938 research outputs found

    Berbelanja Melalui Jasa Titip Perabot di Masa Pandemi Covid-19: Studi Kasus @jastipbyarumi

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    In the digital era, deposit service (jastip) which were previously carried out offline, are now also developing and can be done by online and become a very promising business. In Indonesia, the term jastip by shopping online is starting to be widely known by the wider community, especially for those who use social media, such as Facebook. This business benefits from a predetermined additional fee for each consumer ordered goods, so those who order goods do not need to go to the store to buy goods or leave the house. Buying goods online through jastip has become increasingly popular during the Covid-19 pandemic, especially since the government launched large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) that limit people's mobility. This research was conducted on social media, namely Facebook on jastip providers and consumers based on observations on social media, such as Facebook, which showed the widespread purchase of goods through jastip among women in Bulukumba Regency. There are them women involved in this study. Thye are varied based on age (between 23 and 40 years), occupation (five housewives, four entrepreneurs, and jastip provider), and status (nine buyers and a jastip provider). The results of this study indicate that jastip of Informa products is the choice among mothers who are purchased online through a jastip service provider posted through social media Facebook. Among other jastip items on Facebook, home furnishings (sofa, dining table, patio chairs, etc.) are the most popular items. Model, status display, price, and quality are four main reasons why women choose Informa's jastip products, especially during this Covid-19 pandemic. The increase in the use of jastip during the Covid-19 pandemic is intertwined with an increase in jastip turnover (@jastipbyarumi 9). The reason for the jastip provider (@jastipbyarumi) presenting jastip product is because women in Bulukumba Regency love to shop online, and Informa is the most popular products among women. Thus, this is  seen by jastip provider as a business opportunity, a way of satisfying hobbies, and as a source of income. In promoting jastip, the strategies used by jastip provider are promoting products along with its discounted price, uploading products in stories, and opening social gathering lots. In running such service business, the main capital is not money itself, but most importantly trust, perseverance, and business ethics


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    Sistem Informasi Geografis merupakan sistem yang dapat mendukung pengambilan keputusan spasial dan maupun mengintegrasikan deskripsi-deskripsi lokasi dengan karateristik-karateristik fenomena yang ditemukan di lokasi tersebut. Jalan adalah prasarana transportasi darat yang meliputi segala bagian jalan, termasuk bangunan pelengkap dan perlengkapannya yang diperuntukkan bagi lalu lintas, yang berada pada permukaan tanah, di atas permukaan tanah, di bawah permukaan tanah dan/atau air, serta di atas permukaan air, kecuali jalan kereta api, jalan lori, dan jalan kabel. Web server merupakan sebuah bentuk server yang khusus digunakan untuk menyimpan halaman website atau homepage. HTML adalah kepanjangan dari HyperText Markup Language, merupakan bahasa interpretasi yang digunakan pada sebuah halaman web. HTML mendeskripsikan struktur halaman web yang ditulis dengan element atau tag yang yang mengapit konten atau teks didalamnya. HTML bukanlah sebuah bahasa pemrograman pada umumnya, seperti Java, C, C++, visual basic dan sejenisnya, melainkan bahasa markup / markah yang ditulis dengan perintah tag-tag atau element yang menaungi (mengapit) konten didalamnya yang akan ditampilkan pada sebuah halaman web oleh browser atau HTML interpreter (penerjemah HTML) lainnya

    Semiotics Analysis of Cultural Representation in Pakistani Dramas Title Pages

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    This semiotic study explores non-verbal components in communication with the help of visualization. Kress introduces the dictionary for the study of signs used in images representations. In this research, multimodal of Kress and Leeuwen is used for the elaboration of images. For this analysis, three title pages of 2015 to 2016 dramas are taken. By examining the textual relation with visual modes, frames, position of different signs, and the behind philosophy in image art are investigated. Keywords: Cultural Semiotics, Textual Analysis, Multimodal, Pakistani Dramas Title Pages


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     AbstrakKebijakan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) yang terjadi di bulan April-Mei 2020 memengaruhi keberlangsungan proses pembelajaran yang mengharuskan diterapkannya Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ) demi menjaga kesehatan, keamanan, dan menghindari kerumunan. Hingga saat ini, kebijakan tersebut berubah menjadi PPKM (Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat) Level 4 yang berlaku dari tanggal 3 Juli-25 Juli 2021. Penulisan artikel ini ditujukan untuk mengkaji inovasi pembelajaran Al-Qur’an seperti apa yang harus dilakukan guna menyelenggarakan proses pembelajaran yang efektif. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan jenis deskriptif. Adapun hasil pembahasannya meliputi, 1) Inovasi pembelajaran Al-Qur’an pada masa pandemi menggunakan model pembelajaran  hybrid learning dan blended learning. 2) Sistematika pembelajaran Al-Qur’an dilakukan secara full online dengan presentase sebesar 75% dan 25% tatap muka. 3) Kendala-kendala yang sering terjadi yaitu kendala teknis, motivasi belajar anak, model dan metode pembelajaran yang tepat, peran orang tua. AbstractThe Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) that occurred in April-May 2020 affected the continuity of the learning process that implemented the Distance Learning (PJJ) policy in order to maintain health, safety, and avoid prohibitions. Currently, the policy has changed to PPKM (Restrictions on Community Activities) Level 4 which is effective from July 3 to July 25, 2021. The research method used is a qualitative method with descriptive type. The results of the discussion include 1) Al-Qur'an learning innovation during the pandemic using hybrid learning and blended learning models. 2) The systematics of learning the Qur'an is done in full online with a percentage of 75% and 25% face-to-face. 3) Constraints that often occur are technical constraints, children's learning motivation, appropriate learning models and methods, the role of parents

    Self-Disclosure, Gender, and Patient Satisfaction in the Doctor-Patient Relationship

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    It has been well established that the doctor-patient relationship is integral for providing quality health care and sustaining patient satisfaction. Additionally, research has indicated that doctors\u27 self-disclosure is considered as an essential interpersonal component of relational development. In terms of the doctor-patient interaction, previous research has produced numerous studies investigating the relationship between doctors\u27 communication behaviors and patient satisfaction. Scholars have also explored how communication styles are associated with doctors\u27 gender, and patient satisfaction. However, there is still a gap in the existing research concerning the connections between doctors\u27 self-disclosure, gender, and patient satisfaction in doctor-patient interactions. My qualitative study sought to examine how doctors\u27 self-disclosure impacts patient satisfaction and how doctors\u27 gendered performances of self-disclosure were perceived by patients. I conducted an in-depth focus group interview with a total of eight volunteer participants (five females, three males). My findings indicated that doctors\u27 self-disclosure positively impacts the patient satisfaction regardless of their gender. Additionally, participants indicated that self-disclosure from both male and female doctors was viewed as helpful when it was relevant and not excessive

    Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of an Upper Ordovician Rocky Shoreline: The Lindsay Formation of Heywood and Partridge Islands, Ontario

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    The islands of Heywood and Partridge, located northeast of Manitoulin Island in Georgian Bay, Ontario, preserve a major unconformity between the Paleoproterozoic Bar River and Lorrain Formation quartz arenite and Upper Ordovician Lindsay Formation carbonate and mudrock. The Lindsay Formation strata record two transgressive pulses of an epeiric sea that flooded the North American continent during the Late Ordovician. During this time, mountain building processes associated with the Taconic Orogeny were taking place to the present east, and the tectonic effects of this orogeny resulted in subsidence of the Michigan Basin. The Lindsay Formation of the Trenton Group was deposited in this basin during a prolonged period of low siliciclastic input. Based on outcrop investigations, the Lindsay Formation in the Manitoulin Island area is divided into six distinct facies: (1) quartz clast dolostone, (2) lower crinoidal dolostone, (3) brachiopod dolostone, (4) stromatoporoid dolostone, (5) upper crinoidal dolostone, and (6) shale-mudstone. These facies differ from those identified in cores extracted from Manitoulin Island and the Bruce Peninsula in that they have been dolomitized and they contain less of a mud component. This difference is attributed to the development of a carbonate ramp dipping to the present south, which would have allowed for greater accumulation of muds in slightly deeper water. Major and trace element geochemistry of the Lindsay Formation mudrocks suggests that the detritus was derived from a mixed mafic-felsic source. The felsic component was eroded from quartz-rich Paleoproterozoic basement, whereas the mafic material may have been eroded from a distal Taconic arc or more proximal volcanic rocks of the Canadian Shield. The paleodepositional model for the Lindsay Formation on the islands of Heywood and Partridge involves a tropical homoclinal ramp passing seaward from a rocky shoreline to an outer ramp setting. The presence of hummocky cross-stratification, tempestites, large-scale wave ripples, and fragmented and disarticulated fossils, combined with the abundance of quartz clasts in the carbonate and mudstone units indicates frequent influence of storm activity during deposition

    Leader-Member Quality Relationship, Perceived Organizational Support and Employee Voice Behavior: Moderating Role of Core Self-Evaluation

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    Abstract— The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of relational exchange and individual differences on the employee voice. In the light of social exchange theory, the present study proposed the relationship between Leader-member quality relationships and employee voice. This study explains ‘how’ this relationship establishes and ‘why’ this relationship keeps carrying on. It has been proposed that perception of organizational support mediates the association between leader-member quality relationships and employees’ promotive and prohibitive voice behaviors. Moreover, personality trait is another important factor which is inseparable from developing perceptions and behaviors. The perceptions about organizational support and the strength of raising voice can be highly predictable by individual’s personality traits. So, this study has undertaken core self-evaluation as personality trait and explores people having different core self-evaluation (CSE) shows different strengths for promotive and prohibitive voicing based on leader-member quality relationships (LMQR) and perceived organizational support (POS).    Index Terms-- Leader-member relationship, perceived organizational support, employee voice, core self-evaluation and social exchange theor

    A New Scheme for the Finite Volume Method Verified with Two Dimensional Laminar Natural Convection in a Square Cavity

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    A new scheme applied to the finite volume method for solving the partial differential equations of fluid flow is proposed. The Lagrange interpolating polynomial with a setting of zero for the spatial domain at the cell faces, and the present time at the cell center is adopted for the new scheme to estimate the values of the variables at the cell faces, the derivative values of the variables with respect to the spatial domain at the cell faces and the derivative values of the variables with respect to time at the cell center for spatial and temporal discretization of the discretized equation. The new scheme was verified by comparing the solutions of the new scheme to the benchmark numerical solutions and the published numerical solutions of two dimensional laminar natural convection in a square cavity. From the comparison, the results show that the solutions of the new scheme agree well with the benchmark numerical solutions and the published numerical solutions


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    Abstrak Status gizi adalah suatu ukuran mengenai kondisi tubuh seseorang yang dapat dilihat dari makanan yang dikonsumsi dan penggunaan zat-zat gizi di dalam tubuh. Status gizi dipengaruhi oleh pola konsumsi makanan. Pengkonsumsian makanan bagi anak bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan gizi yang optimum.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui status gizi anak di TK Ishlahiyah Desa Kuro Kecamatan Karangbinangun Kabupaten Lamongan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif, dilakukan terhadap 22 anak kelas A di TK Ishlahiyah Desa Kuro Kecamatan Karangbinangun Kabupaten Lamongan dengan menggunakan metode restricted sample, dilaksanakan dengan cara memberikan kuesioner dan wawancara (food recall) tentang pola konsumsi makanan, dan data status gizi diperoleh secara antropometri dengan melakukan penimbangan berat badan dan pengukuran tinggi badan dengan indeks BB/TB. Variabel yang diteliti yaitu status gizi anak usia dini, sedangkan teknik analisis data menggunakan statistik deskriptif persentase. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa 86,4% atau 19 anak berada dalam kondisi berat badan kurang, 9,1% atau 2 anak berada dalam kondisi berat badan normal, dan 4,5% atau 1 anak berada dalam kondisi obesitas. Konsumsi zat gizi meliputi kalori,karbohidrat, protein dan lemak. Nilai rata-rata kalori responden 1350,30 kkal, artinya konsumsi kalori responden lebih kecil dari standar AKG, Nilai rata-rata karbohidrat responden 171,34 g, artinya karbohidrat responden lebih kecil dari standar AKG, Nilai rata-rata protein responden 60,68 g, artinya konsumsi protein responden lebih besar dari standar AKG, Nilai rata-rata lemak responden 33,94 g, artinya konsumsi lemak responden lebih kecil dari standart AKG. Kesimpulannya status gizi anak di TK Ishlahiyah Desa Kuro Kecamatan Karangbinangun Kabupaten Lamongan, sebanyak 86,4% berada dalam kondisi status gizi kurang, yaitu kebutuhan gizi kalori, karbohidrat, dan lemak responden lebih kecil dari standart AKG, sedangkan kebutuhan protein responden lebih besar dari standar AKG. Agar didapat suatu hasil yang lebih baik dan akurat maka perlu dilakukan penelitian lanjut berhubungan dengan status gizi anak usia dini. Kata kunci: Status gizi anak.  Abstract Nutritional status is a measure of the condition of a person’s body that can be seen from the food consumed and the use of nutrients in the body. Nutritional status is influenced by the pattern of food consumption. Nutritional status is influenced by the pattern of food consumption. Consumption of food for children aims to meet the nutritional needs of the optimum. The purpose of this study was todetermine the nutritional status of children in TK Ishlahiyah Desa Kuro Kecamatan  Karangbinangun Kabupaten Lamongan. This research is descriptive quantitative, conducted on 22 children of class A in TK Ishlahiyah Desa Kuro Kecamatan  Karangbinangun Kabupaten Lamongan by using the restricted sample method, carried out by means of questionnaires and interviews (food recal) gives about food consumption patterns, and the data obtained anthropometric nutritional status by weighing in weight and height measurements with the index weight/height. Variables examined the nutritional status of children. While the technique of data analysis using descriptive statistics percentage. The result of the  analysis of samples showed that 86,4% or 19 children in a state of less weight, 9,1% or 2 children being in state of normal weight, and 4,5% or 1 children being in state of obesity. The consumption of nutrients including calories, carbohidrates, proteins and fats. Average scores calories respondents 1350,30 kkal, this means that calories is smaller than the standart AKG, average scores carbohidrate respondents 171,34 g, this means that carbohidrate is smaller than the standart AKG, average scores proteins respondents 60,68 g, this means that proteins is large than standard AKG, average scores fatty respondent 33,94 g, this means that carbohidrate is smaller than the standart AKG. In conclusion the nutritional status of children in TK Ishlahiyah Desa Kuro Kecamatan Karangbinangun Kabupaten Lamongan, as much as 86,4% being in a state of malnutrition status, that needs calories, carbohidrates and fat is smaller than the standard AKG, whereas respondents greater protein needs than standart AKG. In order to obtain a better result and accurately it is necessary to further research related to the nutritional status of children . Keywords: The Nutritional Status of Childre
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