79 research outputs found

    A Case of Neurotrophic Keratopathy Concomitant to Brain Metastasis

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    We report a case of a 63-year-old Caucasian female referred to the cornea service of Clinica Oculistica with a neurotrophic corneal ulcer, decreased corneal sensitivity, absent corneal reflex, and decreased lacrimation. The medical record review was relevant for mastectomy and adjuvant therapy for breast cancer complicated by pontocerebellar angle metastasis. Eye patching and application of antibiotic and vitamin ointments were prescribed at first, without a significant improvement. Thus, treatment with autologous serum was started. In about two weeks, the cornea recovered and visual acuity improved with a residual corneal scarring. Finally, we should mention that, in our case, the main cause of the neurotrophic corneal ulcer could be identified in the previous trigeminal damage at the pontocerebellar angle and trigeminal ganglion. Sensory nerves play an important regulatory role via neuro-mediators on corneal wound healing, as denervation may interfere with cellular metabolism and inhibit mitosis, leading to an epithelial defect even with no direct damage

    Cystoid macular edema after cataract surgery in a patient with previous severe iritis following argon laser peripheral iridoplasty

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    This report describes a patient who had exaggerated responses to different inflammatory stimuli represented by laser and incisional surgery, respectively. These separate episodes should have a common link represented by a genetic predisposition to abnormal release of proinflammatory mediators within the eye. This 51-year old Hispanic woman showed a narrow iridocorneal angle with plateau iris configuration. Nd-YAG laser peripheral iridotomy was successfully performed to both eyes. No substantial changes in the iridotrabecular angle occurred despite patent iridotomies, thus confirming the diagnosis of plateau iris configuration. Argon laser iridoplasty was then performed to the right eye, while the left eye was scheduled for a later session. A severe inflammatory reaction within the anterior chamber developed after tapering of a one-week course of steroid therapy. Phacoemulsification of the lens was performed some months later when no signs of inflammation were detectable; no intraoperative complications occurred during surgery and an intraocular lens was placed. Cystoid macular edema developed four weeks after surgery despite no apparent risk factors, and resolved completely after anti-inflammatory medical therapy. Based on this case report, the unusual occurrence of severe iritis after laser treatment should be regarded as a risk factor for any other incisional or nonincisional procedures because it might indicate that the patient’s ocular tissues are prone to release of abnormally elevated proinflammatory mediators. Although further studies are needed to confirm this predisposition, prophylactic adjunctive topical nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug administration after cataract surgery should be considered in such cases in order to prevent potentially sight-threatening conditions

    Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine retinal safety concerns during COVID-19 outbreak

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    Purpose: The current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been declared by the World Health Organization a global pandemic. Chloroquine (CQ) and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) have been largely adopted in the clinical setting for the management of SARS-CoV-2 infection; however, their known retinal toxicity has raised some safety concerns, especially considering the higher-dosage employed for COVID-19 patients as compared with their suggested posology for their usual indications, including systemic lupus erythematosus and other rheumatic diseases. In this review, we will discuss the optimal dosages recommended for COVID-19 patients when treated with HCQ and CQ. Methods: A comprehensive literature search was performed in PubMed, Cochrane library, Embase and Scopus, by using the following search terms: "chloroquine retinal toxicity" and "hydroxychloroquine retinal toxicity" alone or in combination with "coronavirus", "COVID-19", " SARS-CoV-2 infection " from inception to August 2020. Results: Although there is still no consistent evidence about HCQ/CQ retinal toxicity in patients with COVID-19, these possible drug-related retinal adverse events may represent a major safety concern. For this reason, appropriate screening strategies, including telemedicine, should be developed in the near future. Conclusion: A possible future clinical perspective for patients with COVID-19 treated with HCQ/CQ could reside in the multidisciplinary collaboration between ophthalmologists monitoring the risk of HCQ/CQ-related retinal toxicity and those physicians treating COVID-19 infection

    Faricimab for the Treatment of Diabetic Macular Edema and Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration.

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    Nowadays; intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) drugs are considered the first-line therapeutic strategy for treating macular exudative diseases; including wet age-related macular degeneration (w-AMD) and diabetic macular edema (DME). Despite the important clinical achievements obtained by anti-VEGF drugs in the management of w-AMD and DME; some limits still remain; including high treatment burden; the presence of unsatisfactory results in a certain percentage of patients and long-term visual acuity decline due to complications such as macular atrophy and fibrosis. Targeting the angiopoietin/Tie (Ang/Tie) pathway beyond the VEGF pathway may be a possible therapeutic strategy; which may has the potential to solve some of the previous mentioned challenges. Faricimab is a new; bispecific antibody targeting both VEGF-A and the Ang-Tie/pathway. It was approved by FDA and; more recently; by EMA for treating w-AMD and DME. Results from phase III trials TENAYA and LUCERNE (w-AMD) and RHINE and YOSEMITE (DME) have shown the potential of faricimab to maintain clinical efficacy with more prolonged treatment regimens compared to aflibercept (12 or 16 weeks) with a a good safety profile

    Real-Life Management of Patients with Retinal Vein Occlusion Using I-Macula Web Platform

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    Aim. Real-life evaluation in the management of patients affected by macular edema secondary to retinal vein occlusion. Material and Methods. A retrospective, observational study using the I-Macula Web platform. Results. Thirty-five patients (37 eyes; 15 females and 20 male) affected by RVO were analysed. At 12 months, there was a statistically significant improvement of best-corrected visual acuity (p = 0 0235) and central macular thickness (p < 0 0001). The mean change in visual acuity was 8.9 letters. Twenty-seven eyes underwent DEX implant (n = 62; mean: 2.29) only. Of these, 8, 4, 14, and 1 eyes underwent 1, 2, 3, and 4 DEX implants, respectively. The remaining 10 eyes were also injected with ranibizumab (n = 49; mean: 4.9). At 12 months, 12 eyes (32.5%) presented a dry macula, whereas the remaining 25 eyes (67.5%) still had macular edema. Mean interval between the first and second treatment (T1) and between the second and third treatment (T2) were 5.15 and (T2) 3.7 months, respectively. Where only DEX implants were received, T1 and T2 was 5.1 and 4.9 months, respectively. Conclusions. This study confirms that DEX implants and/or anti-VEGF drugs improve visual acuity and central macular thickness in patients affected by RVO

    Corrigendum to An advanced in vitro model to assess glaucoma onset.

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    In this manuscript, which appeared in ALTEX 37, 265-274 (doi: 10.14573/altex.1909262), the affiliation of Stefania Vernazza should read: Stefania Vernazza 5# 5 IRCCS-Fondazione Bietti, Rome, Italy and the address for correspondence should read: Stefania Vernazza, PhD, IRCCS, Fondazione Bietti via Livenza 3, 00198 Rome, Italy ([email protected])

    SecuenciaciĂłn metagenĂłmica en queratitis microbiana con cultivo negativo

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    Propósito: Evaluar la microbiota de las muestras de queratitis microbiana de la membrana de impresión corneal (MIC) con cultivo negativo mediante el uso del análisis metagenómico de escopeta. Métodos: El ADN de las muestras de queratitis microbiana se recogió con CIM y se extrajo utilizando el MasterPure™ Complete DNA and RNA Purification Kit (Epicentre). El ADN se fragmentó por sonicación en fragmentos de 300 a 400 pares de bases (pb) utilizando Bioruptor® (Diagenode, Bélgica) y luego se utilizó como plantilla para la preparación de bibliotecas. Las bibliotecas de ADN se secuenciaron en Illumina® HiSeq2500. Las lecturas resultantes se sometieron a control de calidad, se recortaron y se compararon con el genoma humano de referencia. Las lecturas no mapeadas se clasificaron taxonómicamente utilizando el software Kraken. Resultados: Se incluyeron en el estudio 18 muestras de queratitis microbiana. En 5 muestras se encontró Brevundimonas diminuta, mientras que en 6 se observó la presencia de infecciones víricas. También se identificaron Cutibacterium acnes, Staphylococcus aureus, Moraxella lacunata y Pseudomonas alcaligenes como presunta causa putativa de la infección en 7 muestras. Conclusiones: La secuenciación Shotgun puede utilizarse como herramienta diagnóstica en muestras de queratitis microbiana. Este método de diagnóstico amplía las pruebas disponibles para diagnosticar infecciones oculares y podría ser clínicamente significativo en muestras con cultivo negativo.Purpose: To evaluate the microbiota of culture negative Corneal Impression Membrane (CIM) microbial keratitis samples with the use of shotgun metagenomics analysis. Methods: DNA of microbial keratitis samples were collected with CIM and extracted using the MasterPure™ Complete DNA and RNA Purification Kit (Epicentre). DNA was fragmented by sonication into fragments of 300 to 400 base pairs (bp) using Bioruptor® (Diagenode, Belgium) and then used as a template for library preparation. DNA libraries were sequenced on Illumina® HiSeq2500. The resulting reads were quality controlled, trimmed and mapped against the human reference genome. The unmapped reads were taxonomically classified using the Kraken software. Results: 18 microbial keratitis samples were included in the study. Brevundimonas diminuta was found in 5 samples while 6 samples showed the presence of viral infections. Cutibacterium acnes, Staphylococcus aureus, Moraxella lacunata and Pseudomonas alcaligenes were also identified as the presumed putative cause of the infection in 7 samples. Conclusions: Shotgun sequencing can be used as a diagnostic tool in microbial keratitis samples. This diagnostic method expands the available tests to diagnose eye infections and could be clinically significant in culture negative samples

    Modulation of the rod outer segment aerobic metabolism diminishes the production of radicals due to light absorption

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    Oxidative stress is a primary risk factor for both inflammatory and degenerative retinopathies. Our previous data on blue light-irradiated retinas demonstrated an oxidative stress higher in the rod outer segment (OS) than in the inner limb, leading to impairment of the rod OS extra-mitochondrial aerobic metabolism. Here the oxidative metabolism and Reactive Oxygen Intermediates (ROI) production was evaluated in purified bovine rod OS in function of exposure to different illumination conditions. A dose response was observed to varying light intensities and duration in terms of both ROI production and ATP synthesis. Pretreatment with resveratrol, inhibitor of F1Fo-ATP synthase, or metformin, inhibitor of the respiratory complex I, significantly diminished the ROI production. Metformin also diminished the rod OS Complex I activity and reduced the maximal OS response to light in ATP production. Data show for the first time the relationship existing in the rod OS between its -aerobic- metabolism, light absorption, and ROI production. A beneficial effect was exerted by metformin and resveratrol, in modulating the ROI production in the illuminated rod OS, suggestive of their beneficial action also in vivo. Data shed new light on preventative interventions for cone loss secondary to rod damage due to oxidative stress
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