134 research outputs found

    Animated potentiality: Temporality and the limits of narrativity in anime

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    The purpose of this paper is to explore, through several concepts extracted from the philosophies of Henri Bergson, Gilbert Simondon and Gilles Deleuze, the relationship between narrative and extra-narrative elements in anime such as Revolutionary Girl Utena, Serial Experiments Lain and Puella Magi Madoka Magica. In these works we are presented not only with complex narratives, but also elements that seem to escape narrative logic (for example, the unexplained appearance of images, colors and sounds). Both the constantly "floating" extra-narrative aspects and specific points of rupture in the narrative have to be duly accounted for. I will relate the analysis of these anime to two forms of temporality, i.e. the product-time and process-time (closer to Bergson´s durée). The former shall be applied to the structure of the narrative parts, and the later to the role of the extra-narrative elements. I will specifically focus on the difference between the individual / environment pair, which taken as a whole constitutes the ending point of the Simondonian ontogenesis, and that which exceeds individuation: "apeiron", the undetermined understood as a place of potentiality. Ultimately the paper aims at demonstrating how anime functions as what I call a "thinking device"Fil: González Torrents, Alba. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad; Argentin

    La Inclusió dels alumnes amb necessitats educatives especials. Accés al currículum ordinari a través dels Plans Individualitzats. Traducció i adaptació de l’SPOT (instrument per analitzar els PIs).

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    Curs 2013-2014Actualment, és cada vegada més present en la nostra societat la paraula inclusió i més concretament en el nostre àmbit educatiu, el concepte d’educació inclusiva. Aquest treball pretén presentar una eina adaptada i traduïda al català anomenada Student Program Observation Tools, la qual serveix per fer un anàlisi d’una de les mesures d’atenció a la diversitat: els Plans Individualitzats, per tal de millorar-ne el contingut i ésser una ajuda per a les escoles però també perquè els alumnes amb necessitats educatives especials puguin tenir accés al currículum ordinari com la resta dels seus companys de classe.Nowadays, the word inclusion is more and more taken into consideration in our society. In the educational community, the concept of inclusive education is becoming a fundamental issue. This project has the intension to propose a tool named Student Program Observation Tools, adapted and translated to the Catalan language, with the aim to analyze one of the ways of attending children with special educational needs: the Individualized Education Programs. This instrument has been adapted in order to offer a tool for Catalan schools to analyze and improve these programs so pupils with special educational needs may have access to the general curriculum, just like all the other pupils

    ReViTA: A novel in vitro transcription system to study gene regulation

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    ReViTA (Reverse in VitroTranscription Assay) is a novel in vitro transcription-based method to study gene expression under the regulation of specific transcription factors. The ReViTA system uses a plasmid with a control sequence, the promoter region of the studied gene, the transcription factor of interest, and an RNA polymerase saturated with σ70. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the method; thus, as a proof of concept, two different transcription factors were used, a transcriptional inducer, AlgR, and a repressor, LexA, from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. After the promoters were incubated with the transcription factors, the plasmid was transcribed into RNA and reverse transcribed to cDNA. Gene expression was measured using qRTPCR. Using the ReViTA plasmid, transcription induction of 55% was observed when AlgR protein was added and a 27% transcription reduction with the repressor LexA, compared with the samples without transcription factors. The results demonstrated the correct functioning of ReViTA as a novel method to study transcription factors and gene expression. Thus, ReViTA could be a rapid and accessible in vitro method to evaluate genes and regulators of various species.Crown Copyright © 2023. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Máquinas con alma. Lo técnico y lo humano en Simondon y en la cultura del anime

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    En el imaginario del anime contemporáneo de ciencia ficción encontramos algunos ejemplos claros de una reinterpretación de la relación entre ser humano y tecnología en términos no-clásicos. La filosofía de la individuación de Gilbert Simondon, con su crítica radical al individualismo y al sustancialismo, y en especial su filosofía de la técnica, centrada en la denuncia del olvido cultural de los aspectos humanos de la técnica, ofrecen una clave filosófica idónea para la exploración de ese imaginario. Mediante la aplicación de los conceptos desarrollados por Simondon en sus análisis del modo de existencia de los objetos técnico a los animes Akira, Evangelion, Ghost in The Shell y Serial Experiments Lain, muestro que existe en ellos una visión coherente e innovadora de la relación entre humanidad y técnica, que coincide en muchos aspectos con las críticas y propuestas elaboradas por el mismo Simondon. Los más importantes de estos aspectos se relacionan con la idea de la extensión tecnológica de lo humano y con los grados de integración o separación existentes entre el dominio de lo técnico y el de la espiritualidad y la religión.We find in the imaginary of contemporary science fiction anime some clear examples of a non-classical reinterpretation of the relationship between humans and technology. Both Gilbert Simondon's general philosophy of individuation, with its radical critique of individualism and substantialism, and his philosophy of technology, focused in denouncing the cultural oblivion of the human aspects of technicity, offer some key elements to explore this imaginary. By applying some of the concepts developed by Simondon in his analyses of the mode of existence of technical objects to animes such as Akira, Evangelion, Ghost in the Shell and Serial Experiments Lain, I show that they share a coherent and innovative vision of the relationship between human and technical, coincident in many respects with the criticisms and proposals put forward by Simondon himself. The most important of these issues have to do with the idea of a technological extension of humanity and with the existing degree of integration or separation between the domain of technicity and that of spirituality and religio

    Caracterització química de l'atmosfera del Camp de Tarragona i avaluació de l'exposició i el risc per a la població

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    La present Tesi Doctoral se centra en l’estudi de la qualitat de l’aire del Camp de Tarragona, una zona amb un interès particular ja que alberga un dels complexos industrials químics més grans del Sud d’Europa així com de la Mediterrània. Així doncs, per una banda, es pretén aprofundir en la caracterització química de l’atmosfera d’aquesta zona i així contribuir a augmentar el coneixement sobre la presència de diverses famílies de contaminants orgànics que poden estar presents en aquestes mostres d’aire i que presenten diversos efectes adversos sobre la salut de les persones, com per exemple els compostos orgànics volàtils, els derivats de benzotriazola, benzotiazola i benzosulfonamida i diferents tipus d’additius dels plàstics, com els èsters de l’àcid ftàlic i fosfòric, l’adipat, els antioxidants o els estabilitzadors UV. Els mètodes que s’han desenvolupat es basen en la cromatografia de gasos acoblada a l’espectrometria de masses i s’han aplicat diferents tècniques de mostreig i preconcentració dels anàlits, depenent de la fracció de l’aire a analitzar, la gasosa o la particulada. Per altra banda, amb l’aplicació d’aquests mètodes i les concentracions trobades d’aquests contaminants a l’atmosfera, s’ha dut a terme una avaluació de l’exposició humana a través de la inhalació, que poden rebre els veïns de la zona pel fet d’estar exposats a la presència d’aquests compostos, així com una caracterització del risc que pot suposar per a la salut humana.La presente Tesis Doctoral se centra en el estudio de la calidad del aire del Camp de Tarragona, una zona con un interés particular ya que alberga uno de los complejos industriales químicos más grandes del Sur de Europa así como del Mediterráneo. Por lo tanto, por un lado, se pretende profundizar en la caracterización química de la atmósfera de esta zona y así contribuir a aumentar el conocimiento sobre la presencia de varias familias de contaminantes orgánicos que pueden estar presentes en estas muestras de aire y que presentan varios efectos adversos sobre la salud de las personas, como por ejemplo los compuestos orgánicos volátiles, los derivados de la benzotriazola, benzotiazola y benzosulfonamida y diferentes tipos de aditivos de los plásticos, como los ésteres del ácido ftálico y fosfórico, el adipato, los antioxidantes o los estabilizadores UV. Los métodos que se han desarrollado se basan en la cromatografía de gases acoplada a la espectrometría de masas y se han aplicado diferentes técnicas de muestreo y preconcentración de los analitos, dependiendo de la fracción del aire a analizar, la gaseosa o la particulada. Por otra parte, con la aplicación de estos métodos y las concentraciones encontradas de estos contaminantes en la atmósfera, se ha llevado a cabo una evaluación de la exposición humana a través de la inhalación que pueden recibir los vecinos de la zona por estar expuestos a la presencia de estos compuestos, así como una caracterización del riesgo que puede suponer para la salud humana.The aim of this Doctoral Thesis is to study the air quality in Camp de Tarragona, an area of particular interest since it is home to one of the largest chemical industry complexes in Southern Europe and the Mediterranean. Therefore, it intends to deepen in the chemical characterization of the atmosphere of this area and thus, to contribute to increasing the knowledge about the presence of several families of organic pollutants that might be present in these air samples and that have multiple adverse effects on human health. Some examples of these organic pollutants are volatile organic compounds, benzotriazole, benzothiazole and benzenesulfonamide derivatives and different types of plastic additives, such as phthalic and phosphoric acid esters, adipate, antioxidants or UV stabilizers. The developed methods are based on gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry and different sampling and preconcentration techniques of the analytes have been applied, depending on whether the air fraction to be analysed was gaseous or particulate. Moreover, by reason of the application of these methods and the concentration of these pollutants found in the atmosphere, an assessment has been carried out on human exposure through the inhalation which the residents of the area might be receiving due to being exposed to the presence of these compounds. Besides, a characterization of the risk these contaminants may pose to human health has been undertaken

    Diseño integral de un producto textil higiénico reutilizable

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    A razón de la grave situación mundial medioambiental, surge la motivación de fomentar la reducción de los residuos que generan los productos de un solo uso. En concreto, se habla de los productos menstruales convencionales desechables. Éstos generan abismales cantidades de residuos a diario, ya que, tras su uso pierden su utilidad y pasan a ser desperdicios químicos y plásticos. Por ello, se propone un trabajo de final de estudios destinado al “Diseño Integral de un Producto Textil Higiénico Reutilizable”. El proyecto se desarrolla con el fin de realizar una colección de bragas menstruales reutilizables. A través de un estudio de mercado, de usuario y de materiales textiles, focalizando en fibras textiles que abarquen las distintas necesidades de absorción e impermeabilidad de un producto menstrual, se extraen distintas informaciones aplicables en el diseño de las diferentes prendas. Con la elaboración de la colección se trabaja en la reflexión sobre la gran importancia que tiene la sostenibilidad, pretendiendo obtener un producto elaborado con tejidos remanentes preconsumo a fin de reducir el impacto medioambiental. Además, se busca fomentar la economía local con la compra de materiales en empresas que realicen sus procesos productivos en la provincia de Barcelona. Finalmente, se presentan tres diseños de productos menstruales textiles reutilizables: la braga clásica, el tanga y el culotte menstrual, de los que se han confeccionado prototipos. Además de presentar los diferentes resultados obtenidos y su desarrollo, se analizan posibles alternativas para una mejora de la solución presentada y se plantean diferentes propuestas para una posible continuidad del trabaj

    Learning to live with social-ecological complexity : An interpretive analysis of learning in 11 UNESCO Biosphere Reserves

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu MdM-2015-0552Learning is considered a means to achieve sustainability in practice and has become a prominent goal of sustainability interventions. In this paper we explore how learning for sustainability is shaped by meaning, interpretation and experience, in the context of UNESCO Biosphere Reserves (BRs). The World Network of Biosphere Reserves brings environmental conservation, socio-economic development and research together in 'learning sites for sustainable development.' The World Network is globally significant, with 669 BRs in 120 countries, but as with many paradigmatic sustainability interventions BRs are perceived to suffer from a 'concept-reality gap.' We explore this gap from an interpretive perspective, focusing on participant interpretations of the meaning of BRs and their experiences of working with the concept - with the aim of painting a richer picture of learning for sustainability and the ways in which BRs might fulfil their role as learning sites. We provide a cross-case analysis of learning in 11 BRs around the world, drawing on interviews with 177 participants, and ask: How is the BR concept interpreted and enacted by people involved with BR work? What learning emerges through BR work, as described by those involved? We find that the BR concept is interpreted differently in each location, producing distinct expectations, practices and institutional designs. Learning occurs around common themes - human-environment relationships, actors and governance arrangements, and skills to navigate BR work - but is expressed very differently in each BR. The position of BRs 'in between' social, ecological and economic goals; local places and global networks; and government, private and civil society sectors, provides a valuable space for participants to learn to live with social-ecological complexity. We discuss our results in terms of their contribution to three pressing concerns in sustainability science: (i) power and politics in learning for sustainability, (ii) intermediaries and bridging organizations in multi-level governance, and (iii) reflexivity and knowledge-action relationships. Our comparative hermeneutic approach makes a novel methodological contribution to interpretive studies of sustainability policy and governance

    Comparability exercise of critical quality attributes of clinical-grade human mesenchymal stromal cells from the Wharton’s jelly: single-use stirred tank bioreactors versus planar culture systems

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    Bioprocessing; Microcarriers; Mesenchymal stromal cellBioprocesamiento; Microportadores; Célula estromal mesenquimatosaBioprocessament; Microportadors; Cèl·lula estromal mesenquimalBackground aims The increasing demand of clinical-grade mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) for use in advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) require a re-evaluation of manufacturing strategies, ensuring scalability from two-dimensional (2D) surfaces to volumetric (3D) productivities. Herein we describe the design and validation of a Good Manufacturing Practice–compliant 3D culture methodology using microcarriers and 3-L single-use stirred tank bioreactors (STRs) for the expansion of Wharton's jelly (WJ)-derived MSCs in accordance to current regulatory and quality requirements. Methods MSC,WJ were successfully expanded in 3D and final product characterization was in conformity with Critical Quality Attributes and product specifications previously established for 2D expansion conditions. Results After 6 days of culture, cell yields in the final product from the 3D cultures (mean 9.48 × 108 ± 1.07 × 107 cells) were slightly lower but comparable with those obtained from 2D surfaces (mean 9.73 × 108 ± 2.36 × 108 cells) after 8 days. In all analyzed batches, viability was >90%. Immunophenotype of MSC,WJ was highly positive for CD90 and CD73 markers and lacked of expression of CD31, CD45 and HLA-DR. Compared with 2D expansions, CD105 was detected at lower levels in 3D cultures due to the harvesting procedure from microcarriers involving trypsin at high concentration, and this had no impact on multipotency. Cells presented normal karyotype and strong immunomodulatory potential in vitro. Sterility, Mycoplasma, endotoxin and adventitious virus were negative in both batches produced. Conclusions In summary, we demonstrated the establishment of a feasible and reproducible 3D bioprocess using single-use STR for clinical-grade MSC,WJ production and provide evidence supporting comparability of 3D versus 2D production strategies. This comparability exercise evaluates the direct implementation of using single-use STR for the scale-up production of MSC,WJ and, by extension, other cell types intended for allogeneic therapies

    Differences in tetracycline resistance determinant carriage among Shigella flexneri and Shigella sonnei are not related to different plasmid Inc-type carriage

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to establish the prevalence of the most common molecular mechanisms involved in tetracycline resistance as well as their relationship with plasmid incompatibility (Inc) groups in a collection of Shigella spp. causing traveller’s diarrhoea. Methods: Tetracycline susceptibility was established in 187 Shigella spp. (74 Shigella flexneri and 113 Shigella sonnei), of which 153 isolates were recovered as a confirmed cause of traveller’s diarrhoea. The prevalence of the tet(A), tet(B) and tet(G) genes was analysed by PCR. Eighteen plasmid Inc groups was determined in a subset of 59 isolates. Results: Among 154 tetracycline-resistant isolates, 122 (79.2%) harboured at least tet(A) or tet(B). The tet(B) gene was the most frequently detected, being present in 70 isolates (45.5%), whilst tet(A) was detected in 57 isolates (37.0%). The tet(G) gene was present in only 11 (7.2%) isolates. Moreover, the tet(A) gene was more frequent in S. sonnei (P = 0.0007), whilst the tet(B) gene was more frequent in S. flexneri (P < 0.0001). Plasmids belonging to Inc group B (P < 0.05) were significantly more frequent among S. flexneri, whilst those belonging to groups K, FIC and FIIA (P < 0.05) were preferentially detected among S. sonnei. Conclusion: The prevalence of the tet(A) and tet(B) genes differed between S. sonnei and S. flexneri. Moreover, the prevalence of plasmid Inc groups in S. flexneri and S. sonnei differed. However, no relationship was found between the two phenomena