452 research outputs found

    Experimental hut comparisons of nets treated with carbamate or pyrethroid insecticides, washed or unwashed, against pyrethroid-resistant mosquitoes.

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    The efficacy against mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) of a bednet treated with carbamate insecticide [carbosulfan capsule suspension (CS) 200 mg/m(2)] was compared with four types of pyrethroid-treated nets in veranda-trap huts at Yaokoffikro near Bouaké, Côte d'Ivoire, where the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae Giles carries the kdr gene (conferring pyrethroid resistance) at high frequency and Culex quinquefasciatus Say is also pyrethroid resistant. Pyrethroids compared were lambdacyhalothrin CS 18 mg/m(2), alphacypermethrin water dispersible granules (WG) 20 mg/m(2), deltamethrin 50 mg/m(2) (Permanet) and permethrin emulsifiable concentrate (EC) 500 mg/m(2). Insecticidal power and personal protection from mosquito bites were assessed before and after the nets were used for 8 months and hand washed five times in cold soapy water. Before washing, all treatments except permethrin significantly reduced blood-feeding and all had significant insecticidal activity against An. gambiae. The carbosulfan net gave significantly higher killing of An. gambiae than all pyrethroid treatments except the Permanet. Against Culex spp., carbosulfan was more insecticidal and gave a significantly better protective effect than any of the pyrethroid treatments. After washing, treated nets retained various degrees of efficacy against both mosquito genera - but least for the carbosulfan net. Washed nets with three types of pyrethroid treatment (alphacypermethrin, lambdacyhalothrin, permethrin) gave significantly higher mortality rates of Culex than in huts with the same pyrethroid-treated nets before washing. After five washes, the Permanet, which is sold as a long-lasting insecticidal product, performed no better than the other nets in our experimental conditions

    Présentations de l’adénite tuberculeuse de la tête et du cou au CHU de Bobo- Dioulasso, Burkina Faso

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    Les ganglions de la tête et du cou sont parmi les localisations les plus fréquentes de la tuberculose, un problème de santé publique dans le monde. Une étude rétrospective conduite entre 2001 et 2010 rapporte les caractéristiques épidémiologiques et cliniques de l'adénite tuberculeuse de la tête et du cou, au CHU Sanou Souro, au Burkina Faso. Au total, 115 patients ont été observés dont l'âge était compris entre 2 ans et 64 ans (moyenne 31,46 ans). Il y avait 53 patients de sexe masculin (46,1%) et 62 de sexe féminin (53,9%). Un pic de fréquence de 39,8 % était observé entre 30 et 39 ans. Les adénopathies cervicales étaient multiples chez 96,5% des patients et abcédées chez 30%. Elles étaient associées à des adénopathies extra cervicales chez 16,6% des patients. Chez 83,4% des patients, il a été noté un ou plusieurs signes à type d'asthénie et ou d'amaigrissement (70,8%), de fièvre 25% ou de toux (20,8%). L'infection associée la plus fréquente était celle par le VIH, observée chez 43,3% des patients. Les résultats de cette étude commandent la recherche systématique de l'infection par le VIH chez tout patient porteur d'adénite cervicale tuberculeuse dans un contexte de double endémicité de la tuberculose et de l'infection à VIH.Key words: Adénite, Tête et cou, Tuberculose, VI

    Food Security in Crop, Livestock and Mixed Farming Systems in Mali

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    This study evaluates the food security status, its determinants and the coping strategies in crop, livestock and mixed crop-livestock systems in southern Mali. Interviews were conducted with 258 households that were categorized into the three farming systems based on the revenue from livestock and crop production. A linear mixed model was used to analyse the effects of household characteristics on food security using the food consumption score (FCS), household dietary diversity score (HDDS), a modified household food insecurity access scale (mHFIAS) and coping strategies as indicators. Food consumption score was significantly influenced by the farming system with highest FCS for the livestock system (88) followed by the mixed system (77) and the crop system (69). Moreover, FCS was positively influenced by the number of crops cultivated, total farm milk production, off-farm income and number of raised chickens (p \u3c 0.1). The main difference in food intake between systems was for milk with average daily consumption of 201 ml, 110 ml and 60 ml in the livestock, mixed and crop systems, respectively. HDDS was also significantly influenced by the farming system with highest HDDS values for the livestock system (8.9), followed by the mixed system (8.2) and the crop system (8.0). Further, HDDS was positively influenced by crop diversity and number of chickens, and negatively influenced by the number of family dependents. During the food shortage period of August, households from the crop system were more food insecure than households from the mixed and livestock systems with mHFIAS values of 0.9, 1.5 and 4.3, respectively. Livestock and mixed systems were more resilient to food insecurity situations than the crop system. This study confirms the direct effect of milk production on milk consumption and the importance of livestock for enhancing food security and livelihood resilience

    Increasing rabies data availability: the example of a One Health research project in Chad, CĂ´te d'Ivoire and Mali

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    Rabies is a fatal but preventable disease that remains notoriously underreported. Weak data availability hampers advocacy, constitutes a barrier to resource allocation and inhibits effective prevention and control. To gain better insight into the global rabies burden and human vaccine demand several studies were funded through the Vaccine Alliance (GAVI) learning agenda. With the help of this funding, Swiss TPH and local in country partner organizations implemented a One Health research project in Chad, Cote d'Ivoire and Mali to collect data at household, public health facility and veterinary level. This paper describes the implementation of this research project and evaluates its success on amount of information gained, achieved capacity building, impact on knowledge creation and influence on national and international policies. The project was based on the One Health concept and guided by the principles of transboundary research partnerships formulated by the Swiss Academy of Sciences. Data was collected on bite incidents and health seeking from over 24'000 households, on access to treatment of over 8'800 bite cases registered in public health facilities and on the status of over 1'800 rabies suspect animals. Selected country specific datasets have contributed to more than 10 scientific articles so far. On the international level, the multi-level data collection provided a unique set of indicators to inform, along with results from other studies, new WHO rabies immunization recommendations and a vaccine investment case scenario to prevent human rabies. New rabies burden estimates based on the data gathered are published for Mali and will be modelled for the whole West and Central African region. On the national level, the project facilitated communication between animal health and human health workers catalyzing creation of local and national committees and formulation of national action plans for Mali and Cote D'Ivoire. Major challenges arose from lack of data collection and documentation experience of human health and veterinary workers and weak infrastructural capacities of the veterinary and human health systems of the project countries. Through adherence to the principles of transboundary research partnerships, project team members acquired valuable research and networking skills despite language barriers, enabling them to play key roles in the future agenda towards national, regional and global canine rabies elimination. Project external collaborations with local public institutions was facilitated through long-term local partnerships. Both factors enabled success in project implementation and outcomes by identifying and mitigating risks in advance, resolving challenges amiably and enabling mutual knowledge creation as a fructuous ground for sustained commitment. Lack of immediate follow-up funding did not allow to maintain activities beyond the project timeframe. However, the national and international policy changes triggered, as well as the strengthened local disease control and research capacities provides sustainable basis for the elimination of dog transmitted human rabies

    Molecular characterization of extended spectrum beta-lactamase among clinical multidrug resistant Escherichia Coli in two hospitals of Niamey, Niger

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to identify the multiple ESBL genes in Multidrug-resistant (MDR) Escherichia coli isolated in various biological samples in two hospitals of Niamey.Methodology: A total of 195 multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli were included in the study. These isolates were tested using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for detection of the presence of bla CTX-M, bla TEM, bla SHV and bla OXA-1 beta-lactamase genes.Results: A total of 27.7% of Escherichia coli isolates were ESBL producing strains. Globaly, the bla TEM gene was the most prevalent (70.3%) followed by bla CTX-M (43.1%), bla OXA-1 (31.8%) and bla SHV (4.1%) genes. The four genes type of ESBL were founded simultaneously only in stool samples. Furthermore, none bla SHV gene was found in other samples type.Conclusion: This study showed the presence of various ESBL genes among clinical MDR Escherichia coli. That is why a rational use of antibiotic and appropriate methods of screening ESBL genes in routine laboratories in Niger is needed to control the ESBL genes dissemination.Keywords: MDR ,Escherichia coli, ESBL, bla genes, PCR, Niamey, Niger. Caracterisation moleculaire des betalactamases a spectre etendu chez les souches de Escherichia coli multi resistantes dans deux hopitaux de Niamey, au NigerObjectifs: Le but de cette étude était d'identifier les multiples gènes de BLSE chez les souches de Escherichia coli multi résistantes isolées de différents types d’échantillons biologiques dans deux hôpitaux de Niamey.Méthodologie : Un total de 195 Escherichia coli multi résistants a été inclus dans l'étude. Ces isolats ont été testés par la réaction de polymérase en chaîne (PCR) pour détecter la présence des gènes bla CTX-M, bla TEM, bla SHV et bla OXA-1.Résultats : Au total, 27,7% des isolats de Escherichia coli multi-résistants étaient des souches productrices de BLSE. Globalement le gène bla TEM (70,3%) était le plus détecté suivi des autres gènes bla CTX-M (43,1%), bla OXA-1 (31,8%) et bla SHV (4,1%). Notons que seul dans les échantillons de selles quatre types de gènes de BLSE ont été trouvés simultanément. Par ailleurs notons qu’aucun gène de type bla SHV n'a été trouvé dans les autres types d'échantillons.Conclusion : Cette étude avait montré la présence de divers gènes de BLSE chez les souches cliniques de Escherichia coli. C'est pourquoi une utilisation rationnelle des antibiotiques et des méthodes appropriées de dépistage des gènes de BLSE dans les laboratoires sont nécessaires afin de contrôler la diffusion des gènes de BLSE.Mots clés : Escherichia coli multi résistantes, BLSE, gènes bla, PCR, Niamey, Niger

    Contour bunding technology-evidence and experience in the semiarid region of southern Mali

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    Land and water management practices have been widely implemented in rural Mali since the 1980s to improve agricultural productivity and erosion control. Under conditions of recurring droughts, these practices are expected to increase farmers’ ability to cope with shocks. One of the most common practices applied in the central and southern parts of Mali is contour bunding (CB). In this study the impact of the CB technology is evaluated with a focus on biophysical and socio-economic benefits. Data were collected in two agro-ecologies of southern Mali and were generated through field experimentation and household survey. Field experimentation involved implementation of contour lines with farm ridges, agronomic trails and runoff and erosion measurements. Agronomic data was collected on sorghum, maize, groundnut and millet for three consecutive years (2015 to 2017). Socio-economic data on the use of CB was obtained from individual farmer surveys. CB involves the layout of contour lines with land leveling devices to identify points of equal elevation and construction of contour lines with draught animals and human labor. The majority of the labor input to construct and maintain the CB comes from adult men who are head of the household (58%) and youth male (33%). Results indicate that with the application of CB yield of crops was higher with the highest increase in grain yield and biomass obtained for maize and millet (P < 0.01). CB application was useful in retaining soil water and reduced erosion rate. In treatment fields, 162mmof rainfall per year was saved as soil moisture and on average 13,090 kg per hectare of soil was lost from farm fields without CB, and CB implementation significantly reduced the soil loss by 163% (P < 0.01). The improvements in crops yield and biomass, and the retention of soil nutrients positively changed farm level productivity conditions. The majority of farmers (78%) perceived higher income from the sale of crops grown on CB plots. These results suggest the landscape wide application of CB

    Effets des Amendements Organiques sur la Gale Bactérienne et la Pourriture Apicale de la Tomate à Bobo-Dioulasso au Burkina Faso

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    L’étude a porté sur les effets des amendements organiques sur la gale bactérienne et la pourriture apicale de la tomate en milieu réel à l’Ouest du Burkina Faso. Un essai a été mis en place dans un dispositif en bloc de Fisher complètement randomisé. Il a comporté huit (08) traitements constitués des fertilisants organiques et minéraux tous répétés quatre (04) fois. L’incidence de la maladie et sa sévérité ont été évaluées ainsi que l’effet des traitements sur la qualité des fruits. La progression est relativement faible avec les déchets ménagers compostés associés aux engrais minéraux. La maladie est plus sévère avec les différents fertilisants pris individuellement. Dans l’ensemble, la maladie est évolutive avec tous les traitements. &nbsp; The study focused on the effects of organic amendments on bacterial scab and apical rot of tomato in a real environment in western Burkina Faso. Indeed, a trial was set up in a completely randomized Fisher block design. It included eight (08) treatments consisting of organic and mineral fertilizers all repeated four (04) times. The incidence of the disease and its severity were evaluated as well as the effect of the treatments on the quality of the fruits. The disease is progressive with all treatments. However, the progression is relatively low with composted household waste associated with mineral fertilizers. The disease is more severe with the different fertilizers taken individually

    Assessing Early Access to Care and Child Survival during a Health System Strengthening Intervention in Mali: A Repeated Cross Sectional Survey

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    Background: In 2012, 6.6 million children under age five died worldwide, most from diseases with known means of prevention and treatment. A delivery gap persists between well-validated methods for child survival and equitable, timely access to those methods. We measured early child health care access, morbidity, and mortality over the course of a health system strengthening model intervention in Yirimadjo, Mali. The intervention included Community Health Worker active case finding, user fee removal, infrastructure development, community mobilization, and prevention programming. Methods and Findings: We conducted four household surveys using a cluster-based, population-weighted sampling methodology at baseline and at 12, 24, and 36 months. We defined our outcomes as the percentage of children initiating an effective antimalarial within 24 hours of symptom onset, the percentage of children reported to be febrile within the previous two weeks, and the under-five child mortality rate. We compared prevalence of febrile illness and treatment using chi-square statistics, and estimated and compared under-five mortality rates using Cox proportional hazard regression. There was a statistically significant difference in under-five mortality between the 2008 and 2011 surveys; in 2011, the hazard of under-five mortality in the intervention area was one tenth that of baseline (HR 0.10, p<0.0001). After three years of the intervention, the prevalence of febrile illness among children under five was significantly lower, from 38.2% at baseline to 23.3% in 2011 (PR = 0.61, p = 0.0009). The percentage of children starting an effective antimalarial within 24 hours of symptom onset was nearly twice that reported at baseline (PR = 1.89, p = 0.0195). Conclusions: Community-based health systems strengthening may facilitate early access to prevention and care and may provide a means for improving child survival
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