386 research outputs found

    Leadership Management of The Head of Madrasah

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    Leadership is the main determinant of the birth process of the dynamics of an education and the effectiveness of leadership. The importance of effective management in educational organizations is getting more and more attention from various parties. Educational institutions will be required to provide effective educational services to students and to the community. The head of the madrasa is the driving force for madrasa resources, especially teachers and madrasa employees. Principal leadership management gives freedom to every school principal (madrasah) to emphasize and prioritize certain competencies in accordance with the vision, mission of the school and their respective regions. Once the importance of the leadership role and the position of the principal or madrasah principal in improving the quality of schools and the quality of students in particular, there must be a continuous effort to evaluate and observe whether school principals have played a good role so that they can present themselves as effective leaders

    Quality Management Concept in Higher Education

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    Quality education is a necessity in the implementation of higher education and as one of the determinants for the development of the country. Quality graduates need a quality education system as well. In establishing a quality education system, in addition to human resources, facilities and infrastructure, curriculum and capital, quality management is also required. There are four areas of successful higher education management, such as: (1) students are satisfied with higher education services; (2) educational customers are satisfied with the service to their students; (3) shareholders are satisfied to have high-quality graduates who meet expectations; (4) lecturers and staff are satisfied with higher education services in several areas: division of labor, relations and communication between lecturers/leaders, employees, salary/honorarium received and service


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    Abstrak Salah satu masalah gizi pada tubuh akibat terlalu banyak mengonsumsi fast food adalah meningkatnya kadar kolesterol darah yang disebut hiperkolesterolemia. Peningkatan kadar kolesterol darah dapat diatasi dengan simvastatin. Namun, simvastatin memiliki banyak efek samping dengan demikian diperlukan obat tradisional yang aman. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bioaktivitas secang (Caesalpinia sappan L.) yang berpotensi sebagai antihiperkolesterolemia. Metode yang digunakan dalam menyusun artikel ini yaitu studi pustaka data sekunder artikel penelitian yang diterbitkan pada tahun 2010-2020. Hasil studi pustaka menunjukkan bahwa secang mempunyai bioaktivitas sebagai antioksidan, antiinflamasi, antidiabetes, antiobesitas, dan sindrom nefrotik. Secang dengan berbagai komponen fitokimianya berpotensi dalam terapi hiperkolesterolemia. Komponen fitokimianya, antara lain  flavonoid, alkaloid, dan fenolik. Sedangkan senyawa aktif pada ektrak secang, antara lain PrA, sappanol, dan benzilchroman. PrA dapat menurunkan kadar serum TC dan menghambat aktivitas hiperlipidemia dengan cara menurunkan kadar serum TG, LDL tetapi tidak mempengaruhi kadar HDL. Sappanol berperan sebagai antiinflamasi dengan cara meningkatkan sekresi beberapa substansi antiinflamasi, yaitu IL-10, IL-6, dan TNF-α. Kata Kunci : Hiperkolesterolemia, Antihiperkolesterolemia, Ekstrak secang     Abstract One of the nutritional problems in the body due to consuming too much fast food is an increase blood cholesterol levels which is called hypercholesterolemia. Increased blood cholesterol levels can be treated with simvastatin. However, simvastatin has many side effects, thus a safe traditional medicine is needed. This article aims to determine the secang (Caesalpinia sappan L.) bioactivity of a potential anti-hypercholesterolemic agent. The method used in compiling this article is literature study of secondary data from research articles published in 2010-2020. The results of literature studies show that secang has some bioactivity as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, antiobesity, and nephrotic syndrome. Secang with its various phytochemical components has the potential in treating hypercholesterolemia. The phytochemical components are flavonoids, alkaloids, and phenolics. While the active compounds in secang extract are PrA, sappanol, and benzilchroman. PrA can reduce serum TC levels and inhibit hyperlipidemic activity by reducing serum TG and LDL levels but does not affect HDL levels. Sappanol acts as an anti-inflammatory by increasing the secretion of several anti-inflammatory substances, namely IL-10, IL-6, and TNF-α Keywords : Hypercholesterolemia, Anti-Hypercholesterolemia, Secang extract &nbsp


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    Abstrak. Spektroskopi UV-vis dan FTIR merupakan salah satu teknik dalam penentuan struktur senyawa dari hasil isolasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis struktur senyawa hasil isolasi dari ekstrak diklorometana kulit batang tumbuhan Jambu Semarang menggunakan spektroskopi UV-Vis dan FTIR. Teknik isolasi senyawa yang dilakukan meliputi Kromatografi Lapis Tipis, Kromatografi Cair Vakum dan Kromatografi Kolom Gravitasi. Analisis struktur menggunakan spektroskopi UV-Vis didapatkan spektrum dengan puncak pada panjang gelombang maksimal 239 nm yang menunjukkan adanya eksitasi elektron dari π→π* yang biasa terjadi pada senyawa fenolik. Hasil analisis FTIR didapatkan adanya pita serapan pada bilangan gelombang 3542-3401 cm-1 yang menunjukkan regangan gugus OH, 2932-2857 cm-1 menunjukkan regangan gugus C-H alifatik, 877-715 cm-1 menunjukkan adanya gugus C-H aromatik, dan 1463-1378 cm-1 memperlihatkan gugus C=C aromatik. Berdasarkan analisis spektroskopiUV-Vis dan FTIR dan melihat pola serapannya, mengindikasikan bahwa senyawa hasil isolasi adalahsuatu senyawa golongan flavonoid.Kata kunci: Jambu Semarang, Isolasi, UV-Vis, FTIR Abstract. UV-vis and FTIR spectroscopy is one of the technic in determining the structure of compounds from the isolation. This study aimed to analyze the structure of the isolated compound from the dichloromethane extract of the stem bark of Jambu Semarang using UV-vis and FTIR spectroscopy. Compound isolation techniques included Thin Layer Chromatography, Vacuum Liquid Chromatography, and Gravity Column Chromatography. Structural analysis used UV-Vis spectroscopy obtained a spectrum with a peak at a maximum wavelength of 239 nm which indicated the electron excitation of π → π* which is common in phenolic compounds. The results of FTIR analysis showed that there was an absorption band at wave number 3542-3401 cm-1 which showed the OH group strain, 2932-2857 cm-1showed the CH group strain was aliphatic, 877-715 cm-1 indicated the CH aromatic group, and 1463 -1378 cm-1 aromatic C=C group. Based on UV-Vis and FTIR spectroscopy analysis and looking at the absorption pattern, it indicated that the isolated compound was a compound of the flavonoid group.Keywords: Jambu Semarang, Isolation, UV-Vis, FTI

    Manajemen Mutu Pendidikan Agama Islam Di SMK Cendikia Lampung

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan mengetahui sejauh mana efektivitas Mutu Pendidikan Agama Islam di  . Secara lebih detail, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyususnan perencanaan peningkatan mutu, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan program dan bentuk pengawasan yang dilaksanakan dalam Mutu Pendidikan Agama Islam. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Pengumpulan data penelitian dilakukan dengan pemanfaatan observasi (partisipant observation), wawancara (indept interview), dan pengajian dokumen (dokumen study). Adapun langkah yang ditempuh dalam menganalisis data yaitu dengan cara menyusun data, menghubungkan data, mereduksi penyajian dan kemudian disimpulkan. Sedangkan untuk mencapai kepercayaan data penelitian yang telah dikumpulkan berikutnya di lakukan uji tingkat kepercayaan (Credibilitas) dengan cara perpanjangan keterikatan yang lama, ketekunan pengamatan, melakukan tringulasi, mendiskusikan dengan teman sejawat dan pengecekan anggota. Berdasarkan analisis penelitian, ditemukan   Kecamatan Lempuing sebagai berikut: Perencanaan dilakukan melalui pemilihan dan penetapan kegiatan. Bentuk perencanaan meliputi: Pengaturan sumber daya, pengaturan sumber dana, pengembangan kurikulum dan pembinaan personil organisasi sekolah. Pengorganisasian dilaksanakan dengan proses perincian seluruh pekerjaan yang harus dilaksanakan setiap personil organisasi sekolah dalam mencapai tujuan organisasi. Pelaksanaan belum sepenuhnya mengikuti tahapan pelaksanaan pedoman umum pelaksanaan. Konsep dan tujuan kebijakan Manajemen Mutu Pendidikan Agama Islam belum dipahami secara utuh oleh pelaku kebijakan sebagai akibat dari pelaksanaan sosialisasi kebijakan yang masih temporer dan kurangnya komunikasi dan koordinasi di antara pelaku kebijakan. Pengawasan meliputi tiga tahapan, yaitu: Pengawasan pendahuluan, pengawasan yang dilakukan bersama dengan pelaksanaan kegiatan dan pengawasan umpan balik untuk mengukur hasil-hasil dari suatu kegiatan yang telah diselesaikan. Proses pengawasan yang dilakukan antara lain: Penetapan standar kegiatan, penentuan pengukuran kegiatan, pengukuran pelaksanaan kegiatan nyata, membandingkan pelaksanaan kegiatan dengan standar dan penganalisaan penyimpangan-penyimpangan

    Sensus Penduduk Di Indonesia

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    Although the population registration in Indonesia has long been put through, the result is still unreliable, thus population census should be considered as a major source in providing data of population and households. Since its independent status, Indonesia has carried out the census for five times: in 1961, 1971,1980, 1990, and in 2000 with the goals of providinga considerable amount of details of population data such as: buildings and households, villages potential (potensi desa or podes), and main pattern frames for survey and others census applications. The collected data contain information of households and individuals by the census taking system both de jure and de facto for the entire population of Indonesia, including those living abroads such as diplomatic corps with their family members. For the 2000 population census of Indonesia or SP 2000, the data of household and population by temporary residence status, have been put through by the national Central Bureau of Statistic, whereas the data of those by permanent residence status have been carried out by the Regional Central Bureau of Statistic, which are all predicted would be finished before the end of the year of 2000

    Antioxidant of Effervescent Tablet Formulated from Combination of Secang Wood and Red Ginger Extracts

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    Secang wood has strong antioxidant properties because it contains phenolic compounds such as flavonoids and brazilin. Also, red ginger has antioxidant derived from nonvolatile phenolic compounds. Until now, there has been no use of a combination of secang wood extract and red ginger specifically for the manufacture of effervescent tablets. The purpose of this study was to formulate an effervescent tablet by doing combination of secang wood and red ginger extracts with using various concentrations of citric and tartaric acids. The formulations conducted were three acid sources of 20%, 25%, 30%, using wet granulation. The evaluation subjected to the formulas included the physical properties of the granules, such as the water content and flow properties of the granules. Meanwhile, the evaluation performed to the tablet included the hardness test, tablet friability, weight uniformity, dissolution time, and acidity (pH). The analysis was carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Indonesian Pharmacopoeia Edition III and BPOM. The results obtained are effervescent tablet with an acid variation of 20% with physical quality values of water content of 2.91% and granule flow properties of 6.03 s. Meanwhile, the physical quality requirements of effervescent tablets were tablet hardness of 4.02 kp; tablet friability 0.46%; weight uniformity 0.132%; 71 s dissolution time; and 6.4 degrees of acidity

    Implementation of Predict-Observe-Explain (POE) Strategy to Reduce Misconception in Thermochemistry

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    This research aims to determine that the implementation of the POE (predict-observe-explain) strategy can be used to correct misconceptions in thermochemistry. This research uses One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. This research was conducted in class XI MIA 5 students at Bhayangkari 3 Porong Senior High School. The sample used was 33 students who were divided into 6 heterogeneous groups. The students are given a conceptual understanding test as pretest and posttest in the form of a three-tier diagnostic test which amounts 20 questions. After pretest the next stage is to do remediation given learning process using worksheet of POE strategy. Then the results of pretest and posttest were then analyzed using Wilcoxon signed rank test. The result is POE (predict-observe-explain) strategy can be used to correct misconceptions in thermochemistry sub-topic for students in class XI of Bhayangkari 3 Porong Senior High School. This is indicated by a decrease in the percentage of students' misconceptions from 66.36% to 6.36%. In addition, based on the Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test, Asymp. Sig (2-Tailed) has 0 value, it means hypothesis 0 is rejected, which means there is a significant influence on the implementation of learning with POE strategies to improve the student’s status of knowing the concept

    Pelaksanaan Pendidikan Islam Dan Pembinaan Akhlak Pada Siswa Madrasah Tsanawiyah Ma’arif 31 Trimurjo

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    Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia ditempatkan pada posisi yang strategis. Hal ini dapat dilihat dalam Undang-Undang No. 20 tahun 2003 tentang sistem pendidikan nasional pasal 3 yakni, pendidikan nasional berfungsi mengembangkan kemampuan dan membentuk watak serta peradaban bangsa yang bermartabat dalam rangka mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, bertujuan untuk berkembangnya potensi peserta didik agar menjadi manusia yang beriman dan bertakwa kepada Tuahan yang maha esa, berakhlak mulia, sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri dan menjadi warga negara yang demokratis serta bertanggung jawab. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) Bagaimana metode yang digunakan guru dalam memberikan Pendidikan Islam pada siswa MTs Ma’arif 31 Trimurjo (2) Bagaimana metode yang digunakan guru dalam PembinaanAkhlak pada siswa MTs Ma’arif 31 Trimurjo (3) Bagaimana evaluasi yang digunakan guru dalam Pendidikan Agama Islam dan pembinaan  akhlak pada siswa MTs Ma’arif 31. Trimurjo. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Artinya data yang dikumpulkan bukan berupa angka-angka, melainkan data yang berasal dari hasil wawancara, observasi dokumen pribadi, catatan, memo dan dokumen resmi lainnya. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah Pengumpulan data, reduksi data penyajian data da kesimpulan. Teknik penjaminan keabsahan data dilakukan dengan pemeriksaan kepercayaan, pemeriksaan keteralihan dan pemeriksaan ketergantungan

    Pengaruh Supervisi Akademik, Kompetensi Guru Dan Kedisiplinan Terhadap Kinerja Guru SMA Negeri 3 Slawi Kabupaten Tegal

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    This research is aimed at finding out the impact of academic supervision, teacher\u27s competence, and discipline towards the performance of teachers of SMA Negeri 3 Slawi, Tegal. This research used survey method. The data was collected using questionnaire and observation. There were 52 teachers as respondents. The data analysis used was percentage, multiple linear regression, F test and t test. The finding was : 1) academic supervision, teacher\u27s competence and discipline of SMA 3 Slawi teachers were very good, 2) academic supervision, teacher\u27s competence, and discipline together had impact towards teachers\u27 performance, 3) academic supervision, teacher\u27s competence, and discipline separately had impact on teachers\u27 performance, and 4) discipline had the strongest impact towards teachers\u27 performance. With this result it is suggested that the Diknas (the regential ministry of education) intensify the academic supervision, continually developing teacher\u27s competence, and enforcing discipline on teachers and schools. Key words: academic supervision, competence, discipline, teacher\u27s performanc
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