12 research outputs found
Pemikiran ekonomi Syeikh Daud al-Fatani / Hadenan Towpek
Kajian ini adalah mengenai pemikiran ekonomi Syeikh Daud al-Fatani dalam kitab Furu’ al-Masa’il dan relevansinya dengan kontrak perbankan Islam di Malaysia. Kajian ini mempunyai lima objektif, iaitu menerangkan biografi pengarang; mengenalpasi konsep pemikiran ekonomi Islam dan potensi ulama Melayu sebagai pemikir ekonomi; merumuskan perbincangan mengenai kontrak muamalat dalam kitab Furu’ al-Masa’il; mengenalpasti amalan kontrak muamalat dalam perbankan Islam di Malaysia; dan menganalisis relevansi kontrak muamalat Syeikh Daud al-Fatani dengan amalan kontrak perbankan Islam di Malaysia. Kajian ini menghasilkan lima dapatan. Pertama, kehebatan dan keistimewaan tokoh ini bersumberkan aspek rihlah ‘ilmiyyah dan aspek kepengarangan. Kedua, bidang pemikiran ekonomi Islam adalah berasaskan landasan ijtihad, dan kemantapan idea dan kebijaksanaan sarjana. Ketiga, kemantapan kitab Furu’ al-Masa’il pada bab muamalat. Keempat, asas kekuatan muamalat perbankan Islam di Malaysia adalah dari aspek penubuhan institusi perbankan Islam itu sendiri, dan doktrin menolak riba serta mengembang akad muamalat. Kelima, analisis relevansi akad muamalat Syeikh Daud al- Fatani dengan amalan akad muamalat perbankan Islam Malaysia dapat dirumuskan kepada aspek kefahaman dan definisi, dan aspek aplikasi
Konsep Musyarakah menurut Syeikh Daud Al-Fatani dalam Furu‘ Al-Masâ’il
This paper presents Sheikh Daud al- Fatani’s thought on the concept of Musharakah in his book Furu 'al-Masa'il and referred specifically to the Kitabal-Shirkah. How musyarakah generally applied in Malaysia's Islamic banking system is the focus of this paper. In the same period, cross-references with the valid views of jurists of al- Shafi'i school of thought are also applied. Moreover, the concept of Musharakah is presented in his book “Furu 'al-Masa'il†is still considered relevant and applicable, including in the field of Islamic banking and finance from the past, present and future.Tulisan ini mengetengahkan pandangan Syeikh Daud al-Fatani terhadap konsep musyarakah sebagaimana yang dibincangkan dalam kitabnya Furu‘ al-Masa’il dan dirujuk khusus pada tajuk Kitabal-Syirkah. Bagaimana musyarakah diaplikasin secara umum dalam sistem perbankan Islam Malaysia menjadi fokus makalah ini. Dalam masa yang sama juga, rujukan silang dengan pandangan fuqaha’ al-Syafi‘i yang valid juga diterapkan. Bahkan konsep musyarakah yang dikemukakan dalam kitab Furu‘ al-Masa’il ini adalah masih lagi relevan dan dapat diaplikasikan termasuk dalam bidang perbankan dan keuangan Islam dari dulu, kini dan akan datang
The Case of Holywings Bar and Its Existence Upon the Legal and Socio-Political Perspectives in Indonesia
The case of Holywings Bar is an issue that has garnered public attention following their social media promotions on alcoholic beverage products by including the names of Muhammad and Maria. This case is considered as a sensitive issue in a country with the majority of its population are Muslims. Thus, by the initiative of several community groups, this issue has been reported to the legal apparatus to stop all its operations in Jakarta and other big cities entirely. Based on the issue, this study is conducted to obtain a profound understanding toward the case of Holywings bar and its existence in Indonesia viewed from the legal and socio-political aspects. In discussing the problem of this study, we collect information from various newspapers and other legal and socio-political science publishers as the supporting data. Then, we analyze the datathrough phenomenological approach and draw conclusions believedas the best answer for the problem. Finally, the researchers conclude that the case of Holywings Bar is declared as having violated the law and business licensing regulations for bars that sell alcoholic beverages. According to several experts, the closure of Holywings Bar can be viewed from the legal and socio-political perspectivesrelated to the 2024 presidential election, since the majority of voters for presidential candidates are from Islamic groups who support the closure, and they are closely related to one of the presidential candidates in 2024. Hence, the results of this study are expected to be beneficial toward the development of similar studies in the future
Sheikh Daud bin ‘Abdullah al-Fatani (1131-1265AH/1718-1847CE) is a Malay scholar who appears on the transition period to 18M and 19M century. He was known as a productive scholar and prolific book, which can be viewed from various aspects. Therefore, this article attempts to analyze his views on aspects of production as discussed in his masterpiece Furu‘al-Masa’il and specifically referred to in chapter transaction. This article uses content analysis methods through a thematic approach in identifying the aspects of production. This article identifies at least nine aspects contained in the production of the work of priority in economic aspect, the aspect of work/effort, capital, profit-generating aspect, the aspect of profit distribution, aspects of joint agricultural projects, exploring aspects of soil, aspect prohibition of usury and aspects of the general offer. This finding indirectly indicates that the views of Sheikh Daud al-Fatani presented in the book furu‘ al-Masa’il are an ever green that is a deep insight into and remain relevant from the past, present and future. Key Words: Economic, Production, Malay, Daud Al-Fatan
The Concept Of Nurayn in Learning: A Theological Basis Of Teacher–Student Relationship In Education
Abstrak: Terdapat dua isu yang saling berlawanan pada dominasi domain kognitif, yaitu pertama, lebih diutamakan untuk mendahulukan nilai-nilai afektif sebelum kognitif, dan kedua, narasi-narasi Emotional Quotient (EQ) dan Spiritual Quotient (SQ) dipromosikan untuk mendorong pentingnya Intelectual Quotient (IQ) dalam sistem pendidikan. Setelah melalui proses yang dinamis, usulan muncul untuk meningkatkan Kurikulum Berbasis Sekolah (KBS) menjadi Kurikulum2013 (K13). Dalam K13, domain afektif dimunculan dalam bentuk Kompentensi Spiritual dan Kompetensi Sosial sementara domain kognitif dan psikomotorik dipertahankan. Secara teologis konsep yang ditawarkan ini sesuai dengan apa yang disebut Insan Kamil dan usaha untuk membangun tujuan-tujuan yang diharapkan tersebut terletak pada transformasi dari pengetahuan yang profan menuju perspektif teologi Islam yang dianggap suci. Ilmu pengetahun sebagai Cahaya Ilahi hanya dapat ditransformasikan oleh orang yang berhati suci (guru). ملخص: هناك مسألتان متعارضتان في هيمنة المجال المعرفي. أولا ، تقديم القيم العاطفية قبل الإدراك. ثانياً ، ترقية السرد العاطفي(EQ)والسرد الروحي(SQ)لتشجيع أهمية "الحكمة الفكرية" (IQ)في نظام التعليم. بعد اجتياز العملية الديناميكية ، ظهرت اقتراحات لتحسين المنهج الدراسي المدرسي(KBS)إلى المنهج الدراسي 2013.(K13)في المنهج الدراسي 13(K13)، يظهر المجال العاطفي في صورة الكفاءة الروحية والكفاءة الاجتماعية بينما بقاء الحفاظ على المجالات المعرفية والحركية. إن المفهوم المقدم من الناحية اللاهوتية يتماشى مع ما يطلق عليه إنسان كامل، والجهد الرامي إلى بناء الأهداف المرجوة يكمن في تحويل المعرفة المهينة إلى منظور اللاهوت الإسلامي الذي يعتبر مقدسًا. العلم كالنورالإلهي ولا يمكن توصيله إلا من قبلالمعلم الطاهر القلب
Historiographical reflection on the Malay World
This work began with a very interesting criticism from the author, Tatiana A. Dnisova, who argued that: “every time there is a need to understand the Malay view on various subjects or areas of human life, a researcher must refer to primary sources, i.e. the Malay literary treasures, including works on the historiography of Islamic Malay.
Historiographical reflection on the Malay World
This work began with a very interesting criticism from the author, Tatiana A. Dnisova, who argued that: “every time there is a need to understand the Malay view on various subjects or areas of human life, a researcher must refer to primary sources, i.e. the Malay literary treasures, including works on the historiography of Islamic Malay.
Sharia Banking Strategy in Improving Gross Regional Domestic Products in Sambas District, Indonesia
The low contribution of Sharia Banking to the growth rate of Gross Regional Domestic Product for seven years is present in the midst of the people of Sambas Regency, who in fact are the majority of Muslims, so it requires an effort to be able to make a bigger contribution. This study aims to formulate any strategies required by Islamic banking in order to increase the Gross Regional Domestic Product of Sambas Regency with a descriptive quantitative approach. Based on the results of the SWOT analysis and continued with the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) analysis, there are seven alternative strategic sector development priorities that can be carried out by Islamic banking in order to increase the Gross Regional Domestic Product of Sambas Regency. Based on the assessment of strategic attractiveness, it shows that the most attractive strategy to be implemented is to collaborate with local governments and institutions in society, then follow the strategy of improving the quality of human resources and technology in the second position and then socializing the advantages of Islamic banking to all levels. community, expand networks, determine superior financing products, be active in financing management, and streamline educational, socialization and promotion activities to gather customers