161 research outputs found

    Regulation of Brown Adipocyte Gene Expression by the Histone 3 Lysine 4 Demethylase KDM1B

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    Chemical pre-processing of cluster galaxies over the past 10 billion years in the IllustrisTNG simulations

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    We use the IllustrisTNG simulations to investigate the evolution of the mass-metallicity relation (MZR) for star-forming cluster galaxies as a function of the formation history of their cluster host. The simulations predict an enhancement in the gas-phase metallicities of star-forming cluster galaxies (10^9< M_star<10^10 M_sun) at z<1.0 in comparisons to field galaxies. This is qualitatively consistent with observations. We find that the metallicity enhancement of cluster galaxies appears prior to their infall into the central cluster potential, indicating for the first time a systematic "chemical pre-processing" signature for {\it infalling} cluster galaxies. Namely, galaxies which will fall into a cluster by z=0 show a ~0.05 dex enhancement in the MZR compared to field galaxies at z<0.5. Based on the inflow rate of gas into cluster galaxies and its metallicity, we identify that the accretion of pre-enriched gas is the key driver of the chemical evolution of such galaxies, particularly in the stellar mass range (10^9< M_star<10^10 M_sun). We see signatures of an environmental dependence of the ambient/inflowing gas metallicity which extends well outside the nominal virial radius of clusters. Our results motivate future observations looking for pre-enrichment signatures in dense environments.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    A Low Lyman Continuum Escape Fraction of <10%<10\% for Extreme [OIII] Emitters in an Overdensity at z∌3.5\sim3.5

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    Recent work has suggested extreme [OIII] emitting star-forming galaxies are important to reionization. Relatedly, [OIII]/[OII] has been put forward as an indirect estimator of the Lyman Continuum (LyC) escape fraction (fescf_{esc}) at z≳4.5z\gtrsim4.5 when the opaque IGM renders LyC photons unobservable. Using deep archival U-band (VLT/VIMOS) imaging of a recently confirmed overdensity at z∌3.5z\sim3.5 we calculate tight constraints on fescf_{esc} for a sample (N=73) dominated by extreme [OIII] emitters. We find no Lyman Continuum signal (fescrel<6.3−0.7+0.7%f_{esc}^{rel} < 6.3^{+0.7}_{-0.7} \% at 1σ1\sigma) in a deep U-band stack of our sample (31.98 mag at 1σ\sigma). This constraint is in agreement with recent studies of star-forming galaxies spanning z∌1−4z\sim1-4 that have found very low average fescf_{esc}. Despite the galaxies in our study having an estimated average rest-frame EW([OIII]λ5007\lambda5007)∌400A˚\sim400\AA and [OIII]/[OII]∌4\sim 4 from composite SED-fitting, we find no LyC detection, which brings into question the potential of [OIII]/[OII] as an effective probe of the LyC--a majority of LyC emitters have [OIII]/[OII]>3>3, but we establish here that [OIII]/[OII]>3>3 does not guarantee significant LyC leakage for a population. Since even extreme star-forming galaxies are unable to produce the fesc∌10−15%f_{esc}\sim10-15\% required by most theoretical calculations for star-forming galaxies to drive reionization, there must either be a rapid evolution of fescf_{esc} between z∌3.5z\sim3.5 and the Epoch of Reionization, or hitherto observationally unstudied sources (e.g. ultra-faint low-mass galaxies with log⁥(M/M⊙)∌7−8.5\log(M/M_\odot)\sim7-8.5) must make an outsized contribution to reionization.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures (key result in Figures 7, 8). Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Comments welcom

    Infall, the Butcher-Oemler Effect, and the Descendants of Blue Cluster Galaxies at z~0.6

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    Using wide-field HST/WFPC2 imaging and extensive Keck/LRIS spectroscopy, we present a detailed study of the galaxy populations in MS2053--04, a massive, X-ray luminous cluster at z=0.5866. Analysis of 149 confirmed cluster members shows that MS2053 is composed of two structures that are gravitationally bound to each other; their respective velocity dispersions are 865 km/s (113 members) and 282 km/s (36 members). MS2053's total dynamical mass is 1.2x10^15 Msun. MS2053 is a classic Butcher-Oemler cluster with a high fraction of blue members (24%) and an even higher fraction of star-forming members (44%), as determined from their [OII] emission. The number fraction of blue/star-forming galaxies is much higher in the infalling structure than in the main cluster. This result is the most direct evidence to date that the Butcher-Oemler effect is linked to galaxy infall. In terms of their colors, luminosities, estimated internal velocity dispersions, and [OII] equivalent widths, the infalling galaxies are indistinguishable from the field population. MS2053's deficit of S0 galaxies combined with its overabundance of blue spirals implies that many of these late-types will evolve into S0 members. The properties of the blue cluster members in both the main cluster and infalling structure indicate they will evolve into low mass, L<L* galaxies with extended star formation histories like that of low mass S0's in Coma. Our observations show that most of MS2053's blue cluster members, and ultimately most of its low mass S0's, originate in the field. Finally, we measure the redshift of the giant arc in MS2053 to be z=3.1462; this object is one in only a small set of known strongly lensed galaxies at z>3.Comment: Accepted by ApJ. Version with full resolution figures available at http://www.exp-astro.phys.ethz.ch/tran/outgoing/ms2053.ps.g

    Near infrared spectroscopy and star-formation histories of 3<z<4 quiescent galaxies

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    We present Keck-MOSFIRE H and K spectra for a sample of 24 candidate quiescent galaxies (QGs) at 3<z<4, identified from UVJ colors and photometric redshifts in the ZFOURGE and 3DHST surveys. We obtain spectroscopic redshifts for half of the sample, using absorption or emission lines, and confirm the high accuracy of the photometric redshifts with a median error of 1.2%. Two galaxies turn out to be dusty objects at lower redshifts (z<2.5), and are the only two detected in the sub-mm with ALMA. High equivalent-width [OIII] was observed in two galaxies, contributing up to 30% of the K-band flux and mimicking the colors of an old stellar population. This implies a failure rate of only 20% for the UVJ selection at these redshifts. Balmer absorption was identified in 4 of the brighest galaxies, confirming the absence of OB stars. Modeling all QGs with a wide range of star-formation histories, we find sSFR a factor of 10 below the main sequence (MS) for all but one galaxy, and less than 0.01 Gyr−1^{-1} for half of the sample. This is consistent with the HÎČ\beta and [OII] luminosities, and the ALMA non-detections. We then find that these QGs have quenched on average 300 Myr before observation, between z=3.5 and 5, and that they formed at z~5.5 with a mean SFR~300 Msun/yr. Considering an alternative selection of QGs based solely on the sSFR from SED modeling, we find that galaxies a factor 10 below the MS are 40% more numerous than UVJ-quiescent galaxies, implying that the UVJ selection is pure but incomplete. Current models fail at reproducing our observations and underestimate either the number density of QGs by more than an order of magnitude or the duration of their quiescence by a factor two. Overall, these results confirm the existence of an unexpected population of QGs at z>3, and offer the first insights on their formation history. [abridged]Comment: 30 pages (+ appendix), 18 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    A Pair of Lensed Galaxies at z=4.92 in the Field of CL1358+62

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    The cluster CL1358+62 displays a prominent red arc in WFPC2 images obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope. Keck spectra of the arc show Ly alpha emission at 7204 Angstrom, a continuum drop blueward of the line, and several absorption lines to the red. We identify the arc as a gravitationally lensed galaxy at a redshift of z=4.92. It is the highest redshift object currently known. A gravitational lens model was used to reconstruct images of the high-redshift galaxy. The reconstructed image is asymmetric, containing a bright knot and a patch of extended emission 0.4 arcsec from the knot. The effective radius of the bright knot is 0.022 arcsec or 130 h^-1 pc. The extended patch is partially resolved into compact regions of star formation. The reconstructed galaxy has I_AB= 24, giving a bolometric luminosity of about 3e11 Lsun. This can be produced by a star formation rate of 36 h^-2 Msun /yr (q0=0.5), or by an instantaneous star burst of 3e8 Msun. The spectral lines show velocity variations on the order of 300 km/s along the arc. The Si II line is blue shifted with respect to the Ly alpha emission, and the Ly alpha emission line is asymmetric with a red tail. These spectral features are naturally explained by an outflow model, in which the blue side of the Ly alpha line has been absorbed by outflowing neutral H I. Evidence from other sources indicates that outflows are common in starburst galaxies at high and low redshift. We have discovered a companion galaxy with a radial velocity only 450 km/s different than the arc's. The serendipitous discovery of these two galaxies suggests that systematic searches may uncover galaxies at even higher redshifts.Comment: 13 pages, AAS LaTex, 6 figures, ApJ Letters 486, L75, in press. This is the final version. Text and high quality figures also available at http://www.astro.rug.nl/~franx/papers/ar

    Clusters at Half Hubble Time: Galaxy Structure and Colors in RXJ0152.7-1357 and MS1054-03

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    We study the photometric and structural properties of spectroscopically confirmed members in the two massive X-ray--selected z=0.83 galaxy clusters MS1054-03 and RXJ0152-1357 using three-band mosaic imaging with the Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys. The samples include 105 and 140 members of MS1054-03 and RXJ0152-1357, respectively, with ACS F775W magnitude < 24.0. We develop a promising new structural classification method, based on a combination of the best-fit Sersic indices and the normalized root-mean-square residuals from the fits; the resulting classes agree well with the visual ones, but are less affected by galaxy orientation. We examine the color--magnitude relations in detail and find that the color residuals correlate with the local mass density measured from our weak lensing maps; we identify a threshold density of Σ≈0.1\Sigma \approx 0.1, in units of the critical density, above which the star formation appears to cease. For RXJ0152-1357, we also find a trend in the color residuals with velocity, resulting from an offset of about 980 km/s in the mean redshifts of the early- and late-type galaxies. Analysis of the color--color diagrams indicates that a range of star formation time-scales are needed to reproduce the loci of the galaxy colors. We also identify some cluster galaxies whose colors can only be explained by large amounts, AV≈1A_V \approx 1 mag, of internal dust extinction. [Abstract shortened]Comment: 30 pages, emulateapj format; 23 figures, many in color. Accepted by ApJ; scheduled for the 10 June 2006 issue. Some figures degraded; for a higher resolution version, see: http://astro.wsu.edu/blakeslee/z1clusters

    N‑Linked Glycosylation Prevents Deamidation of Glycopeptide and Glycoprotein

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    Deamidation has been recognized as a common spontaneous pathway of protein degradation and a prevalent concern in the pharmaceutical industry; deamidation caused the reduction of protein/peptide drug efficacy and shelf life in several cases. More importantly, deamidation of physiological proteins is related to several human diseases and considered a timer for the diseases. N-linked glycosylation has a variety of significant biological functions, and it interestingly occurs right on the deamidation site-asparagine. It has been perceived that N-glycosylation could prevent deamidation, but experimental support is still lacking for clearly understanding the role of N-glycosylation on deamidation. Our results presented that deamidation is prevented by naturally occurring N-linked glycosylation. Glycopeptides and corresponding nonglycosylated peptides were used to compare their deamidation rates. All the nonglycosylated peptides have different half-lives ranging from one to 20 days, for the corresponding glycosylated peptides; all the results showed that the deamidation reaction was significantly reduced by the introduction of N-linked glycosylation. A glycoprotein, RNase B, also showed a significantly elongated deamidation half-life compared to nonglycosylated protein RNase A. At last, N-linked glycosylation on INGAP-P, a therapeutic peptide, increased the deamidation half-life of INGAP-P as well as its therapeutic potency

    Spitzer/MIPS 24um Observations of Galaxy Clusters: An Increasing Fraction of Obscured Star-forming Members from z=0.02 to z=0.83

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    We study the mid-infrared properties of 1315 spectroscopically confirmed members in eight massive (M>5x10^14 Msun) galaxy clusters covering the redshift range from 0.02 to 0.83. The selected clusters all have deep Spitzer MIPS 24um observations, Hubble and ground-based photometry, and extensive redshift catalogs. We observe for the first time an increase in the fraction of cluster galaxies with mid-infrared star formation rates higher than 4 solar masses per year from 3% at z=0.02 to 13% at z=0.83. This increase is reproduced even when considering only the most massive members (Mstars >4x10^10 Msun). The 24 micron observations reveal stronger evolution in the fraction of blue/star-forming cluster galaxies than color-selected samples: the number of red but strongly star-forming cluster galaxies increases with redshift, and combining these with the optically-defined Butcher-Oemler members increases the total fraction of blue/star-forming cluster galaxies to ~30% at z=0.83. These results, the first of our Spitzer/MIPS Infra-Red Cluster Survey (SMIRCS), support earlier studies indicating the increase in star-forming members is driven by cluster assembly and galaxy infall, as is expected in the framework of hierarchical formation.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Minor changes since v1 include additional data reduction details - this is the published version of the lette

    The Nature of E+A Galaxies in Intermediate Redshift Clusters

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    [Abridged] Combining HST/WFPC2 mosaics with extensive ground-based spectroscopy, we study the nature of E+A galaxies in three intermediate redshift clusters (z=0.33, 0.58, & 0.83). From a sample of ~500 confirmed cluster members, we isolate 46 E+A candidates to determine the E+A fraction and study their physical properties. We find E+A's comprise a non-negligible component (~7-13%) of the cluster population at these redshifts, and their diverse nature indicates a heterogeneous parent population. Cluster E+A's span the range in Hubble type and cover a wide range in luminosity, internal velocity dispersion, and half-light radius. From their velocity dispersions and half-light radii, we infer that the descendants of E+A's in our highest redshift cluster are massive early-type galaxies. We find a decrease in the characteristic E+A mass similar to the decrease in luminosity of rapidly star-forming field galaxies since z~1, i.e. galaxy ``down-sizing.'' In addition, we argue our statistics imply that >30% of the E-S0 members have undergone an E+A phase; the true fraction could be 100% if the effects of E+A down-sizing, an increasing E+A fraction with redshift, and the conversion of spirals into early-types are also considered. Thus, the E+A phase may indeed be an important stage in the transformation of star-forming galaxies into early-type cluster members.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, version with higher resolution images available at http://www.exp-astro.phys.ethz.ch/tran/publications.htm
