23 research outputs found

    Matériaux multiferroïques : structure, ordres et couplages. Une étude par spectroscopie Raman

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    Multiferroics are materials in which magnetic, electric and elastic orders can coexist in the same phase. These orders can be coupled to each other and their study of high interest to understand the mecanisms at stake in the multiferroic materials. This PhD thesis has been focused on the study of several multiferroic compounds by the mean of Raman spectroscopy. In bismuth ferrite (BiFeO₃), the effect of strain on the magnetic order, both on thin films (epitaxial strain) and single crystals (hydrostatic pressure), has been thoroughly investigated. This thesis also focuses on the study of hybrid magneto-electric excitations (electromagnons) in type II multiferroic compounds with strong ferroelectric polarizations such as CaMn₇O₁₂ and TbMnO₃. Furthermore, phonons modes and of low energy excitations have been measured and studied (especially under magnetic field) in compounds with frustrated magnetic orders such as h-YMnO₃, h-YbMnO₃ and in the niobium iron langasite (Ba₃NbFe₃Si₂O₁₄).Les matĂ©riaux multiferroĂŻques sont des matĂ©riaux dans lesquels des ordres magnĂ©tiques, Ă©lectriques et Ă©lastiques peuvent coexister dans une mĂȘme phase. Ces ordres peuvent ĂȘtre couplĂ©s entre eux et l’étude de ces couplages permet de mieux comprendre les mĂ©canismes Ă  l’Ɠuvre dans ces matĂ©riaux. Cette thĂšse porte sur l’étude de diffĂ©rents composĂ©s multiferroĂŻques par spectroscopie Raman. Dans la ferrite de bismuth (BiFeO₃), l'effet de la contrainte sur le magnĂ©tisme, aussi bien sur les films minces (par contrainte Ă©pitaxiale) que le bulk (par pression hydrostatique) est Ă©tudiĂ© en dĂ©tail. Cette thĂšse prĂ©sente Ă©galement une Ă©tude des excitations hybrides magnĂ©to-Ă©lectriques (Ă©lectromagnons) dans les composĂ©s de type II Ă  forte polarisation ferroĂ©lectrique comme CaMn₇O₁₂ et TbMnO₃. En outre, les modes de phonons ainsi que les excitations de basses Ă©nergies ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s (notamment sous champ magnĂ©tique) dans des composĂ©s au magnĂ©tisme frustrĂ© comme h-YMnO₃, h-YbMnO₃ et dans le langasite de fer au niobium

    Recommandations portant sur la prise en charge optimale en physiothérapie de la clientÚle pédiatrique atteinte de torticolis musculaire congénital

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    Travail d'intĂ©gration rĂ©alisĂ© dans le cadre du cours PHT-6113.Le torticolis musculaire congĂ©nital (TMC) est actuellement un flĂ©au qui sĂ©vit sur le Canada en ce qui concerne la mĂ©decine pĂ©diatrique (1). En effet, le TMC est la troisiĂšme atteinte la plus commune en orthopĂ©die (2). Cette atteinte est d’étiologie inconnue et l’incidence se trouve entre 0,3 et 2% (3). Il y a plusieurs causes, impacts et manifestations possibles de cette pathologie sur le dĂ©veloppement normal des nourrissons. Les enfants atteints sont vraisemblablement Ă  haut risque d’acquĂ©rir des anomalies comme un retard de dĂ©veloppement moteur, une plagiocĂ©phalie ou une dysplasie de hanche. De plus, nous supposons que la sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ© du TMC est directement ou indirectement reliĂ©e Ă  la campagne «dodo sur le dos» qui a Ă©tĂ© lancĂ©e par l’agence de la santĂ© publique du Canada, en fĂ©vrier 1999. Cette campagne a Ă©tĂ© mise en place pour lutter contre le syndrome de mort subite chez le nourrisson. Or, depuis, des Ă©vidences ont dĂ©montrĂ© qu’une trop grande proportion de la journĂ©e passĂ©e sur le dos peut engendrer des retards moteurs importants chez les nourrissons (4). Les bĂ©bĂ©s avec rĂ©traction du muscle sterno-clĂ©ĂŻdo-occipito-mastoĂŻdien (SCOM) sont donc Ă  plus haut risque de trouble musculo-squelettique et de retard de dĂ©veloppement (4) puisqu’ils sont maintenant frĂ©quemment couchĂ©s sur le dos lors des pĂ©riodes de sommeil et lors des activitĂ©s de la vie quotidienne (AVQ). Étant donnĂ© que les TMC sont frĂ©quemment rencontrĂ© en physiothĂ©rapie pĂ©diatrique, nous avons trouvĂ© nĂ©cessaire de nous pencher sur le sujet. Notre objectif premier pour ce prĂ©sent travail est de dĂ©crire la pathologie, les consĂ©quences et le contexte bio-psycho-social associĂ©. Ceci dans le but ultime d’établir des recommandations sur la meilleure prise en charge physiothĂ©rapeutique chez cette clientĂšle. Pour ce faire, nous avons divisĂ© notre travail en quatre sections. La premiĂšre partie portera sur la description de la pathologie (Ă©pidĂ©miologie, types de torticolis, causes, impacts, conditions associĂ©es). La section subsĂ©quente dĂ©crira le traitement conservateur le plus utilisĂ© en physiothĂ©rapie; les Ă©tirements passifs. Une revue de la littĂ©rature a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e afin de dĂ©terminer les paramĂštres optimaux. Puisqu’il est nĂ©cessaire de mesurer l’efficacitĂ© des traitements, une sous-section est ajoutĂ©e pour la description des outils d’évaluation utilisĂ©s en clinique et/ou en recherche pour mesurer l’amplitude articulaire, la flexibilitĂ© et la force 5 du muscle atteint. Par la suite, la troisiĂšme section complĂ©tera le traitement conservateur en se concentrant cette fois-ci sur l’approche sensori-motrice. Les exercices de stimulation motrice sont souvent recommandĂ©s par les experts pour cette clientĂšle (1-6). C’est pourquoi cette section couvrira spĂ©cifiquement le retard de dĂ©veloppement plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment les causes, les impacts, l’évaluation et le traitement de cette problĂ©matique. Dans la quatriĂšme section, nous aborderons d’abord, les recommandations au niveau de la prise en charge optimale. Ensuite, une partie sera accordĂ©e Ă  l’adhĂ©rence aux traitements vu que le programme d’exercices est rĂ©alisĂ© majoritairement Ă  la maison par les parents. Nous traiterons alors de l’ensemble des diffĂ©rents facteurs qui entrent en ligne de compte pour assurer une application adĂ©quate et rĂ©guliĂšre du programme Ă  domicile. De plus, les cliniciens se questionnent quant Ă  la meilleure prise en charge (PEC) physiothĂ©rapeutique du TMC afin de traiter la condition musculo-squelettique et limiter les sĂ©quelles Ă  long terme. Dans cette optique, nous soulĂšverons les effets Ă  long terme du torticolis sur les enfants atteints traitĂ©es ou non. Les technologies Ă©mergentes dans l’évaluation ou le traitement de cette pathologie. Puis, nous finaliserons ce travail avec des recommandations finales sur la meilleure combinaison de traitements physiothĂ©rapeutiques Ă  domicile

    Anharmonicity of the antiferrodistortive soft mode in barium zirconate BaZrO3_3

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    Barium zirconate (BaZrO3_3) is one of the very few perovskites that is claimed to retain an average cubic structure down to \SI{0}{\K}, while being energetically very close to an antiferrodistortive phase obtained by condensation of a soft phonon mode at the R point of the Brillouin zone boundary. In this work, we report a combined experimental and theoretical study of the temperature dependence of this soft phonon mode. Inelastic neutron and x-ray scattering measurements on single crystals show that it softens substantially from \SI{9.4}{\meV} at room temperature to \SI{5.6}{\meV} at \SI{2}{\K}. In contrast, the acoustic mode at the same R point is nearly temperature independent. The effect of the anharmonicity on the lattice dynamics is investigated non-perturbatively using direct dynamic simulations as well as a first-principles based self-consistent phonon theory, including quantum fluctuations of the atomic motion. By adding cubic and quartic anharmonic force constants, quantitative agreement with the neutron data for the temperature dependence of the antiferrodistortive mode is obtained. The quantum fluctuations of the atomic motion are found to be important to obtain the proper temperature dependence at low temperatures. The mean squared displacements of the different atoms are determined as function of temperature and are shown to be consistent with available experimental data. Adding anharmonicity to the computed fluctuations of the Ba-O distances also improves the comparison with available EXAFS data at \SI{300}{\K}

    Emerging spin-phonon coupling through cross-talk of two magnetic sublattices.

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    Many material properties such as superconductivity, magnetoresistance or magnetoelectricity emerge from the non-linear interactions of spins and lattice/phonons. Hence, an in-depth understanding of spin-phonon coupling is at the heart of these properties. While most examples deal with one magnetic lattice only, the simultaneous presence of multiple magnetic orderings yield potentially unknown properties. We demonstrate a strong spin-phonon coupling in SmFeO3 that emerges from the interaction of both, iron and samarium spins. We probe this coupling as a remarkably large shift of phonon frequencies and the appearance of new phonons. The spin-phonon coupling is absent for the magnetic ordering of iron alone but emerges with the additional ordering of the samarium spins. Intriguingly, this ordering is not spontaneous but induced by the iron magnetism. Our findings show an emergent phenomenon from the non-linear interaction by multiple orders, which do not need to occur spontaneously. This allows for a conceptually different approach in the search for yet unknown properties

    Patterning enhanced tetragonality in BiFeO3 thin films with effective negative pressure by helium implantation

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    Helium implantation in epitaxial thin films is a way to control the out-of-plane deformation independentlyfrom the in-plane strain controlled by epitaxy. In particular, implantation by means of a helium microscopeallows for local implantation and patterning down to the nanometer resolution, which is of interest for deviceapplications. We present here a study of bismuth ferrite (BiFeO3) films where strain was patterned locally byhelium implantation. Our combined Raman, x-ray diffraction, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM)study shows that the implantation causes an elongation of the BiFeO3unit cell and ultimately a transition towardsthe so-called supertetragonal polymorph via states with mixed phases. In addition, TEM reveals the onset ofamorphization at a threshold dose that does not seem to impede the overall increase in tetragonality. The phasetransition from the R-like to T-like BiFeO3appears as first-order in character, with regions of phase coexistenceand abrupt changes in lattice parameters

    Stability of the tetragonal phase of BaZrO3 under high pressure

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    In this paper, we revisit the high pressure behavior of BaZrO3 by a combination of first-principle calculations, Raman spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction under high pressure. We confirm experimentally the cubic-to -tetragonal transition at 10 GPa and find no evidence for any other phase transition up to 45 GPa, the highest pressures investigated, at variance with past reports. We reinvestigate phase stability with density functional theory considering not only the known tetragonal (I4/mcm) phase but also other potential antiferrodistortive candidates. This shows that the tetragonal phase becomes progressively more stable upon increasing pressure as compared to phases with more complex tilt systems. The possibility for a second transition to another tilted phase at higher pressures, and in particular to the very common orthorhombic Pnma structure, is therefore ruled out

    Emerging spin-phonon coupling through cross-talk of two magnetic sublattices

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    Typically, magnetic phenomena result from the spontaneous order of the sublattices. Here, the cross-talk of two magnetic ions gives rise to an intrinsic, yet non-spontaneous ordering and manifests as emergent strong spin-phonon coupling in SmFeO3. Many material properties such as superconductivity, magnetoresistance or magnetoelectricity emerge from the non-linear interactions of spins and lattice/phonons. Hence, an in-depth understanding of spin-phonon coupling is at the heart of these properties. While most examples deal with one magnetic lattice only, the simultaneous presence of multiple magnetic orderings yield potentially unknown properties. We demonstrate a strong spin-phonon coupling in SmFeO3 that emerges from the interaction of both, iron and samarium spins. We probe this coupling as a remarkably large shift of phonon frequencies and the appearance of new phonons. The spin-phonon coupling is absent for the magnetic ordering of iron alone but emerges with the additional ordering of the samarium spins. Intriguingly, this ordering is not spontaneous but induced by the iron magnetism. Our findings show an emergent phenomenon from the non-linear interaction by multiple orders, which do not need to occur spontaneously. This allows for a conceptually different approach in the search for yet unknown properties

    Multiferroic materials : structure, multiferroic orders and couplings. A Raman spectroscopy study

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    Les matĂ©riaux multiferroĂŻques sont des matĂ©riaux dans lesquels des ordres magnĂ©tiques, Ă©lectriques et Ă©lastiques peuvent coexister dans une mĂȘme phase. Ces ordres peuvent ĂȘtre couplĂ©s entre eux et l’étude de ces couplages permet de mieux comprendre les mĂ©canismes Ă  l’Ɠuvre dans ces matĂ©riaux. Cette thĂšse porte sur l’étude de diffĂ©rents composĂ©s multiferroĂŻques par spectroscopie Raman. Dans la ferrite de bismuth (BiFeO₃), l'effet de la contrainte sur le magnĂ©tisme, aussi bien sur les films minces (par contrainte Ă©pitaxiale) que le bulk (par pression hydrostatique) est Ă©tudiĂ© en dĂ©tail. Cette thĂšse prĂ©sente Ă©galement une Ă©tude des excitations hybrides magnĂ©to-Ă©lectriques (Ă©lectromagnons) dans les composĂ©s de type II Ă  forte polarisation ferroĂ©lectrique comme CaMn₇O₁₂ et TbMnO₃. En outre, les modes de phonons ainsi que les excitations de basses Ă©nergies ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s (notamment sous champ magnĂ©tique) dans des composĂ©s au magnĂ©tisme frustrĂ© comme h-YMnO₃, h-YbMnO₃ et dans le langasite de fer au niobium.Multiferroics are materials in which magnetic, electric and elastic orders can coexist in the same phase. These orders can be coupled to each other and their study of high interest to understand the mecanisms at stake in the multiferroic materials. This PhD thesis has been focused on the study of several multiferroic compounds by the mean of Raman spectroscopy. In bismuth ferrite (BiFeO₃), the effect of strain on the magnetic order, both on thin films (epitaxial strain) and single crystals (hydrostatic pressure), has been thoroughly investigated. This thesis also focuses on the study of hybrid magneto-electric excitations (electromagnons) in type II multiferroic compounds with strong ferroelectric polarizations such as CaMn₇O₁₂ and TbMnO₃. Furthermore, phonons modes and of low energy excitations have been measured and studied (especially under magnetic field) in compounds with frustrated magnetic orders such as h-YMnO₃, h-YbMnO₃ and in the niobium iron langasite (Ba₃NbFe₃Si₂O₁₄)

    Crossover between distinct symmetries in solid solutions of rare earth nickelates

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    A strong coupling of the lattice to functional properties is observed in many transition metal oxide systems, such as the ABO3 perovskites. In the quest for tailor-made materials, it is essential to be able to control the structural properties of the compound(s) of interest. Here, thin film solid solutions that combine NdNiO3 and LaNiO3, two materials with the perovskite structure but distinct space groups, are analyzed. Raman spectroscopy and scanning transmission electron microscopy are combined in a synergistic approach to fully determine the mechanism of the structural crossover with chemical composition. It is found that the symmetry transition is achieved by phase coexistence in a way that depends on the substrate selected. These results carry implications for analog-tuning of physical properties in future functional materials based on these compounds

    Temperature evolution of the band gap in BiFeO3 traced by resonant Raman scattering

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    Knowledge of the electronic band structure of multiferroic oxides, crucial for the understanding and tuning of photoinduced effects, remains very limited even in the model and thoroughly studied BiFeO3. Here, we investigate the electronic band structure of BiFeO3 using Raman scattering with twelve different excitation wavelengths ranging from the blue to the near infrared. We show that resonant Raman signatures can be assigned to direct and indirect electronic transitions, as well as in-gap electronic levels, most likely associated with oxygen vacancies. Their temperature evolution establishes that the remarkable and intriguing variation of the optical band gap can be related to the shrinking of an indirect electronic band gap, while the energies for direct electronic transitions remains nearly temperature independent