16 research outputs found


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    N° ISBN - 978-2-7380-1284-5International audienceA survey carried out in four regions of Benin with different climatic profiles have shown producers' perceptions on climatic changes, their consequences and the different adapted measures taken by producers in order to deal with such consequences. Methodologies used comprise group discussions as well as individual interviews with open-ended, semi open and open questionnaires. The present paper is based on research results from 110 family farms of two villages in the northern region. Climate is Sudanese and the production system is cotton based. Recent climate trends perceived by producers are: irregular rainfalls, shortening of cultivation season, occurrence of violent winds and a increase of temperatures. Conventional analyses of climate series highlight significant increases of maxima and minima temperatures, although fail to show significant increases in violent winds as well as significant differences in rainfall distributions. Adaptive measures put to use by producers are many, but scarcely compensate negative effects of climate changes. Farms with little production means remain vulnerable. The study of producers' perceptions of climate changes traduces the need for a new approach in the analysis of climatic variables based on micro spatial and temporal scales

    Perceptions et stratégies d’adaptation aux changements climatiques : le cas des communes d’Adjohoun et de Dangbo au Sud-Est Bénin

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    La présente étude met en exergue la variable humaine, responsable des perturbations climatiques suite aux actions anthropiques. Elle a été conduite dans deux communes de la vallée de l’Ouémé, compte tenu de leurs nombreuses potentialités hydro‑agricoles et de leur vulnérabilité aux intenses activités agricoles. La méthodologie de recherche comprend : une étude exploratoire permettant de choisir les villages sur la base de critères tels que la toposéquence et l’importance des activités agricoles, une phase d’enquêtes approfondies avec l’administration de questionnaires structurés auprès de 70 producteurs, des entretiens semi-structurés, informels individuels et de groupes, des transects participatifs et une triangulation de sources d’informations complémentaires. Les analyses de perceptions et stratégies d’adaptation ont été faites avec les populations et SAS a été utilisé pour l’analyse en composantes principales. Les résultats révèlent que les producteurs perçoivent et vivent les effets des changements climatiques avec pour conséquences de profonds bouleversements socio-économiques ces quinze dernières années. Ces bouleversements concernent les précipitations caractérisées par des séquences d’inondation, de sècheresse prolongée, de fortes températures et une fréquence élevée des vents violents. Les causes de ces changements sont attribuées aux bouleversements des normes sociales et les petits producteurs sont les plus vulnérables. Diverses stratégies développées comprennent l’adoption de variétés à cycles plus courts, la mise en valeur de différentes unités de paysage, l’intensification de l’utilisation des engrais chimiques, la diversification des sources de revenus.Perceptions and strategies of adaptation to climate changes : the cases of Adjohoun and Dangbo districts in South-East BeninThis study focuses on human variable as responsible for climate change. It was carried out in two districts of Ouémé Valley based on its numerous hydro-agricultural potentialities and their vulnerability to intensified agricultural activities. The research methodology includes an exploratory study which enabled to choose villages based on criteria such as toposequence, and the importance of agricultural activities ; in-depth survey with the administration of a structured questionnaire to 70 small-scale individual farmers ; semi structured, informal individual and focus group interviews, participatory transect walks and triangulation of complementary information sources. The analysis of perceptions and adaptation strategies were jointly made with interviewed farmers and SAS was used to analyse main components. The results revealed that farmers perceived and acknowledged climate change effects, which brought about serious socio-economic upheavals the last fifteen years. These upheavals relate to erratic precipitations characterized with sequences of flooding, lengthened drought, higher temperature and increased frequency of violent wind. The causes of this climate change were attributed to the disruption of social norms and values and small-scale farmers are the most vulnerable. Various developed strategies include : use of extra early maturing varieties, cultivation of different toposequences, application of additional chemical fertilisers, diversification sources of income

    Plateforme d'innovations technologiques et organisationnelles : Leçons apprises de l'étuvage du riz à Malanville (Bénin)

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    La plateforme d’innovation (PI) est une approche multi-acteurs pour des solutions aux problèmes complexes. Elle est d’actualité en Afrique Subsaharienne confrontée à de nombreux défis agricoles. Cette étude utilise une perspective systémique pour comprendre le processus de génération et de diffusion d’innovation relative à la post-récolte du riz local au Bénin. La collecte des données quantitatives et qualitatives a été faite avec des questionnaire et guides d’entretien auprès de 300 femmes étuveuses de riz, membres de la PI à Malanville, et sélectionnées de façon aléatoire et stratifiée. Les tests t de Student et de Wilcoxon et le modèle de régression binomiale Logit ont été utilisés pour analyser les données. Les résultats montrent que l’introduction de la technologie améliorée d’étuvage de riz dans la PI a servi de catalyseur pour le développement d’un espace d’apprentissage et de changement caractérisé par : (i) la génération d’innovations technologiques ; (ii) l’organisation en groupements pour l’amélioration des pratiques et l’accès au micro-crédit et aux sources formelles d’apprentissage ; et (iii) la diffusion des innovations générées au sein de la PI. Cette étude confirme que les approches multi-acteurs favorisent l’apprentissage individuel et social, l'expérimentation et la modification des innovations, et le renforcement du capital social pour un développement agricole inclusif et durable. The Innovation Platform (IP) is a multi-stakeholder approach to address complex challenges. This is topical in Sub-Saharan Africa that is facing complex agricultural challenges. This study used a systems perspective to understand the process of generation and diffusion of innovation related to the postharvest of local rice in Benin. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected using questionnaires and interview guides with 300 women rice parboilers, randomly and stratified selected from the IP members in Malanville. Data were analyzed using the Student t-test, Wilcoxon test and the Logit binomial regression model. Results show that the introduction of the improved rice parboiling technology in the IP served as a catalyst for the development of a space for learning and change characterized by: (i) the generation of technological innovations; (ii) the organization into groups for the improvement of practices, access to micro-finance and to formal learning sources; and (iii) the dissemination of innovations generated within the IP. This study confirms that multi-stakeholder approaches promote individual and social learning, experimentation and modification of innovations, and strengthening of social capital for inclusive and sustainable agricultural development

    Innovating a system for producing and distributing hybrid oil palm seedlings to smallholder farmers in Benin

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    This article analyses the development of a system for producing and distributing hybrid oil palm seedlings to small-scale famers. The existing seed system had become so corrupted that the seedlings actually planted were largely of unimproved kinds. The article describes institutional experiments carried out by two Innovation Platforms (IPs) in order to improve the oil palm seed system. Theory Guided Process Inquiry was used to document, evaluate and analyse these interventions. The experiments catalysed changes in inter-personal and inter-organisational power relationships that enabled further co-learning and co-construction of understanding and action among key stakeholders in the oil palm domain. The IPs and those who became local champions of seed system innovation, also triggered change in institutional behaviours, technologies, and practices that further improved the integrity of the seed system. Official nursery holders must now be trained, registered and licensed by local government. Farmers are encouraged to source hybrid seedlings only from licensed nurseries. These achievements were then shared and discussed with officials and higher level government leaders, drawing on IP members’ pre-existing professional and personal networks. Improvement of the oil palm seed system was included in the government's latest 5-year development plan

    Symbolisme et gestion endogène de l’eau en milieu Shabè dans la région Centre du Bénin

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    Objectif: La problématique de la gestion efficiente des ressources en eau relève d’une préoccupation majeure de nos jours. Cette recherche se propose d’étudier, à partir des représentations sociales de l’eau, les modes endogènes de gestion de la ressource en milieu Shabè au centre du Bénin en vue de contribuer à une gestion efficace et durable de l’eau.Méthodologie et résultats: L’étude s’est déroulée dans cinq localités de la commune de Savè que sont Djabata, Ouoghi, Kaboua, Diho et Savè-centre. Dans chacune des localités, 40 individus, hommes et femmes, ont été interviewés de manière aléatoire, soit au total 200 individus auxquels se sont ajoutées 4 autorités poilitico-administratives ce qui porte l’échantillon d’étude à 204 individus. La démarche méthodologique adoptée a consisté à l’analyse du contenu des discours autour des évocations liées à l’eau. Les données collectées relatives aux évocations, fonctions et usages de l’eau ont été analysées dans le logiciel SPSS 16. Ainsi le dispositif endogène de gestion de l’eau est un ensemble constitué de règles et interdits liés à l’utilisation de l’eau. Les résultats obtenus montrent que pour 36,45% des enquêtés, l’eau a une fonction essentiellement religieuse. Les fonctions domestiques et économiques viennent ensuite avec respectivement 35,9% et 20,75%. L’eau est alors perçue en milieu Shabè, comme une ressource sacrée. Ce caractère sacré, fait que sa gestion constitue un acte religieux dont le déroulement permet la préservation de la ressource.Conclusion et application des résultats: les systèmes modernes de gestion de l’eau et des ressources naturelles en général gagneraient à s’inspirer réellement des modes de régulation endogènes qui demeurent cohérents et efficaces.Mots-clés: symbolisme, mode de gestion endogène, eau, milieu Shabè, BéninEnglish Title: Symbolism and endogenous management of water in Shabè area in central region of BeninEnglish AbstractObjective: The issue of efficient management of water resources is a major concern nowadays. This research intends to study, from the social representations of water, the endogenous modes of resource management in Shabe area in central Benin to contribute to an efficient and sustainable water management. Methods and Results: The study took place in five locations in the town that are Djabata Savè, Ouoghi, Kaboua, Diho and Savè center. In each of the localities, 40 individuals, men and women were interviewed at random, a total of 200 individuals which were added 4 poilitico administrative authorities bringing the study sample of 204 individuals. The methodological approach consisted in the content analysis of speeches around the water-related evocations. Data collected on evocations, functions and uses of water were analyzed in SPSS 16. Thus the endogenous system of water management is an established set of rules and prohibitions related to the use of water. The results show that for 36.45% of respondents, water has an essentially religious function. Domestic and economic functions followed with 35.9% and 20.75% respectively. The water is then collected in Shabe area as a sacred resource. This sacred character, that its management is a religious act whose unfolding allows the preservation of the resource.Conclusion and application of the results: modern water management systems and natural resources in general would benefit from truly inspire endogenous regulatory methods that remain consistent and effective.Keywords: symbolism, endogenous management mode, water, Shabè area, Beni

    Beyond Striga Management: Learning Videos Enhanced Farmers‟ Knowledge on Climate-Smart Agriculture in Mali

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    This paper assesses the climate smart agricultural practices triggered by learning videos on integrated striga management, soil fertility and cost-benefit evaluation practices. Using household head interviews and focus group discussions, this study revealed that farmers have similar perceptions of climate change and related impacts in video-villages and in non-video-villages. However, farmers‟ observation of climate change and related impacts are influenced by gender; men perceived more climate change and related impacts than women. In non-video villages, few respondents adopted crop rotation, intercropping, crop diversification, improved short-cycle seed varieties and zaï techniques as climate change adaptation strategies. Videos contribute more to the adoption of crop rotation, intercropping and fertiliser application for men than for women. Videos on accounting (managing money) enable more women than men to enhance their cost-benefit evaluation practices for income improvement. During the interviews, women farmers in video-villages were eager to demonstrate their knowledge about cost-benefit evaluation. We also found that the yield of sorghum, millet and maize is higher in video-villages than in non-video-villages. Thus, using videos as an extension tool is suitable for knowledge development and leads to the high adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices for food security

    Les petits exploitants agricoles à l’école inclusive : cas de l’apprentissage collectif par la vidéo et la radio sur la post-récolte du riz local au Bénin

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    En Afrique subsaharienne, les petits exploitants agricoles ruraux ont difficilement accès aux connaissances et informations actualisĂ©es afin d’amĂ©liorer leur revenu. Pour renforcer l’apprentissage collectif au sein des acteurs des chaĂ®nes de valeur du riz local blanc et Ă©tuvĂ©, la vidĂ©o et la radio ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©es de façon participative. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude visait Ă  comprendre l’influence de cet apprentissage collectif sur (i) le changement des pratiques des transformations et (ii) la qualitĂ© du riz local. Des interviews et suivis hebdomadaires ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s entre 2009 et 2018 au sud et nord du BĂ©nin auprès de 240 transformateurs choisis alĂ©atoirement. Des Ă©chantillons de riz ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©galement collectĂ©s pour des analyses de qualitĂ© au laboratoire. L’analyse des donnĂ©es a Ă©tĂ© faite avec les tests t de Student, Wilcoxon, ANOVA, et le modèle de rĂ©gression de Poisson. Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© une amĂ©lioration des pratiques de 14% ; 23% et 58% respectivement dans les villages contrĂ´les, radio et vidĂ©o. Dans le processus d’amĂ©lioration des pratiques, les transformateurs ont renforcĂ© leur crĂ©ativitĂ© en dĂ©veloppant des technologies appropriĂ©es Ă  leur environnement ; ce qui a eu un impact positif sur les qualitĂ©s physiques et de cuisson du riz. Dans un contexte de pauvretĂ©, d’insĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire, de ruralitĂ© et d’analphabĂ©tisme, l’apprentissage collectif par la vidĂ©o et la radio locale se rĂ©vèle ĂŞtre une opportunitĂ© pour le renforcement du système d’innovation agricole.   English title: Smallholder farmers at inclusive school: Lessons learnt from collective  learning through video and radio on local rice processing in Benin In sub-Saharan Africa, rural smallholder farmers have limited access to timely and up-todate knowledge and information to improve their incomes. To strengthen collective learning among rice sector’ stakeholders, videos and radio were participatory used. This study aims to assess the impact of this collective learning on (i) changing rice processors practices and (ii) the quality of local rice. Interviews and weekly follow-ups were conducted between 2009 and 2018 in southern and northern Benin with 240 randomly selected rice processors. Rice samples were also collected for quality analysis in the laboratory. Data analysis was done with Student's t-tests, Wilcoxon, one-way ANOVA, and the Poisson regression model. The results showed an improvement in rice processors practices of 14%; 23% and 58% respectively in control, video and radio villages. During the improvement of their practices, rice processors have increased their creativity by developing appropriate technologies to their environment; and this has positively impact on the physical and cooking qualities of the rice. In a context of poverty, food insecurity, rurality and illiteracy, collective learning through video and radio seems to be an opportunity to strengthen the agricultural innovation system, and a booster for change through adoption and adaptation of innovation