22 research outputs found


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    En la odontología infantil cada paciente constituye una peculiaridad, generalmente no existen dos casos similares, sus reacciones dependen de factores como, la etapa de crecimiento y desarrollo, las características de la salud del paciente, las condiciones socioculturales de los padres y otros elementos que hacen distintas las respuestas de cada niño en particular.El manejo del comportamiento del paciente en Odontopediatría es parte fundamental para el éxito de un buen tratamiento dental. Existen diversas técnicas las cuales logran este objetivo una de ellas es la técnica mano sobre boca (HOME por sus siglas en inglés: hand over mouth exercise) dicha técnica es empleada en niños con un comportamiento histérico, ésta es empleada colocando la mano gentilmente pero con firmeza sobre la boca del niño para cesar la explosión verbal y mal comportamiento, la finalidad de ésta es ganar la atención del paciente, lograr establecer buena comunicación y conseguir que coopere con el fin de lograr un tratamiento eficaz y seguro

    The Newcastle satisfaction with nursing scales in a Mexican Oncology Hospital

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    Objectives. The principal aim of this study was to identify whether the Newcastle Satisfaction with Nursing Scales (NSNS) could be used on cancer patients. Methods. This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study carried out on cancer patients (n = 298). Results. We found that a majority of cancer patients were around 50 years old (hospitalized patients [HP]: 49.5 \ub1 14.9; chemotherapy outpatients [COP]: 49.4 \ub1 12.7), were female (HP: 74%; COP: 63.5%), and had received education at least up to elementary level (HP: 70%; COP: 80%). Breast cancer was the principal type of cancer (>34%) in both groups (HP and COP). The groups were comparable in age, sex distribution, place of origin, educational qualification, and type of cancer. Among HP, the experience and satisfaction scales of the NSNS showed good internal consistency (n = 235, \u3b1 >0.9, r > 0.7), while among COP, only the satisfaction scale showed good internal consistency (n = 62, \u3b1 = 1.00). Most patients\u2019 perceptions (level of satisfaction) of hospitalization and chemotherapy services were positive (98% and 97%, respectively). Conclusion: An NSNS instrument specifically designed for ambulatory care cancer patients is necessary for it to be useful in assessing cancer patients' perception of nursing care. This will help improve the quality of care in Mexico. The presence of cancer by itself could modify the patients\u2019 satisfaction level. Further large-scale studies are required to investigate the patients\u2019 perceptions of nursing care using the NSNS on different cancer patient groups

    Temporal relationship of serum markers and tissue damage during acute intestinal ischemia/reperfusion

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    OBJECTIVE: It is essential to identify a serological marker of injury in order to study the pathophysiology of intestinal ischemia reperfusion. In this work, we studied the evolution of several serological markers after intestinal ischemia reperfusion injury in rats. The markers of non-specific cell damage were aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransaminase, and lactic dehydrogenase, the markers of inflammation were tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin-6, and interleukin-1 beta, and the markers of intestinal mucosal damage were intestinal fatty acid binding protein and D-lactate. We used Chiús classification to grade the histopathological damage. METHODS: We studied 35 Wistar rats divided into groups according to reperfusion time. The superior mesenteric artery was clamped for 30 minutes, and blood and biopsies were collected at 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, and 48 hours after reperfusion. We plotted the mean ± standard deviation and compared the baseline and maximum values for each marker using Student's t-test. RESULTS: The maximum values of interleukin-1 beta and lactic dehydrogenase were present before the maximal histopathological damage. The maximum tumor necrosis factor alpha and D-lactate expressions coincided with histopathological damage. Alanine aminotransaminase and aspartate aminotransferase had a maximum expression level that increased following the histopathological damage. The maximum expressions of interluken-6 and intestinal fatty acid binding protein were not significantly different from the Sham treated group. CONCLUSION: For the evaluation of injury secondary to acute intestinal ischemia reperfusion with a 30 minute ischemia period, we recommend performing histopathological grading, quantification of D-lactate, which is synthesized by intestinal bacteria and is considered an indicator of mucosal injury, and quantification of tumor necrosis factor alpha as indicators of acute inflammation three hours after reperfusion

    Comparative study of mid-upper arm circumference, arm muscle area and arm fat area percentiles in Argentinean and US children aged 4-14 years

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    Background: mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC), subcutaneous fat and muscle measurements are an alternative method to diagnose overweight and evaluate growth as well as protein and energy reserves. Aim: to compare MUAC, arm muscle area (AMA) and arm fat area (AFA) measurements of Argentinean boys and girls (Sa) with reference curves for US boys and girls (R). Subjects and methods: data from 22,736 school-children aged 4-14 years from six Argentinean provinces were collected. MUAC and triceps skinfold thickness were measured and the derived AMA and AFA measures were calculated. Analyses were performed with GAMLSS using the R software. Differences in mean values of Sa and R were compared in percentiles 3, 50 and 97. Results: mean values of MUAC and AMA in boys and girls were higher in R than in Sa at all ages; conversely, AFA values were lower. Conclusions: our results confirm differences in upper arm anthropometry of Argentinean school-children with respect to the US reference. The higher adipose tissue and lower skeletal muscle mass observed in Argentinean children could be partly associated with the different ethnic origin of both populations. However, differences should be interpreted in the context of an obesogenic environment, which has favored a calorie-protein imbalance

    Estudio comparativo de los percentiles de circunferencia, área muscular y área grasa del brazo en niños argentinos y estadounidenses de 4-14 años

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    Background: mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC), subcutaneous fat and muscle measurements are an alternative method to diagnose overweight and evaluate growth as well as protein and energy reserves. Aim: to compare MUAC, arm muscle area (AMA) and arm fat area (AFA) measurements of Argentinean boys and girls (Sa) with reference curves for US boys and girls (R). Subjects and methods: data from 22,736 school-children aged 4-14 years from six Argentinean provinces were collected. MUAC and triceps skinfold thickness were measured and the derived AMA and AFA measures were calculated. Analyses were performed with GAMLSS using the R software. Differences in mean values of Sa and R were compared in percentiles 3, 50 and 97. Results: mean values of MUAC and AMA in boys and girls were higher in R than in Sa at all ages; conversely, AFA values were lower. Conclusions: our results confirm differences in upper arm anthropometry of Argentinean school-children with respect to the US reference. The higher adipose tissue and lower skeletal muscle mass observed in Argentinean children could be partly associated with the different ethnic origin of both populations. However, differences should be interpreted in the context of an obesogenic environment, which has favored a calorie-protein imbalanceAntecedentes: la medición de la circunferencia del brazo (MUAC), así como la estimación de la grasa subcutánea y muscular constituyen un método alternativo para diagnosticar el sobrepeso y evaluar el crecimiento y las reservas proteicas y energéticas. Objetivo: comparar las mediciones de MUAC, área muscular (AMA) y área grasa (AFA) del brazo de niños y niñas argentinos (Sa) con curvas de referencia para niños y niñas de Estados Unidos (R). Sujetos y métodos: se recopilaron datos de 22,736 escolares de 4 a 14 años de edad de seis provincias argentinas. Se obtuvieron medidas de MUAC y pliegue subcutáneo tricipital y se calcularon AMA y AFA. Los análisis se realizaron con GAMLSS utilizando el software R. Las diferencias en los valores medios de Sa y R se compararon para los percentiles 3, 50 y 97. Resultados: a todas las edades los valores medios de MUAC y AMA en niños y niñas fueron más altos en R que en Sa; por el contrario, los valores de AFA fueron más bajos. Conclusiones: nuestros resultados confirman la existencia de diferencias en la antropometría mesobraquial de los niños argentinos con respecto a los de la referencia. La mayor cantidad de tejido adiposo y menor de tejido muscular observada en los niños argentinos de ambos sexos puede ser parcialmente asociada con el diferente origen étnico de ambas poblaciones. Sin embargo, las diferencias podrían interpretarse en el contexto de un ambiente obesogénico, el cual habría favorecido el desbalance proteico-calórico.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y MuseoInstituto de Genética VeterinariaCentro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectore

    Maternal dietary patterns and acute leukemia in infants: results from a case control study in Mexico

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    BackgroundChildhood cancer is the leading cause of disease-related mortality among children aged 5–14 years in Mexico, with acute leukemia being the most common cancer among infants. Examining the overall dietary patterns allows for a comprehensive assessment of food and nutrient consumption, providing a more predictive measure of disease risk than individual foods or nutrients. This study aims to evaluate the association between maternal dietary patterns during pregnancy and the risk of acute leukemia in Mexican infants.MethodsA hospital-based case–control study was conducted, comparing 109 confirmed acute leukemia cases with 152 age-matched controls. All participants (≤24 months) were identified at hospitals in Mexico City between 2010 and 2019. Data on a posteriori dietary patterns and other relevant variables were collected through structured interviews and dietary questionnaires. Multivariate logistic regression was employed to estimate the association between maternal dietary patterns during pregnancy and the risk of acute leukemia in infants.ResultsThe “Balanced & Vegetable-Rich” pattern, characterized by a balanced consumption of various food groups and higher vegetable intake, exhibited a negative association with acute leukemia when compared to the “High Dairy & Cereals” Pattern (adjusted odds ratio [OR] = 0.51; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.29, 0.90). We observed that mothers who gave birth to girls and adhered to a healthy dietary pattern during pregnancy exhibited significantly lower odds of their children developing AL compared to those who gave birth to boys [OR = 0.32 (95% CI 0.11, 0.97)]. Our results underscore the significance of maternal nutrition as a modifiable factor in disease prevention and the importance of prenatal health education

    Sistema de evaluación institucional en enseñanza obligatoria en Iberoamérica

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    La presente aportación se focaliza, en este contexto, en la evaluación institucional externa (vinculada o no a la autoevaluación interna) y, por tanto, considera prioritariamente la manera como se evalúan los centros educativos como totalidad y no tanto alguno de sus aspectos (evaluación de la dirección, de los profesores, de los programas, etc.), que también pueden estar considerados. El énfasis también está en conocer la organización y desarrollo del sistema de evaluación. Recoge la visión de 43 especialistas de trece países iberoamericanos sobre las formas de entender y promover la evaluación institucional en sus centros educativos. Sus aportaciones, que deben contextualizarse en las particularidades educativas de sus países (ya presentadas en anteriores informes de la RedAGE), presentan los aspectos generales y normativos de la evaluación, las formas cómo se organiza, los efectos institucionales que tienen y algunas reflexiones, retos y propuestas para la mejora. Su orientación es claramente práctica y se vincula al encuentro anual que la RedAGE realizado los días 16 y 17 de mayo de 2016 en la ciudad de Leiria (Portugal). Allí, los representantes de las organizaciones miembro seleccionaron la temática por su interés actual (con clara vinculación a la mejora de los sistemas educativos y la acreditación institucional), consensuaron la estructura de las aportaciones y realizaron un intercambio de posibles ideas sobre la temática. Se cubre así y como en ocasiones anteriores el propósito fundamental de la RedAGE, como es el de fomentar el intercambio de experiencias, la promoción del conocimiento sobre administración y gestión educativa y la reflexión sobre la práctica de la gestión. La finalidad última sigue siendo la de mejorar el funcionamiento de los centros educativos (y, a través de ellos, de los sistemas educativos), procurando sean de calidad y un instrumento para el cambio profesional y social

    Ciencia Odontológica 2.0

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    Libro que muestra avances de la Investigación Odontológica en MéxicoEs para los integrantes de la Red de Investigación en Estomatología (RIE) una enorme alegría presentar el segundo de una serie de 6 libros sobre casos clínicos, revisiones de la literatura e investigaciones. La RIE está integrada por cuerpos académicos de la UAEH, UAEM, UAC y UdeG

    Advances in Genetics and Epigenetic Alterations in Alzheimer’s Disease: A Notion for Therapeutic Treatment

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a disabling neurodegenerative disorder that leads to long-term functional and cognitive impairment and greatly reduces life expectancy. Early genetic studies focused on tracking variations in genome-wide DNA sequences discovered several polymorphisms and novel susceptibility genes associated with AD. However, despite the numerous risk factors already identified, there is still no fully satisfactory explanation for the mechanisms underlying the onset of the disease. Also, as with other complex human diseases, the causes of low heritability are unclear. Epigenetic mechanisms, in which changes in gene expression do not depend on changes in genotype, have attracted considerable attention in recent years and are key to understanding the processes that influence age-related changes and various neurological diseases. With the recent use of massive sequencing techniques, methods for studying epigenome variations in AD have also evolved tremendously, allowing the discovery of differentially expressed disease traits under different conditions and experimental settings. This is important for understanding disease development and for unlocking new potential AD therapies. In this work, we outline the genomic and epigenomic components involved in the initiation and development of AD and identify potentially effective therapeutic targets for disease control