2,867 research outputs found

    Multimodal Resonance in Strongly Coupled Inductor Arrays

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    Magnetic resonance coupling (MRC) is widely used for wireless power transfer (WPT) applications, but little work has explored how MRC phenomena could be exploited for sensing applications. This paper introduces, validates and evaluates the unique multi-resonant phenomena predicted by circuit theory for over-coupled inductive arrays, and presents eigen-formulae for calculating resonant frequencies and voltage modes within passively excited arrays. Finite-element simulations and experimental results demonstrate the validity of the multi-modal resonant principles for strongly-coupled inductor arrays. The results confirm the distinctive multi-modal resonant frequencies these arrays exhibit, corresponding to the specific magnetic excitation "modes" (comparable to vibrational modes in multi-degree-of-freedom systems). The theoretical and finite element models presented offer a framework for designing and optimizing novel inductive sensing arrays, capitalizing on the unique resonant effects of over-coupling and exploiting their potential magnetic field shaping

    Contextual cropping and scaling of TV productions

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11042-011-0804-3. Copyright @ Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011.In this paper, an application is presented which automatically adapts SDTV (Standard Definition Television) sports productions to smaller displays through intelligent cropping and scaling. It crops regions of interest of sports productions based on a smart combination of production metadata and systematic video analysis methods. This approach allows a context-based composition of cropped images. It provides a differentiation between the original SD version of the production and the processed one adapted to the requirements for mobile TV. The system has been comprehensively evaluated by comparing the outcome of the proposed method with manually and statically cropped versions, as well as with non-cropped versions. Envisaged is the integration of the tool in post-production and live workflows

    The blinking spotlight of attention

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    Increasing evidence suggests that attention can concurrently select multiple locations; yet it is not clear whether this ability relies on continuous allocation of attention to the different targets (a "parallel" strategy) or whether attention switches rapidly between the targets (a periodic "sampling" strategy). Here, we propose a method to distinguish between these two alternatives. The human psychometric function for detection of a single target as a function of its duration can be used to predict the corresponding function for two or more attended targets. Importantly, the predicted curves differ, depending on whether a parallel or sampling strategy is assumed. For a challenging detection task, we found that human performance was best reflected by a sampling model, indicating that multiple items of interest were processed in series at a rate of approximately seven items per second. Surprisingly, the data suggested that attention operated in this periodic regime, even when it was focused on a single target. That is, attention might rely on an intrinsically periodic process

    Identification and Characterization of Genes Required for Compensatory Growth in Drosophila

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    To maintain tissue homeostasis, some organs are able to replace dying cells with additional proliferation of surviving cells. Such proliferation can be localized (e.g., a regeneration blastema) or diffuse (compensatory growth). The relationship between such growth and the growth that occurs during development has not been characterized in detail. Drosophila melanogaster larval imaginal discs can recover from extensive damage, producing normally sized adult organs. Here we describe a system using genetic mosaics to screen for recessive mutations that impair compensatory growth. By generating clones of cells that carry a temperature-sensitive cell-lethal mutation, we conditionally ablate patches of tissue in the imaginal disc and assess the ability of the surviving sister clones to replace the lost tissue. We have used this system together with a modified whole-genome resequencing (WGS) strategy to identify several mutations that selectively compromise compensatory growth. We find specific alleles of bunched (bun) and Ribonucleoside diphosphate reductase large subunit (RnrL) reduce compensatory growth in the imaginal disc. Other genes identified in the screen, including two alleles of Topoisomerase 3-alpha (Top3α), while also required for developmental growth, appear to have an enhanced requirement during compensatory growth. Compensatory growth occurs at a higher rate than normal growth and may therefore have features in common with some types of overgrowth. Indeed, the RnrL allele identified compromises both these types of altered growth and mammalian ribonucleotide reductase and topoisomerases are targets of anticancer drugs. Finally, the approach we describe is applicable to the study of compensatory growth in diverse tissues in Drosophila

    RPEL family rhoGAPs link Rac/Cdc42 GTP loading to G-actin availability

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    RPEL proteins, which contain the G-actin binding RPEL motif, coordinate cytoskeletal processes with actin dynamics. We show that the ArhGAP12- and ArhGAP32-family GTPase activating proteins are RPEL proteins. We determine the structure of the ArhGAP12/G-actin complex, and show that G-actin contacts the RPEL motif and GAP domain sequences. G-actin inhibits ArhGAP12 GAP activity, and this requires the G-actin contacts identified in the structure. In melanoma cells, ArhGAP12 suppresses basal Rac and Cdc42 activity, F-actin assembly, invadopodia formation, and experimental metastasis. In B16 melanoma cells, ArhGAP12 mutants defective for G-actin binding exhibit more effective downregulation of Rac.GTP loading following HGF stimulation, and enhanced Rac-dependent processes, including invadopodia formation. Potentiation or disruption of G-actin/ArhGAP12 interaction, by treatment with the actin-binding drugs latrunculin B or cytochalasin D, has corresponding effects on Rac.GTP loading. G-actin interaction with RPEL family rhoGAPs thus provides a negative feedback loop that couples Rac activity to actin dynamic

    A search asymmetry for interocular conflict

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    When two different images are presented to the two eyes, the percept will alternate between the images (a phenomenon called binocular rivalry). In the present study, we investigate the degree to which such interocular conflict is conspicuous. By using a visual search task, we show that search for interocular conflict is near efficient (15 ms/item) and can lead to a search asymmetry, depending on the contrast in the display. We reconcile our findings with those of Wolfe and Franzel (1988), who reported inefficient search for interocular conflict (26 ms/item) and found no evidence for a search asymmetry. In addition, we provide evidence for the suggestion that differences in search for interocular conflict are contingent on the degree of abnormal fusion of the dissimilar images

    Deployment of spatial attention towards locations in memory representations: an EEG study

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    Recalling information from visual short-term memory (VSTM) involves the same neural mechanisms as attending to an actually perceived scene. In particular, retrieval from VSTM has been associated with orienting of visual attention towards a location within a spatially-organized memory representation. However, an open question concerns whether spatial attention is also recruited during VSTM retrieval even when performing the task does not require access to spatial coordinates of items in the memorized scene. The present study combined a visual search task with a modified, delayed central probe protocol, together with EEG analysis, to answer this question. We found a temporal contralateral negativity (TCN) elicited by a centrally presented go-signal which was spatially uninformative and featurally unrelated to the search target and informed participants only about a response key that they had to press to indicate a prepared target-present vs. -absent decision. This lateralization during VSTM retrieval (TCN) provides strong evidence of a shift of attention towards the target location in the memory representation, which occurred despite the fact that the present task required no spatial (or featural) information from the search to be encoded, maintained, and retrieved to produce the correct response and that the go-signal did not itself specify any information relating to the location and defining feature of the target

    Local delivery of novel MRTF/SRF inhibitors prevents scar tissue formation in a preclinical model of fibrosis

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    The myocardin-related transcription factor/serum response factor (MRTF/SRF) pathway represents a promising therapeutic target to prevent fibrosis. We have tested the effects of new pharmacological inhibitors of MRTF/SRF signalling in a preclinical model of fibrosis. CCG-222740, a novel MRTF/SRF inhibitor, markedly decreased SRF reporter gene activity and showed a greater inhibitory effect on MRTF/SRF target genes than the previously described MRTF-A inhibitor CCG-203971. CCG-222740 was also five times more potent, with an IC50 of 5 μM, in a fibroblast-mediated collagen contraction assay, was less cytotoxic, and a more potent inhibitor of alpha-smooth muscle actin protein expression than CCG-203971. Local delivery of CCG-222740 and CCG-203971 in a validated and clinically relevant rabbit model of scar tissue formation after glaucoma filtration surgery increased the long-term success of the surgery by 67% (P < 0.0005) and 33% (P < 0.01), respectively, and significantly decreased fibrosis and scarring histologically. Unlike mitomycin-C, neither CCG-222740 nor CCG-203971 caused any detectable epithelial toxicity or systemic side effects with very low drug levels measured in the aqueous, vitreous, and serum. We conclude that inhibitors of MRTF/SRF-regulated gene transcription such as CCG-222740, potentially represent a new therapeutic strategy to prevent scar tissue formation in the eye and other tissues
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