47 research outputs found

    Effect of gas-chromatography column regeneration during the CHN/S analysis of copper-chromium disulfide

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    The effect of gas-chromatography column (GCC) regeneration during the CHN/S analysis of copper-chromium disulfide CuCrS2 (CCDS) samples on the Euro EA 3000 analyzer was identified. The effect results in a perfect straight baseline on the chromatograms of both CuCrS2 and standard samples. The obtained straight baseline causes high-quality peaks separation. In addition, the reported regeneration procedure reduces significantly the GCC regeneration duration that usually takes up to several days

    Le mariage paysan russe au XIXe siècle

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    El ser humano precisa de la técnica para vivir y desarrollarse en todas sus dimensiones, biológicas, sociales y espirituales. La técnica, por su parte, cobra sentido cuando es puesta precisamente al servicio del desarrollo humano. Pero lo técnico ha ido desplegándose a lo largo de la historia en diversas modalidades: de la simple técnica hemos pasado a la tecnología, después a la tecnociencia, de ahí a la biotecnología y, en última instancia, a la antropotecnia. En los últimos años algunos pensadores han propuesto emplear lo técnico sobre el propio ser humano, para transformarlo en un ser posthumano. Tanto Husserl como la escuela de Frankfurt habían denunciado ya la pérdida del sentido provocada por la absolutización de la razón instrumental. Nosotros detectamos que el riesgo del sinsentido se intensifica cuando lo técnico se aplica sin criterio, sin otra razón que la puramente instrumental, sobre el propio ser humano. Argumentamos que, si este proyecto antropotécnico se cumpliese, probablemente lo técnico mismo perdería su sentido y vería posiblemente debilitado su propio crecimiento. Entendemos que la respuesta, con todo, no ha de ir en la línea neoludita, sino en la línea de la actitud que Heidegger denominó serenidad.Technology is essential for to human live. The human being depends on it for developing all his biological, social and spiritual dimensions. The technology, meanwhile, only makes sense when placed precisely at the service of human development. But the technological world has grown throughout history in various forms: from the simple technique to the modern technology, then to techno- science, hence to biotechnology and ultimately to the anthropotechnics. In recent years, some thinkers have proposed to apply different contemporary technologies to the transformation of human being herself. They propose to transform the current human being into a post-human by technological means. Both Husserl as the Frankfurt School have already reported a loss of meaning caused by the absolutism of instrumental reason. We detect that the risk of nonsense goes even deeper when we try to apply, without criteria, different technologies on human being, for no other reasons than the purely instrumental ones. We argue that if this anthropotechnic project was fulfilled, probably the very technological development would lose its meaning and weaken its own growth. We understand the answer, however, is not to go in the neo-Luddite line, but along the line of the attitude that Heidegger called serenity.Filosofí


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    This article deals with the PCR diagnostic results of the vitreous and retina biopsy material in patients suffering from panuveitis with retinal detachment. Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment with partial hemophthalmia was diagnosed as a result of primary diagnosis. The pair eyes were intact. Ultrasound B-scan, electrophysiological studies, ocular fundus photoregistration and standard ophthalmological examination was conducted for all patients. As a special method of investigation, PCR diagnostics of a biopsy material from a primary vitrectomy was used as a special method. In ten patients with panoveitis, acute retinal necrosis and retinal detachment, vitrectomy with endolaser coagulation of the retina and a silicone tamponade was performed. Vitrectomy with endolaser retinal photocoagulation and silicone oil tamponade was performed in ten cases of panuveitis with acute retinal necrosis and retinal detachment; postoperatively systemic antiviral therapy was administered for 6–12 weeks. In the postoperative period, all patients underwent a course of systemic antiviral therapy with valaciclovir 500 mg twice a day for 6-12 weeks. In the absence of effect, valganciclovir 900 mg twice daily for 21 days was additionally used. As a result of PCR-diagnostics mixed infection (in the biopsy of the retina — viral DNA, in the biopsy of the vitreous body — DNA of the mycobacterium tuberculosis) was detected in 2 patients with the most severe retinal necrosis and panoveitis with funnel-shaped retinal detachment, Viral DNA was found in the retina biopsy specimen in one patient, and in the vitreous biopsy specimen DNA of the pathogen was not detected. Early primary vitrectomy promotes the most functional results: best corrected visual acuity after removal of the silicone oil reached 0,3–0,6 in the Golovin-Sivtsev table. The obtained data had shown, PCR is the most informative method for determining the etiology of the process is PCR diagnostics of the retina biopsy that with panoveitis with acute retinal necrosis. A potential cause of this nosological form is a mixed infection, namely, the combination of the viral nature of the disease with tuberculosis, although it is not always possible to identify all etiological agents

    Entry of Yersinia pestis into the Viable but Nonculturable State in a Low-Temperature Tap Water Microcosm

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    Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague, has caused several pandemics throughout history and remains endemic in the rodent populations of the western United States. More recently, Y. pestis is one of several bacterial pathogens considered to be a potential agent of bioterrorism. Thus, elucidating potential mechanisms of survival and persistence in the environment would be important in the event of an intentional release of the organism. One such mechanism is entry into the viable but non-culturable (VBNC) state, as has been demonstrated for several other bacterial pathogens. In this study, we showed that Y. pestis became nonculturable by normal laboratory methods after 21 days in a low-temperature tap water microcosm. We further show evidence that, after the loss of culturability, the cells remained viable by using a variety of criteria, including cellular membrane integrity, uptake and incorporation of radiolabeled amino acids, and protection of genomic DNA from DNase I digestion. Additionally, we identified morphological and ultrastructural characteristics of Y. pestis VBNC cells, such as cell rounding and large periplasmic spaces, by electron microscopy, which are consistent with entry into the VBNC state in other bacteria. Finally, we demonstrated resuscitation of a small number of the non-culturable cells. This study provides compelling evidence that Y. pestis persists in a low-temperature tap water microcosm in a viable state yet is unable to be cultured under normal laboratory conditions, which may prove useful in risk assessment and remediation efforts, particularly in the event of an intentional release of this organism

    Marketing study of selected tourism attraction

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    Cílem diplomové práce je vypracovat konkrétní marketingovou studii vybrané atraktivity cestovního ruchu, konkrétně Muzea Smyslů. Úkolem této diplomové práce je analyzovat stávající aplikaci marketingových nástrojů muzea. K vyřešení dané problematiky byly použity následující analýzy: analýza marketingového mixu, analýza prostředí a SWOT analýza. Práce je rozdělena do tří kapitol. První část je věnována vymezení základních pojmů z cestovního ruchu a marketingu. Cílem praktické části je popsat tvorbu marketingové strategie Muzea Smyslů. Klíčovou částí je primární výzkum, jehož úkolem bylo stanovit profil návštěvníka muzea. Na základě analýz a dotazníku byla navrhnuta zlepšení pro Muzeum Smyslů.The aim of this diploma thesis is to elaborate a specific marketing study of selected tourism attraction - the Museum of Senses. The task of this thesis is to analyze existing application of marketing tools of this museum. To resolve this issue will be used the following analysis: marketing mix analysis, environmental analysis and SWOT analysis. The thesis is divided into three chapters. The first part is devoted to defining the basic concepts of tourism and marketing. The aim of the practical part is to describe the creation of the marketing strategy of the Museum of Senses. A key part is primary research, task was to determine the visitor profile of the museum. Based on the analysis and questionnaire, new improvements have been proposed for the Museum of Senses

    İz proshlogo kalandarov i maddakhov v Uzbekistave

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    Donated by Klaus Kreise

    Optimization of induction motor powered by variable speed drive

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    Printout.Thesis (M.S.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1999.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 40-41)U of I OnlyUIUC only access ETD

    The first Russian nomenclature of diseases and diagnostics of causes of death in the XIX century: a particular case

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    International audienceThe purpose of this article is to analyze changes in the diagnosis of causes of death of the local population and to study the relationship of these changes with the development of medicine and unification of the definition of causes of death in Russia. The information base of the study is the registers of the two parishes in the Moscow County in the period from 1815 to 1918. The obtained results show a significant improvement in the diagnosing of causes of death in the second half of the XIX century, connected with the expansion of the network of medical institutions in the Moscow Province and the activity of the medical society in the development of the Russian nomenclature of diseases

    Optimization of induction motor powered by variable speed drive

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    Printout.Thesis (M.S.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1999.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 40-41)U of I OnlyUIUC only access ETD