764 research outputs found

    "Sitä kohti mennää et pärjää omillaan" - Nuorten ajatuksia jälkihuollosta

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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kerätä kokemuksia lastensuojelun jälkihuollossa olleilta nuorilta. Tavoitteena oli tuottaa tietoa jälkihuollon tukipalveluiden, kuten esimerkiksi taloudellisen ja psykososiaalisen tuen toimivuudesta. Opinnäytetyöllä selvitettiin ne jälkihuollon tukitoimet, jotka nuoret itse kokivat merkityksellisiksi, sekä näiden tukitoimien riittävyys. Lisäksi selvitettiin, kuullaanko nuorten mielipiteitä jälkihuollon suunnittelussa ja sen aikana, sekä se, miten lastensuojelun jälkihuollon palveluita voitaisiin kehittää. Opinnäytetyön tutkimusmenetelmä on laadullinen. Aineiston kerättiin teemahaastattelulla, joka on puolistrukturoitu haastattelumuoto. Tutkimusta varten haastateltiin lastensuojelun jälkihuollossa ollutta neljää täysi-ikäistä nuorta. Haastateltavien nuorten jälkihuollon asiakkuus oli kahdella vielä voimassa ja kahdella jo päättynyt.Yhteistyökumppanina opinnäytetyössä toimi pienryhmäkoti Etelä-Suomessa. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella jälkihuollon palveluihin oltiin pääsääntöisesti tyytyväisiä ja ne koettiin riittäviksi, joissain tapauksissa jopa liiallisiksi. Aineistosta nousivat esiin erityisesti taloudellisen tuen ja ohjaajilta saadun tuen merkitys nuoren itsenäistymisen kannalta. Suppean otannan vuoksi tuloksia ei voida yleistää koskemaan kaikkien jälkihuoltonuorten kokemuksia. Tutkimus tuotti merkityksellistä tietoa siten, että nuoret antoivat pääosin hyvää palautetta jälkihuollosta. Kokemusten kerääminen on tärkeää lastensuojelun jälkihuoltopalveluiden kehittämisen kannalta. Jatkotutkimusaiheeksi nousi se, miten nuorten motivaatiota ottaa vastaan muitakin tukitoimia kuin taloudellista tukea voitaisiin kasvattaa sijoituksesta jälkihuoltoon siirryttäessä.The purpose of the study was to collect experimental knowledge on aftercare in child welfare services. The aim of the study was to produce information about the significance of the aftercare services for the young people who have left their substitute care placements. The study sought to find out which of the aftercare services were most significant and how satisfied the interviewees were with the services available. The study also examined how opinions of the youth are taken into consideration and how the aftercare services could be developed. This bachelor´s thesis is a qualitative study. Data for this study was collected by in-terviewing four individuals. Two of them had experienced aftercare and two of them were still involved in the process. The results of the study showed that the interviewees had positive experiences from the aftercare services and were satisfied with services available. The results indicat-ed that the financial support and the guidance from counsellors were important for the youth in their development into independent adults. Further study is required to find out how the youth in aftercare could be motivated to accept other support than financial from the after care workers

    Nonlocal Multiscale Single Image Statistics From Sentinel-1 SAR Data for High Resolution Bitemporal Forest Wind Damage Detection

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    Change detection of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data is a challenge for high-resolution applications. This study presents a new nonlocal averaging approach (STAl'SAR) to reduce the speckle of single Sentinel-1 SAR images and statistical parameters derived from the image. The similarity of SAR pixels is based on the statistics of 3 x 3 window as represented by the mean, standard deviation, median, minimum, and maximum. K-means clustering is used to divide the SAR image in 30 similarity clusters. The nonlocal averaging is carried out within each cluster separately in magnitude order of the 3 x 3 window averages. The nonlocal filtering is applicable not only to the original pixel backscattering values but also to statistical parameters, such as standard deviation. The statistical parameters to be filtered can represent any window size, according to the need of the application. The nonlocally averaged standard deviation derived in two spatial resolutions, 3 x 3 and 7 x 7 windows, are demonstrated here for improving the resolution in which the forest damages can be detected using the VH polarized backscattering spatial variation change.Peer reviewe

    The Multi-source National Forest Inventory of Finland - methods and results 2007

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    A paper in the series of the results of the multi-source national forest inventory.Layout: Sari ElomaaThis article presents the results of the Finnish multi-source forest inventory based on satellite images, digital map data and field data. The main purpose of the article is to make multi-source forest inventory results available for the foresters, and all the readers interested in forests and forest environment. The field data originates from the 10th Finnish National Forest Inventory from years 2005 to 2008 . The basic features of the employed improved k-NN, ik-NN, method are described. The results are presented by forestry centres and within forestry centres by municipalities. The estimates are given, for example, for land areas, areas of tree species dominance, age and development classes and often separately for forests available for wood supply. The mean volume and total volume estimates are given in many different ways: mean volumes by tree species and by timber assortments for forest land, poorly productive forest land and their combination and also for forests available for wood supply, as well as by age and development classes. The biomass estimates are given by tree species groups in young thinning stands in which first commercial thinning was proposed for the first 5-year-period, separately for stem and bark and branches and foliage. The biomass estimates of mature forests are presented separately for branches, foliage and stem residuals, and stumps and large roots by tree species groups. All biomass estimates are given separately for land available for wood supply. The presented results can be employed in calculating forest resource estimates also for regions larger than municipalities. The error sources for the estimates as well as the reliability of the estimates are briefly discussed in Section 3.2.3 and Chapter 5

    The Multi-Source National Forest Inventory of Finland – methods and results 2013

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    This report presents the methods and results of the Finnish multi-source forest inventory corresponding to year 2013. In addition to field data, satellite images, digital map data and other georeferenced data were used. The main purpose of the article is to make multi-source forest inventory results available for the users and to help the users to understand the principles of the methods and advantages and limitations of the products. The field data originate from the 11th Finnish National Forest Inventory from years 2009 to 2013. The field data have been computationally updated to the date 31 July, 2013. The satellite images where from years 2012 – 2014. The basic features of the improved k-NN, ik-NN, estimation method are described. The results are presented by the regions of the Public Service unit of the Finnish Forest Centre and within the regions by municipalities, the boundaries as on 1.1.2014. The estimates are given, for example, for land areas, areas of tree species dominance, age, and development classes of stands and often separately for forests available for wood supply. The mean volume and total volume estimates are given in many different ways: by tree species and by timber assortments for forest land, and combined forest land and poorly productive forest land and also for forests available for wood supply, as well as by age and development classes. The biomass estimates are given, in addition to the total biomass estimates, by tree species groups in young thinning stands in which the first commercial thinning was proposed for the first 5-year period, separately for stem and bark and branches and foliage. The biomass estimates of mature forests are presented separately for branches, foliage and stem residuals, and stumps and large roots by tree species groups. These biomass estimates are given separately for land available for wood supply. All presented results can be employed in calculating forest resource estimates also for regions larger than municipalities. The error sources for the estimates as well as the reliability of the estimates are briefly discussed in Section 3.4.4 and Chapter 5.201

    Malleja ja menetelmiä puiden tilajärjestyksen analysoimiseksi.

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    The DISC1 Pathway in the Genetic Etiology of Schizophrenia

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    Schizophrenia is a severe psychotic disorder affecting 0.5-1 % of the population. The disorder is characterized by hallucinations; delusions; disorganized behavior and speech; avolition; anhedonia; flattened affect and cognitive deficits. The etiology of the disorder is complex with evidence for multiple genes contributing to the onset of the disorder along with environmental factors. DISC1 is one of the most promising candidate genes for schizophrenia. It codes for a protein which takes part in numerous molecular interactions along several pathways. This network, termed as the DISC1 pathway, is evidently important for the development and maturation of the central nervous system from the embryo until young adulthood. Disruption at these pathways is thought to predispose schizophrenia. In the present study, we have studied the DISC1 pathway in the etiology of schizophrenia in the Finnish population. We have utilized large Finnish samples; the schizophrenia family sample where DISC1 was originally shown to associate with schizophrenia and the Northern Finland birth cohort 1966 (NFBC66). Several DISC1 binding partners displayed evidence for association in the family sample along with DISC1. Through a genome-wide linkage study, we found a significant linkage signal to a locus where a DISC1 binding partner NDE1 is located at the carriers of a certain DISC1 risk variant. In a follow-up study, genetic markers in NDE1 displayed significant evidence for association with schizophrenia. Further exploration of association between 11 genes of the DISC1 pathway and schizophrenia led to recognition of novel variants in NDEL1, PDE4B and PDE4D that significantly either increased or decreased the risk for schizophrenia. Further, we found evidence that DISC1 itself has a significant role in the human mental functioning even in the healthy population. Variants in DISC1 had a significant effect on anhedonia which is a trait present at everybody but is in its severe form one of the main symptoms of schizophrenia and correlates with the risk of developing the disorder. Further, utilizing genome-wide marker data, we recognized three genes; MIR620; CCDC141 and LCT; that are closely related to the DISC1 pathway but which effects on anhedonia were observable only at the individuals who carried these specific DISC1 variants. Our findings significantly add up to the previous evidence for the involvement of DISC1 and the DISC1 pathway in the etiology of schizophrenia and psychosis. Our results support the concept of a number of DISC1 pathway related genes contributing in the etiology of schizophrenia along with DISC1 and provide new candidates for the studies of schizophrenia. Our findings also significantly increase the importance of DISC1 itself as having a role in psychological functioning in the general population.Skitsofrenia on vakava psykoottinen mielenterveyden häiriö, jota sairastaa 0.5-1 % väestöstä. Skitsofrenian tyypillisiin oireisiin kuuluvat aistiharhat, harhaluulot, hajanainen puhe ja käytös, kiinnostuksen puute, vähentynyt kyky tuntea mielihyvää (anhedonia), tunteiden ilmaisun köyhyys sekä kongtiviivisen kyvyn alentuminen. Skitsofrenian tausta on monitekijäinen, eli sairauden puhkeamiseen vaikuttavat useat geneettiset sekä ympäristötekijät yhdessä. DISC1 on yksi lupaavimmista skitsofrenian ehdokasgeeneistä. DISC1:n koodaama proteiini vuorovaikuttaa monien muiden proteiinien kanssa (DISC1-polku) osallistuen lukuisiin prosesseihin, jotka ovat nykykäsityksen mukaan tärkeitä keskushermoston kehityksessä sikiökaudelta varhaiseen aikuisuuteen ja joiden häiriintyminen voi altistaa skitsofrenialle. Tässä tutkimuksessa olemme kartoittaneet DISC1-polun merkitystä skitsofrenian taustatekijänä suomalaisessa väestössä. Käytössämme on ollut laaja skitsofreniaperheaineisto, jossa aiemmin on havaittu yhteys DISC1:n ja skitsofrenian välillä, sekä suuri pohjoissuomalainen syntymäkohortti vuodelta 1966. Perheaineistossa DISC1:n ohella myös useat muut DISC1-polun geenit osoittautuivat olevan yhteydessä skitsofreniaan. Genominlaajuisessa analyysissä havaitsimme kytkentäsignaalin lähellä DISC1:n kanssa vuorovaikuttavaa NDE1:tä henkilöillä, jotka kantoivat tiettyä DISC1-riskimuotoa. Tarkemmassa assosiaatioanalyysissä kartoitimme tämän ja 11 muun tunnetun DISC1-polun geenin yhteyttä skitsofreniaan ja tunnistimme geeneissä NDE1, NDEL1, PDE4B ja PDE4D uusia variantteja, jotka olivat yhteydessä joko kohonneesseen tai alentuneeseen skitsofreniariskiin. Tulostemme perusteella DISC1:llä näyttää olevan tärkeä rooli myös terveen väestön käyttäytymiselle. Tietyt DISC1:n muodot näyttävät olevan yhteydessä anhedoniaan, joka on kaikilta mitattavissa oleva ominaisuus, mutta joka vaikeassa muodossaan on yksi skitsofrenian pääoireista ja korreloi skitsofreniaan sairastumisen riskin kanssa. Lisäksi genominlaajuisessa aineistossa tunnistimme kolme geeniä, MIR620, CCDC141 ja LCT, jotka läheisesti liittyvät DISC1-polkuun ja joiden yhteys anhedoniaan oli havaittavissa vain näiden tiettyjen DISC1-muotojen kantajilla. Löydöksemme tuovat uutta tietoa DISC1:n ja DISC1-polun merkityksestä skitsofrenian ja psykoosialttiuden taustatekijänä suomalaisessa väestössä. Tuloksemme tukevat aiempaa käsitystä siitä, että useat DISC1-polun geenit vaikuttavat skitsofrenia-alttiuteen DISC1:n ohella ja tarjoavat uusia ehdokasgeenejä tarkempia jatkotutkimuksia varten. Se, että DISC1:llä näyttää olevan yhteys käyttäytymiseen myös väestötasolla, tekee DISC1:stä entistäkin merkityksellisemmän ihmisen psyykkisten toimintojen kannalta

    First Demonstration of Space-Borne Polarization Coherence Tomography for Characterizing Hyrcanian Forest Structural Diversity

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    Structural diversity is recognized as a complementary aspect of biological diversity and plays a fundamental role in forest management, conservation, and restoration. Hence, the assessment of structural diversity has become a major effort in the primary international processes, dealing with biodiversity and sustainable forest management. Because of prohibitive costs associated with the ground measurements of forest structure, despite their high accuracy, space-borne polarization coherence tomography (PCT) can introduce an alternative approach given its ability to provide a vertical reflectivity profile and spatiotemporal resolutions related to detecting forest structural changes. In this study, for the first time ever, the potential of space-borne PCT was evaluated in a broad-leaved Hyrcanian forest of Iran over 308 circular sample plots with an area of 0.1 ha. Two aspects of horizontal structure diversity, including standard deviation of diameter at breast height (σdbh) and the number of trees (N), were predicted as important characteristics in wood production and biomass estimation. In addition, the performance of prediction algorithms, including multiple linear regression (MLR), k-nearest neighbors (k-NN), random forest (RF), and support vector regression (SVR) were compared. We addressed the issue of temporal decorrelation in space-borne PCT utilizing the single-pass TanDEM-X interferometer. The data were acquired in standard DEM mode with single polarization of HH. Consequently, airborne laser scanning (ALS) was used to estimate initial values of height hv and ground phase φ0. The Fourier–Legendre series was used to approximate the relative reflectivity profile of each pixel. To link the relative reflectivity profile averaged within each plot with corresponding ground measurements of σdbh and N, thirteen geometrical and physical parameters were defined (P1−P13). Leave-one-out cross validation (LOOCV) showed a better performance of k-NN than the other algorithms in predicting σdbh and N. It resulted in a relative root mean square error (rRMSE) of 32.80%, mean absolute error (MAE) of 4.69 cm, and R2* of 0.25 for σdbh, whereas only 22% of the variation in N was explained using the PCT algorithm with an rRMSE of 41.56%. This study revealed promising results utilizing TanDEM-X data even though the accuracy is still limited. Hence, an entire assessment of the used framework in characterizing the reflectivity profile and the possible effect of the scale is necessary for future studies