32 research outputs found

    The effect of natural products in animal models of temporomandibular disorders

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    Treatment of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) is a challenge for health care professionals. Therefore, new approaches have been investigated, such as the use of natural products. Objective: This systematic review aims to summarize the natural products used in treatment of experimental models of TMD. Methodology: A systematic search was performed in the databases Medline, Web of Science, Scopus, Embase, SciELO, LILACS, and Scholar Google databases in January 2020, dating from their inception. Pre-clinical studies with natural products for intervention in experimental TMD were included. Two reviewers independently selected the studies, extracted the data, and evaluated the risk of bias. Results: 17 records were selected, and 17 different natural products were found, including three lectins, three plants or algae extracts, three sulfated polysaccharides, three cocoa preparations, and five isolated compounds. Concerning the risk of bias, most studies lacked on randomization and blinding. Nociception induced by phlogistic agents was evaluated in most articles, and in five studies it was associated with analysis of inflammatory parameters. In order to investigate the mechanism of action of the natural products used, eight studies evaluated expression of neural or glial molecular markers. Conclusions: 16 of 17 natural products found in this review presented positive results, showing their potential for treatment of TMD. However, the lack of methodological clarity can influence these results

    Covid-19 e os impactos do ensino remoto na qualidade do ensino: uma revisão bibliográfica

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    A pandemia de COVID-19 trouxe inúmeros desafios para a sociedade, afetando todos os aspectos de nossas vidas, inclusive a educação. Com as restrições impostas para conter a propagação do vírus, muitas escolas e instituições de ensino superior tiveram que adotar o ensino remoto como forma de continuar oferecendo educação aos estudantes. Embora o ensino remoto tenha permitido a continuidade da educação em tempos de crise, é necessário considerar que essa transição provocou impactos significativos na qualidade do ensino. Podemos citar como exemplos, a falta de acesso adequado à internet e de dispositivos tecnológicos que foram um obstáculo para muitos estudantes, especialmente aqueles de comunidades de baixa renda, resultando em desigualdades educacionais. Nesse sentido, O presente estudo teve por escopo refletir sobre a COVID-19 e os impactos do ensino remoto na qualidade do ensino. Na realização da pesquisa, optou-se pela revisão bibliográfica. Visando uma melhor estruturação teórico-metodológica, essa pesquisa alicerçou-se nas ideias de autores como Mata; Marconi e Lakatos; IBGE; Senado Federal e outros. É importante ressaltar que o ensino remoto não pode ser visto como um substituto ideal para o ensino presencial. Embora tenha sido uma solução emergencial durante a pandemia, o ensino presencial oferece benefícios únicos, como interação direta, atividades práticas e imersão completa no ambiente educacional

    Frequência alimentar e estado nutricional em pessoas com estomia / Food frequency and nutritional status in people with stoma

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    As estomias são resultadas de um ato cirúrgico para exteriorização de algum órgão oco do corpo com a finalidade de eliminar dejetos. Essa nova fisiologia influência nas relações interpessoais, imagem corporal, questões emocionais e no seu comportamento alimentar. O presente trabalho tem como finalidade avaliar a correlação entre a frequência alimentar e o estado nutricional em pessoas com Estomia de eliminação (colostomia, ileostomia e urostomia). Trata-se de um estudo transversal e descritivo, com abordagem quantitativa, realizado com 77 estomizados (temporários e definitivos) no período de janeiro a março de 2020, na Unidade de Referência Especializada - URE’s. Para a realização da coleta de dados foram utilizadas informações sócio-demográficas, aspectos clínicos, medidas antropométricas e questionário de frequência alimentar. Como resultado, observou-se alta frequência de consumo de alimentos processados/ultraprocessados e um baixo ingesta de fibras, além disso, houve correlações estatísticas significativas entre a frequência alimentar e algumas variáveis antropométricas, caracterizando hábitos alimentares disfuncionais, os quais a longo prazo podem contribuir para a gênese de doenças crônicas transmissíveis que favorecer agravos à saúde da pessoa com estomia, tais como obesidade, diabete, entre outros; assim como facilitar para o risco de prolapso, hérnia paraestomal, retração e necrose do estoma. Portanto, faz-se necessário que o paciente estomizado realize acompanhamento nutricional de forma periódica de modo a fornecer informações em relação a uma alimentação saudável considerando a características individuas dos pacientes e, assim, garantir sua saúde, qualidade de vida e diminuir probabilidades de sintomatologias intestinais desagradáveis

    Habitat-specific benthic metabolism in a Mediterranean-type intermittent stream

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    A modified flow-through chamber method was used to measure gross primary production (GPP), net primary production (NPP), community respiration (CR) and associated environmental variables in an intermittent Mediterranean-type stream in Southern Portugal. Three common types of in stream habitats were targeted: cobble (C), cobble covered with filamentous algae (C+A) and leaf litter (LL). NPP, GPP and CR differed significantly among all three habitats. GPP increased with chlorophyll a and, less strongly, with photosynthetic active radiation and, therefore, was highest in C+A habitat. The highest CR was in LL and its variation was best determined by ash-free dry mass (AFDM) of plant litter. Higher respiration in LL was related to heterotrophic activity and, to a lesser extent, to autotrophic respiration associated with periphyton. We observed a decrease of production efficiency of primary producers with AFDM in C+A and C habitats. Our results demonstrate that each habitat type should be considered as a discrete metabolic entity and that particular sets of environmental factors are responsible for habitat specific metabolic responses. Scaling up measurements from discrete habitat patches to the entire reach or stream should not be done by extrapolating the results of a single habitat type and will require quantification of habitat coverage, at the appropriate scale

    Persistent symptoms and decreased health-related quality of life after symptomatic pediatric COVID-19: A prospective study in a Latin American tertiary hospital

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    OBJECTIVES: To prospectively evaluate demographic, anthropometric and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in pediatric patients with laboratory-confirmed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) METHODS: This was a longitudinal observational study of surviving pediatric post-COVID-19 patients (n=53) and pediatric subjects without laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 included as controls (n=52) was performed. RESULTS: The median duration between COVID-19 diagnosis (n=53) and follow-up was 4.4 months (0.8-10.7). Twenty-three of 53 (43%) patients reported at least one persistent symptom at the longitudinal follow-up visit and 12/53 (23%) had long COVID-19, with at least one symptom lasting for >12 weeks. The most frequently reported symptoms at the longitudinal follow-up visit were headache (19%), severe recurrent headache (9%), tiredness (9%), dyspnea (8%), and concentration difficulty (4%). At the longitudinal follow-up visit, the frequencies of anemia (11% versus 0%, p=0.030), lymphopenia (42% versus 18%, p=0.020), C-reactive protein level of >30 mg/L (35% versus 0%, p=0.0001), and D-dimer level of >1000 ng/mL (43% versus 6%, p=0.0004) significantly reduced compared with baseline values. Chest X-ray abnormalities (11% versus 2%, p=0.178) and cardiac alterations on echocardiogram (33% versus 22%, p=0.462) were similar at both visits. Comparison of characteristic data between patients with COVID-19 at the longitudinal follow-up visit and controls showed similar age (p=0.962), proportion of male sex (p=0.907), ethnicity (p=0.566), family minimum monthly wage (p=0.664), body mass index (p=0.601), and pediatric pre-existing chronic conditions (p=1.000). The Pediatric Quality of Live Inventory 4.0 scores, median physical score (69 [0-100] versus 81 [34-100], p=0.012), and school score (60 [15-100] versus 70 [15-95], p=0.028) were significantly lower in pediatric patients with COVID-19 at the longitudinal follow-up visit than in controls. CONCLUSIONS: Pediatric patients with COVID-19 showed a longitudinal impact on HRQoL parameters, particularly in physical/school domains, reinforcing the need for a prospective multidisciplinary approach for these patients. These data highlight the importance of closer monitoring of children and adolescents by the clinical team after COVID-19