497 research outputs found

    On the behaviour of the solutions to pp-Laplacian equations as pp goes to 11

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    In the present paper we study the behaviour as pp goes to 11 of the weak solutions to the problems {div(upp2up)=fin Ωup=0on Ω, \begin{cases} -\operatorname{div} \bigl(|\nabla u_p|^{p-2}\nabla u_p\bigr)=f &\text{in } \Omega\\ u_p=0 &\text{on } \partial\Omega, \end{cases} where Ω\Omega is a bounded open set of RN{\mathbb R}^N (N2)(N\ge 2) with Lipschitz boundary and p > 1. As far as the datum ff is concerned, we analyze several cases: the most general one is fW1,(Ω)f\in W^{-1,\infty}(\Omega). We also illustrate our results by means of remarks and examples

    Reliability of third-order moment parameterization for models of turbulent boundary layer over gentle topography

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    An analysis is made of the transport equation of Reynolds shear stress, written in a streamline coordinate system, starting from the fields of first- and secondorder moments of wind velocity, measured in a terrain-following system over gentle topography, in order to verify the usual parameterizations of third-order moments. The equation is split into two parts: the first contains the terms which can be calculated directly from measurements, the second involves the pressure-velocity correlation considering the terms of rapid distortion, curvature and return to isotropy and the transport of triple velocity-correlation modelled assuming a flux-gradient approximation. Moreover, the error estimates associated with both parts have been computed using a Monte Carlo technique which takes into account the experimental errors. This analysis is performed on wind tunnel data over a gently shaped two-dimensional valley and hill. The comparison between the measured and modelled parts is good near the surface, whereas, at higher levels, where the pertubations induced by the topography are significant, there are large zones generally characterized by streamlines with concave curvature in which the flux-gradient approximation used to compute the triple product correlation cannot be applied

    Long-term seismometric monitoring of the two towers of Bologna (Italy): Modal frequencies identification and effects due to traffic induced vibrations

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    The rise of human activities and the constant increase of vehicles traffic in the cities, and in particular of heavy vehicles such as buses and trucks, causes continues ambient vibrations that can detrimentally affect the conservation of built artifacts, especially historical constructions. The effects of urban vibrations on buildings and monuments are far from being fully investigated. In general, peak levels of traffic-induced vibrations are rarely high enough to be the main cause of heavy structural damages. On the other hand, they contribute to the process of deterioration by adding extra stresses\u2014through fatigue damage accumulation occurring as a result of long periods of exposure to low levels of vibration\u2014or by contributing to soil densification\u2014which can lead to the settlement of building foundations. As such, the estimation of threshold levels above which traffic-induced vibrations may cause damages to monumental buildings requires specific studies including long-time monitoring campaigns. Data from experimental campaign can, indeed, be used to extract information on the variation of dynamic properties of buildings, thus providing valuable pieces of information for a complete knowledge to plan effective preservation interventions. The present work aims to identify the effects of traffic induced urban vibrations on the two Towers of Bologna, particularly prone to fatigue-related damages and close to a high transit of vehicles, through a preliminary analysis of data from several dynamic monitoring campaigns conducted during the last years

    Effect of a multifactorial fall-and-fracture risk assessment and management program on gait and balance performances and disability in hospitalized older adults: a controlled study

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    Summary: This controlled intervention study in hospitalized oldest old adults showed that a multifactorial fall-and-fracture risk assessment and management program, applied in a dedicated geriatric hospital unit, was effective in improving fall-related physical and functional performances and the level of independence in activities of daily living in high-risk patients. Introduction: Hospitalization affords a major opportunity for interdisciplinary cooperation to manage fall-and-fracture risk factors in older adults. This study aimed at assessing the effects on physical performances and the level of independence in activities of daily living (ADL) of a multifactorial fall-and-fracture risk assessment and management program applied in a geriatric hospital setting. Methods: A controlled intervention study was conducted among 122 geriatric inpatients (mean ± SD age, 84 ± 7years) admitted with a fall-related diagnosis. Among them, 92 were admitted to a dedicated unit and enrolled into a multifactorial intervention program, including intensive targeted exercise. Thirty patients who received standard usual care in a general geriatric unit formed the control group. Primary outcomes included gait and balance performances and the level of independence in ADL measured 12 ± 6days apart. Secondary outcomes included length of stay, incidence of in-hospital falls, hospital readmission, and mortality rates. Results: Compared to the usual care group, the intervention group had significant improvements in Timed Up and Go (adjusted mean difference [AMD] = −3.7s; 95% CI = −6.8 to −0.7; P = 0.017), Tinetti (AMD = −1.4; 95% CI = −2.1 to −0.8; P < 0.001), and Functional Independence Measure (AMD = 6.5; 95%CI = 0.7-12.3; P = 0.027) test performances, as well as in several gait parameters (P < 0.05). Furthermore, this program favorably impacted adverse outcomes including hospital readmission (hazard ratio = 0.3; 95% CI = 0.1-0.9; P = 0.02). Conclusions: A multifactorial fall-and-fracture risk-based intervention program, applied in a dedicated geriatric hospital unit, was effective and more beneficial than usual care in improving physical parameters related to the risk of fall and disability among high-risk oldest old patient

    Comprehensive Review on the Dynamic and Seismic Behavior of Flat-Bottom Cylindrical Silos Filled With Granular Material

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    The seismic design of industrial flat-bottom ground-supported silos filled with granular material still presents several challenges to be addressed. They are related to the main aspects which differentiate silo structures containing granular material from other civil structural typologies: 1) the relatively low silo structure mass as compared to the ensiled content mass; 2) the granular nature of the ensiled material. Indeed, the internal actions in the structural members are governed by the complex dynamic interactions along the interfaces between granular content and silo wall or base, or even the internal interaction between particles. More in detail, even though the scientific interest in such complex interactions dates back to the middle of the 19th century, several issues are still unclear such as the dependency of the fundamental dynamic properties (period of vibration and damping ratio) on the characteristics of the dynamic excitation (intensity, frequency content, duration) or the amount of ensiled material mass activated during a seismic excitation and provoking extra pressures on the wall (effective mass). Therefore, most of current seismic code provisions for silos are grounded on rather approximate and simplified assumptions leading to often over-conservative evaluations. The present paper intends to provide a comprehensive summary of the mainly acknowledged experimental and theoretical advances in the dynamic and seismic behavior of silos, supporting the potential researcher in the field to understand the real differences between the code assumptions and recommendations and the actual conditions, as well as illustrating the open issues to be still further investigated

    Effect of dietary antioxidant supplementation on rabbit performance, meat quality and oxidative stability of muscles

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    [EN] The aim of this study was to cast light on the effects of EconomasE™ (EcoE), a patented pre-mixture of nutritional additives consisting mainly of organic selenium (0.15 or 0.30 mg/kg feed; Se) combined with vitamin C (5 and 10 mg/kg feed; VC), compared to DL-α-tocopherol acetate (100 or 200 mg/kg feed; VE) dietary supplementation on rabbit performance and meat quality. In fact, the role of Se supplementation in the rabbit diet has not yet been elucidated in the literature and, more specifically, there are no studies on the possible synergistic action between organic Se compared with VE on lipids, fatty acids (FA) and the oxidative stability of two glycolytic muscles, longissimus lumborum (LL) and biceps femoris (BF). Two hundred and seventy New Zealand White rabbits were divided into five dietary groups of 54 rabbits each: 1) control (basal diet = BD; CTRL); 2) VE100 (BD + VE100 mg/kg); 3) VE200 (BD + VE200 mg/kg); 4) EcoE100 (BD + EcoE100 mg/kg); and 5) EcoE200 (BD + EcoE200 mg/kg). Neither of the antioxidant treatments affected growth performance, carcass traits or meat characteristics. Lipid and fatty acid contents were similar in LL and BF and not influenced by the dietary treatment. Meat oxidative stability was strongly improved by both antioxidants. These findings indicate that both EcoE and VE greatly improved the oxidative stability of LL and BF muscles at the dosage rates which, from an economic point of view, would normally be included in the formulation of feeds for rabbits.This study is part of a multidisciplinary research project funded by the Department of Veterinary Medical Science (University of Bologna, Italy). The authors thank Martini Group Spa (Budrio di Longiano, FC, Italy) who provided animals and feeds, and Alltech (Casalecchio di Reno, BO, Italy) who supplied the EcoE.Minardi, P.; Mordenti, A.; Badiani, A.; Pirini, M.; Trombetti, F.; Albonetti, S. (2020). Effect of dietary antioxidant supplementation on rabbit performance, meat quality and oxidative stability of muscles. World Rabbit Science. 28(3):145-159. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2020.12273OJS145159283Abdel-Khalek A.M. 2013. Supplemental antioxidants in rabbit nutrition: A review. Livest. Sci., 158: 95-105. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.livsci.2013.10.019Alasnier C., Gandemer G. 1998. Fatty acid and aldehyde composition of individual phospholipid classes of rabbit skeletal muscles is related to the metabolic type of the fiber. Meat Sci., 48: 225-235. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0309-1740(97)00096-XAlbonetti S., Minardi P., Trombetti F., Savigni F., Mordenti A.L., Baranzoni G.M., Trivisano C., Greco F.P., Badiani A. 2017. 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    The Garisenda Tower in Bologna: Effects of degradation of selenite basement on its static behaviour

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    The Garisenda tower in Bologna, a 48 m tall structure with a square base of 7.45 meters per side, is characterized by an overall out of plumb of 3.32m in the South-East direction. Its construction dates back to the XI century and, due to its impressive leaning, in 1350–1353 the original height of 60m was reduced to the 48m of the present day (Cavani 1903; Giordano 2000). The tower can be seen as partitioned in a lower portion, with walls composed by two external leaves of selenite stones filled with rubble conglomerate, and an upper portion where the external leaves are made of masonry bricks. Recent investigations have proved that selenite blocks of the basement have been altered as a result of (a) exposition to high temperatures during important fires, that took place at the end of XIV and XVII centuries, and possibly because of the presence of forges (that were demolished at the end of the XIX centuries) and (b) high level of humidity in the inner lower part of the tower. This process has produced a gradual local disintegration of the selenite stones, leading in some case to a reduction of the original 50 to 60 cm thickness by an amount of about 20 cm. The contribution submitted to this conference is aimed at clarifying this important aspect, linked to the ageing and damage of structural stones and the related consequences in terms of stress distribution and concentrations that could induce fracture propagation and sudden collapse of the tower basement

    Reactive Metals as Energy Storage and Carrier Media: Use of Aluminum for Power Generation in Fuel Cell-Based Power Plants

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    In recent years, the energy production sector has experienced a growing interest in new energy vectors enabling energy storage and, at the same time, intersectoral energy applications among users. Hydrogen is one of the most promising energy storage and carrier media featuring a very high gravimetric energy density, but a rather low volumetric energy density. To this regard, this study focuses on the use of aluminum as energy storage and carrier medium, offering high volumetric energy density (23.5 kWh L1^{-1}), ease to transport and stock (e.g., as ingots), and is neither toxic nor dangerous when stored. In addition, mature production and recycling technologies exist for aluminum. Herein, the performance of power systems driven by aluminum powder in terms of electrical efficiency (η(I)_{(I)}) and round‐trip efficiency (RTE) is analyzed. Along with the additional advantages relating to high volumetric energy density, and safety and management aspects, the aluminum‐based technology appears to outperform the power‐to‐power systems based on hydrogen and liquid fuels

    Characterization of metabolic profiles and lipopolysaccharide effects on porcine vascular wall mesenchymal stem cells

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    The link between metabolic remodeling and stem cell fate is still unclear. To explore this topic, the metabolic profile of porcine vascular wall mesenchymal stem cells (pVW-MSCs) was investigated. At the first and second cell passages, pVW-MSCs exploit both glycolysis and cellular respiration to synthesize adenosine triphosphate (ATP), but in the subsequent (third to eighth) passages they do not show any mitochondrial ATP turnover. Interestingly, when the first passage pVW-MSCs are exposed to 0.1 or 10 μg/ml lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) for 4 hr, even if ATP synthesis is prevented, the spare respiratory capacity is retained and the glycolytic capacity is unaffected. In contrast, the exposure of pVW-MSCs at the fifth passage to 10 μg/ml LPS stimulates mitochondrial ATP synthesis. Flow cytometry rules out any reactive oxygen species (ROS) involvement in the LPS effects, thus suggesting that the pVW-MSC metabolic pattern is modulated by culture conditions via ROS-independent mechanisms

    Treating Mitroflow dysfunction by means of an open valve-in-valve Perceval implantation

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    We described a case report about treating Mitroflow dysfunction with a Perceval implantation : a valve in valve open inplantatio