1,172 research outputs found

    Standard General Relativity from Chern-Simons Gravity

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    Chern-Simons models for gravity are interesting because they provide with a truly gauge-invariant action principle in the fiber-bundle sense. So far, their main drawback has largely been the perceived remoteness from standard General Relativity, based on the presence of higher powers of the curvature in the Lagrangian (except, remarkably, for three-dimensional spacetime). Here we report on a simple model that suggests a mechanism by which standard General Relativity in five-dimensional spacetime may indeed emerge at a special critical point in the space of couplings, where additional degrees of freedom and corresponding "anomalous" Gauss-Bonnet constraints drop out from the Chern-Simons action. To achieve this result, both the Lie algebra g and the symmetric g-invariant tensor that define the Chern-Simons Lagrangian are constructed by means of the Lie algebra S-expansion method with a suitable finite abelian semigroup S. The results are generalized to arbitrary odd dimensions, and the possible extension to the case of eleven-dimensional supergravity is briefly discussed.Comment: 6 pages, no figures; v2: published versio

    Thermodynamics from a scaling Hamiltonian

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    There are problems with defining the thermodynamic limit of systems with long-range interactions; as a result, the thermodynamic behavior of these types of systems is anomalous. In the present work, we review some concepts from both extensive and nonextensive thermodynamic perspectives. We use a model, whose Hamiltonian takes into account spins ferromagnetically coupled in a chain via a power law that decays at large interparticle distance rr as 1/rα1/r^{\alpha} for α0\alpha\geq0. Here, we review old nonextensive scaling. In addition, we propose a new Hamiltonian scaled by 2(N/2)1α11α2\frac{(N/2)^{1-\alpha}-1}{1-\alpha} that explicitly includes symmetry of the lattice and dependence on the size, NN, of the system. The new approach enabled us to improve upon previous results. A numerical test is conducted through Monte Carlo simulations. In the model, periodic boundary conditions are adopted to eliminate surface effects.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, submitted for publication to Phys. Rev.

    Euler Chern Simons Gravity from Lovelock Born Infeld Gravity

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    In the context of a gauge theoretical formulation, higher dimensional gravity invariant under the AdS group is dimensionally reduced to Euler-Chern-Simons gravity. The dimensional reduction procedure of Grignani-Nardelli [Phys. Lett. B 300, 38 (1993)] is generalized so as to permit reducing D-dimensional Lanczos Lovelock gravity to d=D-1 dimensions.Comment: 6 pages, no figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.

    Higher Dimensional Gravity, Propagating Torsion and AdS Gauge Invariance

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    The most general theory of gravity in d-dimensions which leads to second order field equations for the metric has [(d-1)/2] free parameters. It is shown that requiring the theory to have the maximum possible number of degrees of freedom, fixes these parameters in terms of the gravitational and the cosmological constants. In odd dimensions, the Lagrangian is a Chern-Simons form for the (A)dS or Poincare groups. In even dimensions, the action has a Born-Infeld-like form. Torsion may occur explicitly in the Lagrangian in the parity-odd sector and the torsional pieces respect local (A)dS symmetry for d=4k-1 only. These torsional Lagrangians are related to the Chern-Pontryagin characters for the (A)dS group. The additional coefficients in front of these new terms in the Lagrangian are shown to be quantized.Comment: 10 pages, two columns, no figures, title changed in journal, final version to appear in Class. Quant. Gra

    Osteocondroma intra-raquideo con afectación neurológica

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    Se presenta el caso de un varón de 16 años con lumbalgia consecutiva a traumatismo vertebral, sin hallazgo s radiológicos, que no mejoraba con tratamient o conservador, y que a las 5 semanas desarrolló un cuadro de paraparesia e incontinencia de esfínteres indicativo de afectación del cono medular. En el estudio mielográfico se objetivó bloqueo completo a nivel de Ll. La tomografía axial mostró una imagen sugestiva de osteocondroma intraraquídeo, que s e confirmó quirúrgicamente . Dos año s tras la intervención, se logró la total recuperación neurológica. Se destaca la rareza de la lesión, la dificultad diagnóstica, y la probable etiología traumática de la tumoración.A 16-year-old man with no improvement of low back pain after vertebral trauma conservatively treated and without radiological findings is presented. Five weeks after trauma, the patient developed paraparesia and fecal and urinary incontinence indicating compression of the medullary conus. A complet e stop of the contrast at Ll level wa s found in the myelographi c study. The CT-Scan showed an image suggesting osteochondroma whic h wa s confirmed a r surgery. Complet e neurogical recover y w a s achieved 2 year s after surgical treatment. The rare character of the lesion, the dificulty for diagnosis and the probable traumatic etiology of this tumor is discussed

    Transgression forms and extensions of Chern-Simons gauge theories

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    A gauge invariant action principle, based on the idea of transgression forms, is proposed. The action extends the Chern-Simons form by the addition of a boundary term that makes the action gauge invariant (and not just quasi-invariant). Interpreting the spacetime manifold as cobordant to another one, the duplication of gauge fields in spacetime is avoided. The advantages of this approach are particularly noticeable for the gravitation theory described by a Chern-Simons lagrangian for the AdS group, in which case the action is regularized and finite for black hole geometries in diverse situations. Black hole thermodynamics is correctly reproduced using either a background field approach or a background-independent setting, even in cases with asymptotically nontrivial topologies. It is shown that the energy found from the thermodynamic analysis agrees with the surface integral obtained by direct application of Noether's theorem.Comment: 28 pages, no figures. Minor changes in the introduction, final comments and reference

    Even-dimensional topological gravity from Chern-Simons gravity

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    It is shown that the topological action for gravity in 2n-dimensions can be obtained from the 2n+1-dimensional Chern-Simons gravity genuinely invariant under the Poincare group. The 2n-dimensional topological gravity is described by the dynamics of the boundary of a 2n+1-dimensional Chern-Simons gravity theory with suitable boundary conditions. The field ϕa\phi^{a}, which is necessary to construct this type of topological gravity in even dimensions, is identified with the coset field associated with the non-linear realizations of the Poincare group ISO(d-1,1)