359 research outputs found

    Development of Support Facilities for Exercising Arithmetical Word Problems in ITS

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    A Method for Generating Program Specification from Source Program: Analysis by Transforming Program Structure and Argument Manipulation

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    本論文では,ソースプログラムからプログラム仕様を自動生成するための変形解析法を提案し,この手法を実装したシステムAPSG/I(Automatic Program Specification Generator I)について述べている.変形解析法では,Prologのリスト処理プログラムの類似性に注目し,類推の枠組みを利用することによって,典型的なリスト処理プログラムとその仕様から与えられたプログラムに対する仕様の生成を行っている.まず,プログラムが入力されると,あらかじめ定義した典型的なプログラムと比較して,①命令の有無や実行順序などで規定される構造,②データの受け渡しなどで規定される引数の組合せ,の2点について差異を求める.次に,求めた差異によって,あらかじめ定義したプログラム仕様を変換し,入力されたプログラムの仕様を生成する.変形解析法で生成される仕様は,①プログラム仕様と,仕様を変換する規則を自然語で定義しているため自然言語文になる,②形式が統一され,かつ細部に関する情報についても十分に含んでいるなどの特徴を有している.本研究の一部は,文部省科学研究費(重点領域研(2)02249204)による

    チイキ レンケイ ニヨル ショネンジ キョウイク プログラム ノ ジッセンテキ ケンキュウ : ガクセイ ニヨル チイキ プロモーションビデオ セイサク

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    This research aims to develop a new program for first year education with a view to cultivating students\u27 abilities to work in groups, to conduct case studies, and to analyze and present their findings in a creative way. In this program, each group was assigned a case study of an NPO in Himeji area. Five or six students work in a group and conduct research on the target organization. They interviewed NPO workers and participate in social activities to deepen their understanding of the organization. In the end, each group shared the result of the study through powerpoint presentations and short films. Survey was conducted to analyze the responses of both students and local NPO workers to this educational experiment. The survey shows that this program contributed developing students\u27 interests in social activities. NPO workers also evaluated this attempt positively as an approach to co-develop project-based learning that could offer merits both for students and NPOs

    MexEF-OprN multidrug efflux pump transporter negatively controls N-acyl-homoserine lactone accumulation in pseudomonas syringae pv. Tabaci 6605

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    Our previous studies revealed that flagellar-motility-defective mutants such as ∆fliC of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci 6605 (Pta6605) have remarkably reduced production of N-acyl-homoserine lactones (AHL), quorum-sensing molecules. To investigate the reason of loss of AHL production in ∆fliC mutant, we carried out transposon mutagenesis. Among approximately 14,000 transconjugants, we found 11 AHL production-recovered (APR) strains. In these APR strains, a transposon was inserted into either mexE or mexF, genes encoding for the multidrug efflux pump transporter MexEF-OprN, and mexT, a gene encoding a putative transcriptional activator for mexEF-oprN. These results suggest that MexEF-OprN is a negative regulator of AHL production. To confirm the negative effect of MexEF-OprN on AHL production, loss- and gain-of-function experiments for mexEF-oprN were carried out. The ∆fliC∆mexF and ∆fliC∆mexT double mutant strains recovered AHL production, whereas the mexT overexpressing strain abolished AHL production, although the psyI, a gene encoding AHL synthase, is transcribed as wild type. Introduction of a mexF or mexT mutation into another flagellar-motility- and AHL production-defective mutant strain, ∆motCD, also recovered the ability to produce AHL. Furthermore, introduction of the mexF mutation into other AHL production-defective mutant strains such as ∆gacA and ∆aefR also recovered AHL production but not to the ∆psyI mutant. These results indicate that MexEF-OprN is a decisive negative determinant of AHL production and accumulation

    シンケイコン ショウガイ デ ハッショウシタ シンケイ サルコイドーシス ノ イチレイ

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    A52-year-old woman was referred to our hospital for further examination of thoracolumbar pain. As dysesthesia at Th4level was seen in neurological examination, thoracic radiculopathy or myelopathy was suspected. Blood examination showed elevated level of serum ACE and lysozyme. Lymphadenopathy was evident in bilateral hila and mediastina with marked FDG and Gallium accumulation in FDG-PET-CT and Gallium scintigraphy, respectively. The number of lymphocytes and the CD4/CD8ratio were increased in the BALF. Histological findings of specimens obtained from the lung and the skin lesion revealed noncaseating epithelioid granuloma, which yielded the diagnosis of sarcoidosis. The cerebrospinal fluid examinations showed elevated level of cell counts, proteins and β2-microglobulin. Taken together, she was diagnosed as neurosarcoidosis with thoracic radiculopathy. Her symptoms were improved with oral administration of prednisolone, but they were exacerbated when prednisolone dose was tapered to20mg/day. Combined therapy of methotrexate and prednisolone was initiated, thereafter her symptoms disappeared completely

    Detection of the Onset of Ischemia and Carcinogenesis by Hypoxia-Inducible Transcription Factor-Based In Vivo Bioluminescence Imaging

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    An animal model for the early detection of common fatal diseases such as ischemic diseases and cancer is desirable for the development of new drugs and treatment strategies. Hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) is a transcription factor that regulates oxygen homeostasis and plays key roles in a number of diseases, including cancer. Here, we established transgenic (Tg) mice that carry HRE/ODD-luciferase (HOL) gene, which generates bioluminescence in an HIF-1-dependent manner and was successfully used in this study to monitor HIF-1 activity in ischemic tissues. To monitor carcinogenesis in vivo, we mated HOL mice with rasH2 Tg mice, which are highly sensitive to carcinogens and are used for short-term carcinogenicity assessments. After rasH2-HOL Tg mice were treated with N-methyl-N-nitrosourea, bioluminescence was detected noninvasively as early as 9 weeks in tissues that contained papillomas and malignant lesions. These results suggest that the Tg mouse lines we established hold significant potential for monitoring the early onset of both ischemia and carcinogenesis and that these lines will be useful for screening chemicals for carcinogenic potential

    An assessment of ten ocean reanalyses in the polar regions

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    Global and regional ocean and sea ice reanalysis products (ORAs) are increasingly used in polar research, but their quality remains to be systematically assessed. To address this, the Polar ORA Intercomparison Project (Polar ORA-IP) has been established following on from the ORA-IP project. Several aspects of ten selected ORAs in the Arctic and Antarctic were addressed by concentrating on comparing their mean states in terms of snow, sea ice, ocean transports and hydrography. Most polar diagnostics were carried out for the first time in such an extensive set of ORAs. For the multi-ORA mean state, we found that deviations from observations were typically smaller than individual ORA anomalies, often attributed to offsetting biases of individual ORAs. The ORA ensemble mean therefore appears to be a useful product and while knowing its main deficiencies and recognising its restrictions, it can be used to gain useful information on the physical state of the polar marine environment.Peer reviewe

    A POS-based preordering approach for English-to-Arabic statistical machine translation

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    In this work, we present a POS-based preordering approach that tackles both long- and short-distance reordering phenomena. Syntactic unlexicalized reordering rules are automatically extracted from a parallel corpus using only word alignment and a source-side language tagging. The reordering rules are used in a deterministic manner; this prevents the decoding speed from being bottlenecked in the reordering procedure. A new approach for both rule filtering and rule application is used to ensure a fast and efficient reordering. The tests performed on the IWSLT2016 English-to-Arabic evaluation benchmark show a noticeable increase in the overall Blue Score for our system over the baseline PSMT system