazem e solução de Ringer lactato na medula espinal. MÉTODOS: Foram usados 27 coelhos da raça New-Zeland, nos quais se provocou isquemia da medula espinal por meio de oclusão da aorta durante 30 minutos. Os animais experimentais foram divididos em quatro grupos: grupo A (n=4), o grupo de cirurgia simulada (pseudocirurgia); o grupo B (n=8) no qual se aplicou somente a oclusão do balão intraaórtico; grupo C (n=7), o grupo do Ringer lactato, no qual a solução de Ringer lactato foi perfundida na aorta distal após oclusão do balão intra-aórtico; grupo D (n=8), grupo do dialtiazem, no qual 40 mg/kg/h de diltiazem, em solução de Ringer lactato, foram perfundidas na aorta distal após oclusão do balão intra-aórtico. A função motora dos membros posteriores foi avaliada pelo sistema de escore de Tarlov. Após observação, as medulas espinais foram removidas para avaliação histopatológica. RESULTADOS: O grau de lesão histopatologica estava bem correlacionado com a função neurológica. Lesões histopatológicas e disfunções neurológicas mais graves ocorreram no grupo B, seguido pelos grupos C, D e A, respectivamente. Não ocorreu nenhuma lesão ou disfunção neurológica no grupo de cirurgia simulada. CONCLUSÕES: O efeito protetor do diltiazem na lesão histopatológica e na função neurológica foi significativo em comparação com os grupos-controle

    Open Surgical Repair After Endovascular Treatment with Endologix Stent Graft: A Case Report

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    Endovascular treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm repair is increasingly being used today. We report a 72-year-old male patient who underwent open surgical repair due to separation of Intu Trak Powerlink XL (Endologix) endovascular stent graft four months after endovascular intervention for abdominal aortic aneurysm with 9.5 cm diameter