33 research outputs found

    Linking like with like: optimising connectivity between environmentally-similar habitats

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    Habitat fragmentation is one of the greatest threats to biodiversity. To minimise the effect of fragmentation on biodiversity, connectivity between otherwise isolated habitats should be promoted. However, the identification of linkages favouring connectivity is not trivial. Firstly, they compete with other land uses, so they need to be cost-efficient. Secondly, linkages for one species might be barriers for others, so they should effectively account for distinct mobility requirements. Thirdly, detailed information on the auto-ecology of most of the species is lacking, so linkages need being defined based on surrogates. In order to address these challenges we develop a framework that (a) identifies environmentally-similar habitats; (b) identifies environmental barriers (i.e., regions with a very distinct environment from the areas to be linked), and; (c) determines cost-efficient linkages between environmentally-similar habitats, free from environmental barriers. The assumption is that species with similar ecological requirements occupy the same environments, so environmental similarity provides a rationale for the identification of the areas that need to be linked. A variant of the classical minimum Steiner tree problem in graphs is used to address c). We present a heuristic for this problem that is capable of handling large datasets. To illustrate the framework we identify linkages between environmentally-similar protected areas in the Iberian Peninsula. The Natura 2000 network is used as a positive ‘attractor’ of links while the human footprint is used as ‘repellent’ of links.Wecompare the outcomes of our approach with cost-efficient networks linking protected areas that disregard the effect of environmental barriers. As expected, the latter achieved a smaller area covered with linkages, but with barriers that can significantly reduce the permeability of the landscape for the dispersal of some species

    Estimating how inflated or obscured effects of climate affect forecasted species distribution

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    Climate is one of the main drivers of species distribution. However, as different environmental factors tend to co-vary, the effect of climate cannot be taken at face value, as it may be either inflated or obscured by other correlated factors. We used the favourability models of four species (Alytes dickhilleni, Vipera latasti, Aquila fasciata and Capra pyrenaica) inhabiting Spanish mountains as case studies to evaluate the relative contribution of climate in their forecasted favourability by using variation partitioning and weighting the effect of climate in relation to non-climatic factors. By calculating the pure effect of the climatic factor, the pure effects of non-climatic factors, the shared climatic effect and the proportion of the pure effect of the climatic factor in relation to its apparent effect (r), we assessed the apparent effect and the pure independent effect of climate. We then projected both types of effects when modelling the future favourability for each species and combination of AOGCM-SRES (two Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Models: CGCM2 and ECHAM4, and two Special Reports on Emission Scenarios (SRES): A2 and B2). The results show that the apparent effect of climate can be either inflated (overrated) or obscured (underrated) by other correlated factors. These differences were species-specific; the sum of favourable areas forecasted according to the pure climatic effect differed from that forecasted according to the apparent climatic effect by about 61% on average for one of the species analyzed, and by about 20% on average for each of the other species. The pure effect of future climate on species distributions can only be estimated by combining climate with other factors. Transferring the pure climatic effect and the apparent climatic effect to the future delimits the maximum and minimum favourable areas forecasted for each species in each climate change scenario.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and FEDER (project CGL2009-11316/BOS). D. Romero is a PhD student at the University of Malaga with a grant of the Ministerio de Educacio´n y Ciencia (AP 2007-03633

    Clinical perspectives on treatment of rifampicin-resistant/multidrug-resistant TB.

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    Rapid diagnostics, newer drugs, repurposed medications, and shorter regimens have radically altered the landscape for treating rifampicin-resistant TB (RR-TB) and multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB). There are multiple ongoing clinical trials aiming to build a robust evidence base to guide RR/MDR-TB treatment, and both observational studies and programmatic data have contributed to advancing the treatment field. In December 2019, the WHO issued their second 'Rapid Communication´ related to RR-TB management. This reiterated their prior recommendation that a majority of people with RR/MDR-TB receive all-oral treatment regimens, and now allow for specific shorter duration regimens to be used programmatically as well. Many TB programs need clinical advice as they seek to roll out such regimens in their specific setting. In this Perspective, we highlight our early experiences and lessons learned from working with National TB Programs, adult and pediatric clinicians and civil society, in optimizing treatment of RR/MDR-TB, using shorter, highly-effective, oral regimens for the majority of people with RR/MDR-TB

    Implementar un sistema de venta y administración de servicios pertenecientes a una cadena de cines

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    El presente trabajo de tesis está basado en una empresa de cines, la cual es líder a nivel nacional y se ha visto en la necesidad de innovar en su tecnología y servicios para que los clientes cuenten con mayores beneficios y así afianzar su fidelidad. Dicha empresa de cines cuenta en la actualidad con un sistema que ha hecho sus procesos ineficientes, es por tal motivo que la gerencia tomó la decisión de efectuar el cambio de sistema. La empresa va a optar por la compra, adaptación e implementación de un sistema de cines desarrollado. La gerencia analizó varias opciones y las evaluó para la toma definitiva de compra. Se tiene en cuenta que dicho software requiere desarrollos específicos tales como los de procesos correspondientes a facturación, facturación electrónica, ventas con tarjetas bancarias, inventarios, interfaces contables que afectan al área de contabilidad de la empresa, entre otros desarrollos. También se plantean los objetivos generales y específicos del proyecto, la problemática por la cual la empresa ha decidido cambiar el software que posee y la justificación de la implementación, tomando en consideración que al cambiar el software se requiere la compra de nuevos servidores y equipos más robustos. Además se realiza el análisis, diseño e implementación de los desarrollos los cuales deben de pasar por el proceso de pruebas adecuado. Se analiza la planificación para implementar el plan piloto y la elaboración del cronograma para la implementación de todos los cines. Después de la implementación se obtienen resultados positivos, la empresa cuenta con un sistema de ventas estable