7 research outputs found

    Insights from Multimodal Preclinical Imaging in Immunocompetent Nude Mice

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    Hydrogels based on gelatin have evolved as promising multifunctional biomaterials. Gelatin is crosslinked with lysine diisocyanate ethyl ester (LDI) and the molar ratio of gelatin and LDI in the starting material mixture determines elastic properties of the resulting hydrogel. In order to investigate the clinical potential of these biopolymers, hydrogels with different ratios of gelatin and diisocyanate (3-fold (G10_LNCO3) and 8-fold (G10_LNCO8) molar excess of isocyanate groups) were subcutaneously implanted in mice (uni- or bilateral implantation). Degradation and biomaterial-tissue- interaction were investigated in vivo (MRI, optical imaging, PET) and ex vivo (autoradiography, histology, serum analysis). Multimodal imaging revealed that the number of covalent net points correlates well with degradation time, which allows for targeted modification of hydrogels based on properties of the tissue to be replaced. Importantly, the degradation time was also dependent on the number of implants per animal. Despite local mechanisms of tissue remodeling no adverse tissue responses could be observed neither locally nor systemically. Finally, this preclinical investigation in immunocompetent mice clearly demonstrated a complete restoration of the original healthy tissue

    SLP-2 is required for stress-induced mitochondrial hyperfusion

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    Mitochondria are dynamic organelles, the morphology of which results from an equilibrium between two opposing processes, fusion and fission. Mitochondrial fusion relies on dynamin-related GTPases, the mitofusins (MFN1 and 2) in the outer mitochondrial membrane and OPA1 (optic atrophy 1) in the inner mitochondrial membrane. Apart from a role in the maintenance of mitochondrial DNA, little is known about the physiological role of mitochondrial fusion. Here we report that mitochondria hyperfuse and form a highly interconnected network in cells exposed to selective stresses. This process precedes mitochondrial fission when it is triggered by apoptotic stimuli such as UV irradiation or actinomycin D. Stress-induced mitochondrial hyperfusion (SIMH) is independent of MFN2, BAX/BAK, and prohibitins, but requires L-OPA1, MFN1, and the mitochondrial inner membrane protein SLP-2. In the absence of SLP-2, L-OPA1 is lost and SIMH is prevented. SIMH is accompanied by increased mitochondrial ATP production and represents a novel adaptive pro-survival response against stress