4,528 research outputs found

    Relaciones interpersonales y estrés laboral en tiempo de COVID 19 de una institución pública de Jaén 2022

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    Las relaciones interpersonales y el estrés laboral son variables a considerar dentro de las organizaciones en especial del sector gubernamental; por lo cual se desarrolló como objetivo determinar la relación entre las relaciones interpersonales y el estrés laboral en tiempo de Covid 19 en los administrativos de una Unidad de Gestión Educativa de Jaén en el 2022. Se desarrolló mediante el diseño no experimental y tipo de investigación aplicada, acopiándose los datos a través de 2 cuestionarios los que fueron proporcionados a 52 administrativos los cuales fueron considerados como muestra. Los resultados arribados muestran correlaciones positivas medias entre las relaciones interpersonales y las dimensiones cansancio emocional (0.716) y realización personal (0.522); mientras que entre las relaciones interpersonales y la despersonalización (0.835) relación positiva considerable; Concluyendo tras la prueba de hipótesis al obtener p valor < 0.05 que existe relación entre las relaciones interpersonales y el estrés laboral en tiempo de Covid 19 en los administrativos de una Unidad de Gestión Educativa de Jaén en el 2022

    Aplicacion de un modelo híbrido de teoria de colas y algoritmo evolutivo para medir la optimizacion en el servicio de atencion al cliente en un local de comidas rápidas

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    In this paper, the analysis of the queue study is presented in order to optimize the customer service, because people wait too long to receive the service, which is likely to make the client impatient and choose to go to competition generating economic losses and bad reputation of the establishment. For the study, the problem of the “Burger Ranch” premises was taken into account in order to develop a model whose implementation includes the Evolutionary Algorithm in which it is based on the methodology of data collection in a time range of 11 a.m. at 13 p.m. to perform the respective processing and analysis of these; and in turn the simulation is developed in Excel, to estimate the use of the service, according to the amount of customers that it receives daily. For the simulation, the information collected was taken into account based on the attention that was made within the service during the days of the working week, imitating the behavior observed in real life together with the hand of Artificial Intelligence, giving As a result, it is necessary to acquire two new servers to optimize 33.84% in the service systemEn el presente trabajo se expone el análisis del estudio de colas con la finalidad &nbsp;de optimizar el servicio de atención al cliente ,debido a que&nbsp; las personas esperan demasiado tiempo para recibir el servicio lo que es probable que el cliente se impaciente y opte por ir a la competencia generando pérdidas económicas y &nbsp;mala reputación del establecimiento. Para el estudio se tomó en consideración la problemática del local “Burger Ranch” con el propósito &nbsp;de desarrollar un modelo cuya implementación incluya el Algoritmo Evolutivo en el que está basado en la metodología de recolección de datos en un rango de tiempo de 11 a.m. a 13 p.m. para realizar el procesamiento y análisis respectivo de estos; y a su vez se desarrolla la simulación en Excel, para estimar el uso del servicio, de acuerdo con la cantidad de clientes que recibe diariamente. Para la simulación se tomó en consideración la información recabada en base a la atención que se realizó dentro del servicio en el lapso de los días de la semana hábil, imitando el comportamiento observados en la vida real junto de la mano de la Inteligencia Artificial, dando como resultado que es necesario la adquisición de dos nuevos servidores para llegar a optimizar un 33.84% en el sistema de atención

    Assessment of avocado textural changes during ripening by using contactless air-coupled ultrasound

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    [EN] In the present study, the use of the air-coupled ultrasonic technique has been analysed as a new tool for the contactless assessment of the avocado post-harvest textural modifications during ripening. Thus, ultrasonic parameters, such as maximum wave amplitude and ultrasound velocity, and textural ones, such as hardness, elastic modulus and relaxation capacity, were measured on avocado slices. During ripening, avocado reduced its elastic modulus (from 2.29 +/- 0.75 to 0.16 +/- 0.08 MPa), became softer and became more viscoelastic, which was well described from zero and first-order kinetic models. These changes increased ultrasound attenuation, decreasing the maximum amplitude of the ultrasonic signal (from 336.6 to 55.4 V/m), while the ultrasonic velocity remained constant, between 320.1 +/- 6.9 and 316.4 +/- 82.6 m/s. Thereby, the maximum ultrasonic amplitude, which adequately correlated with textural parameters (r(avg) = 0.85), could be used to assess the post-harvest ripening on avocado slices.The authors acknowledge the financial support from the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) and Agencia Estatal de InvestigaciOn in Spain (Project RTC-2017-6314-2) and the Generalitat Valenciana. M.D. Farifias is grateful to the European Social Fund (ESF 2014-2020) and Generalitat Valenciana for her post-doctoral fellowship (APOSTD/2018/203). The author E.A. Sanchez-Torres acknowledges the support of the undergraduate student Sara Serrano Garcia on the experimental work.Fernandez-Caballero-Fariñas, MD.; Sanchez-Torres, EA.; Sanchez-Jimenez, V.; Díaz, R.; Benedito Fort, JJ.; Garcia-Perez, J. (2021). Assessment of avocado textural changes during ripening by using contactless air-coupled ultrasound. Journal of Food Engineering. 289:1-9. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2020.1102661928

    Analysis of the influence of the plasma thermodynamic regime in the spectrally resolved and mean radiative opacity calculations of carbon plasmas in a wide range of density and temperature

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    In this work the spectrally resolved, multigroup and mean radiative opacities of carbon plasmas are calculated for a wide range of plasma conditions which cover situations where corona, local thermodynamic and non-local thermodynamic equilibrium regimes are found. An analysis of the influence of the thermodynamic regime on these magnitudes is also carried out by means of comparisons of the results obtained from collisional-radiative, corona or Saha–Boltzmann equations. All the calculations presented in this work were performed using ABAKO/RAPCAL code


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    The objective of this study was to determine the elevation in boiling point of mango pulp was measured at soluble solids concentrations between range 13 and 55°Brix and pressures in the range 9.820x103 to 1.009 x 105 Pa (abs.). The pulp was processed in a pulper with a 1.5mm screen to obtain a uniform consistency and concentrated in rotating evaporator. 500 mL sample of mango pulp was introduced into the boiling vessel. Temperature and pressure were continuously recorded, and final values for solution boiling point and associated pressure were registered after readings had been constant for at least 5 minutes. Experimental data are represented using the Duhring’s rule, Antoine equation and empirical model Crapiste and Lozano. The elevation in boiling point was nearly independent of pressure, varying only with pulp concentration. Experimental data were adjusted appropriately to Antoine equation (R2>0.98) and Crapiste and Lozano model (R2>0.88)

    Determination and analysis of plasma radiative properties for numerical simulations of laboratory radiative blast waves launched in xenon clusters

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    Radiative shock waves play a pivotal role in the transport energy into the stellar medium. This fact has led to many efforts to scale the astrophysical phenomena to accessible laboratory conditions and their study has been highlighted as an area requiring further experimental investigations. Low density material with high atomic mass is suitable to achieve radiative regime, and, therefore, low density xenon plasmas are commonly used for the medium in which the radiative shocks propagate. The knowledge of the plasma radiative properties is crucial for the correct understanding and for the hydrodynamic simulations of radiative shocks. In this work, we perform an analysis of the radiative properties of xenon plasmas in a range of matter densities and electron temperatures typically found in laboratory experiments of radiative shocks launched in xenon plasmas. Furthermore, for a particular experiment, our analysis is applied to make a diagnostics of the electron temperatures of the radiative shocks since they could not be experimentally measure

    Relativistic screened hydrogenic radial integrals

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    The computation of dipole matrix elements plays an important role in the study of absorption or emission of radiation by atoms in several fields such as astrophysics or inertial confinement fusion. In this work we obtain closed formulas for the dipole matrix elements of multielectron ions suitable for using in the framework of a Relativistic Screened Hydrogenic Model

    Tele-care and tele-alarms for the elderly: preliminary experiences in Mexico

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    OBJETIVO Analizar el efecto de un programa piloto de tele-asistencia y tele-alarma en la autopercepción del estado de salud de los adultos mayores y conocer la satisfacción y aceptación del programa. METODOS Estudio transversal que incluyó entrevistas a 378 adultos mayores, 294 cuidadores/familiares y 53 profesionales de la salud, realizado en la Ciudad de México en 2010. Variables sociodemográficas, de autopercepción del estado de salud, satisfacción y aceptación del programa se obtuvieron por medio de cuestionario estandarizado. Se realizó análisis descriptivo y se utilizaron pruebas no paramétricas. RESULTADOS Se observaron efectos significativos en la autopercepción del estado de salud, 6,17 (DE 17,9 p < 0,05) puntos por encima de la media. El programa tuvo una buena aceptación por parte de los adultos mayores, de sus cuidadores familiares y de los profesionales de la salud. CONCLUSIONES El programa contribuye a mantener o mejorar la calidad de vida, permite la atención preventiva y es un medio ideal para dar apoyo psicosocial a los adultos mayores.OBJECTIVE : To analyze the effect of a pilot program of tele-assistance and tele-alarms on the elderly’s self-perception of health status and to identify the satisfaction with and acceptance of the program. METHODS : Cross-sectional study that included interviews with 378 elderly individuals, 294 caretakers/relatives and 53 health care professionals. The program was run in Mexico City in 2010. The variables were socio-demographic characteristics, self-rated health, satisfaction and acceptance of the program. The information was gathered through a standardized questionnaire. The statistical analysis included descriptive analysis and nonparametric tests. RESULTS : Significant effects on self-perception of health were observed, 6.17 (SD 17.9 p < 0.05) points above the average. The program was well received and accepted by the elderly, family caregivers and health professionals. CONCLUSIONS : The program helps to maintain or improve quality of life, allows preventive care and is an ideal means of providing psychosocial support to the elderly

    Conceptual Model of Threat Assessment of Ecosystem Services on the dunes system. Case study: The Dune Fields of Santa Catarina Island/SC, Brazil

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um modelo conceitual para identificação dos serviços ecossistêmicos (SE) das dunas, das ameaças incidentes, dos principais atores beneficiados e das respostas de gestão. Trata-se de um estudo de caso aplicado para três Unidades de Conservação que abrigam sistemas dunares na Ilha de Santa Catarina, Brasil. Foram utilizadas as metodologias de Gestão e Conhecimento com Base Ecossistêmica do Laboratório de Gestão Costeira Integrada/UFSC como ferramenta para a identificação e a classificação dos serviços e, para a identificação e avaliação do grau de ameaça para os campos de dunas, aplicou-se o Threats Classification Scheme, da IUCN. Para os sistemas de dunas, identificaram-se nove serviços predominantes, classificados em: suporte para hábitat; provisão de água doce e recurso mineral; regulação e recarga de aquífero; fluxo de sedimentos; controle de erosão; ciclagem de nutrientes e filtragem; e cultural relacionado à paisagem. Os principais atores beneficiários e impactados pelo uso destes SE são a comunidade local e o trade turístico. Quanto às ameaças que incidem sobre as dunas destacam-se, 18 vetores de pressão. As classificadas com grau “muito alto” foram: captação e uso da água subterrânea e emissão de efluentes líquidos. Com classificação “alta”, destacam-se as atividades turísticas e recreacionais, as infraestruturas residenciais e comerciais, assim como a estrutura de estradas e caminhos. Diante dos resultados apresentados, o desafio é desenvolver políticas públicas que incentivem o conhecimento sobre os SE na zona costeira, pois são de extrema importância para a gestão efetiva dos recursos naturais. A aplicação da GBE possibilita a identificação de vetores de pressão, construindo uma base de informações técnico-científica, de forma a subsidiar a tomada de decisão e o conhecimento popular, objetivando reduzir os impactos nos serviços e processos ecossistêmicos, mantendo a qualidade e o bem-estar humano para as presentes e futuras gerações.This article aims to develop a conceptual framework for the identification of dunes ecosystem services (ES), it´s main pressure sources, the beneficiaries of those services and management responses based on the use of a framework developed by the Integrated Coastal Management Laboratory of UFSC. It refers to a case study on three protected areas with dunes systems located on Santa Catarina Island, Brazil. The methodologies used were Ecosystem Based Management and Knowledge, developed by the Integrated Costal Management Lab/UFSC as a tool for services identification and classification, and Threats Classification Scheme, from the IUCN, for the identification and evaluation of dune system threats degrees. Santa Catarina Island has 18 environmental systems supplying around 50 environmental and social needs. For dunes systems, nine prevailing services were identified, classified as: habitat support; freshwater and mineral resources supply; aquifer regulation and recharge; sediment flow; erosion control; nutrients cycling and filtering; and cultural, related to the landscape. The main beneficiaries and the actors most affected by the use and diminishing offer and quality of those ES are local communities and the whole touristic sector. As for the threats upon the dunes, 18 pressure vectors were highlighted. The classified as “very high” were: subterranean water catchment and sewage discharge. Classified as “high” are touristic and recreational activities, housing and commercial infrastructure, and roads/pathways.n the face of these results, the challenge is to develop public policies to encourage knowledge gathering on the coastal zone ES as they are central to reaching an effective management of its natural resources. The use of EBM enables the identification of pressure vectors, framing a technical and scientific information base as a way to subsidize decision making and popular knowledge aimed at diminishing impacts on ecosystem services and processes while maintaining human wellbeing for present and future generations