80 research outputs found

    Roboterunterstützte Therapie bei Menschen mit einer Hemiparese : wie wirkt sich diese (moderne) Therapieform auf die Selbständigkeit in den Aktivitäten des täglichen Lebens aus?

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    Einleitung: Jedes Jahr erleiden in der Schweiz 20’000 Personen eine Hirnverletzung oder -erkrankung. Hemiparesen gehören zu den häufigsten Folgen davon. Um wieder eine grösstmögliche Selbstständigkeit in der Ausführung der täglichen Aktivitäten zu erreichen, ist eine umfassende Rehabilitationstherapie notwendig. Eine Behandlungsart ist die roboterunterstützte Therapie. Ziel: Das Ziel dieser Bachelorarbeit ist es, die Auswirkungen einer roboterunterstützten Therapie bei Klientinnen und Klienten mit einer Hemiparese der oberen Extremitäten in der akuten bis subakuten Krankheitsphase auf die Selbständigkeit in den Aktivitäten des täglichen Lebens (ADLs) darzustellen. Methode: Mittels einer systematischen Literaturrecherche wurden sieben Studien als Hauptstudien inkludiert und anhand des AICA-Rasters zusammengefasst, sowie kritisch gewürdigt. Aus unterschiedlichen Studien wurden verschiedene Resultate der Selbstständigkeits-Assessments miteinander verglichen. Zudem wurden die ADLs aus einer Hauptstudie in der Internationalen Klassifikation der Funktionsfähigkeit, Behinderung und Gesundheit (ICF) klassifiziert. Ergebnisse: In einigen Studien konnten Verbesserungen in der Ausführung von ADLs nach der roboterunterstützten Therapie festgestellt werden. Schlussfolgerung:Die roboterunterstützte Therapie bietet eine zusätzliche Unterstützung zur konventionellen Therapie, ersetzt jedoch die Therapeutin oder den Therapeuten nicht vollständig

    New Evidences on Domestication of the Horse (Equus Ferus Caballus) and Origine of Domestic Mountain Pony

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    The results of draft genome research of permafrost horse bone dated approximately 560-780 (kyr BP) have been published recently. According to the data representing the oldest full genome sequence compared to the modern genomes of domesticated horse, Przewalskii and donkey it was suggested that the Equus lineage gave rise to contemporary horses, zebras and donkeys some 4.0 to 4.5 million years ago, twice increasing the assumed time to the common ancestor. Upon the phylogenetic and divergence analyses it was estimated that the Przewalskii and domestic horse populations diverged some 38-72 kyr BP and that there are no evidences that admixtures between Przewalskii and domestic horse populations occurred post-divergently thus Przewalskii’s involvement in the process of horse domestication has been excluded. The new data on ancient equide genome question the conventional theory on the origin of Domestic mountain pony. Upon the protein variability of the Domestic mountain pony the influence of diluvial genome on the population was confirmed and this finding differed from the conventional theory stating E. f. Przewalskii and E. ferus caballus as ancestors of the autochthonous population. The role of different ancestral horses in evolution of our autochthonous population is therefore unclear. The questions emerging from the most recent genetic and proteomic research in concern with the autochthonous populations are presented in the paper

    The Possibility of Organizing an Organic Sheep Breeding in the Municipality of Žagubica

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    Žagubica Municipality, in Eastern Serbia, is one of the most undeveloped municipalities in Serbia. It accounts for only 0.067% of the total GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of the Republic of Serbia. A large number of people migrated from this area to big cities or countries of the EU, mainly because of the economic underdevelopment and the lack of production and processing capacities. Nowadays agriculture has a major role in the economy of Žagubica, contributing to the total value created with 59.33%, which clearly speaks of its dominance, while far behind it is the manufacturing industry with 8.23% and commerce with 6.93%. Geographical position of the Žagubica Municipality, the Homolje territory, is an important natural resource of great potential, with specific characteristics of HNV (High Nature Value) region. Region of Homolje has a long tradition of sheep breeding and the quality of products has become well-known. However, depopulation of villages caused a decline in the production and closure of a number of processing facilities. The development of organic farming is one of the possible ways to revitalize the village and the development of this region rich in natural resources. This paper analyzes the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis) in the organization of organic sheep production in order to apply the necessary measures on the field for the organization of a new production system. The significant "advantages" of Žagubica Municipality are its herbal resources and the fact that the arable agricultural land makes 48.5% of the municipality area (42.9% of meadows and 26% of pastures) which is a good basis for the organization of the production. The issue of animal genetic resources is particularly analyzed and discussed. Under the "possibility" the attention is focused on various aspects of education in this field and its significance

    Comparison of two Analytical Methods (ELISA and LC-MS/MS) for Determination of Aflatoxin B1 in Corn and Aflatoxin M1 in Milk

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    AbstractThe aim of this paper is to assess the closeness of agreement between results of ELISA and LC-MS/MS methods for determination of aflatoxin B1 in corn and aflatoxin M1 in milk. Samples of corn (n=100) and milk (n=250) were simultaneously analyzed using ELISA and LC-MS/MS methods, after the severe drought that affected Serbia in summer 2012 resulting in occurrence of aflatoxin B1 in corn and aflatoxin M1 in milk. Regression analysis showed higher level of agreement between aflatoxin B1 samples (R2=0.994), compared to aflatoxin M1 samples (R2=0.920). However, both techniques were satisfactory in meeting the requirements for official control purposes

    Computing Budget Allocation for Optimization of Sensor Processing Order in Sequential Multi-sensor Fusion Algorithms

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    Because target tracking is a stochastic process, comparison of dierent tracking algorithms or parameter sets within one algorithm relies on time-consuming and computationally demanding simulations. In this paper wepresent a method to minimize simulation time, yet to achieve a desirable con dence of the obtained results by applying ordinal optimization and computing budget allocation ideas and techniques. The developed method is applied to optimization of sensor processing order in sequential multi-sensor fusion algorithms

    Prevalence, Intensity and Risks Involved in Helminth Infections in Domestic Mountain Pony and Balkan Donkey in Na-ture Park Stara Planina, Serbia

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    Background: This study aimed to investigate the prevalence, intensity and risk factors (age and gender) promoting the intestinal helminthic infections of the Domestic mountain ponies and Balkan donkeys in Serbia. Methods: Prevalence, intensity and risk factors influencing helminth infection in horses (n=39) and donkeys (n=18) at the site of Nature Park Stara Planina, were studied from May to Sep 2015. The presence of one or several gastrointestinal helminth species was confirmed by faecal flotation in 97.43% of horses and 88.88% of donkeys included in the monitoring. The identified helminth species were Trichostrongylus axei, Strongylus edentatus, S. vulgaris, Parascaris equorum, Dictyocaulus arnfieldi and Anoplocephala magna in 84.61%, 46.15%, 5.13%, 58.97%, 94.87% and 38.46% of horses, respectively. The significant association of infection with P. equorum and sex of horses was established. (χ2=13.33, P<0.01). Results: The prevalence of parasitic helminths identified in donkeys was the following: D. arnfieldi, T. axei, Pa. equorum, S. vulgaris, A. margna and Strongyloides westeri in 55.55%, 38.89%, 27.78%, 22.22% and 22.22% of donkeys, respectively. Moreover, the mean faecal egg count was higher in donkeys (369.9 EPG - egg per gram) than in horses (250.2 EPG). The association between the age and the mean EPG was significant (P<0.05) in both equine species. Conclusion: The results of the investigation provided basic information that can be helpful for planning strategic control of nematode infection in equine population in Nature Reserves in Serbia

    "Jag reflekterar över miljön men ändå inte" Konsumtion, personliga val och ekonomi

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    Under de senaste decennier har konsumtion av inredning ökat, konsumenter tillbringar allt mer tid på att inreda och inhandla inredning. Avsikten med denna studie är med hjälp av intervjuer undersöka resonemanget vid konsumtion av inredning hos fyra personer, genom att kartlägga deras attityder, beteende och tankar kring konsumtion och konsumtionens miljöpåverkan. Studien presenterar fem teman: konsumtionslycka, pengar, miljö, secondhand och smak. Pengar har en väsentlig roll vid konsumtion av inredning, men respondenternas svar stärker bilden av att konsumtion av inredning ger tillfredsställelse samt är ett medel för att skapa social tillhörighet och identitet.Over the past decades’ consumption of interior has increased, consumers spend more and more time decorating and purchasing interior. The purpose of this study is to investigate the reasoning for the consumption of four persons by analyzing their attitudes, behaviors and thoughts about consumption and the environmental impact of consumption. The study presents five themes: consumption happiness, money, environment, secondhand and taste. Money has decisive role in the consumption of interior, but respondents answer strengthens the picture that interior consumption gives satisfaction and is a mean to create social belongingness and identity

    Czech and English equivalents from information technology

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na překlad slov používaných v informačních technologiích. Definuje postupy překladů, včetně metod a jednotlivých druhů překladů. Dále tato práce popisuje, jak se připravit na překlad, co je potřeba udělat a čemu je potřeba se vyhnout. Praktická část se zaměřuje na slova, která často používají čeští rodilí mluvčí.This bachelor thesis focuses on translated words that are used in information technology. It defines translation procedures, methods of translation and types of translation. Furthermore, this thesis explains how to prepare for translation, what must be done, and what should be avoided. The practical part focuses on the words that are frequently used by native Czech speakers.

    "Jag reflekterar över miljön men ändå inte" Konsumtion, personliga val och ekonomi

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    Under de senaste decennier har konsumtion av inredning ökat, konsumenter tillbringar allt mer tid på att inreda och inhandla inredning. Avsikten med denna studie är med hjälp av intervjuer undersöka resonemanget vid konsumtion av inredning hos fyra personer, genom att kartlägga deras attityder, beteende och tankar kring konsumtion och konsumtionens miljöpåverkan. Studien presenterar fem teman: konsumtionslycka, pengar, miljö, secondhand och smak. Pengar har en väsentlig roll vid konsumtion av inredning, men respondenternas svar stärker bilden av att konsumtion av inredning ger tillfredsställelse samt är ett medel för att skapa social tillhörighet och identitet.Over the past decades’ consumption of interior has increased, consumers spend more and more time decorating and purchasing interior. The purpose of this study is to investigate the reasoning for the consumption of four persons by analyzing their attitudes, behaviors and thoughts about consumption and the environmental impact of consumption. The study presents five themes: consumption happiness, money, environment, secondhand and taste. Money has decisive role in the consumption of interior, but respondents answer strengthens the picture that interior consumption gives satisfaction and is a mean to create social belongingness and identity