17 research outputs found

    Lactic acid bacteria from fresh fruit and vegetables as biocontrol agents of phytopathogenic bacteria and fungi

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of lactic acid bacteria isolated from fresh fruits and vegetables as biocontrol agents against the phytopathogenic and spoilage bacteria and fungi, Xanthomonas campestris, Erwinia carotovora, Penicillium expansum, Monilinia laxa, and Botrytis cinerea. The antagonistic activity of 496 lactic acid bacteria strains was tested in vitro, and all tested microorganisms except P. expansum were inhibited by at least one isolate. The 496 isolates were also tested for inhibition of infection of P. expansum in wounds of Golden Delicious apples. Four strains TC97, AC318, TM319 and FF441 reduced the fungal rot diameter of apples by 20%, and only, Weissella cibaria strain TM128 decreased infection levels by 50%. Cell-free supernatants of selected antagonistic bacteria were studied to determine the nature of the antimicrobial compounds produced. Organic acids were the preferred inhibition mechanism but hydrogen peroxide was also detected when strains BC48, TM128, PM141 and FF441 were tested against Erwinia carotovora. These results support the potentiality of lactic acid bacteria as biocontrol agents against postharvest rot. Previous works reporting of antifungal activity by lactic acid bacteria are scarce

    Diversity of the nitrite reductase gene nirS in the sediment of a free-water surface constructed wetland

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    The diversity of the nitrite reductase gene nirS was studied in the bulk sediment of a free-water surface constructed wetland (FWS-CW) located next to the Empuriabrava wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), in Castelló d’Empúries (Girona, NE Spain). The study period extended from the inception of the treatment wetland, in June 1998, until March 1999 and comprised periods of relatively high nitrate and ammonium concentrations at the influent and low nitrate-removal efficiencies. To evaluate nirS diversity, partial gene sequences were obtained by cloning of the respective PCR products. Rarefaction curves based on DOTUR analyses of the deduced amino-acid sequences predicted a greater diversity of nirS genes in samples containing higher ammonium concentrations. Estimated Shannon-Weaver indices of the four cloned samples showed a positive relationship with the N-NH4 +/N-NO3− ratios measured at the FWS-CW inlet. Identities between the deduced amino-acid sequences and those previously deposited in public databases ranged from 72 to 97%. Phylogenetic analysis based on these deduced sequences grouped 165 nirS clones in seven main clusters according to high similarity indices. Up to 60% of the clones clustered together in a highly homogeneous group with little homologies to any sequence retrieved from cultured representatives. Moreover, prevailing environmental conditions appeared to select for particular denitrifying populations, e.g., with respect to ammonium load and nitrogen removal efficiencies. This observation is of particular interest for the management of treatment wetlands, in which only slight variations in the theoretical denitrification potential of the system can occur. [Int Microbiol 2007; 10(4): 253-260

    Neurocognitive Profile of the Post-COVID Condition in Adults in Catalonia-A Mixed Method Prospective Cohort and Nested Case-Control Study : Study Protocol

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    Altres ajuts: This study is also supported in part by grants from the CIBER-Consorcio Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red-(CB 2021), Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and Unión Europea, NextGenerationEU.The diagnosis of the post-COVID condition is usually achieved by excluding other diseases; however, cognitive changes are often found in the post-COVID disorder. Therefore, monitoring and treating the recovery from the post-COVID condition is necessary to establish biomarkers to guide the diagnosis of symptoms, including cognitive impairment. Our study employs a prospected cohort and nested case-control design with mixed methods, including statistical analyses, interviews, and focus groups. Our main aim is to identify biomarkers (functional and structural neural changes, inflammatory and immune status, vascular and vestibular signs and symptoms) easily applied in primary care to detect cognitive changes in post-COVID cases. The results will open up a new line of research to inform diagnostic and therapeutic decisions with special considerations for cognitive impairment in the post-COVID condition

    Lactic acid bacteria as bioprotective agents against foodborne pathogens and spoilage microorganisms in fresh fruits and vegetables

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    La present tesi doctoral es centra en l'aplicació dels bacteris de l'àcid lactic (BAL) com a agents bioprotectors davant microorganismes patògens i deteriorants.Es van aïllar i seleccionar BAL de fruites i hortalisses fresques i es van assajar in vitro davant 5 microorganismes fitopatògens i 5 patògens humans.Es van realitzar assajos d'eficàcia en pomes Golden Delicious amb tots els aïllats enfront les infeccions causades pel fong Penicillium expansum. La soca més eficaç era Weissella cibaria TM128, que reduïa el diàmetre de les infeccions en un 50%.Les soques seleccionades es van assajar enfront els patògens Salmonella typhimurium, Escherichia coli i Listeria monocytogenes en enciams Iceberg i pomes Golden Delicious.Els BAL interferien eficientment amb el creixemet de S. typhimurium, and L. monocytogenes, però van mostrar poc efecte enfront E. coli.Finalment, es van realitzar assajos dosi-resposta amb les soques Leuconostoc mesenteroides CM135, CM160 and PM249 enfront L. monocytogenes. De totes les soques assajades, la soca CM160 va ser la més efectiva.The present thesis focuses on the use of lactic acid bacteria as bioprotective cultures to inhibit pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms.Lactic acid bacteria were isolated and selected from fresh fruit and vegetables and tested in vitro against five plant pathogens and five human pathogen test bacteria.Efficacy trials with all the isolates were performed in Golden Delicious apples against the blue mould rot infections, caused by Penicillium expansum. The highest effectivity found in this assay was of about 50%, with strain Weissella cibaria TM128.Selected lactic acid bacteria were tested against Salmonella typhimurium, Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes in Iceberg lettuce and Golden Delicious apples. Lactic acid bacteria interfered efficiently with the growth of S. typhimurium, and L. monocytogenes, but showed little effectivity over E. coli.Finally, dose-response assays were done with Leuconostoc mesenteroides strains CM135, CM160 and PM249 against L. monocytogenes.Among the three strains tested, strain CM160 showed the highest effectivity

    Lactic acid bacteria from fresh fruit and vegetables as biocontrol agents of phytopathogenic bacteria and fungi

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    This study evaluated the efficacy of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from fresh fruits and vegetables as biocontrol agents against the phytopathogenic and spoilage bacteria and fungi, Xanthomonas campestris, Erwinia carotovora, Penicillium expansum, Monilinia laxa, and Botrytis cinerea. The antagonistic activity of 496 LAB strains was tested in vitro and all tested microorganisms except P. expansum were inhibited by at least one isolate. The 496 isolates were also analyzed for the inhibition of P. expansum infection in wounds of Golden Delicious apples. Four strains (TC97, AC318, TM319, and FF441) reduced the fungal rot diameter of the apples by 20%; only Weissella cibaria strain TM128 decreased infection levels by 50%. Cell-free supernatants of selected antagonistic bacteria were studied to determine the nature of the antimicrobial compounds produced. Organic acids were the preferred mediators of inhibition but hydrogen peroxide was also detected when strains BC48, TM128, PM141 and FF441 were tested against E. carotovora. While previous reports of antifungal activity by LAB are scarce, our results support the potential of LAB as biocontrol agents against postharvest rot. [Int Microbiol 2008; 11(4):231-236

    Diversity of the nitrite reductase gene nirS in the sediment of a free-water surface constructed wetland

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    The diversity of the nitrite reductase gene nirS was studied in the bulk sediment of a free-water surface constructed wetland (FWS-CW) located next to the Empuriabrava wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), in Castelló d’Empúries (Girona, NE Spain). The study period extended from the inception of the treatment wetland, in June 1998, until March 1999 and comprised periods of relatively high nitrate and ammonium concentrations at the influent and low nitrate-removal efficiencies. To evaluate nirS diversity, partial gene sequences were obtained by cloning of the respective PCR products. Rarefaction curves based on DOTUR analyses of the deduced amino-acid sequences predicted a greater diversity of nirS genes in samples containing higher ammonium concentrations. Estimated Shannon-Weaver indices of the four cloned samples showed a positive relationship with the N-NH4 +/N-NO3− ratios measured at the FWS-CW inlet. Identities between the deduced amino-acid sequences and those previously deposited in public databases ranged from 72 to 97%. Phylogenetic analysis based on these deduced sequences grouped 165 nirS clones in seven main clusters according to high similarity indices. Up to 60% of the clones clustered together in a highly homogeneous group with little homologies to any sequence retrieved from cultured representatives. Moreover, prevailing environmental conditions appeared to select for particular denitrifying populations, e.g., with respect to ammonium load and nitrogen removal efficiencies. This observation is of particular interest for the management of treatment wetlands, in which only slight variations in the theoretical denitrification potential of the system can occurThis research has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (grants REN2003-02185 and CGL2006-02382

    Start-up strategies for nitrification and manganese oxidation on a single stage RSF for drinking water production

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    International audienceIn drinking water production from groundwaters, biological rapid sand filters can be used for ammonium and manganese removal in aerobic conditions. However, in some boreholes, a start-up duration of several months is required to reach the required removal capacity, leading to significant water losses. Moreover, in specific industrial cases no exogenous biomass under the form of backwash water or activated sludge can be added to accelerate the process, and different approaches are seldom considered in literature. With the aim of saving water, start-up strategies coupling water temperature increase and substrate dosing were studied to accelerate the installation of biological activities, in a pilot plant fed with borehole water. These set-ups enabled a substantial acceleration of nitrification but no improvement of manganese oxidation in the experimental conditions, although the experiments showed no clear negative influence of nitrification, through nitrite accumulation, on biological manganese oxidation. To further save energy and reduce water loss, outlet water recirculation at a rate of 75% during the start-up phase was validated. The proposed start-up strategy enabled the complete installation of active biofilms with a mean start-up time reduction of 36% and water use reduction of 84% compared to the reference natural conditions

    Qualitat microbiològica dels productes vegetals frescos mínimament processats i desenvolupament de tecnologies de bioconservació mitjançant bacteris de l'àcid làctic

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    Food safety today is conditiones by the implementation of new Tecnologies for food preservation based on mild treatments and mínimum process, Novel foods, severe restrictions in the toxicològic profile of chemical preservatives, And the drastic limitation /prohibition of antibiotics, and as a consequence, by the New emergint pathogens or by the increase of classical food-borne pathogens. Biopreservatives appear within this context with strong expectations, because thei are safe microorganisms of ten isolated from foods, chemical compounds of natural origin -antimicrobial peptides and proteins, botanical extracts, enzymes- and sintetic compounds based on natural structures, but less toxic and more eficients, like the amtimicrobial peptides. Among the microbial biopreservatives, lactic acid bacteria have shown great possibilities in the preservation of cured meat products, ready to eat fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as to decrease microbial spoilage in food by products before processing for valorization. Our laboratory has performed an extense survey of the microbiological quality of fresh fruit and vegetables, and of ready-to-eat products, and have detect low levels, but significant of Salmonella sp., E. coli and Listeria spp., including L.monocytogenes, in retail markets and Supermarkets of Catalonia. Due to this reason, we started a project consisting of Developing application of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) obtained from these products, as biopreservatives. LAB were abundant in ready-to-eat fresh fruits and vegetables, specially in germinated seeds. From these products we obtained strains of Leuconostoc, Lactobacillus and Weissella, producing bacteriocins and with a Significant activity of control of L.monocytogenes in fresh apple and cut salad. Ather strains were efective in the inhibition of fungal rot during postharvest caused by Penicillium expansumL’escenari actual de la seguretat dels aliments està condicionat per la implementació de noves tecnologies de conservació suaus i de mínim processament, els nous aliments,les restriccions en el perfil toxicològic dels actuals conservadors químics i la prohibició / limitació dràstica dels antibiòtics,i, com a conseqüència, per l’aparició de nous patògens emergents o la potenciació d’alguns existents. Els bioconservadors sorgeixen en aquest context amb fortes expectatives, atès que es tracta de microorganismes segurs que provenen dels aliments, compostos químics d’origen natural pèptids i proteïnes antimicrobians, extractes botànics, enzims -i compostos sintètics basats en estructures naturals, però menys tòxics i més eficients, com els pèptids antimicrobians. Entre els bioconservadors, els bacteris làctics han mostrat grans expectatives d’aplicació sobretot en productes carnis crus curats, en fruites i verdures fresquesi, en especial, en productes de quarta gamma, així com en mètodesper reduir la càrrega microbiana de patògens en subproductes alimentaris abans del seu processament. El nostre laboratori ha realitzat un extens estudi de la qualitat microbiològica de fruites i verdures fresques i de productes mínimament processats- quarta gamma- i ha detectat baixos nivells, però significatius, de Salmonella sp., E. coliiListeriaspp., incloent-hi L.monocytogenes. Ha estat per això que vam endegar un projecte consistent a desenvolupar aplicacions de bacteris làctics (BAL) obtinguts d’aquests productes com a bioconservadors. Els BAL van ser abundants en els productes de quarta gamma, en especial en llavors germinades. Es van obtenir diverses soques, sobretot de Leuconostoc, Lactobacillus i Weissella, productores de bacteriocines amb una activitat significativa per al control de L.monocytogenes en pomes i enciam processat. Altres soques han estat efectives en la inhibició de podridures fúngiques en postcollita causades per Penicillium expansu