320 research outputs found
Eating self-efficacy as predictor of long-term weight loss and obesity-specific quality of life after sleeve gastrectomy: A prospective cohort study
Under embargo until: 15.12.2019Background: A person's confidence to control eating, eating self-efficacy (ESE), has been identified as a target for long-term weight management in nonsurgical weight loss interventions, but has to a limited extent been studied after bariatric surgery. Objective: We investigated the association between ESE, weight loss, and obesity-specific quality of life (QOL) after sleeve gastrectomy (SG). Setting: A single-center longitudinal study. Methods: Data from adult patients were collected before SG, and at mean 16 months (±standard deviation 4 mo) and 55 (±4) months postoperatively. ESE was measured by the Weight Efficacy Lifestyle Questionnaire Short-Form. Multiple regression analyses were performed with excess body mass index loss (%EBMIL) and obesity-specific QOL as dependent variables. Age, sex, and other preoperative values were covariates in all models. Results: Of 114 preoperative patients, 91 (80%) and 84 (74%) were available for follow-up 16 and 55 months after SG, respectively. Mean %EBMIL from baseline to 16 and 55 months was 76% (95% confidence interval: 71.9, 79.6) and 67% (95% confidence interval: 61.9, 72.2), respectively. Preoperative ESE scores improved significantly at both 16 and 55 months (P = .002) but did not predict postoperative %EBMIL or QOL at 55 months (β = −.08, P = .485). Greater change in ESE from 0 to 16 months predicted higher %EBMIL (β = .34, P = .013) at 55 months, and improvements in ESE from 0 to 55 months were significantly associated with higher %EBMIL (β = .46, P = .001) and obesity-specific QOL (β = .50, P < .001) 55 months after SG. Conclusion: Significant improvements in ESE were seen at 16 months, and remained high at 55 months after SG in this cohort. Patients who improved their ESE the most also experienced the highest weight loss and obesity-specific QOL 5 years postoperatively. Future research should address whether enhancement of ESE corresponds to sustained improvements in eating behavior after bariatric surgery.acceptedVersio
Enslige mindreårige flyktninger i barnevernet 2011
Denne rapporten gir et bilde av enslige mindreårige flyktninger i barnevernet i
2007 og 2011. Enslige mindreårige flyktninger er personer som var under 18 år da
de kom til Norge som enslige mindreårige asylsøkere, som har søkt asyl, fått
oppholdstillatelse og senere er bosatt i Norge på dette grunnlaget.
I 2007 var det 1 323 enslige mindreårige flyktninger, 470 av disse mottok
barnevernstiltak. I 2011 hadde antallet enslige mindreårige flyktninger økt til 2 970
og 1 746 av disse mottok tiltak fra barnevernet. Det betyr at både antallet enslige
mindreårige flyktninger og antallet enslige mindreårige flyktninger med
barnevernstiltak har økt kraftig. Også andelen av enslige mindreårige flyktninger
med tiltak fra barnevernet har økt markant, fra 36 til 59 prosent.
Alder har stor innvirkning på i hvilken grad de enslige mindreårige flyktningene
mottok barnevernstiltak. Andelen under 15 år med tiltak er vesentlig høyere blant
de enslige mindreårige flyktningene enn dem over 15 år. Det viser seg også at
andelen med tiltak er høyere i aldersgruppen 15-17 år enn i aldersgruppen 21-22 år.
Guttene er i overtall blant de enslige mindreårige flyktningene. I 2007 var 71
prosent gutter og i 2011 var andelen enda høyere med hele 84 prosent. Også blant
enslige mindreårige flyktninger med barnevernstiltak er det flest gutter, andelen var
i 2007 nesten 73 prosent og 86 prosent i 2011.
Av enslige mindreårige flyktninger med tiltak i 2011 var 93 prosent over 15 år.
Andelen som var over 18 år og fortsatt mottok tiltak (ettervern) var mye høyere
blant enslige mindreårige flyktninger enn blant alle barn og unge i barnevernet,
henholdsvis 58 og 12 prosent.
Både i 2007 og 2011 er det i hovedsak seks land de enslige mindreårige flyktningene
kommer fra: Afghanistan, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Eritrea, Irak og Etiopia. I 2011 var
hele 60 prosent av de enslige mindreårige flyktningene fra Afghanistan, den nest
største gruppen var fra Somalia, 13 prosent kom derfra. I 2007 var rekkefølgen
motsatt, 30 prosent kom fra Somalia og 22 prosent fra Afghanistan.
Blant de enslige mindreårige flyktningene som mottok barnevernstiltak i 2011 var 63
prosent fra Afghanistan, og 10 prosent fra Somalia. Fulgt av Sri Lanka, Eritrea, Irak
og Etiopia med andeler på 7 prosent og lavere. I 2007 var fordelingen noe annerledes
og flest kom fra Somalia med 29 prosent og 24 prosent kom fra Afghanistan.
De enslige mindreårige flyktningene bor i alle fylker. I 2011 bodde det flest i Oslo,
Akershus og Nordland, men om vi ser på andelen de utgjør av innbyggerne skiller
Finnmark seg ut med flest, fulgt av Troms, Aust-Agder og Nordland. I gjennomsnitt mottok i underkant av 60 prosent av enslige mindreårige flyktninger tiltak.
Men det er store forskjeller mellom fylkene, i Hordaland, Finnmark og Akershus
mottok over 70 prosent tiltak, og i Vest-Agder og Nord-Trøndelag mottok under 35
prosent tiltak.
Enslige mindreårige flyktninger mottar noen typer barnevernstiltak i større grad
enn det alle barn og unge i barnevernet gjør. Dette gjelder tiltaket økonomisk hjelp
som er det mest brukte tiltaket blant enslige mindreårige flyktninger, 59 prosent
mottok dette i løpet av 2011. Også bolig med oppfølging var mye brukt og 55
prosent hadde dette tiltaket. Videre brukes fritidsaktiviteter og utdanning/arbeid i
større grad blant enslige mindreårige flyktninger enn ellers.
Siden enslige mindreårige flyktninger er under 18 år når de kommer til Norge
mottar de ofte plasseringstiltak fra barnevernet, og som oftest er de plassert på
hybel som i barnevernsstatistikken er tiltakene egen bolig/hybel og bolig med
oppfølging. Hele 76 prosent av enslige mindreårige flyktninger med plasseringstiltak bodde på hybel ved utgangen av 2011. I tillegg bodde 14 prosent i fosterhjem
og de siste 10 prosentene bodde på institusjon
Stress Perception and Measurement in Missionary Populations
Christian missionaries experience numerous stressors across multiple domains. To understand their unique experiences, a targeted assessment is required. There is no known psychometrically tested measure that captures the nuances of stress for this population. To that end, as part of a larger study, the quantitative CHOPS Stress Inventory, a new tool for measuring missionary stress was developed and showed good initial psychometric qualities when compared to an established stress measure. Furthermore, the Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) of survey findings on 267 cross-cultural evangelical missionaries noted that both age and sex demonstrated significant effects on perceived stress scores. Implications for missionary member care services and recommendations for future research are discussed
Oxidized Dietary Oil, High in Omega-3 and Omega-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, Induces Antioxidant Responses in a Human Intestinal HT29 Cell Line
When oxidized, dietary oils generate products which have the potential to cause adverse effects on human health. The objective of the study was to investigate whether lipid oxidation products in an oxidized dietary oil can be taken up in intestinal cells, induce antioxidant stress responses and potentially be harmful. The in vitro cell model HT29 was exposed to camelina oil with different extents of oxidation, or only 4-hydroxy-2-hexenal (HHE) or 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (HNE). The cellular content of HHE increased with an increasing extent of oxidation of the camelina oil added to the cell’s growth media, whereas HNE did not show a similar trend. Deuterated HHE was taken up by the HT29 cells, with 140 μM HHE metabolized within 0.5–1 h. The low oxidation degree of the camelina oil increased the gene expression of antioxidant markers (GPX, ATF6, XBP1). The increase in the gene expression of SOD at medium oxidation levels of the oil might indicate different regulation mechanisms. Highly oxidized camelina oil and a low concentration of HHE, over time, induced SOD and catalase enzyme activity in HT29 cells. Oxidized camelina oil contains multiple oxidation products which can be responsible for the intracellular responses observed in HT29 cells, while HHE and HNE in combination with other oxidation products induce antioxidant defence responses.publishedVersio
Perceived Sensations in Architectural Spaces through Immersive Virtual Reality
[EN] To design architectural spaces that not only respond to the basic needs of users, but also seek their emotional well-being, it is necessary for the architecture students to have a special sensitivity and be aware of the different sensations that their designs should and can evoke. To achieve this competence without exploring real spaces, Immersive Virtual Reality technology offers an important contribution to the field of architecture. The purpose of this research is to determine if the sensations perceived in virtual architectural spaces by students are similar to the real ones and to determine the characteristics of this technology that allow a better perception of sensations. Six architectural modules were designed to be walked through and experienced at real scale using a Head Mounted Display by 22 students of the first and fifth year of studies of Architecture career in Peru. An ad-hoc questionnaire allowed to know the perceived sensations and the benefits of the tool. The results obtained showed that the perception of sensations of the fifth year students is a little closer to those expressed by a group of seven experts compared to that of the first year students and that the students consider the characteristics of accessibility, real scale of the space and the possibility of going through and looking at the space in all directions are those that have given more realism to the experience and therefore better perception of the space, while the characteristics of natural light and shadows, construction materials and external environment have been less valued in the realism of the experience. It is concluded that the sensory experimentation in architectural spaces modelled realistically in virtual environments allows the perception of sensations very similar to those that the architect seeks to convey initially.Universidad Nacional de San Agustin de ArequipaGomez-Tone, HC.; Martin-Gutierrez, J.; Bustamante-Escapa, J.; Bustamante-Escapa, P.; Valencia-Anci, BK. (2021). Perceived Sensations in Architectural Spaces through Immersive Virtual Reality. VITRUVIO - International Journal of Architectural Technology and Sustainability. 6(2):70-81. https://doi.org/10.4995/vitruvio-ijats.2021.16253OJS708162Alatta, R. A., & Freewan, A. 2017. Investigating the Effect of Employing Immersive Virtual Environment on Enhancing Spatial Perception within Design Process. ArchNet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research, 11(2), 219. https://doi.org/10.26687/archnetijar.v11i2.1258Almagro Holgado, M. 2020. Límites de la noción de'affordance''y de la concepción de lo mental en el marco de la psicología ecológica. Teorema: Revista Internacional de Filosofía, 39(1), 135-149.Angulo, A. 2013. On the design of architectural spatial experiences using immersive simulation. EAEA 11 Conference Proceedings, Envisioning Architecture: Design, Evaluation, Communication. Italy: Milan, 151-158.Arnheim, R. 1986. A plea for visual thinking. In New essays on the psychology of art (pp. 135-152). University of California Press. https://doi.org/10.1525/9780520907843-013Brandão, G. V. L., do Amaral, W. D. H., de Almeida, C. A. R., & Castañon, J. A. B. 2018. Virtual reality as a tool for teaching architecture. International Conference of Design, User Experience, and Usability, 73-82. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-91803-7_6Dezcallar Sáez, T. 2012. Relación entre procesos mentales y sentido háptico emociones y recuerdos mediante el análisis empírico de texturas. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona,.Ergan, S., Radwan, A., Zou, Z., Tseng, H., & Han, X. 2019. Quantifying human experience in architectural spaces with integrated virtual reality and body sensor networks. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 33(2), 04018062. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE) CP.1943-5487.0000812Fieandt, K., Järvinen, E., & Korkala, P. 2007. Space perception. Encyclopaedia Britannica.Ghani, I., Rafi, A., & Woods, P. 2020. The effect of immersion towards place presence in virtual heritage environments. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 24(6), 861-872. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00779-019-01352-8Gomes, R., Aquilué, I., & Roca, E. 2017. Cuerpo, espacio y el dibujo arquitectónico. ACE: Architecture, City and Environment. https://doi.org/10.5821/ace.12.34.5289Gómez-Tone, H. C., Bustamante Escapa, J., Bustamante Escapa, P., & Martin-Gutierrez, J. 2021. The Drawing and Perception of Architectural Spaces through Immersive Virtual Reality. Sustainability, 13(11), 6223. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13116223Hermund, A., Bundgaard, T. S., & Klint, L. S. 2017. Speculations on the representation of architecture in virtual reality: How can we (continue to) simulate the unseen? 10.Holth, J., & Schnabel, M. A. 2017. Immersive virtual environments as a tool for exploring perceptional space. International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, 32(sup1), S155-S162. https://doi.org/10.1080/17445760.2017.1390090Homolja, M., Maghool, S. A. H., & Schnabel, M. A. 2020. The Impact of Moving through the Built Environment on Emotional and Neurophysiological State-A Systematic Literature Review.Keenan, M. 2020. Perception. In Salem Press Encyclopedia of Health. Salem Press. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ers&AN=109057209&lang=es&site=eds-live&scope=siteKuliga, S. F., Thrash, T., Dalton, R. C., & Hölscher, C. 2015. Virtual reality as an empirical research tool-Exploring user experience in a real building and a corresponding virtual model. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 54, 363-375. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2015.09.006Li, J., Jin, Y., Lu, S., Wu, W., & Wang, P. 2020. Building environment information and human perceptual feedback collected through a combined virtual reality (VR) and electroencephalogram (EEG) method. Energy & Buildings, 224, N.PAG-N.PAG. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2020.110259Lizondo Sevilla, L., Santatecla Fayos, J., Martínez García, S. J., & Bosch Reig, I. 2014. La influencia de la arquitectura efímera en la arquitectura construida. El caso de Mies van der Rohe. ACE: Architecture, City and Environment, 8(24), 73-94. https://doi.org/10.5821/ace.8.24.2717Maghool, S. A. H., Homolja, M., & Schnabel, M. A. 2020. Cybernetics Approach to Virtual Emotional Spaces-An electrodermal activity actuated adaptive space. https://doi.org/10.26686/wgtn.13019327Mitrache, A. 2013. Spatial Sensibility in Architectural Education. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 93, 544-548. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.09.236Moloney, J., Globa, A., Wang, R., & Khoo, C. 2019. Principles for the application of mixed reality as pre-occupancy evaluation tools (P-OET) at the early design stages. Architectural Science Review, 1-10.Nisha, B. 2019. The pedagogic value of learning design with virtual reality. Educational Psychology, 39(10), 1233-1254.Norberg-Schulz, C. 1980. Existencia,espacio y arquitectura. Barcelona: Blume.Pallasma, J. 2006. Los ojos de la piel. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.Rasmussen, S. E. 2004. La experiencia de la arquitectura (Vol. 5). Reverté.Roberts, G., Holmes, N., Alexander, N., Boto, E., Leggett, J., Hill, R. M., Shah, V., Rea, M., Vaughan, R., Maguire, E. A., Kessler, K., Beebe, S., Fromhold, M., Barnes, G. R., Bowtell, R., & Brookes, M. J. 2019. Towards OPM-MEG in a virtual reality environment. NeuroImage, 199, 408-417. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.06.010Saldarriaga Roa, A. 2002. La arquitectura como experiencia: Espacio, cuerpo y sensibilidad. Univ. Nacional de Colombia.Sánchez, O., & Hessman, D. 2018. El aprendizaje de la percepción del espacio arquitectónico: Una aproximación a su comprensión desde la experiencia en el taller de diseño uno [Universidad Nacional de Colombia]. https://repositorio.unal.edu.co/handle/unal/64112Sánchez Vidiella, A. 2016. Arquitectura efímera: 100 proyectos, 1000 ideas (1ra ed.). Promopress.Shemesh, A., Talmon, R., Karp, O., Amir, I., Bar, M., & Grobman, Y. J. 2017. Affective response to architecture-investigating human reaction to spaces with different geometry. Architectural Science Review, 60(2), 116-125.Yeom, D., Choi, J.-H., & Kang, S.-H. 2019. Investigation of the physiological differences in the immersive virtual reality environment and real indoor environment: Focused on skin temperature and thermal sensation. Building and Environment, 154, 44-54
Correlated physical and mental health composite scores for the RAND-36 and RAND-12 health surveys: can we keep them simple?
Background: The RAND-36 and RAND-12 (equivalent to versions 1 of the SF-36 Health Survey and SF-12 Health Survey, respectively) are widely used measures of health-related quality of life. However, there are diverging views regarding how to create the physical health and mental health composite scores of these questionnaires. We present a simple approach using an unweighted linear combination of subscale scores for constructing composite scores for physical and mental health that assumes these scores should be free to correlate. The aim of this study was to investigate the criterion validity and convergent validity of these scores.
Methods: We investigated oblique and unweighted RAND-36/12 composite scores from a random sample of the general Norwegian population (N = 2107). Criterion validity was tested by examining the correlation between unweighted composite scores and weighted scores derived from oblique principal component analysis. Convergent validity was examined by analysing the associations between the different composite scores, age, gender, body mass index, physical activity, rheumatic disease, and depression.
Results: The correlations between the composite scores derived by the two methods were substantial (r = 0.97 to 0.99) for both the RAND-36 and RAND-12. The effect sizes of the associations between the oblique versus the unweighted composite scores and other variables had comparable magnitudes.
Conclusion: The unweighted RAND-36 and RAND-12 composite scores demonstrated satisfactory criterion validity and convergent validity. This suggests that if the physical and mental composite scores are free to be correlated, the calculation of these composite scores can be kept simple.publishedVersio
Nutritional value of Ethyl Ester oils in fish diets: A review on their potential impact on growth and health
The Norwegian Pelagic sector plays a significant role in producing pelagic fish products for human consumption, including concentrated marine omega-3 fatty acids (FA) used in dietary supplements. To fully utilize fish sources, the sector must explore to use valuable side stream products as ingredients in aquaculture feeds, such as ethyl ester (EE) oils derived from production of concentrated omega-3 FA for dietary supplement. Despite annual production of approximately 10,000 tons of EE oils in Norway, there is limited knowledge about their suitability in aquafeeds. This knowledge gap may stem from the absence of EE in aquatic animals' natural diets, unlike in human dietary supplements. Moreover, varying FA compositions of EE oils used in different fish trials present challenges in drawing definitive conclusions about their effects. Fish metabolism differs from mammals in digesting dietary lipids, lacking the necessary lipase enzymes for monoacylglycerol production during TAG digestion. This may affect the efficiency of lipid transport and metabolism in salmonids, potentially influencing intestinal health and overall lipid metabolism. Furthermore, studies suggest lower digestibility of EE oils compared to free FA or TAG forms, indicating potential limitations in their re-esterification process in enterocytes. Concerns also arise regarding ethanol release during EE hydrolysis in the gut and its potential impact on intestinal health. Additionally, EE oils' susceptibility to oxidation suggests variations in stability in feeds depending on composition and antioxidant content. In SalmoE2, we aim to assess the safety and suitability of EE oils in salmonid diets, addressing the challenge of locally sourcing sustainable ingredients with low CO2 footprints. Understanding the effects of EE oils on salmon and trout performance, health, and fillet quality is crucial for both the pelagic industry and feed producers, optimizing the exploitation of side stream products while promoting sustainable marine product usage. Quantitative data on safety, optimal inclusion, and potential benefits of EE oil use in salmonid diets are essential.Nutritional value of Ethyl Ester oils in fish diets: A review on their potential impact on growth and healthpublishedVersio
Intensified follow-up of patients with type 1 diabetes and poor glycaemic control: A multicentre quality improvement collaborative based on data from the Norwegian Diabetes Register for Adults
Background Patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) and poor glycaemic control are at high risk of developing microvascular and macrovascular complications. The aim of this study was to determine if a quality improvement collaborative (QIC) initiated by the Norwegian Diabetes Register for adults (NDR-A) could reduce the proportion of patients with T1DM with poor glycaemic control (defined as glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c)≥75 mmol/mol) and reduce mean HbA1c at participating clinics compared with 14 control clinics. Method Multicentre study with controlled before and after design. Representatives of 13 diabetes outpatient clinics (n=5145 patients with T1DM) in the intervention group attended four project meetings during an 18-month QIC. They were required to identify areas requiring improvement at their clinic and make action plans. Continuous feedback on HbA1c outcomes was provided by NDR-A during the project. In total 4084 patients with type 1 diabetes attended the control clinics. Results Between 2016 and 2019, the overall proportion of patients with T1DM and HbA1c≥75 mmol/mol in the intervention group were reduced from 19.3% to 14.1% (p<0.001). Corresponding proportions in the control group were reduced from 17.3% (2016) to 14.4% (2019) (p<0.001). Between 2016 and 2019, overall mean HbA1c decreased by 2.8 mmol/mol (p<0.001) at intervention clinics compared with 2.3 mmol/mol (p<0.001) at control clinics. After adjusting for the baseline differences in glycaemic control, there were no significant differences in the overall improvement in glycaemic control between intervention and control clinics. Conclusions The registry linked QIC did not result in a significantly greater improvement in glycaemic control at intervention clinics compared with control clinics. However, there has been a sustained improvement in glycaemic control and importantly a significant reduction in the proportion of patients with poor glycaemic control at both intervention and control clinics during and after the QIC time frame. It is possible that some of this improvement may be due to a spillover effect from the QIC.publishedVersio
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