64 research outputs found

    Fasciola hepatica and Rumen Flukes - In Vitro Evaluation of Main Commercial Anthelmintics

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    Background: Trematode infections are of great importance as they affect the health of many species of mammals as cattle, sheep and goat. Fasciola hepatica represents the main trematode zoonosis and risks to human and cattle and paramphistomosis is one emerging parasitic diseases of ruminants widely distributed in the world. The economic expenses are incurred by the use of ineffective anthelmintics for trematode control. Besides to faecal egg count reduction test (FECRT) to determine the anthelmintic efficacy, can be used in vitro assays, by this the aim of the study was to determine the lethal doses with hatching egg test of the main commercial anthelmintics used for the control of trematodes in cattle. Materials, Methods & Results: Liver and rumen were examined from cattle slaughtered in Tabasco, Chiapas and Campeche states from Mexico. F. hepatica eggs were recovered from gallbladder and rumen fluke eggs collected from adult parasites in saline solution. Subsequently, the hatching egg assays were performed placing 100 trematode eggs in distilled water in each one of 96 wells of polystyrene plates. After making the appropriate dilutions, several concentrations of commercial anthelmintics were evaluated, ranging from 0.04 to 80.63 mM for triclabendazole + 0.046 to 96.87 mM febendazole (TC+FBZ), from 0.04 to 91 mM for rafoxanide (RAFOX), from 0.02 to 43.74 mM for closantel (CLOS), from 0.036 to 76.18 mM for clorsulon + 0.002 to 3.31 mM ivermectin (CLORS+ IVM) and from 0.163 to 334.47 mM for nitroxynil (NITROX). A control group (water) was included in each plate. Lethal doses were obtained using the Probit procedure and analysis of the means with a one-way statistical design. Most drugs used against rumen fluke eggs presented a high LD50 and therefore were ineffective to cause egg mortality, such was the case of RAFOX that presented LD50 from 4,580 to 10,790 µg/mL (7 to 17 mM). CLOS presented the lowest LD50 (80 µg/mL or 0.12 mM) on rumen fluke eggs. TC+FBZ was found to be effective drug against the development of F. hepatica eggs in many samples. In the same way NITROX showed a low LD50 (37 to 63 µg/mL or 0.13 to 0.22 mM), but RAFOX presented a highest LD50 (1,450 µg/mL or 2.32 mM). Discussion: The present study focused on screen the ovicidal activity and determining in vitro lethal doses 50 of main commercial anthelmintics used to control F. hepatica and rumen fluke as rapid tests in a tropical region from Mexico. The FECRT is the main method to detect effectiveness of anthelmintic and other method is the coproantigen reduction test (CRT) by ELISA. Both tests require many infected animals depending the number of treatments and by this the egg hatch assay (EHA) represent a complementary diagnosis of effectiveness of anthelmintic products to compare between regions and even between farms, because few animals are required from the farm to collect trematode eggs, and it is possible to know the effectiveness against various anthelmintics at the same time. Efficacy studies on trematodes using egg hatching tests are scarce, although they have the advantage that they can be applied to both F. hepatica and rumen fluke. TC+FBZ was one of the most effective products in inhibiting the development of F. hepatica eggs. However, RAFOX showed low effectiveness against trematode eggs, with very high lethal doses. These results agree with a study that show low efficacy against the development of Paramphistomum cervi eggs and with the FECRT test reductions of 75% and 80.58% were obtained, in times from 7 to 84 days after treatment with RAFOX. NITROX and CLORS were drugs that had good efficacy on the development of F. hepatica eggs. A differential response between liver and rumen fluke was observed. The anthelmintics used against rumen fluke eggs show low ovicidal activity and in Fasciola hepatica TC+FBZ show the best activity. Keywords: trematodes, cattle, effectiveness, anthelmintics, ovicidal activity, egg hatching

    Suplementación postdestete de corderas Pelibuey x Blackbelly en pastoreo en el trópico húmedo.

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of supplemental feed on postweaning performance of Pelibuey x Blackbelly ewe lambs managed under grazing conditions. Twenty eight Pelibuey x Blackbelly female lambs were assigned to one of two treatments: 1) low feed supple-mentation: 0.18 Mcal of metabolizable energy (EM) lamb-1d-1 and 10.5 g of crude protein (PB) lamb-1d-1 and 2) medium feed supplementation: 0.54 Mcal of EM and 31.6 g of PB lamb-1d-1, offered during 70 days. The supplement feed did not affect (p>0.05) body weight and average daily body weight gain (GDP). It is concluded that in grazing Pelibuey x Blackbelly ewe lambs the medium feed supplementation did not improve the daily body weight gain with respect to a low feed supplementation.El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto del complemento alimenticio en el comportamiento productivo postdestete de corderas Pelibuey x Blackbelly manejadas bajo condiciones de pastoreo. Veintiocho corderas Pelibuey x Blackbelly se asignaron a uno de dos tratamientos: 1) complementación alimenticia baja: 0,18 Mcal de energía metabolizable (EM) cordera-1d-1 y 10,5 g de proteína bruta (PB) cordera-1d-1 o 2) complementación alimenticia media: 0,54 Mcal de EM y 31,6 g de PB cordera-1d-1, durante 70 días. La complementación alimenticia no afectó (p>0,05) al peso corporal y la ganancia diaria de peso (GDP). Se concluye, que en corderas Pelibuey x Blackbelly en pastoreo, la complementación alimenticia media no mejora la GDP con respecto a la complementación alimenticia baja

    Importancia del peso de la oveja al parto en el comportamiento predestete de corderos Pelibuey

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of Pelibuey ewe bodyweight at lambing on pre-weaning performance of their lambs in hot and humid conditions. The study was retrospective and was carried out with productive information on two sheep farms. In total, 242 records of lambs from farm 1 and 66 from farm 2 were analysed for birth weight, pre-weaning bodyweight gain and weaning weight adjusted to 61 days. The information was obtained from 147 ewes on the farm 1 and 42 on the farm 2. The statistical model included, in both farms, the fixed effects of ewe bodyweight at lambing (below and above the average), parity number (primiparous, multiparous), sex of the lamb (female and male) and type of birth (single and multiple). The body weight at lambing and type of lambing affected (p<0.05) all the dependent variables on both farms. The sex of the lamb only affected (p<0.05) the weaning weight in farm 1. Parity number influenced birth and weaning weight in farm 1 (p<0.01) and birth weight in farm 2 (p<0.05). In conclusion, the ewe bodyweight at lambing affected the pre-weaning performance of lambs in both farms. Lambs of ewes with a bodyweight al lambing above average were heavier at birth and at weaning than sheep from ewes with bodyweight al lambing below average, and it is confirmed that male lambs, single lambs and from multiparous sheep they better pre-weaning performance with respect to female, multiple lambs and those of primiparous sheep, respectively.El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la influencia del peso al parto de la oveja Pelibuey sobre características de crecimiento predestete de sus corderos en condiciones de clima cálido y húmedo. El estudio fue de tipo retrospectivo y se realizó con información productiva de dos fincas ovinas. Se analizaron 242 observaciones de corderos en la finca 1 y 66 en la finca 2 de los pesos al nacer, ganancia de peso predestete y peso de destete ajustado a 61 días. La información se obtuvo de 147 ovejas en la finca 1 y 42 en la finca 2. El modelo estadístico incluyó, en ambas fincas, los efectos fijos de peso de la oveja al parto (por abajo y por encima del promedio), número de parto (primíparas, multíparas), sexo del cordero (hembra y macho) y tipo de nacimiento (simple y múltiple). El peso al parto y el tipo de nacimiento afectaron (p<0.05) todas las variables dependientes en ambas fincas. El sexo del cordero (p<0.05) influyó sobre el peso de destete en la finca 1. El número de parto afectó el peso al nacer y de destete en la finca 1 (p<0.01) y peso al nacer en la finca 2 (p<0.05). En conclusión, el peso al parto afectó el comportamiento predestete de los corderos en ambas fincas. Los corderos de ovejas con un peso al parto por encima del promedio fueron más pesados al nacimiento y al destete que los corderos de ovejas con un peso al parto por debajo del promedio, y se confirma que los corderos machos, únicos y provenientes de ovejas multíparas tienen mejor comportamiento predestete con respecto a corderos hembras, múltiples y los de ovejas primíparas, respectivamente

    Suckling and Excess Fat in the Postpartum Reproductive Activity of Hair Sheep

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    Objective: To evaluate the effect of excess fat and suckling control on postpartum reproductive activity of hair ewes. Design/Methodology/Approach: Eighty-one (81) hair ewes with average weight of 58±8 kg were used, which on postpartum day 7 were assigned to one of four treatments under a completely randomized design with 2×2 factorial arrangement. Factor A is the type of suckling [continuous suckling (CS) and suckling control (SC)] and factor B, excess fat (with or without). In CS, ewes remained with their offspring 24 hours a day (n=16). In continuous suckling plus fat (CSF), ewes remained with the offspring all day plus the addition of 8% in dietary fat (n=24). In SC, it was 30 min of suckling only twice per day (n=14). In suckling control plus fat (SCF), controlled suckling lasted 30 min, twice a day plus 8% fat (n=25). Results: The response to the treatments was similar (p > 0.05) in onset of estrus, return rate, gestation, prolificacy and fertilization; for the lambing rate variable, there were differences (p ≤ 0.05), the SCF treatment was higher (68%) compared to CS (50%) and CSF (50%), but equal (p < 0.05) to SC (57.1%). Implications: In this experiment, it was observed that the SCF treatment presented a better response, implying that controlling suckling and providing excess fat helps to restore ovarian activity sooner after lambing. Conclusions: Suckling control plus inclusion of dietary excess fat in ovulation induction protocols during early postpartum (around day 25 postpartum) can be included in routine reproductive management of flocks, improving the reproductive efficiency of hair sheep

    Aptitud de producción probable en vacas brangus y charolais bajo condiciones de agostadero en Sonora

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    Con la información de registros de produce ion de 15 años (1970-1984) de dos hatos de ganado Brangus y Charolais, bajo condiciones de agostadero en Sonora

    Morphostructural variability in the Pastoreña goat in different regions of the Mixteca of Mexico: A phenotypic study to establish the racial profile

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    In the present study, we evaluated the morphostructural variability of the Pastoreña goat (PG) in Mixteca region of Oaxaca, Mexico. This study was carried out to evaluate five qualitative ranges and thirteen morphometric characteristics of 249 animals (185 females and 64 males) from 2 to 5 years old. Descriptive statistics analysis was performed on the qualitative (QV) morphometric (MV) variables, and variance analysis and Tukey test by sex. The Pearson correlations were calculated for MV, determining the morphostructural harmonic model. The canonical discriminant analysis and analysis of principal coordinates were made for QV and principal component analysis for MV. The results of QV indicated some features in the racial profile of the PG. MV showed sexual dimorphism (p<0.05). The coefficient of variation indicated morphostructural homogeneity. The correlations in MV suggest harmonic-morphostructural and harmonic-median models for females and males, respectively. The multivariate analysis showed similarities in the sampled localities. In conclusion, the qualitative and quantitative variables demonstrated in the PG characterize as a unique goat breed in the Mixteca of Mexico and justify further conservation efforts. Highlights The Pastoreña goats have uniformity within the population of the Mixteca, Mexico. The qualitative and quantitative variables estimated in the Pastoreña Goats offer the bases for its conservation. The shepherds select the offspring of the Pastoreña goats of the white and creamy-white color.In the present study, we evaluated the morphostructural variability of the Pastoreña goat (PG) in Mixteca region of Oaxaca, Mexico. This study was carried out to evaluate five qualitative ranges and thirteen morphometric characteristics of 249 animals (185 females and 64 males) from 2 to 5 years old. Descriptive statistics analysis was performed on the qualitative (QV) morphometric (MV) variables, and variance analysis and Tukey test by sex. The Pearson correlations were calculated for MV, determining the morphostructural harmonic model. The canonical discriminant analysis and analysis of principal coordinates were made for QV and principal component analysis for MV. The results of QV indicated some features in the racial profile of the PG. MV showed sexual dimorphism (p<0.05). The coefficient of variation indicated morphostructural homogeneity. The correlations in MV suggest harmonic-morphostructural and harmonic-median models for females and males, respectively. The multivariate analysis showed similarities in the sampled localities. In conclusion, the qualitative and quantitative variables demonstrated in the PG characterize as a unique goat breed in the Mixteca of Mexico and justify further conservation efforts. Highlights The Pastoreña goats have uniformity within the population of the Mixteca, Mexico. The qualitative and quantitative variables estimated in the Pastoreña Goats offer the bases for its conservation. The shepherds select the offspring of the Pastoreña goats of the white and creamy-white color

    Finishing lambs using an integral feed under a restricted-feeding program in an intensive production system in Northern Mexico

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    The objective of this study was to compare the productive performance of finishing lambs using an integral diet under a restricted-feeding program. Ten Dorper lambs were assigned to two homogenous groups according to live weight and age under a complete randomised block design. Group 1 was fed a traditional diet commonly used by the producer and group 2 was fed an integral feed restricted to 75% of dry matter requirement of lambs. The evaluated variables were: dry matter intake, initial and final live weight, daily weight gain, feed efficiency and body growth expressed in height, body length, thoracic diameter, cane length and cane width. A partial cost analysis was carried out to evaluate the economic viability. Lambs fed with the integral feed had better feed efficiency, higher dry matter intake, daily weight gain, height, body length and thoracic diameter when compared with the lambs fed the traditional diet. The use of an integral feed under a restricted-feeding program reduced the cost of finishing lambs by 2.46 dollars per head and finishing length by 120 days. Overall, providing an integral feed under a restricted-feeding program is a viable alternative for improving finishing lambs under intensive conditions in the Northern Mexico

    Rescue and participatory conservation of Creole goats in the agro-silvopastoral systems of the Mountains of Guerrero, Mexico

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    The objective was to implement a participatory process involving rescue and conservation of Creole goats in agro-silvopastoral systems, as a development strategy for the indigenous and marginalized region of the Mountains of Guerrero (MG), Mexico. The study focused on the caprine agroecosystem, documenting aspects of goat development and identifying caprine areas in 13 municipalities, zoometrically characterizing 680 goats. One hundred and ten goat producers were interviewed for evaluating farmer perception of goat production. Fifty-seven producers were trained in holistic management, and four producers raised 300 goats in outstanding herds. Data were analyzed using social networks, principal component analysis and correspondence analysis. Two goat agroecosystems were identified: 1) agro-silvopastoralism, with crossbreeding of goat populations and, 2) traditional systems, involving grazing of Creole goats on native vegetation. We identified three types of goats: 1) Mixteco mosaic (61%), 2), Pastoreña (31.8%), and 3) Crossbreeds (7.2%), based on bicoastal diameter, chest depth, body length, thoracic perimeter, height at withers, shoulder point width and liveweight. Smallholder goat farmers in the MG preferred Creole goats for their greater productivity and better environmental adaptation. Highlights: Farmer-participatory programs to rescue and conserve the Creole goat breed. Goats agro-silvopastoral systems with low resource smallholders. Sustainable utilization of Creole goats. Goat production systems in the Mexican Mountains.The objective was to implement a participatory process involving rescue and conservation of Creole goats in agro-silvopastoral systems, as a development strategy for the indigenous and marginalized region of the Mountains of Guerrero (MG), Mexico. The study focused on the caprine agroecosystem, documenting aspects of goat development and identifying caprine areas in 13 municipalities, zoometrically characterizing 680 goats. One hundred and ten goat producers were interviewed for evaluating farmer perception of goat production. Fifty-seven producers were trained in holistic management, and four producers raised 300 goats in outstanding herds. Data were analyzed using social networks, principal component analysis and correspondence analysis. Two goat agroecosystems were identified: 1) agro-silvopastoralism, with crossbreeding of goat populations and, 2) traditional systems, involving grazing of Creole goats on native vegetation. We identified three types of goats: 1) Mixteco mosaic (61%), 2), Pastoreña (31.8%), and 3) Crossbreeds (7.2%), based on bicoastal diameter, chest depth, body length, thoracic perimeter, height at withers, shoulder point width and liveweight. Smallholder goat farmers in the MG preferred Creole goats for their greater productivity and better environmental adaptation. Highlights: Farmer-participatory programs to rescue and conserve the Creole goat breed. Goats agro-silvopastoral systems with low resource smallholders. Sustainable utilization of Creole goats. Goat production systems in the Mexican Mountains

    Rendimiento y composición química de leche de vacas criollas Lechero Tropical en pastoreo y suplementación

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    Milk production under grazing conditions is carried out in the intertropical region of hot climates due to its low production cost. The Tropical Milking criollo breed (LT) is characterized by its hardiness in this region, and its high milk quality and cheese yield. Grazing supplementation can increase milk production; however, it can also change its chemical composition. The effect of supplementation with commercial feed in LT cows was evaluated concerning the quantity and physicochemical traits of their milk by lactation. The treatments used were feeding based only on grazing para grass (Brachiaria mutica) and grazing plus 1 kg supplementation with 20 % protein commercial feed for every 5 kg of milk produced daily. The daily milk production per cow increased from 5.82 ± 0.18 to 7.10 ± 0.18 kg due to supplementation. Dry matter intake was similar in both treatments. The concentration of fat, protein, lactose, non-fat, and total solids did not suffer modifications (p > 0.05), but the daily production of each component per cow increased in animals supplemented due to the multiplicative effect of the amount of milk. The number of calvings affected milk production, fat, and ureic nitrogen in milk, and somatic cell count (p ≤ 0.05). It can be concluded that the supplementation used in this study was enough to increase milk production by 22 %, without modifying its chemical composition.La producción de leche en pastoreo es utilizada en las regiones intertropicales de climas cálidos debido a su bajo costo. La raza bovina criolla Lechero Tropical (LT) se caracteriza por su adaptación a esta zona y su alta calidad de leche y rendimiento quesero. La suplementación en pastoreo puede incrementar la producción de leche; sin embargo, también puede comprometer su calidad. Se evaluó el efecto de la suplementación con concentrado comercial en vacas LT respecto a la cantidad y características físicoquímicas de la leche por lactancia. Los tratamientos utilizados fueron alimentación exclusiva a base de pasto pará (Brachiaria mutica), y pasto mas suplementación con 1 kg de concentrado comercial con 20% de proteína por cada 5 kg de leche producida por día. La producción diaria de leche se incrementó de 5,82 ± 0,18 a 7,10 ± 0,18 kg con suplementación. El consumo de materia seca fue similar en ambos tratamientos. La grasa, proteína, lactosa, y los sólidos no grasos y totales no sufrieron ninguna modificación (p > 0,05), pero se incrementó la producción diaria de cada componente por vaca en animales suplementados debido al efecto multiplicativo de la cantidad de leche. El número de parto afectó la producción de leche, grasa, nitrógeno ureico en leche y conteo de células somáticas (p ≤  0,05). Se concluye que la suplementación utilizada en este estudio es suficiente para incrementar la producción de leche en 22 % sin afectar su composición química

    Efecto del hipoclorito de sodio y extracto de cítricos en la reducción de la infestación con nematodos gastrointestinales resistentes a antihelmínticos en ovinos de pelo

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    The study included two experiments. The objective of experiment one was to learn about the in vitro effect of different sodium hypochlorite concentrations and a commercially-available citric extract on the survival of infestant larvae of gastrointestinal nematodes by observation at different time points. With >0.05% sodium hypochlorite concentrations, larvae lost their sheaths in two minutes, while at 1.3% concentration larvae died within one hour. Larval mortality also occurred as late as 12 h after exposure to the concentrations tested of citric extract.El estudio se realizó en dos experimentos. En el primero el objetivo fue conocer el efecto in vitro de diferentes concentraciones de hipoclorito de sodio y de un extracto de cítricos comercial sobre la sobrevivencia de larvas infestantes de nematodos gastrointestinales, mediante observación a diferentes tiempos. A concentraciones mayores al 0.05 % de hipoclorito de sodio, las larvas se desenvainaron en dos minutos y con concentraciones de 1.3 % las larvas murieron en una hora. Con el extracto de cítricos se observó mortalidad larvaria hasta las 12 h en todas las concentraciones utilizadas