80 research outputs found

    System Supporting Location of Service Works in Agriculture on Example of Vehicle Recycling Network

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    AbstractThe paper presents a decision support system for the selection of locations of dismantling stations in a vehicle recycling network. The system uses genetic algorithms effectively. Locations were optimized according to the following criterion: minimization of costs connected with transport, storage and dismantling of end-of-life vehicles as well as costs connected with transport of parts and materials. The proposed system is universal and may be used in agriculture to determine locations of a different kind of facilities organized in a network, on any given area

    Energy assessment of residential building

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá hodnocením hospodárnosti panelového domu. Hodnotícím mechanizmem je zvolen energetický audit, který hodnotí budovu z hlediska energetického, ekonomického a environmentálního. Byly navrhnuty jednotlivé opatření pro zlepšení vlastností budovy. Jednotlivá opatření byla poskládána do dvou variant. A zhodnocena.This thesis deals with the evaluation panel economical house. The evaluation mechanism is selected, an energy audit that assesses buildings in terms of energy, economic and environmental. Individual measures were designed to improve the properties of the building. Individual measures have been put together in two variants. And evaluation.

    Heat Source for heating of Civil Building

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    Cílem práce je navrhnout a zhodnotit varianty vytápění pro dvoupodlažní mateřskou školku. S vyhotovením projektové dokumentace a investičními a provozními náklady.The aim is to design an evaluate options for heating sytem for kindergarden with two floors. The project documention, investment cost and operating cost are included in this project.

    Immagine linguistica di "immigrante" e "immigrazione"

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    The following paper aims at presenting the conceptualization of immigrate and immigrazione in the cognitive approach. In basis of the gathered linguistic corpus, which constitutes of publicity texts provided by three biggest newspapers Il Corriere della Sera, La Stampa, La Repubblica. The researches evidence these concepts are replaced by synonyms from three semantic views and six metaphorical conceptualization. The results demonstrate the model of lingustic image of these concepts


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    Lifestyle, physical activity level and nutritional habits as well as environmental factors are having a greater and greater detrimental effect on the health of various populations. In the present study we systematically researched the physical status of schoolchildren. It is well known that as children grow up, the amount of spontaneous physical activity they perform decreases as they have more mental tasks to do these negative factors can be offset with daily physical education. We measured children participating in physical education on a daily basis, consisting of 5th (10-11 years old) and 9th (14-15 years old) grade students and control groups of 4th (9-10 years old) and 8th (13-14 years old) grade students, respectively, for a total of 196 persons (94 girls and 102 boys). Habitual physical activity was obtained with Actigraph, (GT1M/GT3X) and body fat percentage was calculated from anthropometrical measurements. As expected, we were able to observe a linear correlation between the physical activity levels and the body composition of the participants. The more time the subjects spent performing MVPA (Moderate and Vigorous Physical Activity), the less body fat they had. The recommended MVPA is a minimum of one hour per day, but these Hungarian children had two hours of MPVA per day. Our results lead us to conclude that ninety minutes of additional physical education per week for 7-8 months cannot be considered sufficient for a full impact analysis nor for schoolchildren’s physical activity needs or body composition, though an increase in the amount of time spent in physical education classes shows beneficial effects for these children


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    Lifestyle, physical activity level and nutritional habits as well as environmental factors are having a greater and greater detrimental effect on the health of various populations. In the present study we systematically researched the physical status of schoolchildren. It is well known that as children grow up, the amount of spontaneous physical activity they perform decreases as they have more mental tasks to do these negative factors can be offset with daily physical education. We measured children participating in physical education on a daily basis, consisting of 5th (10-11 years old) and 9th (14-15 years old) grade students and control groups of 4th (9-10 years old) and 8th (13-14 years old) grade students, respectively, for a total of 196 persons (94 girls and 102 boys). Habitual physical activity was obtained with Actigraph, (GT1M/GT3X) and body fat percentage was calculated from anthropometrical measurements. As expected, we were able to observe a linear correlation between the physical activity levels and the body composition of the participants. The more time the subjects spent performing MVPA (Moderate and Vigorous Physical Activity), the less body fat they had. The recommended MVPA is a minimum of one hour per day, but these Hungarian children had two hours of MPVA per day. Our results lead us to conclude that ninety minutes of additional physical education per week for 7-8 months cannot be considered sufficient for a full impact analysis nor for schoolchildren’s physical activity needs or body composition, though an increase in the amount of time spent in physical education classes shows beneficial effects for these children

    Agricultural producer groups as a form of team entrepreneurship

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    W artykule omówiono grupy producentów rolnych, stanowiących jedną z form przedsiębiorczości zespołowej rolników, oraz zakres przyznawanej pomocy finansowej wspomagającej rozwój tej przedsiębiorczości, a także możliwość wsparcia finansowego dotyczącą tworzenia grup i organizacji producentów do 2020 roku. Integracja producentów rolnych będzie miała w najbliższej przyszłości decydujące znaczenie dla konkurencyjności naszego rolnictwa na jednolitym rynku europejskim. W Polsce funkcjonowało, według stanu na 10 grudnia 2015 roku, 1314 grup producentów rolnych. Najwięcej (31%) grup prowadziło działalność na terenie województwa wielkopolskiego. W ramach Programu Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich grupy producentów rolnych otrzymały na prowadzenie działalności administracyjnej i inwestycyjnej wsparcie w wysokości 782,7 mln zł. Zgodnie ze znowelizowaną we wrześniu 2015 roku ustawą o grupach producentów rolnych i ich związkach zadania związane z funkcjonowaniem grup producentów rolnych i ich związków powierzono Agencji Rynku Rolnego.The study analyzes agricultural producer groups as a form of team entrepreneurship, discussing, among others, the range of the financial aid granted – supporting the development of the entrepreneurship, and the possibilities of delivering financial assistance to the establishment of producer groups and organisations until 2020. Integration of agricultural producers in the nearest future will become a decisive factor having the influence on the competitiveness of our agriculture on the single European market. The conducted analysis reveals that there are 1,314 agricultural producer groups functioning in Poland, as of 10th December 2015. The most of them (over 30%) are functioning on the territory of the Wielkopolskie voivodship. Under Rural Development Programme the groups have been granted financial assistance in the amount of PLN 782.7 mln. Pursuant to the amended act on agricultural producer groups and their associations, the Agricultural Market Agency has been granted tasks relating to the functioning of agricultural producer groups and their associations in Poland