12 research outputs found

    P2X4 receptors in activated C8-B4 cells of cerebellar microglial origin

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    We investigated the properties and regulation of P2X receptors in immortalized C8-B4 cells of cerebellar microglial origin. Resting C8-B4 cells expressed virtually no functional P2X receptors, but largely increased functional expression of P2X4 receptors within 2–6 h of entering the activated state. Using real-time polymerase chain reaction, we found that P2X4 transcripts were increased during the activated state by 2.4-fold, but this increase was not reflected by a parallel increase in total P2X4 proteins. In resting C8-B4 cells, P2X4 subunits were mainly localized within intracellular compartments, including lysosomes. We found that cell surface P2X4 receptor levels increased by ∌3.5-fold during the activated state. This change was accompanied by a decrease in the lysosomal pool of P2X4 proteins. We next exploited our findings with C8-B4 cells to investigate the mechanism by which antidepressants reduce P2X4 responses. We found little evidence to suggest that several antidepressants were antagonists of P2X4 receptors in C8-B4 cells. However, we found that moderate concentrations of the same antidepressants reduced P2X4 responses in activated microglia by affecting lysosomal function, which indirectly reduced cell surface P2X4 levels. In summary, our data suggest that activated C8-B4 cells express P2X4 receptors when the membrane insertion of these proteins by lysosomal secretion exceeds their removal, and that antidepressants indirectly reduce P2X4 responses by interfering with lysosomal trafficking

    Subunit-specific Coupling between Îł-Aminobutyric Acid Type A and P2X 2 Receptor Channels

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    Functional Properties of Internalization-Deficient P2X 4

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    Functional properties of internalization-deficient P2X₄ receptors reveal a novel mechanism of ligand-gated channel facilitation by ivermectin

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    Although P2X receptors within the central nervous system mediate excitatory ATP synaptic transmission, the identity of central ATP-gated channels has not yet been elucidated. P2X(4), the most widely expressed subunit in the brain, was previously shown to undergo clathrin-dependent constitutive internalization by direct interaction between activator protein (AP)2 adaptors and a tyrosine-based sorting signal specifically present in the cytosolic C-terminal tail of mammalian P2X(4) sequences. In this study, we first used internalization-deficient P2X(4) receptor mutants to show that suppression of the endocytosis motif significantly increased the apparent sensitivity to ATP and the ionic permeability of P2X(4) channels. These unique properties, observed at low channel density, suggest that interactions with AP2 complexes may modulate the function of P2X(4) receptors. In addition, ivermectin, an allosteric modulator of several receptor channels, including mammalian P2X(4), did not potentiate the maximal current of internalization-deficient rat or human P2X(4) receptors. We demonstrated that binding of ivermectin onto wild-type P2X(4) channels increased the fraction of plasma membrane P2X(4) receptors, whereas surface expression of internalization-deficient P2X(4) receptors remained unchanged. Disruption of the clathrin-mediated endocytosis with the dominant-negative mutants Eps15 or AP-50 abolished the ivermectin potentiation of wild-type P2X(4) channel currents. Likewise, ivermectin increased the membrane fraction of nicotinic alpha 7 acetylcholine (n alpha 7ACh) receptors and the potentiation of acetylcholine current by ivermectin was suppressed when the same dominant-negative mutants were expressed. These data showed that potentiation by ivermectin of both P2X(4) and n alpha 7ACh receptors was primarily caused by an increase in the number of cell surface receptors resulting from a mechanism dependent on clathrin/AP2-mediated endocytosis

    Cross-talk and Co-trafficking between ρ1/GABA Receptors and ATP-gated Channels

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    Selective Inactivation of Striatal FosB/ΔFosB-Expressing Neurons Alleviates L-DOPA-Induced Dyskinesia

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    International audienceBACKGROUND:ΔFosB is a surrogate marker of L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia (LID), the unavoidable disabling consequence of Parkinson's disease L-DOPA long-term treatment. However, the relationship between the electrical activity of FosB/ΔFosB-expressing neurons and LID manifestation is unknown.METHODS:We used the Daun02 prodrug-inactivation method associated with lentiviral expression of ÎČ-galactosidase under the control of the FosB promoter to investigate a causal link between the activity of FosB/ΔFosB-expressing neurons and dyskinesia severity in both rat and monkey models of Parkinson's disease and LID. Whole-cell recordings of medium spiny neurons (MSNs) were performed to assess the effects of Daun02 and daunorubicin on neuronal excitability.RESULTS:We first show that daunorubicin, the active product of Daun02 metabolism by ÎČ-galactosidase, decreases the activity of MSNs in rat brain slices and that Daun02 strongly decreases the excitability of rat MSN primary cultures expressing ÎČ-galactosidase upon D1 dopamine receptor stimulation. We then demonstrate that the selective, and reversible, inhibition of FosB/ΔFosB-expressing striatal neurons with Daun02 decreases the severity of LID while improving the beneficial effect of L-DOPA.CONCLUSIONS:These results establish that FosB/ΔFosB accumulation ultimately results in altered neuronal electrical properties sustaining maladaptive circuits leading not only to LID but also to a blunted response to L-DOPA. These findings further reveal that targeting dyskinesia can be achieved without reducing the antiparkinsonian properties of L-DOPA when specifically inhibiting FosB/ΔFosB-accumulating neuro

    Engineering paralog-specific PSD-95 recombinant binders as minimally interfering multimodal probes for advanced imaging techniques

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    Despite the constant advances in fluorescence imaging techniques, monitoring endogenous proteins still constitutes a major challenge in particular when considering dynamics studies or super-resolution imaging. We have recently evolved specific protein-based binders for PSD-95, the main postsynaptic scaffold proteins at excitatory synapses. Since the synthetic recombinant binders recognize epitopes not directly involved in the target protein activity, we consider them here as tools to develop endogenous PSD-95 imaging probes. After confirming their lack of impact on PSD-95 function, we validated their use as intrabody fluorescent probes. We further engineered the probes and demonstrated their usefulness in different super-resolution imaging modalities (STED, PALM, and DNA-PAINT) in both live and fixed neurons. Finally, we exploited the binders to enrich at the synapse genetically encoded calcium reporters. Overall, we demonstrate that these evolved binders constitute a robust and efficient platform to selectively target and monitor endogenous PSD-95 using various fluorescence imaging techniques

    Glutamate-induced AMPA receptor desensitization increases their mobility and modulates short-term plasticity through unbinding from stargazin

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    Short-term plasticity of AMPAR currents during high-frequency stimulation depends not only on presynaptic transmitter release and postsynaptic AMPAR recovery from desensitization, but also on fast AMPAR diffusion. How AMPAR diffusion within the synapse regulates synaptic transmission on the millisecond scale remains mysterious. Using single-molecule tracking, we found that, upon glutamate binding, synaptic AMPAR diffuse faster. Using AMPAR stabilized in different conformational states by point mutations and pharmacology, we show that desensitized receptors bind less stargazin and are less stabilized at the synapse than receptors in opened or closed-resting states. AMPAR mobility-mediated regulation of short-term plasticity is abrogated when the glutamate-dependent loss in AMPAR-stargazin interaction is prevented. We propose that transition from the activated to the desensitized state leads to partial loss in AMPAR-stargazin interaction that increases AMPAR mobility and allows faster recovery from desensitization-mediated synaptic depression, without affecting the overall nano-organization of AMPAR in synapses