66 research outputs found

    Can Intermarriage ‘Kokusai kekkon’ Prevent Return Migration? : The Case of Moroccan Migrant Returnees from Japan

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    The aim of this study is twofold: Firstly, it investigates the role of intermarriage or ‘Kokusai kekkon’ with Japanese natives in facilitating Moroccan migration to Japan. Secondly, it aims to understand the factors which have pushed Moroccan migrants to return home. Over the last decade, a growing number of Moroccan migrants have relied on ‘Kokusai kekkon’ or ‘intermarriage’ with Japanese natives as a strategy to migrate to Japan. Nevertheless, many of these migrants return to Morocco after years of residence and work in Japan. The study takes the hypothesis of structural reasons in Japan and Morocco as the causes of this act. Drawing from in-depth interviews with six former Moroccan migrants who have returned to Morocco, quantitative and qualitative data was collected and analyzed to understand some of the reasons behind this return migration. The study showed that intermarriage was strategic to migration for the majority of the informants; however, it was not a sufficient factor to prevent their return to Morocco. It also revealed many structural factors in both Japan and Morocco that have encouraged this return; including the inability to generate savings, the incapability to remit as well as Japan’s restrictive citizenship requirements Keywords:Kokusai kekkon Intermarriage, n, Moroccan Returnees, Japan’s Migration Policies           &nbsp

    Understanding Moroccan Return Migration and Intermarriage Dynamics : The Case of Moroccan Returnees from Japan

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    The aim of this study is twofold: Firstly, it investigates the role of intermarriage or ‘Kokusai kekkon’ with Japanese natives in facilitating Moroccan migration to Japan. Secondly, it aims to understand the factors which have pushed Moroccan migrants to return home. Over the last decade, a growing number of Moroccan migrants have relied on ‘Kokusai kekkon’ or ‘intermarriage’ with Japanese natives as a strategy to migrate to Japan. Nevertheless, many of these migrants return to Morocco after years of residence and work in Japan. The study takes the hypothesis of structural reasons in Japan and Morocco as the causes of this act. Drawing from in-depth interviews with six former Moroccan migrants who have returned to Morocco, quantitative and qualitative data was collected and analyzed to understand some of the reasons behind this return migration. The study showed that intermarriage was strategic to migration for the majority of the informants; however, it was not a sufficient factor to prevent their return to Morocco. It also revealed many structural factors in both Japan and Morocco that have encouraged this return; including the inability to generate savings, the incapability to remit as well as Japan’s restrictive citizenship requirements

    Effect of filler particle characteristics on yield stress and viscosity of fresh sulfur composites

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    The amount and properties of fillers greatly affect the workability of sulfur composites. In addition, modified sulfur has fluidity only above approximately 115 degrees C, and its rheology may depend on the temperature. This study aimed to mainly quantify the effects of mixing temperature and filler particle characteristics on the yield stress and viscosity of fresh sulfur composites by applying suspension rheology theory. Sulfur composites containing mineral fillers, such as different blends of fly ash and Portland cement, were examined. The test results revealed that the yield stress of the sulfur composites was influenced by both the type and volumetric ratio of fillers, whereas the viscosity was governed by the specific surface area of filler particles. At 140 degrees C, the sulfur composites attained a higher yield stress and viscosity than at 120 degrees C. In addition, the intrinsic viscosity of the sulfur composites was dependent on the filler type and not on its volume ratio. The sulfur composites were well described by conventional yield and viscosity models commonly applied for suspension materials, when the filler volume ratio was less than 30%. (C) 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V

    Multi-Objective Optimisation Framework for Designing Office Windows::Quality of View, Daylight and Energy Efficiency

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    This paper presents a new, multi-objective method of analysing and optimising the energy processes associated with window system design in office buildings. The simultaneous consideration of multiple and conflicting design objectives can make the architectural design process more complicated. This study is based on the fundamental recognition that optimising parameters on the building energy loads via window system design can reduce the quality of the view to outside and the received daylight – both qualities highly valued by building occupants. This paper proposes an approach for quantifying Quality of View in office buildings in balance with energy performance and daylighting, thus enabling an optimisation framework for office window design. The study builds on previous research by developing a multi-objective method of assessment of a reference room which is parametrically modelled using actual climate data. A method of Pareto Frontier and a weighting sum is applied for multi-objective optimisation to determine best outcomes that balance design requirements. The Results reveal the maximum possible window to wall ratio for the reference room. The optimisation model indicates that the room geometry should be altered to achieve the lighting and view requirements set out in building performance standards. The research results emphasise the need for window system configuration to be considered in the early design stages. This exploratory approach to a methodology and framework considers both building parameters and the local climate condition. It has the potential to be adopted and further refined by other researchers and designers to support complex, multi-factorial design decision-making

    Critical Grain Size of Fine Aggregates in the View of the Rheology of Mortar

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    The aim of this research was to investigate the validity of the Krieger-Dougherty model as a quantitative model to predict the viscosity of mortar depending on various aggregate sizes. The Krieger-Dougherty model reportedly predicted the viscosity of a suspension, which includes cement-based materials. Concrete or mortar incorporates natural resources, such as sand and gravel, referred to as aggregates, which can make up as much as 80% of the mixture by volume. Cement paste is a suspending medium at fresh state and then becomes a binder to link the aggregate after its hydration. Both the viscosity of the suspending medium and the characteristics of the aggregates, therefore, control the viscosity of the cement-based materials. In this research, various sizes and gradations of fine aggregate samples were prepared. Workability and rheological properties were measured using fresh-state mortar samples and incorporating the various-sized fine aggregates. Yield stress and viscosity measurements were obtained by using a rheometer. Based on the packing density of each fine aggregate sample, the viscosity of the mortar was predicted with the Krieger-Dougherty model. In addition, further adjustments were made to determine the water absorption of fine aggregates and was transferred from successful experiment to simulation for more accurate prediction. It was also determined that both yield stress and viscosity increase when the fine aggregate mean size decreases throughout the mix. However, when the mean size of the fine aggregates is bigger than 0.7 mm, the yield stress is not affected by the size of the fine aggregate. Additionally, if aggregate grains get smaller up to 0.3 mm, their water absorption is critical to the rheological behavior

    Enhancement In Drug Deliry

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    633 hal.; ill.; 23c

    L’influence du scĂ©nario d’apprentissage-action sur la motivation des Ă©lĂšves de 1re en cours d’anglais

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    Language teaching has undergone a major evolution since the adoption of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in 2001.This framework advocates an action-oriented approach in which the leaner is considered as a social being who, while performing a final task, uses and enriches their competences. To implement this approach, didacticians, such as Claire Bourguignon, have conceived the learning scenario. 15 years after its introduction, how has this action-oriented approach been implemented in French high schools ? Does this learning scenario, which seems able to give a meaning to language learning, really influence the pupils’ motivation ?L’enseignement scolaire des langues-cultures a connu une Ă©volution importante depuis l’adoption du Cadre EuropĂ©en Commun de RĂ©fĂ©rence en 2001. Ce rĂ©fĂ©rentiel prĂ©conise une approche actionnelle dans laquelle l’apprenant est envisagĂ© en tant qu’acteur social qui, au travers de la tĂąche finale qu’il mĂšne Ă  bien, va mobiliser et enrichir ses compĂ©tences. Pour mettre en Ɠuvre concrĂštement cette approche, des didacticiens, comme Claire Bourguignon, ont conçu le scĂ©nario d’apprentissage-action. Une quinzaine d’annĂ©e aprĂšs son introduction, comment cette approche actionnelle est-elle dĂ©ployĂ©e au lycĂ©e ? Le scĂ©nario d’action, qui semble de nature Ă  donner du sens Ă  l’apprentissage de la langue, influence-t-il vraiment la motivation des Ă©lĂšves

    Parametric Approach for Multi-Objective Optimization for Daylighting and Energy Consumption in Early Stage Design of Office Tower in New Administrative Capital City of Egypt

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    In the last few years, great improvements have been achieved in building optimization methods. Mustapha Sadeghipour Roudasri and others found new tools ” Ladybug, Honeybee and Butterfly” which could gather many simulation engines and visualization tools ” Energyplus, OpenStudio, Radiance, Daysim, CFD, OpenFOAM, etc ”. Consequently, These simulation engines will integrate with parametric modeling in Grasshopper and multiobjective optimization through Octopus plug-in to form an early stage parametric optimization framework in one canvas. This paper aims at finding the suitable plane shape and building configurations for multi-objective optimization to the daylighting levels and energy consumption of office tower building in the new administrative capital city in Egypt through parametric based optimization method. One of the most commonly used plan shapes of these types of buildings was studied. This shape and many building configurations ”WWR, window material, wall material and shading devices” were parametrically modeled. These Parameters will form many tradeoffs which will be simulated and optimized by the previous framework. Spatial Daylight Autonomy ”SDA300/50%” is examined to optimize Daylighting while Energy Use Intensity ” EUI” is used for energy consumption optimization. Multi-Objective Optimization was performed by genetic algorithms via Octopus plug-in. The near optimum design for plan shape and building configuration to balance between daylighting and energy consumption is achieved and will be a reference model for office tower buildings in this zone in Egypt which is under rapid development. The framework used in this study will guide designers to find effective solutions for early-stage design of office building in one canvas without any conflict between several engines and scripts
