34 research outputs found

    Eventual benefits : kristevan readings of female subjectivity in Henry James’s Late Novels

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    “Eventual Benefits: Kristevan Readings of Female Subjectivity in Henry James’s Late Novels” examine la construction de la subjectivité féminine dans les romans de la phase majeure de Henry James, notamment What Maisie Knew, The Awkward Age, The Portrait of a Lady, The Wings of the Dove et The Golden Bowl. Les personnages féminins de James se trouvent souvent dans des circonstances sociales ou familiales qui défavorisent l’autonomie psychique, et ces subordinations sont surtout nuisibles pour les jeunes personnages de l’auteur. Quant aux femmes américaines expatriées de ces romans, elles éprouvent l’objectification sociale et pécuniaire des européens : en conséquence, elles déploient des tactiques contraires afin d’inverser leurs diminutions et instaurer leurs individualités. Ma recherche des protocoles qui subventionnent l’affranchissement de ces femmes procède dans le cadre des théories avancées par Julia Kristeva. En utilisant les postulats kristeviens d’abjection et de mélancolie, d’intertextualité, de maternité et de grossesse, du pardon et d’étrangeté, cette thèse explore les stratégies disparates et résistantes des femmes chez James et elle parvient à une conception de la subjectivité féminine comme un processus continuellement ajourné.“Eventual Benefits: Kristevan Readings of Female Subjectivity in Henry James’s Late Novels” examines the constitution of female subjectivity in Henry James’s What Maisie Knew, The Awkward Age, The Portrait of a Lady, The Wings of the Dove, and The Golden Bowl. In these five novels of James’s major phase, female characters often find themselves in social or familial circumstances inimical to the autonomous psychic growth. Such subjections are particularly devastating for the children or adolescents of the first three novels. Likewise, James’s expatriate American women negotiate social and pecuniary objectifications by the Europeans they encounter; consequently, they deploy counteractive tactics to surmount their diminution and install their selfhoods. My investigation of the protocols subsidizing the enfranchisement of these itinerant women proceeds in the framework of Julia Kristeva’s theories. Recruiting her postulates of abjection and melancholia, intertextuality, motherhood and pregnancy, forgiveness and foreignness, this dissertation scrutinizes the disparate and resistant strategies of James’s female characters and arrives at a conception of female subjectivity as a continually deferred process

    "Inside our own skins" : representations of estrangement in four plays by Tennessee Williams

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.[À l'origine dans / Was originally part of : Thèses et mémoires - FAS - Département d'études anglaises

    A vivĂŞncia da morte no contexto hospitalar por psicĂłlogos durante a pandemia da Covid-19

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    A pandemia da COVID-19 teve início no começo do ano de 2020 e surpreendeu o mundo com um vírus que se propagou de forma rápida, infectando grande parte da população, levando a sintomas como febre, dificuldade respiratória, perda de sabor ou de odor e, em muitos casos, à necessidade de internação em instituições hospitalares e à morte. O objetivo do presente estudo foi compreender como psicólogos hospitalares vivenciaram a morte no contexto hospitalar diante do contexto da pandemia da COVID-19, evidenciando as transformações que ocorreram no ambiente de trabalho, as mudanças nos processos de morte decorrentes da COVID-19 e a compreensão da vivência a partir da perspectiva de psicólogos que trabalharam diretamente com estes casos. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, de caráter descritivo e exploratório. Para coleta de dados, foram realizadas cinco entrevistas semiestruturadas. As entrevistas foram transcritas e submetidas à Análise Temática. Os resultados foram divididos em quatro categorias, sendo elas a formação em psicologia da saúde e hospitalar; rotina de trabalho; vivência da morte dentro do hospital; e desafios e mudanças para a psicologia hospitalar. A partir das entrevistas, observou-se que a pandemia alterou de modo significativo a vivência da morte no contexto hospitalar, modificando os significados dessas perdas principalmente devido ao alto número de óbitos diários e às mudanças no processo de morte, como evolução rápida da doença e ausência de familiares no ambiente hospitalar para os processos de despedida comuns até então. A alta demanda nos serviços hospitalares, as mudanças no trabalho, como a necessidade de adaptação do atendimento através do uso de tecnologias digitais, e o risco da própria contaminação e transmissão do vírus para familiares e amigos resultou em desgaste na rotina de trabalho e aumento do risco de agravo da saúde física e mental para o profissional da saúde. Conclui-se que a pandemia da COVID-19 alterou significantemente a rotina de trabalho destes profissionais, levando-os à necessidade de maior convivência e ressignificação dos processos de morte e luto neste context

    Tectonique moléculaire à base de porphyrines, de dipyrrines, et d’hétérocycles azotés fonctionnalisés par des nucléobases

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    Molecular tectonics is a field of supramolecular chemistry dealing with the formation of 1D, 2D and 3D molecular networks generated through the self-assembly processes between complementary building blocks (tectons). The latter offer complementary sites leading to recognition patterns via non-covalent and reversible interactions. The interactions widely used are hydrogen bonds and coordination interactions. During this thesis, the H-bonding sites used are the Nucleobases (Thymine, Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine) found in the DNA and RNA, which were introduced to different coordination sites, such as porphyrins, dipyrrins, pyridines and terpyridines. A library of 25 new tectons based on nucleobases were synthesized and characterized. Furthermore, the tectons were crystalized to study their self-assembly in the solid state. In the presence of external metal cations, the tectons lead to the formation of coordination and H-bonded networks of various topology via the self-assembly of nucleobases together with the formation of coordination bonds.La tectonique moléculaire est une partie de la chimie supramoléculaire traitant de la formation d’architectures périodiques mono-, bi- et tridimensionnelles générées via l’auto-assemblage de briques moléculaires complémentaires nommées tectons. Ces derniers possèdent des sites de reconnaissance basés sur des interactions non-covalentes et réversibles. Les interactions largement utilisées sont les liaisons hydrogène et les interactions de coordination. Au cours de cette thèse, les sites de liaison H utilisés sont les nucléobases (thymine, adénine, cytosine, guanine) présentes dans l'ADN et l'ARN, qui ont été introduites en périphérie de différents sites de coordination, tels que les porphyrines, les dipyrrines, les pyridines et les terpyridines. Une bibliothèque de 25 nouveaux tectons à base de nucléobases a été synthétisée et caractérisée. De plus, les tectons ont été cristallisés pour étudier leur auto-assemblage à l'état solide. En présence de cations métalliques externes, les tectons conduisent à la formation de réseaux de coordination de topologies variées associant des liaisons H additionnelles entre les nucléobases

    A Professional Development Model to Infuse Engineering Design Content into the High School Curriculum

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    Quake Ed: Involving High School Technology Students in Engineering Design

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    Nondestructive Testing for Quality Assurance & Quality Control of Drilled Shafts at Departments of Transportation

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    Most State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) routinely use nondestructive testing (NDT) to evaluate the constructed quality of drilled shafts. The primary objective of this study was to determine the state of practice for drilled shaft NDT among State DOTs. This objective was accomplished by conducting a survey of all State DOTs. A literature search was also conducted to determine the past, present, and future direction of NDT of drilled shafts. Common NDT methods and test procedures for drilled shafts were reviewed. The study indicated that the use of NDT for QA/QC of drilled shaft foundations is a widely accepted practice worldwide. The four techniques commonly used to evaluate the integrity of drilled shaft foundations are sonic echo, impulse response, cross-hole sonic logging, and gamma-gamma logging. Significant findings of interest include a lack of understanding of the interplay of NDT design and mitigation, the prevalence of cross-hole sonic logging, and the reason for selecting the NDT method. Almost all State DOTs indicated that they would be interested in learning more about NDT methods for QA/QC of drilled shafts

    Ball-milling in vacuum of [alpha] and [sigma] phases of near-equiatomic FeCr alloys

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