88 research outputs found

    Control predictivo generalizado implementado a dos tanques acoplados

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    En este artículo se presenta el modelo del control predictivo generalizado con restricciones, implementado a un sistema de tanques acoplados. En la aplicación del controlador se muestra el modelo de los tanques acoplados, se fijan las restricciones del sistema y se realizan diferentes simulaciones variando los parámetros de sintonía del controlador. Finalmente se analizan los resultados obtenidos y se concluye respecto al desempeño del algoritmo.This paper presents the Generalized Predictive Control model with constraints, implemented to a coupled tanks system. In the controller's application the model of the coupled tanks is shown, the system¿s constraints are fixed and different simulations are done, changing controller¿s tuning parameters. Finally the obtained results are analyzed and the algorithm's performance is concluded

    Functionality of In vitro Reconstituted Group II Intron RmInt1-Derived Ribonucleoprotein Particles

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    The functional unit of mobile group II introns is a ribonucleoprotein particle (RNP) consisting of the intron-encoded protein (IEP) and the excised intron RNA. The IEP has reverse transcriptase activity but also promotes RNA splicing, and the RNA-protein complex triggers site-specific DNA insertion by reverse splicing, in a process called retrohoming. In vitro reconstituted ribonucleoprotein complexes from the Lactococcus lactis group II intron Ll.LtrB, which produce a double strand break, have recently been studied as a means of developing group II intron-based gene targeting methods for higher organisms. The Sinorhizobium meliloti group II intron RmInt1 is an efficient mobile retroelement, the dispersal of which appears to be linked to transient single-stranded DNA during replication. The RmInt1IEP lacks the endonuclease domain (En) and cannot cut the bottom strand to generate the 3′ end to initiate reverse transcription. We used an Escherichia coli expression system to produce soluble and active RmInt1 IEP and reconstituted RNPs with purified components in vitro. The RNPs generated were functional and reverse-spliced into a single-stranded DNA target. This work constitutes the starting point for the use of group II introns lacking DNA endonuclease domain-derived RNPs for highly specific gene targeting methods.This work was supported by research grant BIO2014-51953-P of the Plan Nacional de I+D+i, Biotechnology program from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad including ERDF (European Regional Development Funds).Peer reviewedPeer Reviewe

    PID controller using rapid control prototyping techniques

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    To analyze the performance of the PID controller in a buck type converter implemented in real time. We begin by designing a continuous controller using the analytical method for calculating PIDs. Pulse width modulation is then used and bifurcation diagrams analyzed to reveal some problems of switching and sampling time. The model converter is then implemented with a PID controller in dSPACE. The experimental results provide detailed requirements of sampling frequency and switching speed, and show the performance of the PID controller. Converters are used in power generation solar systems and conmuted power sources for feed telecommunication devices, smart grids, and other applications

    Unit vector template generator applied to a new control algorithm for an UPQC with instantaneous power tensor formulation, a simulation case study

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    In this paper we present a new algorithm to generate the reference signals to control the series and parallel power inverters in an unified power quality conditioner “UPQC” to enhance power quality. The algorithm is based in the instantaneous power tensor formulation which it is obtained by the dyadic product between the instantaneous vectors of voltage and current in n-phase systems. The perfect harmonic cancelation algorithm “PHC” to estimate the current reference in a shunt active power filter was modified to make it hardy to voltage sags through unit vector template generation “UVGT” while from the same algorithm it extracts the voltage reference for series active power filter. The model was validated by mean of simulations in Matlab-Simulink®

    Propuesta de controlador mpc para un reactor uasb

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    En este artículo se presenta el diseño de un controlador predictivo lineal basado en modelo para regular la remoción de materia orgánica en un reactor anaerobio de manto de lodos de flujo ascendente (UASB) a escala piloto, en el que se lleva a cabo la degradación de una corriente de lixiviado diluido proveniente del Relleno Sanitario La Esmeralda de la ciudad de Manizales (Colombia). El trabajo se desarrolla a través de simulaciones numéricas, con el ánimo de establecer la viabilidad de aplicar este tipo de control para el sistema de estudio, partiendo del modelo fenomenológico del proceso

    Parameter estimation of three-phase linear induction motor by a DSP-based electric-drives system

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    This work describes a method to characterize a three-phase linear induction motor in order to determine the various parameters used in its per-phase equivalent circuit by a DSP-based electric-drives system. In LIM (Linear Induction Motor), the air gap is very large compared with the RIMs (Rotary Induction Motors). Further, the secondary part normally does not have slotted structure. It is just made of aluminum and steel plates. Therefore, the effective air gap is larger than the physical air gap. High air gap makes a larger leakage inductance. It leads to lower efficiency and lower power factor. DC resistance test will be done to determine the value of Rs. The primary Inductance Ls will be calculated by running the LIM at synchronous speed. The secondary parameters i.e. Llr and Rr′ will be calculated by blocked-mover test. The experiment for no load test is shown and include a DC motor coupled to the LIM under test. Two methods to calculate the secondary parameters are described

    Comparación numérica y experimental de técnicas de control quasi-sliding, sliding y PID en un convertidor buck

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    In this paper the Sliding Mode Control (SMC), PID and ZAD (Zero Average Dynamic) strategies are applied to an electronic DC-DC power converter. Time behavior for each controller is shown for numerical solution and experimental realization. The results in SMC and PID are contrasted with a ZAD-FPIC controller combined with a recently developed strategy named FPIC (Fixed Point Induction Control). Stability in SMC is guaranteed by the Lyapunov theorem. The PID controller is designed in an analytical way using pole placement. The main problem with the physical realization was the sample and hold in the variable acquisition system, in addition to time delay introduced by the computing process. From a practical point of view, the ZAD-FPIC technique has advantages no shown by PID and SMC working with sample and hold, these advantages have been corroborated experimentally. The designs have been tested in an RCP (Rapid Control Prototyping) system based on DSP from the dSPACE platform. Both numerical performance and experimental performance agree.En este artículo son aplicadas varias técnicas de control para un convertidor reductor DC-DC estas son: control por modos deslizantes (SMC), PID y promediado de dinámica cero (ZAD). El comportamiento en el tiempo para cada controlador es mostrado tanto numéricamente como experimentalmente. Los resultados de SMC y PID son contrastados con la estrategia de control ZAD-FPIC esta última es combinada con una reciente técnica de control llama FPIC (control por inducción al punto fijo). La estabilidad de SMC es garantizada mediante teorema de Lyapunov. El control PID es diseñado de forma analítica usando desplazamiento de polos. El principal problema en la realización experimental fue la velocidad de muestreo y retención de las variables adquiridas del sistema, adicionalmente el tiempo de retardo presente en los procesos de procesamiento. Desde el punto de vista práctico la técnica de control ZAD-FPIC tiene ventajas en comparación con PID y SMC cuando se trabaja con muestreo y retención, esas ventajas han sido corroboradas experimentalmente. Los experimentos han sido probados en sistema RCP (prototipo rápido de control) específicamente en una DSP de la compañía dSPACE, al final tanto los resultados de la simulación numérica y la experimental son muy similares

    Comparación numérica y experimental de técnicas de control quasi-sliding, sliding y PID en un convertidor buck

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    In this paper the Sliding Mode Control (SMC), PID and ZAD (Zero Average Dynamic) strategies are applied to an electronic DC-DC power converter. Time behavior for each controller is shown for numerical solution and experimental realization. The results in SMC and PID are contrasted with a ZAD-FPIC controller combined with a recently developed strategy named FPIC (Fixed Point Induction Control). Stability in SMC is guaranteed by the Lyapunov theorem. The PID controller is designed in an analytical way using pole placement. The main problem with the physical realization was the sample and hold in the variable acquisition system, in addition to time delay introduced by the computing process. From a practical point of view, the ZAD-FPIC technique has advantages no shown by PID and SMC working with sample and hold, these advantages have been corroborated experimentally. The designs have been tested in an RCP (Rapid Control Prototyping) system based on DSP from the dSPACE platform. Both numerical performance and experimental performance agree.En este artículo son aplicadas varias técnicas de control para un convertidor reductor DC-DC estas son: control por modos deslizantes (SMC), PID y promediado de dinámica cero (ZAD). El comportamiento en el tiempo para cada controlador es mostrado tanto numéricamente como experimentalmente. Los resultados de SMC y PID son contrastados con la estrategia de control ZAD-FPIC esta última es combinada con una reciente técnica de control llama FPIC (control por inducción al punto fijo). La estabilidad de SMC es garantizada mediante teorema de Lyapunov. El control PID es diseñado de forma analítica usando desplazamiento de polos. El principal problema en la realización experimental fue la velocidad de muestreo y retención de las variables adquiridas del sistema, adicionalmente el tiempo de retardo presente en los procesos de procesamiento. Desde el punto de vista práctico la técnica de control ZAD-FPIC tiene ventajas en comparación con PID y SMC cuando se trabaja con muestreo y retención, esas ventajas han sido corroboradas experimentalmente. Los experimentos han sido probados en sistema RCP (prototipo rápido de control) específicamente en una DSP de la compañía dSPACE, al final tanto los resultados de la simulación numérica y la experimental son muy similares