62 research outputs found

    A pharmacognostic study of Vernonia guineensis Benth. (Asteraceae) : bioactivity, safety, and phytochemical analysis

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    The world continues to be plagued by numerous diseases and health complications. Unfortunately, current drug discovery efforts are lagging behind compared to the pace of emergence of new diseases or the development of resistance to current therapies. Medicinal plants especially for people in developing countries are sometimes the only remedies available for the prevention and treatment of diseases. Modern science has also come to recognize the importance of medicinal plants in drug discovery and development given the contributions that this sector has made to drug discovery. As such, several pharmacognostic/natural products chemistry techniques have been developed to aid research on the medicinal properties of plants. The application of these techniques is very useful in two main areas in that they facilitate the validation of the medicinal properties of folk remedies and in the discovery of new remedies from natural products. This thesis focused on the evaluation of the medicinal properties of Vernonia guineensis Benth. (Asteraceae), which is commonly called Ginseng in Cameroon. The species was found to possess antimicrobial, antiplasmodial, antiproliferative/anticancer and anthelmintic effects. Results obtained and reported in this thesis will form a useful foundation for further research into the medicinal potential of this plantUBL - phd migration 201

    Ethnomédecine vétérinaire

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    Ethnoveterinary medicine

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    PENGARUH KEPEMIMPINAN, KUALITAS SDM, DAN BUDAYA ORGANISASI TERHADAP OPTIMALISASI KINERJA PEGAWAI DI PERPUSTAKAAN NASIONAL RI JAKARTA (Studi Tentang Kepemimpinan, Kualitas SDM Dan Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Optimalisasi Kinerja Pegawai Perpustakaan Nasional RI Jakarta)

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    Labor work performance provides the succers of organization. At the National Library in Jakarta, the labor work performance can be traced from the support of the leadership, human resources quality, and organization culture. The problem is to what extent the three factors influence on the work performance. This study focuses on the influence of leadership, quality of human resources and organization culture to the optimalization of officers performance. The research was conducted in the National Library of Indonesia in Jakarta in 2006. A survey with descriptive analysis and correlation analysis of product moment was applied. This includes 120 respondents of population amount counted 693 people and produces statistically positive and significant impacts of the independent variables on the officer performances. After testing the correlation by using double regression at the 95 % level of trust, it is found that Leadership (X,) is 13,4 %, Quality of Human Resource (X,) equalsto 14,6% and Culture of Organization (X,) 16,7 % to variable tied Optimalization Officer Performance (10 at 10,4 %. The influence at a time variable of X,, X2, X, to Y pass coefficient of regresi F,,,,,upd equals to 65 %. The result of the study indicates that each independent variables (X,, X2, X,) hasstatistically positive and significant effect on dependent variables tied (Y). This applied to all respondents worked at the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia. Key words : Leadership, quality of human resource, culture organizational, and of labor work performance

    Medicina etnoveterinária

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    Cauliflower Mosaic Virus TAV, a Plant Virus Protein That Functions like Ribonuclease H1 and is Cytotoxic to Glioma Cells

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    Recent comparisons between plant and animal viruses reveal many common principles that underlie how all viruses express their genetic material, amplify their genomes, and link virion assembly with replication. Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) is not infectious for human beings. Here, we show that CaMV transactivator/viroplasmin protein (TAV) shares sequence similarity with and behaves like the human ribonuclease H1 (RNase H1) in reducing DNA/RNA hybrids detected with S9.6 antibody in HEK293T cells. We showed that TAV is clearly expressed in the cytosol and in the nuclei of transiently transfected human cells, similar to its distribution in plants. TAV also showed remarkable cytotoxic effects in U251 human glioma cells in vitro. *ese characteristics pave the way for future analysis on the use of the plant virus protein TAV, as an alternative to human RNAse H1 during gene therapy in human cells

    Participatory Epidemiology of Endemic Diseases in West African Cattle – Ethnoveterinary and Bioveterinary Knowledge in Fulani Disease Control

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    Fulani pastoralists in Nigeria lack adequate access to good quality veterinary services and often resort to treating their animals themselves. There are several negative aspects to this, including poor treatment outcomes, misuse of veterinary drugs and subsequent resistance, and further barriers to good relations between pastoralists and veterinary services. A participatory epidemiology survey was undertaken in Fulani communities, to examine their ability to diagnose and treat bovine diseases. Qualitative participatory epidemiology techniques including semi-structured interviews, ranking and participant and non-participant observations were used for data collection. Quantitative analysis to match Fulani disease descriptions to veterinary diseases was done by hierarchical clustering and multi-dimensional scaling. A concurrent parasitological survey for soil-transmitted parasites, trypanosomiasis and tick-borne diseases was undertaken to validate results.Fulani pastoralists displayed high levels of ethnoveterinary knowledge and good clinical diagnostic abilities. Diseases considered important by pastoralists included: hanta (CBPP); sammore (trypanosomiasis); boro (foot and mouth disease), gortowel (liver fluke), dauda (parasitic gastro-enteritis with bloody diarrhoea) and susa (parasitic gastro-enteritis). The parasitology survey supported the participatory epidemiology results but also showed a high prevalence of tick-borne diseases that were not mentioned by pastoralists in this study. The use of “hanta” to describe CBPP is important as the accepted translation is liver-fluke (hanta is the Hausa word for liver). Gortowel and dauda, two previously undescribed Fulfulde disease names have now been matched to liver fluke and PGE with bloody diarrhoea. Fulani showed low levels of bovine veterinary knowledge with mostly incorrect veterinary drugs chosen for treatment. Levels of ethno- and bio-veterinary knowledge and their application within pastoralist livestock healthcare practices are discussed. Keywords: Fulani, Pastoralist, Cattle, Participatory epidemiology, Participatory diagnosis, Ethnoveterinary knowledg

    Participatory Epidemiology of Endemic Diseases in West African Cattle – Ethnoveterinary and Bioveterinary Knowledge in Fulani Disease Control

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    Fulani pastoralists in Nigeria lack adequate access to good quality veterinary services and often resort to treating their animals themselves. There are several negative aspects to this, including poor treatment outcomes, misuse of veterinary drugs and subsequent resistance, and further barriers to good relations between pastoralists and veterinary services. A participatory epidemiology survey was undertaken in Fulani communities, to examine their ability to diagnose and treat bovine diseases. Qualitative participatory epidemiology techniques including semi-structured interviews, ranking and participant and non-participant observations were used for data collection. Quantitative analysis to match Fulani disease descriptions to veterinary diseases was done by hierarchical clustering and multi-dimensional scaling. A concurrent parasitological survey for soil-transmitted parasites, trypanosomiasis and tick-borne diseases was undertaken to validate results.Fulani pastoralists displayed high levels of ethnoveterinary knowledge and good clinical diagnostic abilities. Diseases considered important by pastoralists included: hanta (CBPP); sammore (trypanosomiasis); boro (foot and mouth disease), gortowel (liver fluke), dauda (parasitic gastro-enteritis with bloody diarrhoea) and susa (parasitic gastro-enteritis). The parasitology survey supported the participatory epidemiology results but also showed a high prevalence of tick-borne diseases that were not mentioned by pastoralists in this study. The use of “hanta” to describe CBPP is important as the accepted translation is liver-fluke (hanta is the Hausa word for liver). Gortowel and dauda, two previously undescribed Fulfulde disease names have now been matched to liver fluke and PGE with bloody diarrhoea. Fulani showed low levels of bovine veterinary knowledge with mostly incorrect veterinary drugs chosen for treatment. Levels of ethno- and bio-veterinary knowledge and their application within pastoralist livestock healthcare practices are discussed. Keywords: Fulani, Pastoralist, Cattle, Participatory epidemiology, Participatory diagnosis, Ethnoveterinary knowledg

    Membangun Jemaat 2021

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