1,015 research outputs found


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    Non-governmental organizations (NGO) with humanitarian orientation from the European-Union countries are traditionally involved in joint projects in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Political and socio-economic changes in Eastern Europe attract the humane interest of numerous NGO in the former socialist countries and in Bulgaria as well. The significant question of the optimal building-up a fruitful collaboration in the public health sphere between the present institutions in our country and NGO-donors from abroad has already been posed. In 1996, HILFSWERK Austria (Vienna) has concentrated 60 per cent of its financial means in order to help the new democratic reforms in Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, and Mongolia. The total amount of own and drawn-in financial means has been of US$ 50 mill. Of them, 31 per cent has been directed to projects designed to use in the social and public health spheres. In 1997-1998, the Bulgarian paediatric oncohaematological clinics in Sofia, Plovdiv, and Varna have successfully participated in a joint project with HILFSWERK Austria providing necessary drugs and sanitary materials. The current state, problems, and perspectives of the collaboration between this NGO and these clinics mediated through the "Dialogue" Institute of Social Sciences and Social Policy in Varna can characterize by a typical manner the interrelations between the public health institutions and foreign humanitarian NGO in Bulgaria

    Microbial flora of the oral cavity in patients with orthodontic fixed appliances - A systematic review

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    Устната микрофлора е сложна система, в която резидентната микрофлора се намира в динамично равновесие с постъпващите отвън патогенни и хранителни елементи. Това равновесие може да бъде нарушено от редица фактори, сред които и наличието на фиксирани ортодонтски апарати, затрудняващи поддържането на добра хигиена на устната кухина и натрупване на зъбна плака.Целта на настоящия обзор е да се обобщят литературните данни относно влиянието на фиксираните ортодонтски апарати върху микрофлората на устната кухина. Някои проучвания съобщават за промяна в качеството и количеството на оралната микрофлора след ортодонтско лечение, например увеличено количество на Streptococcus mutans, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, участващи в развитието на пародонтит.Това налага при пациенти с продължително носене на фиксирани ортодонтски апарати да се провежда микробиологично изследване на оралната микрофлора с цел превенция на развитие на възпалителни процеси в устната кухина.The oral cavity is a complicated ecosystem with dynamic balance between the residential microflora and the incoming outside pathogens and food elements. Good oral hygiene plays a key role in preserving this fine balance. The presence of fixed orthodontic appliances requires the maintenance of good oral hygiene as plaque may often accumulate.The aim of our literature review is to summarize the scientific data about the influence of fixed orthodontic appliances on the composition of the microflora of the oral cavity. Some studies report that there are changes in the quality and quantity of the oral microflora after orthodontic treatment - an increase in the quantity of oral streptococci and anaerobic bacteria such as S. mutans, A. actinomycecomitans, P.gingivalis, which have a role in the development of periodontitis.In order to prevent the development of inflammatory diseases in the oral cavity, microbiological diagnostics of the oral microflora of the patients, undergoing prolonged orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances should be performed

    Pathogenesis Of Epstein-Barr Virus Associated Infectious Mononucleosis

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    Инфекциозната мононуклеоза (ИМ) е клиничен синдром, който най-често се свързва с първична инфекция с вируса на Епщайн и Бар. Открит е през 1964 г. от Майкъл Антъни Епщайн и Ивон Бар с помощта на електронна микроскопия в клетъчна линия от биопсичен материал от лимфом (Лимфом на Бъркит) на дете от Африка. Това е първият описан онкогенен вирус при хората. Понастоящем в международната класификация на вирусите той се води човешки гамахерпесен вирус 4 (Human gammaherpesvirus 4), четвъртият по ред на откриване представител на това семейство. EBV e широко разпространен и над 90% от възрастното население е инфектирано с него. Заразяването става най-вече с орофарингеалните секрети и затова в литературата ИМ се означава още като болест на целувката. Първоначално вирусът се реплицира в епитела на фаринкса и след това инфектира В-лимфоцитите на подлежащата лимфоидна тъкан. Чрез циркулиращите лимфоцити инфекцията се генерализира. EBV остава в латентно състояние в В-лимфоцитната популация и тези клетки са резервоар на вируса през целия живот. Инкубационният период на заболяването е 4-6 седмици и протича с триадата – треска със силна отпадналост, лимфаденопатия и фарингит. По време на втора-трета седмица от заболяването се установяват левкоцитоза с лимфоцитоза, с преобладаване на атипични лимфоцити. За серологична диагноза се търсят антитела срещу вирусните антигени, като анти-VCA IgM и IgG, които са положителни, а антителата срещу EBNA1 (EB nuclear antigen) липсват през острата фаза на инфекцията. Връзката на ИМ с Ходжкинови лимфоми я прави социално значимо заболяване и изисква точно поставяне на диагнозата, подкрепено от съответните лабораторни изследвания.Infectious mononucleosis (IM) is a clinical syndrome that is most commonly associated with primary Epstein – Barr virus (EBV) infection. It was discovered in 1964 by electron microscopy of cells cultured from Burkitt`s lymphoma tissue by Michael Anthony Epstein and Yvonne Barr in a child from Africa. This is the first human oncogenic virus described. At present, in the international classification of viruses it is Human gammaherpesvirus 4, the fourth in order of discovery representative of this family. EBV is widespread and over 90% of the adult population in the world is infected with it. The infection is transmitted mostly by oropharyngeal secretions and because of this in the literature, IM is also referred to as the “Kissing Disease”. Initially, the virus replicates in the pharynx epithelium and then infects the lymphocytes of the underlying lymphoid tissue. Infection is spread in the whole body by circulating lymphocytes. EBV remains dormant in the B-lymphocyte population and these cells are a reservoir of the virus throughout life. The incubation period is 4-6 weeks and disease occurs with the classical triad - a fever with severe fatigue, lymphadenopathy and pharyngitis. Leukocytosis with lymphocytosis, predominantly with atypical lymphocytes, are detected during the second or third week of the disease. For serological diagnosis, antibodies against viral antigens such as anti-VCA Ig M and Ig G are positive, and antibodies to EBNA1 (EB nuclear antigen) are not seen in the acute phase of EBV infection. The connection between IM and Hodgkin's lymphomas makes IM a socially significant illness and requires accurate diagnosis supported by appropriate laboratory studies


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    The goal of the article is to share autors' idea for improving level of education in different biological courses on foreign languages using non traditional methods, to show the challenges and to propose effective ways to overcome them. The survey is made and the results are discussed. It is shown that traditional methods are valuable, but the innovation methods are very important for improving motivation of the students and enhance studying of the course material.The goal of the article is to share autors' idea for improving level of education in different biological courses on foreign languages using non traditional methods, to show the challenges and to propose effective ways to overcome them. The survey is made and the results are discussed. It is shown that traditional methods are valuable, but the innovation methods are very important for improving motivation of the students and enhance studying of the course material

    Destination marketing within tourism industry in Norway

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    Master's thesis in International Hospitality ManagementThe study has an overall focus on the destination marketing within the tourism industry. The main question is: What factors influence destination marketing within the Norwegian tourism sector and how those relate to each other? Interesting subcategories containing further research are: the factors ranking, relationship between the factors and the differences on the various levels of the destination marketing factors across the groups. The empirical findings regarding the destination marketing within the Norwegian tourism industry are in line with the factors influencing the destination itself. Such factors are accessibility, affordability, image, quality of service, attractions and experience. The intervening and the destination factors, as well as they are interlinked, will be examined in detail in the context the destination marketing within the tourism industry in Norway. The method which is going to be used to conduct this research will include interviews, literature review and questionnaire within the tourism industry sector. Correlations are going to be observed during the research and how those are applied about the factors stated above

    Free Movement of Workers and Native Demand for Tertiary Education

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    We investigate how the introduction of free movement of workers affects enrolment of natives in tertiary education. In a difference-in-differences framework, we exploit a policy change that led to a significant increase in the share of cross-border commuters in local employment in border regions of Switzerland. Our results show a rise in enrolment at Universities of Applied Sciences in affected relative to non-affected regions in the post-reform period but no change in enrolment at traditional universities. Furthermore, we find that enrolment increases in non-STEM fields that build skills less transferable across national borders. This allows for complementarities with foreign workers whoare more likely to hold occupations requiring STEM training. Individuals with a labor market oriented education such as vocationally trained respond to the increase in labor market competition because they have employment opportunities and access to tertiary education through Universities of Applied Sciences

    Foodborne Bacteria: Potential Bioterrorism Agents

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    Bioterrorist attacks are usually associated with airborne infections because of their easy dissemination and maximal effect on the human population. However, foodborne pathogens represent potential bioterrorist weapons, as the consumption of safe food affects every individual in the society. Most of the foodborne microorganisms can be readily isolated from natural sources and can cause severe outbreaks with a number of hospitalized persons. Biological agents, which may contaminate food products, are bacteria, viruses, yeasts, parasites, or chemical substances with microbial origin. They cause more than 200 diseases—ranging from diarrhea to cancers. Typical symptoms of food poisoning are abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, diarrhea, fever, dehydration, and others. Most isolated bacterial agents responsible for foodborne infections include bacteria from genera such as Salmonella, Shigella, Bacillus, Clostridium, Listeria, Campylobacter, Escherichia, Staphylococcus, Vibrio, Enterobacter, and Yersinia. In this chapter, we discuss the bacterial species causing food poisoning in the context of a potential bioterrorist attack. We review in a concise manner their morphological and biochemical characteristics, as well as the treatment and possible prevention measures. Popular examples of attacks with food poisoning agents and their impact on the society are also given