9 research outputs found

    Wetting of Ga on SiOx and Its Impact on GaAs Nanowire Growth

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    Ga-assisted growth of GaAs nanowires on silicon provides a path for integrating high-purity III-Vs on silicon. The nature of the oxide on the silicon surface has been shown to impact the overall possibility of nanowire growth and their orientation with the substrate. In this work, we show that not only the exact thickness, but also the nature of the native oxide determines the feasibility of nanowire growth. During the course of formation of the native oxide, the surface energy varies and results in a different contact angle of Ga droplets. We find that, only for a contact angle around 90 degrees (i.e., oxide thickness similar to 0.9 nm), nanowires grow perpendicularly to the silicon substrate. This native oxide engineering is the first step toward controlling the self-assembly process, determining mainly the nanowire density and orientation

    Ga-assisted growth of GaAs nanowires on silicon, comparison of surface SiOx of different nature

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    Physical properties of surfaces are extremely important for initiation and nucleation of crystal growth, including nanowires. In recent years, fluctuations in surface characteristics have often been related to unreproducible growth of GaAs nanowires on Si by the Ga-assisted method. We report on a systematic study of the occurrence of GaAs nanowire growth on silicon by the Ga-assisted method for different kinds of silicon oxides: native, thermal and hydrogen silsesquioxane (HSQ). We find that success in achieving nanowires and the growth conditions such as gallium rate and substrate temperature depend mainly on the physical properties of the surface: oxide stoichiometry, oxide thickness and surface roughness. These results constitute a step further towards the integration of GaAs technology on the Si platform. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Tailoring the diameter and density of self-catalyzed GaAs nanowires on silicon

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    Nanowire diameter has a dramatic effect on the absorption cross-section in the optical domain. The maximum absorption is reached for ideal nanowire morphology within a solar cell device. As a consequence, understanding how to tailor the nanowire diameter and density is extremely important for high-efficient nanowire-based solar cells. In this work, we investigate mastering the diameter and density of self-catalyzed GaAs nanowires on Si(111) substrates by growth conditions using the self-assembly of Ga droplets. We introduce a new paradigm of the characteristic nucleation time controlled by group III flux and temperature that determine diameter and length distributions of GaAs nanowires. This insight into the growth mechanism is then used to grow nanowire forests with a completely tailored diameter-density distribution. We also show how the reflectivity of nanowire arrays can be minimized in this way. In general, this work opens new possibilities for the cost-effective and controlled fabrication of the ensembles of self-catalyzed III-V nanowires for different applications, in particular in next-generation photovoltaic devices

    Characterization and analysis of InAs/p-Si heterojunction nanowire-based solar cell

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    The growth of compound semiconductor nanowires on the silicon platform has opened many new perspectives in the area of electronics, optoelectronics and photovoltaics. We have grown a 1 x 1 mm(2) array of InAs nanowires on p-type silicon for the fabrication of a solar cell. Even though the nanowires are spaced by a distance of 800 nm with a 3.3% filling volume, they absorb most of the incoming light resulting in an efficiency of 1.4%. Due to the unfavourable band alignment, carrier separation at the junction is poor. Photocurrent increases sharply at the surrounding edge with the silicon, where the nanowires do not absorb anymore. This is further proof of the enhanced absorption of semiconductors in nanowire form. This work brings further elements in the design of nanowire-based solar cells

    Characterization and analysis of InAs/p-Si heterojunction nanowire-based solar cell

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    The growth of compound semiconductor nanowires on the silicon platform has opened many new perspectives in the area of electronics, optoelectronics and photovoltaics. We have grown a 1 x 1 mm(2) array of InAs nanowires on p-type silicon for the fabrication of a solar cell. Even though the nanowires are spaced by a distance of 800 nm with a 3.3% filling volume, they absorb most of the incoming light resulting in an efficiency of 1.4%. Due to the unfavourable band alignment, carrier separation at the junction is poor. Photocurrent increases sharply at the surrounding edge with the silicon, where the nanowires do not absorb anymore. This is further proof of the enhanced absorption of semiconductors in nanowire form. This work brings further elements in the design of nanowire-based solar cells

    Hybrid Semiconductor Nanowire-Metallic Yagi-Uda Antennas

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    We demonstrate the directional emission of individual GaAs nanowires by coupling this emission to Yagi-Uda optical antennas. In particular, we have replaced the resonant metallic feed element of the nanoantenna by an individual nanowire and measured with the microscope the photoluminescence of the hybrid structure as a function of the emission angle by imaging the back focal plane of the objective. The precise tuning of the dimensions of the metallic elements of the nanoantenna leads to a strong variation of the directionality of the emission, being able to change this emission from backward to forward. We explain the mechanism leading to this directional emission by finite difference time domain simulations of the scattering efficiency of the antenna elements. These results cast the first step toward the realization of electrically driven optical Yagi-Uda antenna emitters based on semiconductors nanowires

    High Yield of GaAs Nanowire Arrays on Si Mediated by the Pinning and Contact Angle of Ga

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    GaAs nanowire arrays on Silicon offer great perspectives in the :optoeleetronics and solar cell industry. To fulfill this potential, gold-free growth in predetermined positions should be achieved. Ga-assisted growth of GaAs nano-wires in the form of array has been shown to be challenging and difficult to reproduce. In this work, we provide some of the key elements for obtaining a high yield of GaAs nanowires on patterned Si in a reproducible way: contact angle and pinning of the Ga droplet inside the apertures achieved by the modification of the surface properties of the nanoscale areas exposed to growth. As an example, an amorphous silicon layer between the crystalline substrate and the Oxide mask results in a contact angle around 90 degrees, leading to a high yield of vertical nanowires: Another example for tuning the Contact angle is anticipated, native oxide with controlled thickness. This work opens new perspectives for the rational and reproducible growth of GaAs nanowire arrays on silicon

    Tuning the response of non-allowed Raman modes in GaAs nanowires

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    We report on the use of photonic resonances in Raman spectroscopy on single nanowires for the enhancement of forbidden modes and the study of the interaction of phonons with free-carriers. This is achieved by suspending nanowire over a trench and detecting Raman scattered light with light polarized along the radial direction. Thanks to the photonic nature of the light-nanowire interaction, light polarization inside the nanowire is modified. This results in the excitation of LO modes, forbidden on {1 1 0} surfaces. We apply this new configuration to the measurement of carrier concentration on doped GaAs nanowires. These results open new perspectives for the study of the interaction of free-carriers or plasmons with optical phonons in nanostructures