1,790 research outputs found

    Variation in yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) catches related to El Niño-Southern Oscillation events at the entrance to the Gulf of California

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    Fishery catch data on yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) were examined to study the effects of El Niño events between 1990 and 1999 for an area in the northeastern tropical Pacific (18−24°N, 112−104°W). The data were extracted from a database of logbook records from the Mexican tuna purse-seine f leet. Latitudinal distribution of the catches increased from south to north for the 10-year period. Highest catches and effort were concentrated between 22°N and 23°N. This area accumulated 48% of the total catch over the 10year period. It was strongly correlated with El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events. At least two periods of exceptionally high catches occurred following El Niño events in 1991 and 1997. Peaks of catches were triggered by the arrival of positive anomalies of sea surface temperature (SST) to the area. A delay of two to four months was observed between the occurrence of maximum SST anomalies at the equator and peaks of catch. Prior to these two events, negative SST anomalies were the dominant feature in the study area and catch was extremely low. This trend of negative SST anomalies with low catches followed by positive SST anomalies and high catches may be attributed to northward yellowfin tuna migration patterns driven by El Niño forcing, a result that contrasts with the known behavior of decreasing relative abundance of these tuna after El Niño events in the eastern Pacific. However, this decrease in relative abundance may be the result of a local or subregional effect

    Indigenous-Amazonian Traditional Medicine's Usage of the Tobacco Plant: A Transdisciplinary Ethnopsychological Mixed-Methods Case Study

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    Harmful usage of tobacco is a global public health problem associated with adverse health effects and addiction. Yet, in the Peruvian Amazon, the native region of Nicotiana rustica L., this plant is used in remarkably different manners: it is considered a potent medicinal plant, applied in liquid form for oral ingestion to treat mental health problems, a common and ancient healing practice in this region. Using a transdisciplinary field research approach with mixed ethnopsychological methods, this work aimed to report for the first time a case study in this context. The intervention took place in the Peruvian Amazon (Loreto) and involved ritual tobacco ingestion in a weeklong retreat-like frame, administered by a specialized traditional Amazonian healer. The patient was a 37-year-old woman with diagnosed mood, anxiety, and attention deficit disorders, as well as a chronic somatic condition. We applied qualitative experience-sampling during and quantitative symptom assessments pre- and post-treatment. Our findings offer a detailed description of the experiential therapeutic process during the treatment week and suggest clinically relevant improvements in patient well-being. This work is significant in view of the globally prevalent harmful uses of tobacco and the current scientific trend of revisiting herbal psychoactives (e.g., cannabis, psilocybin) for their therapeutic potentials

    2020 : a Pandemia da Covid-19 e o mundo do trabalho : um olhar a partir dos setores subalternos

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    Após um ciclo de conferências com oradores de diversas regiões do mundo [] que abordaram como tema central a situação da saúde dos trabalhadores e trabalhadoras em tempos de pandemia, há espaço para algumas reflexões em relação ao impacto da pandemia da Covid-19 no mundo do trabalho e a resposta que as organizações sindicais têm vindo a dar a esta situação. 1. Uma experiência global : nem todos atravessam a tempestade no mesmo barco Um primeiro elemento a salientar é a rápida propagação que t..

    2020 : Pandemia por Covid-19 y mundo del trabajo : una mirada desde los sectores subalternos

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    Luego de un ciclo de conferencias con ponentes de diversas regiones del planeta [], que abordaron como tema central la situación de salud de los y las trabajadoras en tiempos de pandemia, caben algunas reflexiones en relación con el impacto que la pandemia por la covid-19 en el mundo del trabajo, y la respuesta que desde las organizaciones sindicales se viene dando a esta situación. 1. Una experiencia global : no todos atraviesan la tormenta en el mismo barco Un primer elemento que cabe desta..

    Development of a novel fcc structure for an amorphous-nanocrystalline Ti-33Nb-4Mn (at.%) ternary alloy

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    [EN] In this work, a novel amorphous-nanocrystalline titanium-niobium-manganese solid solution ternary alloy with a Ti-33Nb-4Mn (at.%) nominal composition was developed by a High-Energy Mechanical Alloying. Nb and Mn were added to the elemental Ti as a beta-phase (bcc) stabilizer and an amorphization promoter, respectively. The system evolved from the elemental Ti, Nb and Mn raw materials to a body centred cubic (bcc) TiNbMn alloy and, finally, to the formation of an original and stable face centred cubic (fcc) nanocrystalline TiNbMn alloy, not reported until now, at short milling time (20 h). This alloy remains invariant until 120 h. In turn, the partial amorphization of the system occurs and increases until at intermediate milling time (80 h). The production of both original fcc and the amorphous TiNbMn alloy may be beneficial for reducing the Young's modulus and improving the mechanical strength pursued for the Ti alloy. The optimal milling time respect to the amorphization, nanocrystalline size and Fe mount from milling media was 60 h and 80 h (TiNbMn60h and TiNbMn80h), with > 50 wt% of an amorphous phase and a crystalline domain size of approximately 5 nm.This work was supported under postdoctoral grant no. 3150060, which is financed by the FONDECYT fund (Government of Chile).Chicardi, E.; García-Garrido, C.; Sayagués, M.; Torres, Y.; Amigó, V.; Aguilar, C. (2018). Development of a novel fcc structure for an amorphous-nanocrystalline Ti-33Nb-4Mn (at.%) ternary alloy. Materials Characterization. 135:46-56. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchar.2017.11.021S465613

    The blessing of Dimensionality : feature selection outperforms functional connectivity-based feature transformation to classify ADHD subjects from EEG patterns of phase synchronisation

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    Functional connectivity (FC) characterizes brain activity from a multivariate set of N brain signals by means of an NxN matrix A, whose elements estimate the dependence within each possible pair of signals. Such matrix can be used as a feature vector for (un)supervised subject classification. Yet if N is large, A is highly dimensional. Little is known on the effect that different strategies to reduce its dimensionality may have on its classification ability. Here, we apply different machine learning algorithms to classify 33 children (age [6-14 years]) into two groups (healthy controls and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder patients) using EEG FC patterns obtained from two phase synchronisation indices. We found that the classification is highly successful (around 95%) if the whole matrix A is taken into account, and the relevant features are selected using machine learning methods. However, if FC algorithms are applied instead to transform A into a lower dimensionality matrix, the classification rate drops to less than 80%. We conclude that, for the purpose of pattern classification, the relevant features should be selected among the elements of A by using appropriate machine learning algorithms

    Análisis para la sintonización de los parámetros de excepción y compresión de datos del sistema de información de planta en las variables de proceso que intervienen en el balance másico de las plantas de cracking, crudo, visco reductora y polimerización de Ecopetrol refinería Cartagena

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    El sistema de información de planta (sistema PI) esta compuesto por módulos que monitorean y analizan la planta en tiempo real, su principal componente es el PI Data Archive que recolecta, almacena y recupera datos numéricos y de cadenas; además actúa como servidor para aplicaciones clientes de Microsoft Windows de donde se pueden ver los datos almacenados en el sistema de toda la planta. El sistema PI es un sistema distribuido multiplataforma que utiliza herramientas de comunicación como PI-API y PINet/VMS. En el sistema es importante conocer otros términos como PI Base Package que es usado para llamar a los componentes del software localizados en el nodo primario llamado PI Home Node y el término PI Server es un método que sirve como archivador de datos a los nodos PINet y a las aplicaciones clientes remotas.Incluye bibliografí