969 research outputs found

    Higher Dimensional Gravity, Propagating Torsion and AdS Gauge Invariance

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    The most general theory of gravity in d-dimensions which leads to second order field equations for the metric has [(d-1)/2] free parameters. It is shown that requiring the theory to have the maximum possible number of degrees of freedom, fixes these parameters in terms of the gravitational and the cosmological constants. In odd dimensions, the Lagrangian is a Chern-Simons form for the (A)dS or Poincare groups. In even dimensions, the action has a Born-Infeld-like form. Torsion may occur explicitly in the Lagrangian in the parity-odd sector and the torsional pieces respect local (A)dS symmetry for d=4k-1 only. These torsional Lagrangians are related to the Chern-Pontryagin characters for the (A)dS group. The additional coefficients in front of these new terms in the Lagrangian are shown to be quantized.Comment: 10 pages, two columns, no figures, title changed in journal, final version to appear in Class. Quant. Gra

    Common environmental descriptors of two benthic amphi-atlantic mollusc assemblages

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    Duas associações de moluscos bênticos litorais foram estudadas em ambos os lados do oceano Atlântico, uma tropical no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, e outra temperada na Galicia, Espanha, procurando-se por descritores ambientais comuns, a ambas, que pudessem explicar, em macro escala, o porquê de essas associações estarem onde estão. As duas associações apresentam, aproximadamente, a mesma riqueza de espécies, cerca de 150 táxons cada uma. Ambas as faunas malacológicas habitam sedimentos arenosos em profundidades variando entre 2-12 m, na Galicia, e 10-40 m, no Rio de Janeiro. As associações malacológicas foram definidas através de Análise de Grupamento e caracterizadas ambientalmente com a aplicação da Análise Discriminante Múltipla realizada sobre os dados abióticos. Não existem espécies em comum entre as associações estudadas; contudo estes táxons apresentam caracteres fenológicos similares em função de habitarem as mesmas fácies sedimentológicas. Um mesmo conjunto de variáveis ambientais (tamanho médio do grão do sedimento, assimetria, curtose, grau de selecionamento, frações de areias fina e média e a profundidade) foram identificadas por condicionarem a presença dessas associações, sugerindo que possam ter um papel relevante como descritores ambientais gerais.Two benthic mollusc assemblages of the continental shelf on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, a tropical one in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and another, temperate, in Galicia, Spain were investigated, with a view to finding common environmental descriptors which would explain, on a macro-scale, why these assemblages are there. Both of the assemblages concerned show approximately the same species richness, about 150 taxa each. The molluscan fauna of both regions live on sandy sediments. The Galician assemblages are at about 2-12 m depth, while those in Rio de Janeiro are at about 10-40 m depth. Malacological assemblages were defined through Cluster Analysis and Multiple Discriminant Analysis of the environmental data showed that each assemblage has its own environmental space. These assemblages have no species in common, but show the same phenological characters associated with each sedimentological facies. The same set of environmental variables (median sediment grain size, skewness, kurtosis, sorting, fine and medium sand fractions and depth) were selected as controlling these assemblages, suggesting that they play their role as general environmental descriptors

    Ecological features of Terebellida fauna (Annelida, Polychaeta) from Ensenada de San Simón (NW Spain)

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    Ecological features of Terebellida (Annelida, Polychaeta) inhabiting the intertidal and subtidal soft-bottoms of Ensenada de San Simón (NW Spain) were analysed by means of quantitative sampling. A total of 4,814 specimens belonging to five families (Ampharetidae, Pectinariidae, Terebellidae, Trichobranchidae and Sabellariidae) and ten species were collected in a variety of substrata and depths. Ampharetidae was the numerically dominant family mostly due to the abundance of Ampharete finmarchica and Melinna palmata; these species accounted for up to 94% of the total Terebellida abundance. Intertidal areas colonised by the seagrasses Zostera marina L. and Z. noltii Hornem. One thousand eight hundred and thirty-two harboured low densities of Terebellida, whereas the deeper subtidal muddy bottoms showed high abundances of ampharetids. Multivariate analyses suggested that Terebellida assemblages are highly correlated with sediment composition

    Some aspects of the family chromodorididae (opisthobranchia: nudibranchia) from brazil, with description of a new species

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    Algunos aspectos sobre la familia Chromodorididae (Opisthobranchia: nidibranchia) de Brasil, con la descripción de una nueva especie. – En este trabajo se hace un estudio de los nudibranquios pertenecientes a la familia Chromodorididae Bergh, 1891 encontrados durante varias campañas de muestreo en el litoral de Río de Janeiro, São Paulo y Fernando de Noronha (Brasil); fue estudiado un total de ocho especies de esta familia con descripción de una nueva especie, Chromodoris paulomarcioi n.sp. El taxón Hypselodoris picta lajensis Troncoso, García and Urgorri, 1998, es elevado a la categoría taxonómica de especie, y se proporcionan nuevas citas para algunas de las especies halladas

    Black Hole Scan

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    Gravitation theories selected by requiring that they have a unique anti-de Sitter vacuum with a fixed cosmological constant are studied. For a given dimension d, the Lagrangians under consideration are labeled by an integer k=1,2,...,[(d-1)/2]. Black holes for each d and k are found and are used to rank these theories. A minimum possible size for a localized electrically charged source is predicted in the whole set of theories, except General Relativity. It is found that the thermodynamic behavior falls into two classes: If d-2k=1, these solutions resemble the three dimensional black hole, otherwise, their behavior is similar to the Schwarzschild-AdS_4 geometry.Comment: Two columns, revtex, 15 pages, 5 figures, minor typos corrected, final version for Journa

    Kerr-Schild ansatz in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity: An exact vacuum solution in five dimensions

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    As is well-known, Kerr-Schild metrics linearize the Einstein tensor. We shall see here that they also simplify the Gauss-Bonnet tensor, which turns out to be only quadratic in the arbitrary Kerr-Schild function f when the seed metric is maximally symmetric. This property allows us to give a simple analytical expression for its trace, when the seed metric is a five dimensional maximally symmetric spacetime in spheroidal coordinates with arbitrary parameters a and b. We also write in a (fairly) simple form the full Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet tensor (with a cosmological term) when the seed metric is flat and the oblateness parameters are equal, a=b. Armed with these results we give in a compact form the solution of the trace of the Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet field equations with a cosmological term and a different than b. We then examine whether this solution for the trace does solve the remaining field equations. We find that it does not in general, unless the Gauss-Bonnet coupling is such that the field equations have a unique maximally symmetric solution.Comment: 10 pages, no figures, references added. Last version for CQ

    Transgression forms and extensions of Chern-Simons gauge theories

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    A gauge invariant action principle, based on the idea of transgression forms, is proposed. The action extends the Chern-Simons form by the addition of a boundary term that makes the action gauge invariant (and not just quasi-invariant). Interpreting the spacetime manifold as cobordant to another one, the duplication of gauge fields in spacetime is avoided. The advantages of this approach are particularly noticeable for the gravitation theory described by a Chern-Simons lagrangian for the AdS group, in which case the action is regularized and finite for black hole geometries in diverse situations. Black hole thermodynamics is correctly reproduced using either a background field approach or a background-independent setting, even in cases with asymptotically nontrivial topologies. It is shown that the energy found from the thermodynamic analysis agrees with the surface integral obtained by direct application of Noether's theorem.Comment: 28 pages, no figures. Minor changes in the introduction, final comments and reference

    Analysing Charges in even dimensions

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    Lanczos-Lovelock theories of gravity, in its first order version, are studied on asymptotically locally anti de Sitter spaces. It is shown that thermodynamics satisfies the standard behavior and an expression for entropy is found for this formalism. Finally a short analysis of the algebra of conserved charges is displayed

    Distinctive Features of Saccadic Intrusions and Microsaccades in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy

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    International audience; The eyes do not stay perfectly still during attempted fixation; fixational eye movements and saccadic intrusions (SIs) continuously change the position of gaze. The most common type of SI, square-wave jerks (SWJs), consists of saccade pairs that appear purely horizontal on clinical inspection: the first saccade moves the eye away from the fixation target, and after a short interval, the second saccade brings it back toward the target. SWJs are prevalent in certain neurological disorders, including progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP). Here, we developed an objective method to identify SWJs. We found that SWJs are more frequent, larger, and more markedly horizontal in PSP patients than in healthy human subjects. Furthermore, the loss of a vertical component in fixational saccades and SWJs was the eye movement feature that best distinguished PSP patients from controls. We moreover determined that, in PSP patients and controls, the larger the saccade the more likely it was part of a SWJ. Furthermore, saccades produced by PSP patients had equivalent properties whether they were part of a SWJ or not, suggesting that normal fixational saccades (microsaccades) are rare in PSP. We propose that fixational saccades and SIs are generated by the same neural circuit and that, both in PSP patients and in controls, SWJs result from a coupling mechanism that generates a second corrective saccade shortly after a large fixation saccade. Because of brainstem and/or cerebellum impairment, fixational saccades in PSP are abnormally large and thus more likely to trigger a corrective saccade, giving rise to SWJs