58 research outputs found

    Variation of rotary regenerator effectiveness with the number of transfer unit and heat capacity rate

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    Döner tip rejeneratörler gelişmiş ülkelerde olduğu gibi ülkemizde de son yıllarda özellikle iklimlendirme tesislerinde kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, döner tip rejeneratörlerin etkinliği geçici rejimde, sonlu farklar yöntemi kullanılarak nümerik olarak hesaplanmıştır. Döner tip rejeneratör etkinliğinin transfer birimi sayısı (Ntu) ve ısıl kapasite oranı (Cr)(C_r^{\ast}) ile değişimi incelenmiştir.In recent years, rotary regenerators have been used in air-conditioning systems in our country similar to in many developed countries. In this study, performance of rotary regenerators is calculated using finite difference method for unsteady state regime. It is investigated how the performance is varying with number of the transfer unit and heat capacity rate

    Fatigue in familial Mediterranean fever and its relations with other clinical parameters

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    Fatigue is a common problem in patients with rheumatic disease. It may cause disability and poor quality of life. The aim of this study is to investigate fatigue in FMF patients as a disabling symptom and its associations with clinical and demographic variables. FMF patients were recruited into the study according to FMF Tel Hashomer criteria. Control group is composed of healthy individuals. Demographic and clinical features of the patients including PRAS scores were noted. Visual analogue score of pain (VAS-pain) and VAS-fatigue were used as clinical parameters. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Multidimensional Assessment of Fatigue (MAF), Nottingham Health Profile (NHP), Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS), Fatigue Impact Scale (FIS) and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) were filled out by both control and study group. Sixty-one FMF patients and 61 age and gender (44 female, 17 male in each group)-matched controls were enrolled into the study. Mean age of FMF and control group were 35.5 +/- 11.8 and 35.8 +/- 11.7 years, respectively. The mean disease duration was 82.5 +/- 81.7 months. Difference between mean of VAS-pain, VAS-fatigue, PSQI total score, MAF, all subsets of NHP, FSS, FIS, and HADS scores of FMF patients was significantly higher than of control group (p = 0.0001). This study has shown that fatigue in FMF is associated with a number of psychological, sleep, quality of life and disease-related factors. FMF group had increased pain, fatigue, sleep disturbance and decreased quality of life compared to control group. FMF patients with fatigue may benefit from pharmacological and psychological interventions which target these factors

    A comparison of effects of floroquinolones on fracture healing (an experimental study in rats)

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    BACKGROUND: The objective of the present study was to test and compare the effect of floroquinolones on fracture healing as assessed histopathologically. METHODS: A total of twenty five Wistar rats were arbitrarily assigned to five groups with five animals each. Bilateral closed femoral fracture was constructed manually in all groups. The first group did not receive any drug as control (C). The 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and the last group were treated with norfloxacin (N), ofloxacin (O), pefloxacin (P) and ciprofloxacin (Ci) respectively. Antibiotic administration was started on the 7th day after the fracture incident. All the treatments were discontinued twenty days after the incident all the rats were sacrificed, and the fracture calluses together with affected femurs were resected en bloc at the fourth week after fracture. RESULTS: Average healing grades of control group was higher than all the other antibiotic groups. Mean healing grades of control (5 ; n:8), ofloxacin (4.1; n:7), ciprofloxacin (3.9; n:8), norfloxacin (3.4; n:9) and pefloxacin groups (2.6; n:10) were recorded.. Statistically significant differences between antibiotherapy groups (excluding, norfloxacin) and the control group were detected. CONCLUSIONS: The current histopathological study has shown that all the studied floroquinolones retarded fracture healing in rats

    Kırık iyileşmesi üzerine florokinolonların etkilerinin karşılaştırılması (Sıçanlar üzerinde deneysel bir çalışma)

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    AMAÇ Çalışmanın amacı, florokinolonların oluşturulan femur kırıkları üzerine etkilerini histopatolojik olarak test etmek ve karşılaştırmaktır. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM Her bir grupta beşer denek olmak üzere toplam yirmi beş Wistar sıçanı beş gruba ayrıldı. Tüm gruplarda manuel olarak bilateral femur kırığı oluşturuldu. Kontrol (C) grubu olarak, ilk gruba herhangi bir ilaç verilmedi. İkinci grup norfloksasinle (N), üçüncü grup ofloksasinle (O), dördüncü grup pefloksasinle (P) ve son grup da siprofloksasinle (C) tedaviye alındı. İndüktlenen femur kırıkları sonrası yedinci günde antibiyotik tedavisine başlandı. Tüm gruplarda tedaviye yirminci gün son verildi. Femur kırıklarının indüksiyonundan dört hafta sonra tüm sıçanlar aşırı doz eter ile feda edildi ve femurlar kallus dokusuyla birlikte blok halinde çıkarılarak histopatolojik olarak değerlendirmeye alındı. BULGULAR Kontrol grubunda kırıkların ortalama iyileşme derecesinin tüm diğer antibiyotik gruplarından yüksek olduğu bulundu. Grupların ortalama iyileşme dereceleri sırasıyla, kontrolde 5 (n:8), ofloksasinde 4.1 (n:7), siprofloksasinde 3.9 (n:8), norfloksasinde 3.4 (n:9) ve pefloksasinde 2.6 (n:10) olarak saptandı. Kontrol ve norfloksasin grubu dışında tüm antibiyotik grupları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olmakla birlikte değişken farklılıklar olduğu saptandı. SONUÇ Kinolon grubu antibiyotiklerin kırık iyileşmesini etkilerini saptamak amacıyla Wistar sıçanlarında yaptığımız çalışmaya dahil edilen tüm florokinolon grubu antibiyotiklerin kontrol grubuna göre histopatolojik olarak kırık iyileşmesini anlamlı derecede geciktirdiği sonucuna varılmıştır.BACKGROUND: The objective of the present study was to test and compare the effect of floroquinolones on fracture healing as assessed histopathologically. METHODS: A total of twenty five Wistar rats were arbitrarily assigned to five groups with five animals each. Bilateral closed femoral fracture was constructed manually in all groups. The first group did not receive any drug as control (C). The 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and the last group were treated with norfloxacin (N), ofloxacin (O), pefloxacin (P) and ciprofloxacin (Ci) respectively. Antibiotic administration was started on the 7th day after the fracture incident. All the treatments were discontinued twenty days after the incident all the rats were sacrificed , and the fracture calluses together with affected femurs were resected en bloc at the fourth week after fracture. RESULTS: Average healing grades of control group was higher than all the other antibiotic groups. Mean healing grades of control ( 5 ; n:8), ofloxacin (4.1; n:7), ciprofloxacin (3.9; n:8), norfloxacin (3.4 ; n:9) and pefloxacin groups (2.6 ; n:10) were recorded.. Statistically significant differences between antibiotherapy groups ( excluding. norfloxacin) and the control group were detected. CONCLUSIONS: The current histopathological study has shown that all the studied floroquinolones retarded fracture healing in rats


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    The present study was conducted in order to reveal the genetic diversity andbottleneck in Anatolian Black Cattle (Bos Taurus). Animal material of the studyconsisted of 75 cattle raised in International Center for Livestock Research andTraining. The bottleneck in the cattle breed studied was checked with 10microsatellites markers, amplified in a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR)were used according to recommendation of FAO (2011). A total of 116 alleles wasobserved from microsatellites studied. Overall value belongs to average number ofalleles (Na), effective number of alleles (Ne), observed heterozygosity (Ho),expected heterozygosity (He), the polymorphic information content (PIC), averageheterozygosity (Ĥ), and FIS, known as the inbreeding coefficient, were 11.60, 5.35,0.80, 0.78, 0.80 and 0.012, respectively. All microsatellite markers except INRA23and ETH3 deviated from Hardy Weinberg equilibrium (HWE). Bottleneck wasanalyzed with Bottleneck software according to three different mutation modelsincluding the infinite allele model (IAM), two-phase mutation model (TPM) andstepwise mutation model (SMM). It can be said that there is not any ultimate risk interms of bottleneck considering L–shaped curve showing normal distributionobtained from the analysis

    Fatigue in familial Mediterranean fever and its relations with other clinical parameters

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    Fatigue is a common problem in patients with rheumatic disease. It may cause disability and poor quality of life. The aim of this study is to investigate fatigue in FMF patients as a disabling symptom and its associations with clinical and demographic variables. FMF patients were recruited into the study according to FMF Tel Hashomer criteria. Control group is composed of healthy individuals. Demographic and clinical features of the patients including PRAS scores were noted. Visual analogue score of pain (VAS-pain) and VAS-fatigue were used as clinical parameters. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Multidimensional Assessment of Fatigue (MAF), Nottingham Health Profile (NHP), Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS), Fatigue Impact Scale (FIS) and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) were filled out by both control and study group. Sixty-one FMF patients and 61 age and gender (44 female, 17 male in each group)-matched controls were enrolled into the study. Mean age of FMF and control group were 35.5 +/- 11.8 and 35.8 +/- 11.7 years, respectively. The mean disease duration was 82.5 +/- 81.7 months. Difference between mean of VAS-pain, VAS-fatigue, PSQI total score, MAF, all subsets of NHP, FSS, FIS, and HADS scores of FMF patients was significantly higher than of control group (p = 0.0001). This study has shown that fatigue in FMF is associated with a number of psychological, sleep, quality of life and disease-related factors. FMF group had increased pain, fatigue, sleep disturbance and decreased quality of life compared to control group. FMF patients with fatigue may benefit from pharmacological and psychological interventions which target these factors