30 research outputs found

    Kandungan Kolesterol Kepiting Bakau (Scylla Serrata) Jantan Dan Betina Pada Lokasi Yang Berbeda

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    Mud crab (Scylla serrata) have potency commercial market in this country and the other country. That thing because mud crab (Scylla serrata) flesh has a delicious taste and high nutrition. People haven't knowed about cholesterol content in both male or female mud crab (Scylla serrata), whereas the knowledge about cholesterol content is important to consider nutrition intake to keep in good health. This research aim to determine cholesterol content in Scylla serrata by observing male and female crab in Pemalang and Demak. This research used descriptive method and sampling used purposive random sampling method. Determination of sampling position used purposive sampling method. This research has done in October 30th – November 25th 2011. This research used 30 male and 30 female with mean body weigh 60 - 100 g. Analysis of cholesterol content used method by Lieberman–Burchad. Result from this research indicates that S. serrata from Pemalang has cholesterol content more large than S. serrata from Demak, while the male crab from both place has higher cholesterol content than female crab (66,67 mg/100g and 61,67 mg/100g in male crab, and 64,67 mg/100g and 58,33 mg/100g in female crab)

    Acute cerebral MCA ischemia with secondary severe head injury and acute intracerebral and subdural haematoma: Case report

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    Generally, according to international literature, cerebral ischemia is a secondary posttraumatic lesion produced by direct compression in the context of a cerebral herniation syndrome or indirect by vasospasm produced by posttraumatic subarachnoid, subdural or intraventricular hemorrhages. We present the case of a patient with an acute MCA ischemia with severe head injury due to a fall with subsequent intracranial acute intracerebral and subdural hematoma which evolved with acute left uncal, parahipocampal and subfalcinecerebral herniation (coma, GCS 6, left mydriasis, right severe hemiparesis). Surgical emergency aspiration of the hematomas was performed. Postoperative treatment of cerebral ischemia and residual hematomas was properly done. We consider important and underdiagnosed the association of cerebral ischemia and secondary posttraumatic brain injuries. Abbreviations: MCA-middle cerebral artery, GCS- Glasgow Coma Scale, ICA-internal carotid artery, PCA-posterior cerebral artery, ACA-anterior cerebral artery. Conclusion: We present a case of a patient with an acute MCA ischemia with secondary head injury due to a fall with subsequent intracranial acute intracerebral and subdural hematomas. Surgical emergency aspiration of the hematomas was performed. The treatment was performed for both lesions (cerebral ischemia and posttraumatic hematomas) with vitamins B, neurotrophycs, pain killers, antibiotics. Unfortunately, due to aggravation of the Mendelson syndrome, the patient died 7 days later

    Primary tuberculomas of the thoracal spinal cord: Case report

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    The authors present an unusual case of intramedullary tuberculoma in a HIV-negative patient from the southeast part of Romania who demonstrated no other signs of tuberculous infection. Clinical exam: extreme spastic paraparesis in triple flexion, dorsal pain and bladder and bowel incontinence. Gd enhanced MRI revealed ring enhancing lesion with central hypointensity, suggesting granulomatous pathology. Surgical excision of the intramedullary lesions was carried out followed by anti-tuberculous chemotherapy and Baclofen tablets . !0 days postoperative MRI showed total resolution of the lesion. Two years follow up showed progressive resolution of spasticity. Following surgical excision, the patient improved significantly sensitive and modest the motility and spasticity. The management of this rare lesion is discussed and the literature reviewed

    Design of the Prototype Instrument for Measuring Freshness of Fish Based on Resistance

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    The freshness of the dead fish is very difficult to be known visually whereas the use of chemical analyses is not only time consuming but also is not readily available at for market. Therefore, it is considered necessary to find out a newmethod for that purpose. In this. research, a prototype instrument for measuring freshness of the dead fish was designed based on the fish electrical resistance. The sensor was made of a couple of steel wires with diameter of 0.5 mm. During measurement, the wires sensor was inserted into the fish body with the distance of 2 cm to each other. Result of the research showed linear relationship between dead fish freshness and its resistance. The linear relationship was also found between water content of the fish body and its resistance

    Lessons learned from practical approaches to reconcile mismatches between biological population structure and stock units of marine fish

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    Recent advances in the application of stock identification methods have revealed inconsistencies between the spatial structure of biological populations and the definition of stock units used in assessment and management. From a fisheries management perspective, stocks are typically assumed to be discrete units with homogeneous vital rates that can be exploited independently of each other. However, the unit stock assumption is often violated leading to spatial mismatches that can bias stock assessment and impede sustainable fisheries management. The primary ecological concern is the potential for overexploitation of unique spawning components, which can lead to loss of productivity and reduced biodiversity along with destabilization of local and regional stock dynamics. Furthermore, ignoring complex population structure and stock connectivity can lead to misperception of the magnitude of fish productivity, which can translate to suboptimal utilization of the resource. We describe approaches that are currently being applied to improve the assessment and management process for marine fish in situations where complex spatial structure has led to an observed mismatch between the scale of biological populations and spatially-defined stock units. The approaches include: (i) status quo management, (ii) "weakest link" management, (iii) spatial and temporal closures, (iv) stock composition analysis, and (v) alteration of stock boundaries. We highlight case studies in the North Atlantic that illustrate each approach and synthesize the lessons learned from these real-world applications. Alignment of biological and management units requires continual monitoring through the application of stock identification methods in conjunction with responsive management to preserve biocomplexity and the natural stability and resilience of fish species.</p

    Odontogen frontoparial epidural and subdural empyema complicated with frontal intracerebral abscess and Covid: Case report

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    Introduction: Cerebral infections (frontoparietal extradural and subdural empyema) following a dental abscess and multiple sinusitis is a rare and potentially devastating entity even in the era of modern diagnosis and treatment. Case presentation: We present a patient with parietal epidural and subdural empyema and intracerebral frontal abscess, sinusitis and dental abscess, chronic consumer of alcohol and with neglected diabetes mellitus. He was initially diagnosed with encapsulated hematoma and sinusitis. The pus obtained at the intervention was certified by our laboratory as sterile with the consequent difficulty in antibiotic treatment and who induced a longer antibiotic treatment, a second surgical intervention for an encapsulated frontal abscess, a longer hospitalisation and favoured contamination with Covid 19. Despite these, the patient had a finally good evolution. Conclusions: A frontoparietal extradural and subdural empyema and an intracerebral frontal abscess produced by a dental abscess and sinusitis is a rare and potentially lethal complication. The multidisciplinary approach between radiologist, neurosurgeon, otolaryngologist, dentist, microbiologists is mandatory for a proper diagnosis and treatment of these pathologies

    Impact Empowerment and Work Environment on Employee Satisfaction of Ministry of Youth and Sports in Indonesia

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    Employee satisfaction has become an issue in almost organizations in Indonesia. One who experienced the issue, the ministry of youth and sports became an interesting issue in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of empowerment and work environment on employee satisfaction in the ministry of youth and sports. This study used 180 employees in the Ministry of Youth and Sports. The results show that empowerment has a significant and positive effect on job satisfaction by 0.457. The work environment also has a significant and positive effect on job satisfaction by 0.496. Therefore the ministry of youth and sports must focus on the work environment that has the most influence on job satisfaction