356 research outputs found

    MIMAC : Detection of low energy recoils for Dark Matter search

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    The MIMAC project is based on a matrix of Micro Time Projection Chambers (micro-TPC) for Dark Matter search, filled with He3 or CF4 and using ionization and tracks. The first measurement of the energy resolution of this micro-TPC is presented as well as its low thresholdComment: Dark Energy and Dark Matter conference, Lyon : France (2008

    MIMAC : a micro-TPC detector for non-baryonic dark matter search

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    The MIMAC project is multi-chamber detector for Dark Matter search, aiming at measuring both track and ionization with a matrix of micromegas micro-TPC filled with He3 and CF4. Recent experimental results on the first measurements of the Helium quenching factor at low energy (1 keV recoil) are presented.Comment: 7 pages, Proc of Dark Energy and Dark Matter conference, Lyon : France (2008

    From Strong to Weak Coupling Regime in a Single GaN Microwire up to Room Temperature

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    Large bandgap semiconductor microwires constitute a very advantageous alternative to planar microcavities in the context of room temperature strong coupling regime between exciton and light. In this work we demonstrate that in a GaN microwire, the strong coupling regime is achieved up to room temperature with a large Rabi splitting of 125 meV never achieved before in a Nitride-based photonic nanostructure. The demonstration relies on a method which doesn't require any knowledge \'a priori on the photonic eigenmodes energy in the microwire, i.e. the details of the microwire cross-section shape. Moreover, using a heavily doped segment within the same microwire, we confirm experimentally that free excitons provide the oscillator strength for this strong coupling regime. The measured Rabi splitting to linewidth ratio of 15 matches state of the art planar Nitride-based microcavities, in spite of a much simpler design and a less demanding fabrication process. These results show that GaN microwires constitute a simpler and promising system to achieve electrically pumped lasing in the strong coupling regime.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    A Jurassic counterpart for modern kopara of the Pacific atolls: lagoonal, organic matter-rich, laminated carbonate of Orbagnoux (Jura Mountains, France)

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    Two types of laminated sediments are compared in this paper: the Kimmeridgian bituminous laminites of Orbagnoux (French Southern Jura Mountains) and the present-day ‘kopara' of the French Polynesia atolls or Kiritimati (Christmas) Island from the Pacific Ocean. The kopara is made of laminated sediments, several tens of centimetres thick, that cover the floors of most shallow (<2 m deep) lakes and ponds on the rims of atolls in the Tuamotu Archipelago and Society Islands. The millimetre-scale laminations come from the alternation of organic-rich and CaCO3-rich laminae. The top few centimetres host a succession of bacterial populations, from aerobic to strictly anoxic. Most carbonate grains are precipitated in situ, due to bacterial activity (s.l.). The Kimmeridgian bituminous laminae of Orbagnoux are partly made of flat stromatolites that show many similarities with the kopara. This analogy allows us to refine the interpretation of the Southern Jura platform where laminated, organic matter-rich, carbonates were deposited in many places

    Room-temperature exciton-polaritons with two-dimensional WS2

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    Two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides exhibit strong optical transitions with significant potential for optoelectronic devices. In particular they are suited for cavity quantum electrodynamics in which strong coupling leads to polariton formation as a root to realisation of inversionless lasing, polariton condensationand superfluidity. Demonstrations of such strongly correlated phenomena to date have often relied on cryogenic temperatures, high excitation densities and were frequently impaired by strong material disorder. At room-temperature, experiments approaching the strong coupling regime with transition metal dichalcogenides have been reported, but well resolved exciton-polaritons have yet to be achieved. Here we report a study of monolayer WS2_2 coupled to an open Fabry-Perot cavity at room-temperature, in which polariton eigenstates are unambiguously displayed. In-situ tunability of the cavity length results in a maximal Rabi splitting of ΩRabi=70\hbar \Omega_{\rm{Rabi}} = 70 meV, exceeding the exciton linewidth. Our data are well described by a transfer matrix model appropriate for the large linewidth regime. This work provides a platform towards observing strongly correlated polariton phenomena in compact photonic devices for ambient temperature applications.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Tunable cavity coupling of the zero phonon line of a nitrogen-vacancy defect in diamond

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    We demonstrate the tunable enhancement of the zero phonon line of a single nitrogen-vacancy color center in diamond at cryogenic temperature. An open cavity fabricated using focused ion beam milling provides mode volumes as small as 1.24 μ\mum3^3. In-situ tuning of the cavity resonance is achieved with piezoelectric actuators. At optimal coupling of the full open cavity the signal from individual zero phonon line transitions is enhanced by about a factor of 10 and the overall emission rate of the NV^- center is increased by 40% compared with that measured from the same center in the absence of cavity field confinement. This result is important for the realization of efficient spin-photon interfaces and scalable quantum computing using optically addressable solid state spin qubits.Comment: 11 pages Main Article + 4 pages Supplementary Info Typos fixed from v


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    High-speed electromagnetic valves of gas distribution devices are used in modern missile and space technology as jet micro-motors of the executive elements of missile stabilization systems, as well as to control the movement of spacecrafts in space. The problem of creating such valves which are simple and reliable in the operation is relevant. In this work, it is proposed at the development and design stage to perform computer modelling of mutually coupled electromechanical processes, such as: distribution of transient electromagnetic field, transients in an electric circuit, and movement of an electromagnet armature. Besides, the calculation of the force with which the compressed gas acts on the corresponding structural elements of the valve is proposed to be performed by solving the system of Navier-Stokes equations. All problems are solved by numerical methods in axisymmetrical formulation with the corresponding initial and boundary conditions. Improvement of the accuracy of electromagnetic calculations and taking into account the movement of the armature of an electromagnet in the process of multiphysics numerical simulation is achieved using so-called tunable elastic meshes. The paper presents a comparative analysis of the numerical results obtained for several designs of electromagnets. The features of the dynamics of high-speed electromagnets of gas distribution valves during on and off operations are analyzed, the corresponding dynamic characteristics calculated using the proposed technique are presented. Быстродействующие электромагнитные клапаны газораспределительных устройств применяются в современной ракетно-космической технике в качестве реактивных микродвигателей исполнительных органов систем стабилизации ракет, а также для управления движением космическими летательными аппаратами в пространстве. Проблема создания простых в эксплуатации и надежных в работе указанных клапанов является актуальной. В настоящей работе предлагается на стадии разработки и проектирования выполнять компьютерное моделирование взаимосвязанных электромеханических процессов, таких как: распределение нестационарного электромагнитного поля, переходные процессы в электрической цепи, движение якоря электромагнита. При этом расчет силы, с которой сжатый газ действует на соответствующие конструктивные элементы клапана, предлагается выполнять путем решения системы уравнений Навье-Стокса. Все задачи решаются численными методами в осесимметричной постановке с соответствующими начальными и граничными условиями. Повышение точности электромагнитных расчетов и учет движения якоря электромагнита в процессе мультифизического численного моделирования достигается благодаря использованию так называемых перестраиваемых упругих сеток. В работе приведен сравнительный анализ численных результатов, полученных для нескольких конструкций электромагнитов. Проанализированы особенности динамики быстродействующих электромагнитов газораспределительных клапанов при выполнении операций включения и отключения, приведены соответствующие динамические характеристики, рассчитанные по предложенной методике.

    Ionization Quenching Factor Measurement of Helium 4

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    The ionization quenching factor (IQF) is defined as the fraction of energy released by a recoil in a medium through ionization compared with its total kinetic energy. At low energies, in the range of a few keV, the ionization produced in a medium falls rapidly and systematic measurements are needed. We report measurements carried out at such low energies as a function of the pressure in He4 at 350, 700, 1000 and 1300 mbar. In order to produce a nucleus moving with a controlled energy in the detection volume, we have developed an Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source (ECRIS) coupled to an ionization chamber by a differential pumping. The quenching factor of He4 has been measured for the first time down to 1 keV recoil energies. An important deviation with respect to the phenomenological calculations has been found allowing an estimation of the scintillation produced in He4 as a function of pressure. The variation of the IQF as a function of the percentage of isobutane, used as quencher, is also presented

    A human septin octamer complex sensitive to membrane curvature drives membrane deformation with a specific mesh-like organization

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    Septins are cytoskeletal proteins interacting with the inner plasma membrane and other cytoskeletal partners. Being key in membrane remodeling processes, they often localize at specific micrometric curvatures. To analyze the behavior of human septins at the membrane and decouple their role from other partners, we used a combination of bottom-up in vitro methods. We assayed their ultrastructural organization, their curvature sensitivity, as well as their role in membrane reshaping. On membranes, human septins organize into a two-layered mesh of orthogonal filaments, instead of generating parallel sheets of filaments observed for budding yeast septins. This peculiar mesh organization is sensitive to micrometric curvature and drives membrane reshaping as well. The observed membrane deformations together with the filamentous organization are recapitulated in a coarse-grained computed simulation to understand their mechanisms. Our results highlight the specific organization and behavior of animal septins at the membrane as opposed to those of fungal proteins