1,426 research outputs found

    Refractive-index sensing with ultra-thin plasmonic nanotubes

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    We study the refractive-index sensing properties of plasmonic nanotubes with a dielectric core and ultra-thin metal shell. The few-nm thin metal shell is described by both the usual Drude model and the nonlocal hydrodynamic model to investigate the effects of nonlocality. We derive an analytical expression for the extinction cross section and show how sensing of the refractive index of the surrounding medium and the figure-of-merit are affected by the shape and size of the nanotubes. Comparison with other localized surface plasmon resonance sensors reveals that the nanotube exhibits superior sensitivity and comparable figure-of-merit

    Application of small punch creep testing to a thermally sprayed CoNiCrAlY bond coat

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    High velocity oxy-fuel thermal spraying was used to prepare free-standing CoNiCrAlY (Co–31.7% Ni–20.8% Cr–8.1% Al–0.5% Y (wt%)) bond coat alloy samples approximately 0.5 mm thick. Creep tests were conducted at 750 °C on these samples using a small punch (SP) creep test method. The samples were characterised before and after creep testing using scanning electron microscopy with electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). EBSD revealed a two phase fcc γ-Ni and bcc B2 β-NiAl microstructure with grain sizes ~1–2 μm for both phases, which did not change significantly following testing. The constant temperature SP test data were characterised by a minimum creep strain rate, View the MathML source, and a total time to failure, tf, at different applied stresses. The data are fitted to conventional power law equations with a stress exponent for creep close to 8 in the Norton power law and between 7 and 10 in the Monkman–Grant creep rupture law. Creep rupture was predominantly due to creep cavitation voids nucleating at both the γ–β interphase boundaries and the γ–γ grain boundaries leading to final failure by void linkage. However, rupture life was influenced by the quantity of oxide entrained in the coating during the spray deposition process

    Los Rajiformes (Chondrichthyes, Batomorphii) del Plioceno inferior de la Formación Arenas de Huelva, suroeste de España

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    EL Neógeno marino del suroeste de España ha sido objeto de numerosos estudios, su contenido fosilífero ha sido objeto de numerosos trabajos, abordando diferentes grupos como malacofauna (Andrés, 1982; González-Delgado, 1983), foraminíferos (Sierro, 1984; González-Regalado, 1986), nanoplancton calcáreo (Flores, 1985), ostrácodos (González-Regalado y Ruiz, 1990, 1991; Ruiz y González-Regalado, 1996), polen (Valle y Peñalba, 1987), así como aspectos generales de tafonomía y paleoecología (Mayoral, 1986) y vertebrados (Ruiz et al., 1997). Algunos de estos trabajos indicaban la presencia de restos ictiológicos, como dientes de seláceos y otolitos. En este trabajo se presentan los registros inéditos de los Rajiformes de Formación Arenas de Huelva, Provincia de Huelva, España (Fig. 1) de la tesis doctoral de García (2008)

    Precision Astrometry with the Very Long Baseline Array: Parallaxes and Proper Motions for 14 Pulsars

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    Astrometry can bring powerful constraints to bear on a variety of scientific questions about neutron stars, including their origins, astrophysics, evolution, and environments. Using phase-referenced observations at the VLBA, in conjunction with pulsar gating and in-beam calibration, we have measured the parallaxes and proper motions for 14 pulsars. The smallest measured parallax in our sample is 0.13+-0.02 mas for PSR B1541+09, which has a most probable distance of 7.2+1.3-1.1 kpc. We detail our methods, including initial VLA surveys to select candidates and find in-beam calibrators, VLBA phase-referencing, pulsar gating, calibration, and data reduction. The use of the bootstrap method to estimate astrometric uncertainties in the presence of unmodeled systematic errors is also described. Based on our new model-independent estimates for distance and transverse velocity, we investigate the kinematics and birth sites of the pulsars and revisit models of the Galactic electron density distribution. We find that young pulsars are moving away from the Galactic plane, as expected, and that age estimates from kinematics and pulsar spindown are generally in agreement, with certain notable exceptions. Given its present trajectory, the pulsar B2045-16 was plausibly born in the open cluster NGC 6604. For several high-latitude pulsars, the NE2001 electron density model underestimates the parallax distances by a factor of two, while in others the estimates agree with or are larger than the parallax distances, suggesting that the interstellar medium is irregular on relevant length scales. The VLBA astrometric results for the recycled pulsar J1713+0747 are consistent with two independent estimates from pulse timing, enabling a consistency check between the different reference frames.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables; results unchanged; revised version accepted by Ap

    Specific Marking of hESCs-Derived Hematopoietic Lineage by WAS-Promoter Driven Lentiviral Vectors

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    Genetic manipulation of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) is instrumental for tracing lineage commitment and to studying human development. Here we used hematopoietic-specific Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome gene (WAS)-promoter driven lentiviral vectors (LVs) to achieve highly specific gene expression in hESCs-derived hematopoietic cells. We first demonstrated that endogenous WAS gene was not expressed in undifferentiated hESCs but was evident in hemogenic progenitors (CD45−CD31+CD34+) and hematopoietic cells (CD45+). Accordingly, WAS-promoter driven LVs were unable to express the eGFP transgene in undifferentiated hESCs. eGFP+ cells only appeared after embryoid body (EB) hematopoietic differentiation. The phenotypic analysis of the eGFP+ cells showed marking of different subpopulations at different days of differentiation. At days 10–15, AWE LVs tag hemogenic and hematopoietic progenitors cells (CD45−CD31+CD34dim and CD45+CD31+CD34dim) emerging from hESCs and at day 22 its expression became restricted to mature hematopoietic cells (CD45+CD33+). Surprisingly, at day 10 of differentiation, the AWE vector also marked CD45−CD31low/−CD34− cells, a population that disappeared at later stages of differentiation. We showed that the eGFP+CD45−CD31+ population generate 5 times more CD45+ cells than the eGFP−CD45−CD31+ indicating that the AWE vector was identifying a subpopulation inside the CD45−CD31+ cells with higher hemogenic capacity. We also showed generation of CD45+ cells from the eGFP+CD45−CD31low/−CD34− population but not from the eGFP−CD45−CD31low/−CD34− cells. This is, to our knowledge, the first report of a gene transfer vector which specifically labels hemogenic progenitors and hematopoietic cells emerging from hESCs. We propose the use of WAS-promoter driven LVs as a novel tool to studying human hematopoietic development

    Dinâmica populacional de Bemisia tabaci biótipo B em tomate monocultivo e consorciado com coentro sob cultivo orgânico e convencional.

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    A mosca-branca Bemisia tabaci Biótipo B (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), é um herbívoro de difícil controle devido à alta plasticidade genotípica da espécie. No tomateiro pode causar danos severos principalmente pela transmissão de diversas viroses. O manejo do sistema de produção e o consórcio de culturas podem ter um efeito direto nas populações desse herbívoro, sem que seja necessária a aplicação de inseticidas. Avaliou-se a influência dos sistemas de produção orgânico e convencional e o consórcio tomate-coentro na dinâmica populacional da mosca-branca no campo experimental da Embrapa Hortaliças, de maio a setembro/06. O monitoramento dos adultos da mosca-branca e de seus inimigos naturais foi realizado utilizando-se armadilhas adesivas amarelas fixadas nas bordas e no interior das parcelas experimentais e a amostragem de ninfas foi realizada por observação direta das folhas de tomate no campo. Embora as populações ao redor dos diferentes tratamentos fossem equivalentes, a abundância de adultos de mosca-branca foi significativamente menor nas parcelas de tomate consorciado com coentro, tanto no sistema convencional como orgânico. Apenas o consórcio tomatecoentro em sistema orgânico apresentou redução significativa na quantidade de ninfas por planta em relação aos demais tratamentos. Os inimigos naturais foram significativamente mais abundantes em sistema orgânico e foi verificada uma correlação negativa da abundância dos inimigos naturais e a quantidade de ninfas por planta. A associação tomate-coentro e o manejo orgânico do agroecossistema favoreceram ao controle biológico natural da mosca-branca

    Staphylococcus saprophyticus from clinical and environmental origins have distinct biofilm composition

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    Biofilm formation has been shown to be critical to the success of uropathogens. Although Staphylococcus saprophyticus is a common cause of urinary tract infections, its biofilm production capacity, composition, genetic basis, and origin are poorly understood. We investigated biofilm formation in a large and diverse collection of S. saprophyticus (n = 422). Biofilm matrix composition was assessed in representative strains (n = 63) belonging to two main S. saprophyticus lineages (G and S) recovered from human infection, colonization, and food-related environment using biofilm detachment approach. To identify factors that could be associated with biofilm formation and structure variation, we used a pangenome-wide association study approach. Almost all the isolates (91%; n = 384/422) produced biofilm. Among the 63 representative strains, we identified eight biofilm matrix phenotypes, but the most common were composed of protein or protein-extracellular DNA (eDNA)-polysaccharides (38%, 24/63 each). Biofilms containing protein-eDNA-polysaccharides were linked to lineage G and environmental isolates, whereas protein-based biofilms were produced by lineage S and infection isolates (p < 0.05). Putative biofilm-associated genes, namely, aas, atl, ebpS, uafA, sasF, sasD, sdrH, splE, sdrE, sdrC, sraP, and ica genes, were found with different frequencies (3-100%), but there was no correlation between their presence and biofilm production or matrix types. Notably, icaC_1 was ubiquitous in the collection, while icaR was lineage G-associated, and only four strains carried a complete ica gene cluster (icaADBCR) except one that was without icaR. We provided evidence, using a comparative genomic approach, that the complete icaADBCR cluster was acquired multiple times by S. saprophyticus and originated from other coagulase-negative staphylococci. Overall, the composition of S. saprophyticus biofilms was distinct in environmental and clinical isolates, suggesting that modulation of biofilm structure could be a key step in the pathogenicity of these bacteria. Moreover, biofilm production in S. saprophyticus is ica-independent, and the complete icaADBCR was acquired from other staphylococci

    Foodborne Origin and Local and Global Spread of Staphylococcus saprophyticus Causing Human Urinary Tract Infections

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    Staphylococcus saprophyticus is a primary cause of community-acquired urinary tract infections (UTIs) in young women. S. saprophyticus colonizes humans and animals but basic features of its molecular epidemiology are undetermined. We conducted a phylogenomic analysis of 321 S. saprophyticus isolates collected from human UTIs worldwide during 1997-2017 and 232 isolates from human UTIs and the pig-processing chain in a confined region during 2016-2017. We found epidemiologic and genomic evidence that the meat-production chain is a major source of S. saprophyticus causing human UTIs; human microbiota is another possible origin. Pathogenic S. saprophyticus belonged to 2 lineages with distinctive generic features that are globally and locally disseminated. Pangenome-wide approaches identified a strong association between pathogenicity and antimicrobial resistance, phages, platelet binding proteins, and an increased recombination rate. Our study provides insight into the origin, transmission, and population structure of pathogenic S. saprophyticus and identifies putative new virulence factors

    The glycan-binding protein galectin-1 controls survival of epithelial cells along the crypt-villus axis of small intestine

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    Intestinal epithelial cells serve as mechanical barriers and active components of the mucosal immune system. These cells migrate from the crypt to the tip of the villus, where different stimuli can differentially affect their survival. Here we investigated, using in vitro and in vivo strategies, the role of galectin-1 (Gal-1), an evolutionarily conserved glycan-binding protein, in modulating the survival of human and mouse enterocytes. Both Gal-1 and its specific glyco-receptors were broadly expressed in small bowel enterocytes. Exogenous Gal-1 reduced the viability of enterocytes through apoptotic mechanisms involving activation of both caspase and mitochondrial pathways. Consistent with these findings, apoptotic cells were mainly detected at the tip of the villi, following administration of Gal-1. Moreover, Gal-1-deficient (Lgals1−/−) mice showed longer villi compared with their wild-type counterparts in vivo. In an experimental model of starvation, fasted wild-type mice displayed reduced villi and lower intestinal weight compared with Lgals1−/− mutant mice, an effect reflected by changes in the frequency of enterocyte apoptosis. Of note, human small bowel enterocytes were also prone to this pro-apoptotic effect. Thus, Gal-1 is broadly expressed in mucosal tissue and influences the viability of human and mouse enterocytes, an effect which might influence the migration of these cells from the crypt, the integrity of the villus and the epithelial barrier function