261 research outputs found

    Ventilation strategies for block of flats

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    V bakalárskej práci je vypracovaný prehžad vetracích systémov používaných na vetranie obytných domov. V úvodnej časti je vypracovaný prehžad najčastejších škodlivín, ktoré sa v obytných priestoroch vyskytujú. V ďalších častiach práce je obsiahnutý princíp a účel vetrania, základné rozdelenie a vlastnosti vetracích systémov. Nosnou časťou práce je popis princípu fungovania prirodzeného vetrania, núteného vetrania, typy vetracích systémov, ktoré využívajú tieto princípy, popis výhod a nevýhod týchto vetracích systémov. Tiež sú tu spomenuté požiadavky minimálnej potrebnej výmeny vzduchu v obytných priestoroch.This bachelor´s thesis contains a summary of ventilation strategies used for ventilation of block of flats. In the beginning, it includes the list of most common harmful substances which might occur in this space. Next chapters present principles and purpose of ventilation, types of ventilation, characteristics. The principles of self-ventilation and forced air ventilation are described here, the ventilation systems based on these principles and advantages and disadvantages of these systems are mentioned. Also the minimum requirements of ventilation for living space are specified.

    Implantation modified deep echo state neural networks and improve harmony clustering algorithm for optimal and energy efficient path in mobile sink

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    Wireless network sensors based on the mobile sink are regarded to be a common network and used in various fields in the last few years, they are thought to be easy to use, but contain the problem of energy loss and are affected by an energy hole problem, as it depends on batteries. This paper proposes a solution to this problem by using an innovative objective function for a consistent distributing of cluster heads, the enhanced harmony search based routing protocols based on energy equilibrated node clustering protocol. In order to route the data packet among the sink and cluster heads, an enhanced modified deep echo state neural network is suggested. The efficiency of a projected integrated clustering and routing protocol has been investigated at 500 nodes, and the 96 per cent success data for the proposed algorithm is given using the average energy consumption, send and receive packaged and optimum numbers of CH

    Software Defined Radios and NI USRP

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    The main objective of this study is to elaborate the differences between Hardware radio communication systems and Software Defined Radios. The report gives a broad coverage for the hardware communication systems namely, Cellular connectivity, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi. It also covers architectures of Software Defined Radios. Following that approach it further touches the advantages and there is a list of popular SDRs in the present day. A device called NI USRP connected to a computer running LabVIEW NXG was used at the electronics laboratory to perform experiments. In this report, only a portion of it was achieved. After the study was completed, It was understood that Software Defined Radios have huge potential applications in the present day and in the future


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    Identitas Kecamatan Karangploso yang saat ini dikenal yaitu adanya rest area Karangploso yang terletak di Jalan Kertanegara, Desa Donowarih. Rest area tersebut dibangun Pemerintah Kabupaten Malang dengan tujuan mendukung posisi Karangploso sebagai jalur penghubung Malang - Batu dan juga karena meningkatnya kegiatan transportasi di wilayah Kecamatan Karangploso akibat perkembangan daerah wisata Kota Batu. Pembangunan rest area membawa dampak positif bagi masyarakat sekitar dengan terbukanya kesempatan untuk bekerja, namun sebenarnya keberadaan rest area Karangploso tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan yang seharusnya, mengabaikan dampak jangka panjang, sehingga saat ini berdampak pada berubahnya fungsi yang bukan lagi diperuntukan sebagai tempat istirahat melainkan sebagai tempat wisata / rekreasi masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui alternatif lokasi yang layak direkomendasikan sebagai rest area Karangploso. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tahapan pertama menentukan faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap keberadaan rest area berdasarkan penilaian stakeholder yang dilakukan dengan analisis delphi, melakukan analisis kesesuaian lahan yang dipilih sebagai alternatif lokasi dengan metode overlay dan analisis isi / content analysis dan merumuskan strategi pengembangan terhadap masingmasing alternatif melalui analisis SWOT (kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang, ancaman). Hasil penelitian adalah diperolehnya empat alternatif lokasi rest area yang layak berdasarkan parameter dan pandangan stakeholder serta pemberian strategi yang dapat diterapkan

    Performance evaluation of different troposphere delay models and mapping functions

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    Tropospheric delay is a major error source in positioning by Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs). System users often apply one of the available troposphere models without giving sufficient background on their performance. In this study, the performance of different known hydrostatic and wet troposphere delay models and mapping functions are internally and externally compared and analysed at selected sites around the globe. International GNSS Service (IGS) products were used as a reference. The best performing models are presented. Results showed that small discrepancies are present between different models. All models perform significantly better at the mid-latitudes than at the Equator

    Short-term Outcomes of Borderline Stenoses in Vascular Accesses with PTFE Grafts

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    The suppression of additive noise

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    Táto práca sa zaoberá teoretickým rozborom a aplikáciou metód vhodných pre potlačovanie šumu z meraného signálu za použitia programovacieho prostredia LabVIEW. Prvá skupina metód sa zaoberá často používanými filtrami FIR (konečná impulzová odozva) a IIR (nekonečná impulzová odozva). Druhá skupina sa zaoberá modernejšou metódou odstraňovania šumu za pomoci vlnkovej transformácie.This thesis deals with theoretical analysis and application of methods suitable for suppression of noise from measured signal using programming environment LabVIEW. The first group of methods deals with frequently used filters FIR (finite impulse response) and IIR (infinite impulse response). The second one deals with modern method of removing noise with the help of wavelet transformation.