108 research outputs found

    PATRIMONIO MODERNO Y PROYECTO URBANO: Los Colectivos 1010 / 1020 y los desafíos de su conservación

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    Los conjuntos habitacionales modernos son objeto de patrimonialización principalmente por la amenaza que los promotores inmobiliarios les imponen debido a su densidad y ubicación en la ciudad como características altamente rentables. Sin embargo, la condición de monumento y su singularidad quedan en duda en los bloques repetidos más de 2.000 veces en el país. Las opciones para su conservación estarán enmarcadas dentro de los mecanismos de control de la ciudad, para preservar y resaltar su valor. Los Colectivos 1010 y 1020, se han conservado por su buena construcción, aunque mantienen los problemas característicos de la vivienda social moderna. Paradojalmente presentan condiciones que son propicias para proyectos de rehabilitación que aborden sus debilidades y les devuelvan su vigencia como un patrimonio corriente que continúe siendo un lugar de vida

    Word-sense disambiguated multilingual Wikipedia corpus

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    This article presents a new freely available trilingual corpus (Catalan, Spanish, English) that contains large portions of the Wikipedia and has been automatically enriched with linguistic information. To our knowledge, this is the largest such corpus that is freely available to the community: In its present version, it contains over 750 million words. The corpora have been annotated with lemma and part of speech information using the open source library FreeLing. Also, they have been sense annotated with the state of the art Word Sense Disambiguation algorithm UKB. As UKB assignsWordNet senses, andWordNet has been aligned across languages via the InterLingual Index, this sort of annotation opens the way to massive explorations in lexical semantics that were not possible before. We present a first attempt at creating a trilingual lexical resource from the sense-tagged Wikipedia corpora, namely, WikiNet. Moreover, we present two by-products of the project that are of use for the NLP community: An open source Java-based parser for Wikipedia pages developed for the construction of the corpus, and the integration of the WSD algorithm UKB in FreeLing.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Cubiertas verdes y rehabilitación: procesos de participación y cooperación universidad empresa

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    Las cubiertas vegetales pueden aportar interesantes beneficios a la edificación existente: mejoras en el comportamiento térmico; propiedades acústicas; regulación de las aguas pluviales; y en clave ciudad, mejorar los efectos isla de calor, ayudar al mantenimiento de cierta biodiversidad y convertirse en elementos paisajísticos que crean nuevos espacios de convivencia y de calidad en el entorno urbano. Algunas de las propiedades de estas soluciones ya han sido ampliamente ensayadas en laboratorio, pero existen pocos experimentos en los que se pueda observar el comportamiento de las diversas propuestas que ofrece el mercado, sometidas a condiciones climatológicas reales, algunas tan variables como las que se dan en la cuenca del Mediterráneo, con lluvias intensas y puntuales, periodos de sequía esporádicos, cambios de temperatura bruscos, etc. Por este motivo se ha realizado el experimento que aquí presentamos: a lo largo de más de un año (febrero de 2015 a mediados de 2017) se ha estudiado el comportamiento de diferentes soluciones de cubierta verdePeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Clinical decision support system to enhance quality control of spirometry using information and communication technologies

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    BACKGROUND: We recently demonstrated that quality of spirometry in primary care could markedly improve with remote offline support from specialized professionals. It is hypothesized that implementation of automatic online assessment of quality of spirometry using information and communication technologies may significantly enhance the potential for extensive deployment of a high quality spirometry program in integrated care settings. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to elaborate and validate a Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) for automatic online quality assessment of spirometry. METHODS: The CDSS was done through a three step process including: (1) identification of optimal sampling frequency; (2) iterations to build-up an initial version using the 24 standard spirometry curves recommended by the American Thoracic Society; and (3) iterations to refine the CDSS using 270 curves from 90 patients. In each of these steps the results were checked against one expert. Finally, 778 spirometry curves from 291 patients were analyzed for validation purposes. RESULTS: The CDSS generated appropriate online classification and certification in 685/778 (88.1%) of spirometry testing, with 96% sensitivity and 95% specificity. CONCLUSIONS: Consequently, only 93/778 (11.9%) of spirometry testing required offline remote classification by an expert, indicating a potential positive role of the CDSS in the deployment of a high quality spirometry program in an integrated care setting

    Many signs, one mutation : Early onset of de novo GATA2 deficiency syndrome. A case report

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    We report a case with a broad spectrum of symptoms, related to GATA2 deficiency syndrome, which emerged as early as at 6 months of age. They ranged from lymphedema, deafness to myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). Non-hematologic symptoms may long precede myelodysplastic syndrome diagnosis in patients with GATA2 mutations

    Multimorbidity as a predictor of health service utilization in primary care: a registry-based study of the Catalan population

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    Background: Multimorbidity is highly relevant for both service commissioning and clinical decision-making. Optimization of variables assessing multimorbidity in order to enhance chronic care management is an unmet need. To this end, we have explored the contribution of multimorbidity to predict use of healthcare resources at community level by comparing the predictive power of four different multimorbidity measures. Methods: A population health study including all citizens ≥18 years (n = 6,102,595) living in Catalonia (ES) on 31 December 2014 was done using registry data. Primary care service utilization during 2015 was evaluated through four outcome variables: A) Frequent attendants, B) Home care users, C) Social worker users, and, D) Polypharmacy. Prediction of the four outcome variables (A to D) was carried out with and without multimorbidity assessment. We compared the contributions to model fitting of the following multimorbidity measures: i) Charlson index; ii) Number of chronic diseases; iii) Clinical Risk Groups (CRG); and iv) Adjusted Morbidity Groups (GMA). Results: The discrimination of the models (AUC) increased by including multimorbidity as covariate into the models, namely: A) Frequent attendants (0.771 vs 0.853), B) Home care users (0.862 vs 0.890), C) Social worker users (0.809 vs 0.872), and, D) Polypharmacy (0.835 vs 0.912). GMA showed the highest predictive power for all outcomes except for polypharmacy where it was slightly below than CRG. Conclusions: We confirmed that multimorbidity assessment enhanced prediction of use of healthcare resources at community level. The Catalan population-based risk assessment tool based on GMA presented the best combination of predictive power and applicability

    Risk and temporal order of disease diagnosis of comorbidities in patients with COPD: a population health perspective

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    Introduction: Comorbidities in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) generate a major burden on ealthcare. Identification of costeffective strategies aiming at preventing and enhancing management of comorbid conditions in patients with COPD requires deeper knowledge on epidemiological patterns and on shared biological pathways xplaining cooccurrence of diseases. Methods: The study assesses the co-occurrence of several chronic conditions in patients with COPD using two different datasets: Catalan Healthcare Surveillance System (CHSS) (ES, 1.4 million registries) and Medicare (USA, 13 million registries). Temporal order of disease diagnosis was analysed in the CHSS dataset. Results The results demonstrate higher prevalence of most of the diseases, as comorbid conditions, in elderly (>65) patients with COPD compared with non-COPD subjects, an effect observed in both CHSS and Medicare datasets. Analysis of temporal order of disease diagnosis showed that comorbid conditions in elderly patients with COPD tend to appear after the diagnosis of the obstructive disease, rather than before it. Conclusion: The results provide a population health perspective of the comorbidity challenge in patients with COPD, indicating the increased risk of developing comorbid conditions in these patients. The research reinforces the need for novel approaches in the prevention and management of comorbidities in patients with COPD to effectively reduce the overall burden of the disease on these patients

    Assolir competències transversals a través de noves estratègies docents en l’assignatura Llenguatge i Comunicació (Projecte)

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    Projecte d'innovació docent 2012PID-UB/087 (sense finançament)L'objectiu general d'aquest projecte ha estat dissenyar estratègies docents que permetin a l'estudiant desenvolupar dues de les competències transversals proposades en el pla docent de l'assignatura 'Llenguatge i comunicació': comunicar-se oralment i per escrit a nivell universitari i treballar en equip. Va dissenyar-se un pla d’actuació que inclou guies, recursos al Campus Virtual i un seguiment tutoritzat dels grups que realitzen el treball dirigit, aplicant una veritable avaluació formativa. Han participat en el projecte 6 professors i 485 alumnes dividits en 87 grups de treball. Els resultats han estat positius pel que fa al rendiment dels estudiants i a la millora de la competència escrita, no tant positius pel que fa a canviar alguns hàbits del treball en equip. S’ha provat l'ús de rúbriques i guies d’avaluació per a la competència de comunicativa oral i escrita, en fem una valoració positiva, tot i que s’han de millorar les realitzades al curs 2012-2012. Pensem que les millores del Moodle 2.4 pel que fa a l’avaluació, permetran una implementació dels elements d’avaluació dissenyats, que facilitarà la tasca del professor

    Bioelectronic recordings of cardiomyocytes with accumulation mode electrolyte gated organic field effect transistors

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    Versió postprint del document publicat a: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bios.2019.111844Organic electronic materials offer an untapped potential for novel tools for low-invasive electrophysiological recording and stimulation devices. Such materials combine semiconducting properties with tailored surface chemistry, elastic mechanical properties and chemical stability in water. In this work, we investigate solution processed Electrolyte Gated Organic Field Effect Transistors (EGOFETs) based on a small molecule semiconductor. We demonstrate that EGOFETs based on a blend of soluble organic semiconductor 2,8-Difluoro-5,11-bis(triethylsilylethynyl)anthradithiophene (diF-TES-ADT) combined with an insulating polymer show excellent sensitivity and long-term recording under electrophysiological applications. Our devices can stably record the extracellular potential of human pluripotent stem cell derived cardiomyocyte cells (hPSCs-CMs) for several weeks. In addition, cytotoxicity tests of pharmaceutical drugs, such as Norepinephrine and Verapamil was achieved with excellent sensitivity. This work demonstrates that organic transistors based on organic blends are excellent bioelectronics transducer for extracellular electrical recording of excitable cells and tissues thus providing a valid alternative to electrochemical transistors