Destination marketing within tourism industry in Norway


Master's thesis in International Hospitality ManagementThe study has an overall focus on the destination marketing within the tourism industry. The main question is: What factors influence destination marketing within the Norwegian tourism sector and how those relate to each other? Interesting subcategories containing further research are: the factors ranking, relationship between the factors and the differences on the various levels of the destination marketing factors across the groups. The empirical findings regarding the destination marketing within the Norwegian tourism industry are in line with the factors influencing the destination itself. Such factors are accessibility, affordability, image, quality of service, attractions and experience. The intervening and the destination factors, as well as they are interlinked, will be examined in detail in the context the destination marketing within the tourism industry in Norway. The method which is going to be used to conduct this research will include interviews, literature review and questionnaire within the tourism industry sector. Correlations are going to be observed during the research and how those are applied about the factors stated above

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