128 research outputs found

    Productividad y rentabilidad de la mano de obra esclava en el desarrollo de la plantación cubana

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    This article studies the demographic and labour characteristics, as well as the monetary value, of the Negro slaves in Cuba between 1784 and 1837, based on figures from thirty-one plantations of different extensions and production. The author concludes that, al least during this period, slave labour was basic to Cuban plantations because of its production capacity and profitability.Se estudian las características demográficas y laborales, así como el valor monetario de los esclavos negros en Cuba entre 1784 y 1837. Para ello se han elegido 31 ingenios diferentes entre sí en cuanto a su producción y extensión. A partir de dicho análisis se puede decir que al menos entre esas fechas el trabajo esclavo fue la base de la plantación cubana por su capacidad de producción y su rentabilidad

    Desigualdad y racismo. Demografía y sociedad en Cuba a fines de la época colonial

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    The author discusses the demographic structure and nature of Cuban society in the late 19th-century on the basis of the census of 1899. He argues that the strongly marked social differentiation in Cuba at the time, the duality in its social order of whites v. blacks, was grounded in the prevailing economic structure of the island and ultimately in the plantation economy. This situation conditioned the integration of the black population in Cuba's civil society in the first years of the new republic.Estudio de la estructura demográfica y caracterización de la sociedad cubana de finales del siglo XIX, a partir del censo de 1899. En él se trata de demostrar que la fuerte desigualdad social de la sociedad cubana de fines de la época colonial, la dualidad de su entramado social, blancos y negros, es consecuencia de la estructura económica de la isla que tenía su base en la plantación. Este proceso condicionó la integración de la población de color en la sociedad civil cubana, en los primeros años de la república

    Programación y análisis de dispositivos de sensorización y comunicaciones para robots móviles

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    Tornero Sala, P. (2010). Programación y análisis de dispositivos de sensorización y comunicaciones para robots móviles. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/9112.Archivo delegad

    Eugenio Coseriu – Óscar Loureda Lamas: Lenguaje y discurso

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    Detection and location of domestic waste for planning its collection using an autonomous robot

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    Paper submitted to the 8th International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR), Xiamen, China, April 8-10, 2022.This paper presents an approach of a detection and location system for waste recognition in outdoor environments that can be usable on an autonomous robot for garbage collection. It is composed of a camera and a LiDAR. For the detection task, some YOLO models were trained and tested for classification of waste by using a own dataset acquired from the camera. The image coordinates predicted by the best detector are used in order to compute the location relative to the camera. Then, we used the LiDAR to get a global waste location relative to the robot, transforming the coordinates of the center of each trash instance. Our detection approach was tested in outdoor environments obtaining a [email protected] around 0.99 and a [email protected] over 0.84, and an average time of detection less than 40 ms., being able to make it in real time. The location method was also tested in presence of objects at a maximum distance of 8 m., obtaining an average error smaller than 0.25 m.This research was funded by Spanish Government through the project RTI2018-094279-B-I00. Besides, computer facilities were provided by Valencian Government and FEDER through the IDIFEFER/2020/003

    Non-Recognition-of-BTH4, an Arabidopsis Mediator Subunit Homolog, Is Necessary for Development and Response to Salicylic Acid

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    [EN] Salicylic acid (SA) signaling acts in defense and plant development. The only gene demonstrated to be required for the response to SA is Arabidopsis thaliana NON-EXPRESSER OF PATHOGENESIS-RELATED GENE 1 (NPR1), and npr1 mutants are insensitive to SA. By focusing on the effect of analogs of SA on plant development, we identified mutants in additional genes acting in the SA response. In this work, we describe a gene necessary for the SA Non-Recognition-of-BTH4 (NRB4). Three nrb4 alleles recovered from the screen cause phenotypes similar to the wild type in the tested conditions, except for SA-related phenotypes. Plants with NRB4 null alleles express profound insensitivity to SA, even more than npr1. NRB4 null mutants are also sterile and their growth is compromised. Plants carrying weaker nrb4 alleles are also insensitive to SA, with some quantitative differences in some phenotypes, like systemic acquired resistance or pathogen growth restriction. When weak alleles are used, NPR1 and NRB4 mutations produce an additive phenotype, but we did not find evidence of a genetic interaction in F1 nor biochemical interaction in yeast or in planta. NRB4 is predicted to be a subunit of Mediator, the ortholog of MED15 in Arabidopsis. Mechanistically, NRB4 functions downstream of NPR1 to regulate the SA response.This work was supported by the "Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad" (MINECO) of Spain (Grant BIO201018896 to P.T., a Junta de Ampliacion de Estudios-Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas Fellowship to J.V.C., and a Formacion del Personal Investigador-MINECO to A.D.) and "Generalitat Valenciana" of Spain (Grant ACOMP/2012/105 to P.T.). We appreciate the opinions and generous help of Jeff Dangl and Pablo Vera with the article as well as the revision of Philippa Borrill.Canet Perez, JV.; Dobón Alonso, A.; Tornero Feliciano, P. (2012). Non-Recognition-of-BTH4, an Arabidopsis Mediator Subunit Homolog, Is Necessary for Development and Response to Salicylic Acid. Plant Cell. 24(10):4220-4235. https://doi.org/10.1105/tpc.112.103028S42204235241