1,621 research outputs found

    Deformations of symplectic foliations

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    We develop the deformation theory of symplectic foliations, i.e. regular foliations equipped with a leafwise symplectic form. The main result of this paper is that each symplectic foliation has an attached L∞L_\infty-algebra controlling its deformation problem. Indeed, viewing symplectic foliations as regular Poisson structures, we establish a one-to-one correspondence between the small deformations of a given symplectic foliation and the Maurer-Cartan elements of the associated L∞L_\infty-algebra. Using this, we show that infinitesimal deformations of symplectic foliations can be obstructed. Further, we relate symplectic foliations with foliations on one side and with (arbitrary) Poisson structures on the other, showing that obstructed infinitesimal deformations of the former may give rise to unobstructed infinitesimal deformations of the latter

    Pour une nouvelle perspective de l'Informité chez Bataille

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    We can utterly assert that the aim of our analysis has lead, throughout the balancing/ a balancement of a philosophical hermeneutic and a literature analysis, to the delineation of an informal subjectivity in Georges Bataille\u2019s thought. Afore the achievement of our theoretical demonstration, we will be glad to onset a brief parenthesis over the first commenters who had set a debate over the Formless, to enhance, thanks to them, our assumption. Commencing from the work Documents (1929/30), reprinted by the will of Dennis Hollier in 1995. we will understand why its main analysis have secluded the debate into the esthetical- figurative corner, effectively closing the debate to other possible postulations. In this perspective, the formless has lost its subversive tendencies to gain/obtain the pityfull status of \uabmuseal knick knack\ubb implied into the artistical domain. Afterward having drafted the meaning of formeless by new, and given to it a contemporary perspective, we could start to settle a confrontantion with his philosophical roots: Nietzsche and Hegel. It is only due to the parallel with them both and to the overhaul of their theories, which we could assert that Bataille has in a way reached the true meaning of formeless. The same formeless that is deeply rooted in his erotical novels. It is also through these passages that we could understand the real meaning of parody in the bataillean sense, that is is an inversion of the moral values that the author has applied as a souverain and deforming lecture of his works. The manicheism that the autor recour to use to divise the whole reality into two exact parts of positive and negative,will be a peculiar aspect that leads to the comprehension of his entire work. This disorder wil be procured, by the inversion of the moral values which are divided into an \u201chigh\u201d and a \u201clow\u201d, and as consequent, the higher polarity will be related to the a positive value, and the low, to its tcontrary. Their upheaval will produse an ethical swap of their positions, in a second stance this will lead to a real deformation of every kind of preassumption in his novels and of course in the characters, a rupture taken against every kind of normalization or reduction to the norms. In the last part of our research, before going through the application the formless theory, we will briefly argumentate about the major inversion that had prevailed upon our author, obliging him to take the distance from the Bildungsroman and to oppose to it a Verbildungsroman. Only after conceived the global valorial inversion, we will arrive to this \u201cGame of polarities\u201dm which will lead to the constitution of a informal character. Starting from there, effectively, we eill see that the character will become a formless that manifest itself thanks to the narration, the same invisible and terrifing subjectivity that we have already met in the first part of our work. Consacrating ourselves to the Bataille\u2019s works, will signify, not only trying to understand the character born under a formless will, but even also- how this formless could be gained far distant from the mores applayed into the university. Our demonstration, will be constructed to have a new eye: the formless will be conceived to be \ue0 \u201cbecoming\u201d that can\u2019t be, that is aphone and unpronounceable, but so forth, it is a right alternative to the \u201cDeleuzian\u2019s becoming\u201d, to the Z.O.O and of the subjects that are trying to force a reconfiguration of an autonomous space, of the fluid sexualities: and is for these reasons that we evinct that the formless needs a new recalibration, far from the aesthetical intuitions, in need to re-orienting itself to a new dialogical horizon, and to put itself to the extreme sens of a destructive immanence.Notre projet de recherche vise \ue0 r\ue9cup\ue9rer, \ue0 travers l\u2019utilisation du double instrument de l\u2019herm\ue9neutique philo-sophique et de l\u2019analyse litt\ue9raire des romans, une subjectivit\ue9 informelle \ue0 l\u2019int\ue9rieur de la pens\ue9e de Bataille. Tout d\u2019abord, avant d\u2019accomplir notre d\ue9monstration des aspects de l'informalit\ue9 dans les romans obsc\ue8nes de Bataille, nous souhaitons ouvrir une br\ue8ve parenth\ue8se autour des principaux interpr\ue8tes de l'Informe, pour arti-culer notre lecture \ue0 partir de leurs th\ue9ories. Afin d'aborder ce discours, nous d\ue9buterons par l\u2019\u153uvre Documents (1929/30), publi\ue9e en 1995, par la volont\ue9 de D. Hollier, et nous essaierons de comprendre comment les deux r\ue9visions du concept d'Informe - bien qu'en contraste entre elles - ont limit\ue9 les d\ue9bats qui gravitent autour de ce mot, incluant avec la pens\ue9e esth\ue9tico-figurative toutes les pistes parcourables. Dans cette perspective, l\u2019Informe a perdu sa vocation intimement subversive pour obtenir le status de \uab joujou mus\ue9al \ubb impliqu\ue9 dans le milieu artistique. Apr\ue8s avoir esquiss\ue9 l\u2019informalit\ue9, et donn\ue9 une perspective contemporaine, nous pourrons aboutir \ue0 une confrontation philosophique avec ses ma\ueetres \ue0 penser : Nietzsche et Hegel. Ce n\u2019est que gr\ue2ce \ue0 un parall\ue9-lisme et \ue0 la d\ue9monstration du d\ue9passement des th\ue9ories de ces deux auteurs par Bataille que nous pourrons comprendre comment l'auteur parvient \ue0 l\u2019informalit\ue9 qui se refl\ue8te jusque dans ses romans obsc\ue8nes. Toujours au cours de ce passage on comprendra la v\ue9ritable signification de la parodie chez Bataille, ainsi que le renver-sement des valeurs que l\u2019auteur a appliqu\ue9 comme lecture souveraine et d\ue9formatrice, en contraste avec les v\ue9-rit\ue9s despotiques, dans tous les domaines, \ue0 partir de la philosophie jusqu\u2019\ue0 la litt\ue9rature. Ainsi les polarit\ue9s qui parviennent au manich\ue9isme, \ue0 la division du monde entre positif et n\ue9gatif, seront un aspect basilaire visant \ue0 la compr\ue9hension de l\u2019\u153uvre enti\ue8re, et surtout de leur bouleversement. Ce d\ue9sordre sera procur\ue9 par l\u2019inversion des valeurs morales divis\ue9es encore une fois par le haut et par le bas, auxquelles correspondra une valeur posi-tive \ue0 la polarit\ue9 du haut et une valeur n\ue9gative \ue0 celle du bas; leur bouleversement produira un mouvement de d\ue9formation dans la structure des romans m\ueames, tout comme dans les personnages. Au cours de la derni\ue8re partie de notre \ue9tude, avant d\u2019appliquer la th\ue9orie informelle, nous nous interrogerons bri\ue8vement sur les inver-sions majeures qui ont conduit notre auteur \ue0 prendre les distances du roman formatif (Bildungsroman) et \ue0 lui opposer un roman d\ue9formant (Verbildungsroman). Ce n\u2019est qu\u2019apr\ue8s avoir con\ue7u l\u2019inversion globale des valeurs que nous parviendrons au \uab jeu des polarit\ue9s \ubb, qui nous m\ue8nera \ue0 la constitution d\u2019un personnage informel. \uc0 partir de l\ue0, en effet, nous verrons que le personnage sera devenu une informit\ue9 qui se manifeste \ue0 travers la nar-ration, la m\ueame subjectivit\ue9 invisible et \ue9pouvantable qu\u2019on aura rencontr\ue9e au cours du premier chapitre. Se consacrer \ue0 l'\u153uvre de Bataille, signifie pour nous, non seulement comprendre comment le personnage na\ueet \ue0 partir de l\u2019Informe, mais \ue9galement comment cette informit\ue9 pourrait \ueatre acquise au-del\ue0 des mores appliqu\ue9s \ue0 l\u2019int\ue9rieur de l\u2019acad\ue9mie. Notre d\ue9monstration s\u2019effectuera \ue0 travers un nouveau regard; l\u2019Informe sera con-templ\ue9 comme ce \uab devenir \ubb qui ne devient pas, qui est aphone et impronon\ue7able, mais qui a \ue9t\ue9 malgr\ue9 tout l\u2019avant-garde des \uab devenirs deleuziens \ubb, des zones d\u2019indistinctions, des sujets qui tentent une reconfiguration spatiale autonome, des subjectivit\ue9s fluides des gender studies. C\u2019est pour cela, \ue0 notre avis, que l\u2019Informe m\ue9-rite une plus grande r\ue9flexion au-del\ue0 de l\u2019esth\ue9tique, afin d'orienter le terme vers un nouvel horizon dialogique, qui puisse ouvrir le concept au sens extr\ueame de son immanence destructrice

    Features and prognostic impact of distant metastases in 45 dogs with de novo stage IV cutaneous mast cell tumours: A prospective study

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    BACKGROUND: Distant metastases in dogs with cutaneous mast cell tumors (cMCT) are rare and incurable. The aims of this prospective study were to clarify the clinico-pathological features of stage IV cMCTs and to identify possible prognostic factors for progression-free interval (PFI) and survival time (ST). MATERIAL AND METHODS: Dogs were eligible for recruitment if they had a previously untreated, histologically confirmed cMCT and if they underwent complete staging demonstrating stage IV disease. Dogs were uniformly followed-up, whereas treatment was not standardized and included no therapy, surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, tyrosine-kinase inhibitors or a combination of these. RESULTS: 45 dogs with stage IV cMCT were enrolled. All dogs had distant metastatic disease, and 41 (91.1%) dogs had also metastasis in the regional lymph node. Histopathological grade and mutational status greatly varied among dogs. Median ST was 110 days. Notably, PFI and ST were independent of well-known prognostic factors, including anatomic site, histological grade, and mutational status. Conversely, tumor diameter >3\u2009cm, more than 2 metastatic sites, bone marrow infiltration, and lack of tumor control at the primary site were confirmed to be negative prognostic factors by multivariate analysis. CONCLUSION: Currently, there is no satisfactory treatment for stage IV cMCT. Asymptomatic dogs with tumor diameter <3\u2009cm and a low tumor burden, without bone marrow infiltration may be candidates for multimodal treatment. Stage IV dogs without lymph node metastasis may enjoy a surprisingly prolonged survival. The achievement of local tumor control seems to predict a better outcome in dogs with stage IV cMCT

    Respiratory epithelial adenomatoid hamartoma: Minimally invasive surgery of an endoscopic and radiological finding in maxillary sinus mimicking an inverted papilloma

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    Abstract Introduction Respiratory epithelial adenomatoid hamartoma (REAH) is a benign entity characterized by an abnormal proliferation of glandular tissue surrounded by a thick eosinophilic basement membrane within ciliated respiratory epithelium with no evidence of atypical or metaplastic changes in the squamous cells. Case report An 84 years patient, non-smoker, with in treatment hypertension and depression reported a 3-month history of progressive right nasal obstruction, mucopurulent rhinorrhea, unilateral purulent post-nasal discharge and unilateral anosmia. Endoscopy showed a polypoidal masse, with no presence of nasal polyposis. The lesion, originating from the maxillary sinus, arose from middle meatus and extended inferiority up to the inferior turbinate.During an endoscopic minimally-invasive surgical procedure, we performed the complete excision of the whole lesion, through the use of micro-instruments and debrider technology. The patient underwent regular check-up after 3, 6 and 12 months: endoscopic and radiological evaluation showed no relapse of the disease. Conclusion Although REAH is a neoplastic pathology, the intrinsic characteristics of benignity and the typical limited and non-infiltrating diffusion allow a minimally invasive and conservative surgical approach without evidence of recurrence

    Mixed states: Still a modern psychopathological syndrome?

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    The aim of this review is to evaluate whether the DSM-5 concept of mixed features \u201cspecifier\u201d provides a definition that reflects the richness and multiplicity of this psychopathological picture pointing out the historical development, clinical concepualisation and proposed therapeutic approach to mixed states. We review and discuss the recent evidence on the presence of mixed features during mania and depression and summarise findings on the conceptualisation of mixed states. Electronic searches of all English-language papers were performed in the MEDLINE and PUBMED database using and cross-listing key words: mixed state, mixed features, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, mania, hypomania, depression. The mixed categorical-dimensional concept used in the DSM- 5 broadens the concept of mixed episodes, introducing substantial changes to the diagnosis of mixed states. This definition appears more appropriate for less severe forms of mixed states presenting clear and detectable mood symptoms with evident improvement compared to the DSM-IV, as the possibility of classifying depression \u201cwith mixed features\u201d. The transition from the classical definition of mixed states to the one reported in the DSM-5 has determined a complex modification of the concept of mixed state. The DSM-IV-TR description, based on the co-presence of symptoms of opposite polarity, was extremely reductive and did not capture the sub-syndromal symptoms of the opposite pole experienced in bipolar and major depressive disorders. The DSM-5 definition of mixed features \u201cspecifier\u201d represents a valid tool to improve the recognition and proper treatment of bipolar mixed patients, reducing misdiagnosis and mistreatment associated with chronic and repetitive exposure to antidepressants and sedatives, although the mixed categorical-dimensional concept does not adequately reflect some overlapping mood criteria, such as mood lability, irritability and psychomotor agitation

    (2-Aminobenzothiazole)-Methyl-1,1-bisphosphonic acids: Targeting matrix metalloproteinase 13 inhibition to the bone

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    Matrix Metalloproteinases (MMPs) are a family of secreted and membrane-bound enzymes, of which 24 isoforms are known in humans. These enzymes degrade the proteins of the extracellular matrix and play a role of utmost importance in the physiological remodeling of all tissues. However, certain MMPs, such as MMP-2, -9, and -13, can be overexpressed in pathological states, including cancer and metastasis. Consequently, the development of MMP inhibitors (MMPIs) has been explored for a long time as a strategy to prevent and hinder metastatic growth, but the important side effects linked to promiscuous inhibition of MMPs prevented the clinical use of MMPIs. Therefore, several strategies were proposed to improve the therapeutic profile of this pharmaceutical class, including improved selectivity toward specific MMP isoforms and targeting of specific organs and tissues. Combining both approaches, we conducted the synthesis and preliminary biological evaluation of a series of (2-aminobenzothiazole)-methyl-1,1-bisphosphonic acids active as selective inhibitors of MMP-13 via in vitro and in silico studies, which could prove useful for the treatment of bone metastases thanks to the bone-targeting capabilities granted by the bisphosphonic acid group

    Human cytomegalovirus US28 facilitates cell-to-cell viral dissemination

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    Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) encodes a number of viral proteins with homology to cellular G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). These viral GPCRs, including US27, US28, UL33, and UL78, have been ascribed numerous functions during infection, including activating diverse cellular pathways, binding to immunomodulatory chemokines, and impacting virus dissemination. To investigate the role of US28 during virus infection, two variants of the clinical isolate TB40/E were generated: TB40/E-US28(YFP) expressing a C-terminal yellow fluorescent protein tag, and TB40/E-FLAG(YFP) in which a FLAG-YFP cassette replaces the US28 coding region. The TB40/E-US28(YFP) protein localized as large perinuclear fluorescent structures at late times post-infection in fibroblasts, endothelial, and epithelial cells. Interestingly, US28(YFP) is a non-glycosylated membrane protein throughout the course of infection. US28 appears to impact cell-to-cell spread of virus, as the ΔUS28 virus (TB40/E-FLAG(YFP)) generated a log-greater yield of extracellular progeny whose spread could be significantly neutralized in fibroblasts. Most strikingly, in epithelial cells, where dissemination of virus occurs exclusively by the cell-to-cell route, TB40/E-FLAG(YFP) (ΔUS28) displayed a significant growth defect. The data demonstrates that HCMV US28 may contribute at a late stage of the viral life cycle to cell-to-cell dissemination of virus

    Brain Gray Matter Changes in Migraine Patients With T2-Visible Lesions

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    Background and Purpose— In migraine patients, functional imaging studies have shown changes in several brain gray matter (GM) regions. However, 1.5-T MRI has failed to detect any structural abnormality of these regions. We used a 3-T MRI scanner and voxel-based morphometry (VBM) to assess whether GM density abnormalities can be seen in patients with migraine with T2-visible abnormalities and to grade their extent. Methods— In 16 migraine patients with T2-visible abnormalities and 15 matched controls, we acquired a T2-weighted and a high-resolution T1-weighted sequence. Lesion loads were measured on T2-weighted images. An optimized version of VBM analysis was used to assess regional differences in GM densities on T1-weighted scans of patients versus controls. Statistical parametric maps were thresholded at P <0.001, uncorrected for multiple comparisons. Results— Compared with controls, migraine patients had areas of reduced GM density, mainly located in the frontal and temporal lobes. Conversely, patients showed increased periacqueductal GM (PAG) density. Compared with patients without aura, migraine patients with aura had increased density of the PAG and of the dorsolateral pons. In migraine patients, reduced GM density was strongly related to age, disease duration, and T2-visible lesion load ( r ranging from −0.84 to −0.73). Conclusions— Structural GM abnormalities can be detected in migraine patients with brain T2-visible lesions using VBM and a high-field MRI scanner. Such GM changes comprise areas with reduced and increased density and are likely related to the pathological substrates associated with this disease


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    This year, for the first time, the Young Chemists Group of the Italian Chemical Society (SCI) organized a national communication contest dedicated to chemists under 35. The contest, called ChiMiCapisce—a play on "Chimica", Italian for chemistry, and "Chi Mi Capisce?", which literally means "Who can understand me?"—was planned as the launch event of the recently established “Dissemination of Chemical Culture” Division of the Italian Chemical Society
