118 research outputs found

    Itinéraire d’un blogueur : entre quête de reconnaissance et visibilité limitée

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    On sait que les blogs ont facilité l’accès des usagers de l’Internet à la publication en ligne. Néanmoins, derrière cette simplicité technique relative, la pratique du blogging s’avère semée d’embûches. Par le biais de la trajectoire d’un blogueur, notre intention est d’illustrer ces difficultés et de dévoiler les rouages d’une pratique. Cette trajectoire peut se révéler à la lumière d’une tension, inhérente à l’activité de publication, entre une limitation de ses apparitions et une reconnaissance de la part des pairs, en maintenant leur monde dans une dynamique d’expansion permanente.Blogs are known to have facilitated the access of Internet users to online publication. Nevertheless, behind this comparatively technical simplicity, the practice of blogging appears to be fraught with many traps. Through the trajectory of a blogger, our intention is to illustrate those difficulties and to show up the springs of a practice. That trajectory can be revealed in the light of a tension, inherent to the activity of publication, between peculiar appearances and a recognition on the part of peers by supporting their own world in a dynamics of permanent expansion

    ERα-36 regulates progesterone receptor activity in breast cancer.

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    BACKGROUND: Alterations in estrogen and progesterone signaling, via their respective receptors, estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) and progesterone receptor (PR), respectively, are largely involved in the development of breast cancer (BC). The recent identification of ERα-36, a splice variant of ERα, has uncovered a new facet of this pathology. Although ERα-36 expression is associated with poor prognosis, metastasis development, and resistance to treatment, its predictive value has so far not been associated with a BC subtype and its mechanisms of action remain understudied. METHODS: To study ERα-36 expression in BC specimens, we performed immunochemical experiments. Next, the role of ERα-36 in progesterone signaling was investigated by generating KO clones using the CRISPR/CAS9 technology. PR signaling was also assessed by proximity ligation assay, Western blotting, RT-QPCR, and ChIP experiments. Finally, proliferation assays were performed with the IncuCyte technology and migration experiments using scratch assays. RESULTS: Here, we demonstrate that ERα-36 expression at the plasma membrane is correlated with a reduced disease-free survival in a cohort of 160 BC patients, particularly in PR-positive tumors, suggesting a crosstalk between ERα-36 and PR. Indeed, we show that ERα-36 interacts constitutively with PR in the nucleus of tumor cells. Moreover, it regulates PR expression and phosphorylation on key residues, impacting the biological effects of progesterone. CONCLUSIONS: ERα-36 is thus a regulator of PR signaling, interfering with its transcriptional activity and progesterone-induced anti-proliferative effects as well as migratory capacity. Hence, ERα-36 may constitute a new prognostic marker as well as a potential target in PR-positive BC

    Factors of interrupting chemotherapy in patients with Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Little is known about prognosis of metastatic patients after receiving a first-line treatment and failure. Our group already showed in pre-treated patients enrolled in phase I clinical trials that a performance status (PS) > 2 and an LDH > 600 UI/L were independent prognostic factors. In this prospective study, which included 45 patients, we identified clinical and biological variables as outcome predictors in metastatic Non-Small Cell lung cancer after first line chemotherapy were identified.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>Forty-five patients that were previously treated for metastatic disease from 12/2000 to 11/2005 in the comprehensive cancer centre (Centre LĂ©on BĂ©rard). Clinical assessment and blood parameters were recorded and considered. Patient prognostic factors for overall survival (OS) with a 0.05-significance level in univariate analysis were entered in a multivariate Cox model for further analysis.</p> <p>Patients' median age was 58.5 years (range: 37 - 76). Sixty two percent of the patients were PS = 0 or 1. After inclusion, nine patients received second-line (22.5%), and two received third-line chemotherapy (5%). Univariate analysis showed that the factors associated with reduced OS were: PS > 2, weight loss >10%, more than one line of chemotherapy treatment and abnormal blood parameters (hemoglobin (Hb), platelet and neutrophils counts). Multiple regression analysis confirmed that PS > 2 and abnormal hemoglobin were independent predictors for low overall survival. According to the presence of none (33%), 1 (37%) and 2 (30%) prognostic factors, median OS were 12, 5 and 2 months respectively.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>From this prospective study, both PS and anemia were found as independent determinants of survival, we found that both PS and anemia were independent determinants of survival. The combination of poor PS and anemia is an effective strategy to predict survival in the case of patients with metastatic NSCLC receiving further treatment after the first line.</p

    Prognostic value of the expression of C-Chemokine Receptor 6 and 7 and their ligands in non-metastatic breast cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Chemokines and chemokine receptors are major actors of leukocytes trafficking and some have been shown to play an important role in cancer metastasis. Chemokines CCL19, CCL20 and CCL21 and their receptors CCR6 and CCR7, were assessed as potential biomarkers of metastatic dissemination in primary breast cancer.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Biomarker expression levels were evaluated using immunohistochemistry on paraffin-embedded tissue sections of breast cancer (n = 207).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>CCR6 was expressed by tumor cells in 35% of cases. CCR7 was expressed by spindle shaped stromal cells in 43% of cases but not by tumor cells in this series. CCL19 was the only chemokine found expressed in a significant number of breast cancers and was expressed by both tumor cells and dendritic cells (DC). CCR6, CCL19 and CCR7 expression correlated with histologic features of aggressive disease. CCR6 expression was associated with shorter relapse-free survival (RFS) in univariate and but not in multivariate analysis (p = 0.0316 and 0.055 respectively), and was not associated with shorter overall survival (OS). Expression of CCR7 was not significantly associated with shorter RFS or OS. The presence of CCL19-expressing DC was associated with shorter RFS in univariate and multivariate analysis (p = 0.042 and 0.020 respectively) but not with shorter OS.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results suggest a contribution of CCR6 expression on tumor cells and CCL19-expressing DC in breast cancer dissemination. In our series, unlike what was previously published, CCR7 was exclusively expressed on stromal cells and was not associated with survival.</p

    A whole-genome sequence and transcriptome perspective on HER2-positive breast cancers.

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    HER2-positive breast cancer has long proven to be a clinically distinct class of breast cancers for which several targeted therapies are now available. However, resistance to the treatment associated with specific gene expressions or mutations has been observed, revealing the underlying diversity of these cancers. Therefore, understanding the full extent of the HER2-positive disease heterogeneity still remains challenging. Here we carry out an in-depth genomic characterization of 64 HER2-positive breast tumour genomes that exhibit four subgroups, based on the expression data, with distinctive genomic features in terms of somatic mutations, copy-number changes or structural variations. The results suggest that, despite being clinically defined by a specific gene amplification, HER2-positive tumours melt into the whole luminal-basal breast cancer spectrum rather than standing apart. The results also lead to a refined ERBB2 amplicon of 106 kb and show that several cases of amplifications are compatible with a breakage-fusion-bridge mechanism

    "Le serveur de pages personnelles Mygale": "La trajectoire d’un chaînon manquant dans l’histoire de l’Internet français"

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    National audienceL'imaginaire collective oppose le Web 1.0 à la vague du Web 2.0, apparue à partir du milieu des années 2000. Schématiquement, une ère où dominerait la production des contenus des utilisateurs succéderait à une période caractérisée par la simple consultation de contenu en ligne. Cet article propose une vision plus fine en levant le voile sur une zone d'ombre de l'histoire de l'Internet français qui correspond à l'augmentation très progressive du nombre d'internautes auto-publiant. Retracer l'histoire du serveur de pages personnelles Mygale permet de revenir aux débuts de l'autopublication en ligne, dès le milieu des années 1990 et de relire les tensions entre velléités d'indépendance du cyberespace et la quête de modèle économique viable s'appuyant sur les contenus générés par les utilisateurs

    Optimization of drug distribution to overcome the chemoresistance due to the tumour microenvironment

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    Il existe une littérature abondante sur les mécanismes cellulaires de résistance à la chimiothérapie, décrivant notamment les pompes d’efflux, les modifications des cibles (comme les topoisomérases) ou les altérations de l’apoptose. Peu de publications s’intéressent aux mécanismes de chimiorésistance liée au microenvironnement tumoral. Les agents anticancéreux doivent traverser l’interstitium tumoral pour atteindre toutes les cellules (dont les cellules hypoxiques éloignées des vaisseaux sanguins) à des concentrations suffisantes pour être létales. Les modèles de culture cellulaire en couches multiples ont permis de montrer la faible pénétration des molécules de chimiothérapie. Les techniques d’immunohistochimie permettent une mesure quantitative de la distribution de ces molécules à partir des vaisseaux sanguins. Nous avons évalué la pénétration de plusieurs inhibiteurs de topoisomérases : topotécan, doxorubicine, mitoxantrone et banoxantrone. Nous avons comparé la distribution de ces molécules à travers des tissus sains et des tissus tumoraux, démontrant la pénétration limitée des molécules de chimiothérapie dans les tumeurs. Par contre, nous avons montré que la banoxantrone pénètre rapidement et de façon uniforme. Cette pro-drogue est convertit en AQ4 (un inhibiteur de topoisomérase II ressemblant à la mitoxantrone) en condition d’hypoxie. La mitoxantrone cible les cellules bien oxygénées et AQ4 cible les cellules hypoxiques. Cette combinaison de traitement aboutit à une distribution intratumorale complémentaire et à une amélioration de l’activité antitumorale. Ainsi, optimiser la pénétration des chimiothérapies et/ou cibler spécifiquement les cellules hypoxiques peut contourner la chimiorésistance liée au microenvironnement tumoral.There is a vast literature about mechanisms that lead to drug resistance of individual cancer cells, including drug export pumps, changes in expression of targets (such as topoisomerases) or alterations in apoptosis. A smaller number of publications has drawn attention to causes of drug resistance that depend on the solid tumour microenvironment. Drugs must penetrate the extra-vascular space to reach all of the cancer cells (including cells far from blood vessels in hypoxic condition) in sufficient concentration to cause lethal toxicity. Model systems such as multilayered cell cultures provide direct evidence of poor drug penetration through tumour tissue. In vivo techniques using quantitative immunohistochemistry allow studying drug distribution as a function of distance from the nearest blood vessel. We have evaluated the penetration of several topoisomerase inhibitors: topotecan, doxorubicine, mitoxantrone and banoxantrone (AQ4N). We have compared the distribution of these drugs through normal and tumour tissue, demonstrating the limited perivascular distribution of conventional chemotherapies in tumour. We have also showed the rapid and uniform penetration of banoxantrone. This pro-drug is reduced to AQ4 (a topoisomérase II inhibitor of similar structure to mitoxantrone) under hypoxic condition. The targeting of mitoxantrone to oxygenated regions and AQ4 to hypoxic tumour regions resulted in effective drug exposure over the entire tumour and increased tumour growth delay compared with either drug alone. Improving drug penetration and/or targeting hypoxic tumour cells may overcome chemoresistance due to the tumour microenvironment

    Chapitre 7. Les blogs de BD comme « monde social » amateur

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    Selon l’outil d’indexation Technorati, un million de blogs était répertorié en 2004, 130 millions en 2008 et 181 millions en 2012. Les outils de publication, plate-formes de blogs principalement, ont facilité l’expression en ligne d’internautes aux compétences techniques relativement limitées. Les recherches menées auprès des blogueurs montrent qu’ils constituent des espaces concrets de pratiques amateur. Y circulent des références culturelles parfois connues des seuls blogueurs eux-mêmes : b..
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